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Found 3,900 results

  1. Sammi_Katt

    9 weeks post-op

    I try to remind myself to only weigh in every week (every Monday) so I don't get too obsessed with numbers. I'm five weeks post op and seeing a huge difference in my clothing size (I don't see it in the mirror or anything, but photos are showing me that I HAVE indeed made a dent). I'm eating good protein now, too. I went three weeks without food because my gallbladder tried to murder me and stalled out during that, but I'm back to actually losing.
  2. On 2/15/22 I underwent revision from VSG to RNY due to hiatal hernia and reflux issues. My surgery weight was around 230 lbs, actually a few less due to three days of liquid diet. In the 5 months since revision surgery I've lost about 40 lbs, but have been at a steady weight for over five weeks. I'm currently around 15 to 20 lbs away from my final goal. I had a post surgery follow up with the surgeons office and they just suggested I try to stay closer to the dietary guidelines. I probably was a little short on protein but in the couple weeks since have worked diligently to increase protein and reduce carbs. Yet the scale hasn't moved. Looking for experiences from others who had revision without a large amount of weight to lose. How did it go for you? Is this just a stall or my new normal? Should I expect to continue to lose, or am I pretty much at my new set point after five months?
  3. Inner Surfer Girl

    New someone to tell me this is okay.

    None of us lose weight at a constant or steady rate. Right after surgery you are swollen, healing, and full of fluids from the IV. Stalls are a normal, natural, and necessary part of the process of losing weight. If you intend to lose a lot of weight you will experience periodic stalls. Just about everyone experiences a stall about three weeks after surgery. Just follow your program. Focus on getting in all of your Protein and fluids. Take your Vitamins and supplements as directed. Exercise when cleared. Stay off the scale. And, Embrace the Stall http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall.
  4. Google "three week stall." That is probably what you are going through. Stick to your plan, make meeting your protein and water goals your full-time job, and the scale will move in its own time. Everything about this journey is a marathon, not a sprint. Remember that! Good luck.
  5. PreciousCargo

    Anyone Have Surgery At/about 200?

    I am 6 weeks post op. The last two weeks I have lost a total of 5 pounds. I didnt have the three/four week stall but it has been a slow weight loss. They talk about protein, protein, protein but if you constantly vomit and can only eat soups with carbs maybe this is stalling my weight loss. I feel your frustration because I feel the same.
  6. I have lost 91 pounds so far and I am 8 pounds from my goal of 135. I want to be there by my 1 year surgiversay so I am following my NUTs advice and keeping it very low carb for the next three weeks to try to make that goal. I also am in the Labor Day Challenge to try to lose it by then, if I dont sooner.. Hopefully sooner but you never know when a stall will rear its ugly head. I have been strength training and walking this past week and so I hope that pays off too. I am a solid size 6 now, some are a smidge tight but not uncomfortable enough not to wear. That was my Goal Size! I am thrilled to be there! Now on to 4's if that is possible! Woohooo! Come on August Allstars, check in!!!!
  7. Wow. I'm struggling today, even a bit frustrated re: food. Today makes 7 weeks since my VSG and I'm in my 2nd stall: 1st stall ~ 2 weeks ago (at 23 pounds down); now, stuck at 30 pounds down. My 'head' is missing food today. I want a sho'nuff BIG meal. I not only like food, I like a LOT of food. (I do...or did). If I didn't have the stall, maybe I'd be okay today, but the stall/plateau makes me want to say '[forget] it' and just eat...but I can't anyway! Two-three bites and I'm full. My head is missing a day of cooking and eating a full meal and even baking a pie. Hmmm. It's gonna be a long day, it seems. Just needed to vent. Thanks.
  8. dropdeadweightdiva

    HELP! Sleeved 8/27/14.....scale not moving!

    I use the term 'three week stall' because that tends to be when that first stall happens but for some it does so earlier or later.. as long as you follow your program it will drop pretty dramatically when it ends.
  9. I'm entering my 7th week post op and I am stuck at 264 pounds. I realize I have lost a lot of weight but on the other hand, I don't understand why I haven't lost any this week. I am averaging 665 calories a day. I am getting about 70 gms of Protein and I an hitting the 64 ounces of Water. I am working out three to four times a week and burn an average of 400 calories each time. How can I not lose weight? It makes no sense to me. I am aware of stalls and I did have one a few weeks ago but it didn't last more than a few days. It's hard to keep motivated when the scale doesn't move.
  10. Miss Mac

    Anybody eat Fruit?

    For a while, I could only have one serving per day, either applesauce or canned peaches. At three months I was more able to eat raw fruit. Now, I am 17 months out. When I make a smoothie I will be liberal with berries, but cautious with bananas. Most days, I will eat one piece of fresh fruit or the berries. Last week I read A Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner. He is a bariatric surgeon and recommends that once we are several months out and hit an arduosly long stall of several weeks, a person's diet could be adjusted by eliminating processed sugars (white sugar, corn syrup, powdered sugar, molasses, etc) and artificial sweeteners including Stevia (which I have mentiond many times is my one vice in this whole process). He also recommended eliminating wheat and grain products, but I am already there a long time ago. He implies that since sugar from fruit is natural, the body processes it differently than processed sugar and should be embraced months out from surgery. Based on his theories in the book, starting on Friday morning I eliminated Peanut Butter, milk, cheese and sweetener (I was up to 30 a day) from my diet. I added more greens and veggies, and made a huge bean salad with cuke, tomato, mushrooms, green pepper, celery and salsa added to mix in with spinach and greens cold salad. I have also had a pear and an apple each day and either apricots or cherries at bedtime. I am also drinking 80-100 ounces of Water in between all that. I was skeptical, since the scale has not moved for months in spite of my best efforts and an aggressive exercise program. I should not be surprised that my bowels are moving properly like crazy without laxatives, stool softeners and prune juice. But from Friday morning to Monday morning, I have lost three pounds. When I get to 135, I will be recommended for a panni. Although I was checking in ok on water, Protein, carbs, and calories, my Fiber was very low. These adjustments certainly add fiber and reduce fat (I lovvvvvvve cheese and could eat it all day). My one year labs were excellent except that my bad cholesterol was off the charts. I have a doctor visit and blood labs coming up on June 23rd I think.....well it's that week anyway. I am hoping that this added fiber add reduced fat will help. I am still not off of my blood pressure meds. Even though I have have good numbers at the doctors office, he will not take me off of my blood pressure med cocktail until I get my cholesterol down. I can see his point since I already had a stroke when I was heavier. If that visit goes well, I will keep eating fruit and Beans and greens.
  11. Tori Loukas

    Not loosing!

    I'm so sorry you're not losing right now~~ but don't get discouraged! You're in what's called a "stall"~ a temporary period of time when the body stops losing so it can "catch up" to its weight loss. My surgeon's PA assures me it's only temporary and after the body adjusts it starts losing again. I was stalled for three weeks in my third month and am now losing again. I'm 4 month out as of tomorrow and I lost 4 pounds last week. So take a deeeep breath, and relax. You don't have to do anything different from what you're already doing~ and it will pass on its own. Talk to your surgeon or their staff about it, and they will reassure you that it's NORMAL~ and virtually everybody goes through it at some point in their weight loss journey! Best of luck to you
  12. Inner Surfer Girl

    Not losing, feeling discoraged

    Stalls are a normal, natural, and necessary part of the process of losing weight. We all experience stalls, and just about everyone stalls about three weeks post-op. If you intend to lose a lot of weight, you will experience periodic stalls. Just follow your program. Focus on getting in all of your Protein and fluids. Take your Vitamins and supplements as directed. Exercise. And, Embrace the Stall http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  13. Inner Surfer Girl

    Not losing post op?

    You just had major surgery and are swollen and healing. I highly recommend staying off the scale for a while. None of us lose at a constant or steady rate. We all experience fluctuations, slow downs, and stalls. Just about everyone experiences a stall about three weeks after surgery. Just focus on getting in n all of your Protein and fluids, and follow your program, Embrace the Stall http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  14. Hi gang. I'm one month post op and thought I'd update on how I'm doing and maybe post a few questions for the hive mind. So, my surgery was September 11. My height is 5'9". My high weight was on day 1 of my pre-op diet. (270), BMI 40. I just food funeraled my brains out. I was 255 on day of surgery. And today I am 229.9. Total lost is 40.1. Current BMI 33.8 I am still on a liquid diet. My surgeon is extremely conservative with diet advancement. So I have 2 protein shakes a day, cream soups with the solids strained out, and water or crystal light. I will remain on this diet until the beginning of November. I take a leisurely 1- 1.5 mile walk about 4-5 times a week. I will be returning to work on Friday. I work 7p-7a as an RN in and ICU, so I am a bit nervous to return. Next week, I will return to the gym once I see if all restriction is lifted and plan to work out 3-4 times a week for 30 minutes to 1 hour combining cardio and weight training. My energy level has gotten gradually better as time goes on. It was brutal the first 2 weeks, hard the third, and this week has been quite a bit better in terms of ability to get things done. I have not had any constipation yet. Nor have I had any other major complications. I take omeprazole, vitamins, and asthma medication. I only had nausea in the hospital and once at home on the 2nd day back. I sip ALL. DAY. LONG. I do burp quite a bit, but not with any discomfort. More of an annoyance that I hope will eventually settle down. The liquid diet only has been the hardest part. When all is said and done, I will have done 9 weeks of no solid food whatsoever, and it has been a real challenge. I have three children at home and I am still preparing meals for my family because my husband has had a huge work project going on and works late a lot and he is also in grad school. I do the majority of the food shopping, preparing and cleaning up and so I am constantly faced with solid food and a desire to taste something, anything! other than a protein shake or those disgusting soups. I actually gag at the thought of those soups. I try to remember that each day that passes is one day closer to resuming eating solid foods again and that I am incredibly lucky to have lost so much weight so rapidly when I started out at a BMI of 40. I'm sure it's in large part due to my conservative diet. I did have one stall in week 3. It lasted 6 days. I dropped one pound and then stayed there another 3 days. That was a downer. Even though I knew it was normal and to be expected and I'd had good weight loss, it is very hard to be so strict and stringent and be consuming only 450 calories a day and stay the same weight for 9 days. It just seems unfair and takes a lot of mental and emotional willpower to just soldier on. Stalls are not cool. Even if they are part of this whole journey. I could do without them, thank you very much. So, here are some questions I have for all you wiser, more seasoned sleevers.... 1) GERD is a fear of mine. I have not had any symptoms of GERD so far. Anyone out there have no GERD symptoms immediately post-op but then develop them down the road? Just want to know if i am in the clear or still need to be on the lookout? 2) Once you advanced your diet and introduced solids, what are your go to rules -- like I always drink at least blank ounces of water between meals. Or I never go more than blank hours without eating. Or whatever. What are your go to habits that work best for you? 3) What are things you wish you wouldn't have done, if anything? 4) What advice would you give to someone at this point of the sleeve journey? Thanks in advance!
  15. My cycles have been all over the place since surgery 5 months ago. They'd gone wonky over the last two years so I knew I was in perimenopause, but they seem to be even wonkier. At one point I spotted for two weeks. I also seem to get very short and light periods every three weeks rather than four. Then suddenly I once had a brief burst of heavy flow. I figure that this is perimenopause mixed with post-surgical/ weight loss hormone fluctuations. I haven't done a good job of tracking correlations of stalls and cycles, though. I hope you get yours and drop some weight soon. It sounds like you're doing great!!!
  16. Inner Surfer Girl

    How did you lose weight?

    None of us lose weight at a constant or steady rate. We all experience stalls and slow downs. Stalls are a normal, natural, and necessary part of the process of losing weight. We all stall and just about everyone stalls about three weeks after surgery. I highly recommend that if you are going to obsess about the numbers on the scale that you plan to weigh infrequently. Early out, I chose to weigh only at my doctors appointments. Now, weigh no more frequently than once a week. Embrace the Stall http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  17. I didn't have what I would consider a 'stall'. Perhaps I was just lucky as I know so many experience them at week three. I haven't kept any notes on how much I lost on each week but it was a good steady loss. If you are losing at all, even if its half a pound a week, its not a stall. Congrats on the surgery !
  18. I had surgery on Dec 11. and I know I've heard of a stall @ three weeks. But what I'm nto sure of, is it when the three week begins or after the three weeks When exactly is this stall? The reason I'm asking is because last week I haven't lost but like 1-2 pounds. and so that would have been my third week (I think) and I've been kidna worried and depressed about it. Part of the problem is I am weighing on diff scares. Gym scale, doctors scale, my scale and they all vary. ( I will be stopping that pronto) But when is this stall exactly? Have you guys who have had surgery experienced this "stall"
  19. bariatrick

    Need this scale to MOVE!

    I'm 7 weeks out - the scale got "stuck" at exactly 3 weeks post-op (had lost 15 pounds to that point) - My stall lasted three weeks. It was tremendously frustrating, but I'd read so many posts here by people who'd experienced the same thing, so I didn't panic. During that time, though, my clothes kept getting looser & looser, just as though I WAS dropping weight..... and I've lost 8 pounds this past week.
  20. Well I'm three weeks from RNY surgery and have hit a stall. Down 18 pounds and the scale sits for a week at the same exact weight no matter what I do. I walked 3 miles yesterday rode the bike 3 miles and did strengthening exercises I am drinking what I'm supposed to, getting in my protein and the scale still doesn't move. I'm so depressed I don't know what to do
  21. leeann71


    Almost all have hit the stall at two or three weeks out. You body is just catching up. Take your measurements during this time and I bet you are loosing inches. Keep positive the weight will start coming off again. Put the scales away.
  22. Inner Surfer Girl

    Is this supposed to be normal? ?

    We all lose weight at different rates. We all experience slow downs and stalls in our weight loss. Most of us experience our first stall about three weeks after surgery. Just follow your program. Focus on getting in all of your Protein and fluids. Take your Vitamins and supplements as directed. Exercise when cleared. And, Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  23. nsquared


    The three week stall is so common. I am sure there are threads on this forum and others devoted to nothing else. I did not have it (and I was expecting to), but based on what I have seen, I might be in the minority. Folks say to simply stay on track with your program and it will break. You are so early post-op it is not anything anything you did or didn't do. It is your body adjusting.
  24. Almost everyone hits a stall at the third week. It doesn't matter what you eat (unless you are eating milkshakes and french fries or something awful and need to fix it). That said, my doctor prescribed a maximum of 60 g carbs and a minimum of 75 g protein while on purees. I also ate a lot of eggs, protein shakes, and refried beans. Other things I ate: Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, and various white meats pureed with different sauces, such as: sweet & spicy tuna (the kind that comes in a pouch) pureed with sriracha sauce hickory smoked tuna pureed with low cal bbq sauce lemon dill salmon pureed with olive oil mayo chicken pureed with marinara sauce, then heated up with melted mozzarella cheese turkey pureed with peanut satay sauce I was limited to 3 tablespoons of food per meal, 3 meals per day, no snacks (other than liquids/protein shakes). All of that said . . . the three week stall is completely normal and it doesn't mean you are doing anything wrong with your eating! I promise!
  25. oldoneyoungagain

    Gastric Bypass 11/15/13

    You may not see any loss for a few days after surgery, because you have been pumped full of Fluid. I started losing about two days after surgery and averaged a lb per day for about three weeks. I then stalled for about a week then lost about another 5 lbs and at a complete stall now. Going to have to have nothing but Protein, no carbs to get it moving again. I'm not really one to be compared to as I only had 60 lbs to lose to start with as I was banded until I had to have it removed and had to have bypass.

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