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Found 17,501 results

  1. ChunkCat

    Modified Duodenal Switch

    Yes, the SADI-S and SADI are the same procedure! When you are converting from a gastric sleeve you can either convert to bypass, convert to SADI, or convert to a Duodenal Switch. All 3 impact the small intestines, they vary by degrees of malabsorption. SADI is in the middle of the 3 in terms of malabsorption and doesn't require changing the stomach like the bypass would. They'd just be going in to do the small intestine component. It's a great option for a revision.
  2. My doctor said that after my gastric bypass (revision from gastric sleeve) , I should not have any acid related disorders or heartburn, but I definitely still have it ..also in the middle of the night I feel naseau that comes and goes (can go a way if I change positions) … is this true that bypass patients have zero heartburn?
  3. Meli3

    Damn Tik-Tok

    I had a sleeve to bypass revision yesterday.
  4. Daytimer88

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    Jan 22, now one week out and still in significant pain. I had revision sleeve to gastric bypass.
  5. I’m having bypass on January 2nd. I’m having a revision from a sleeve to a bypass.
  6. Hi, all. I'm new here, but I'm scheduled for an endoscopic gastric bypass revision for early May. Looking forward to hearing from others who have had the procedure. My RNY was in 2001 surgery weight 465, bottom weight 290. I have slowly regained almost half of that amount back over the past 23 years. I never really felt that the pouch or the anastomosis were made small enough. I was one of the very first RNY patients in our area and the technique was in its infancy at that time.
  7. Hello! This is my first post on this Forum about that and maybe you can give me some insight. i'm 3 weeks post op from Germany and i have a RNY-Bypass i'm okay so far no pain enough fluid struggle with food which is normal this early i guess. the Question i really have, i use to watch a lot of youtubers for meal plans and "how my future could look" and most of them just say "i did have a bypass" but not specifically which one, i once heard that the RNY bypass will always have way smaller portions than the Omega-sleeve and i'd like to ask if thats True and i'm also very Intrested to hear how your Portionsizes are after lets say, 3 year Post op. thanks and have a great day
  8. I had the sleeve done and only lost 30% of my excess body weight. Typically they like to see you at 60% of your excess body weight. They had me on wegovy and that didn’t work so I’m now scheduled for a bypass revision. For people in the same boat that lost some but not a lot the first time, how much did you lose after revision? I’m hoping because I have so much weight to lose that it will come off the way it should have the first time
  9. SleeveToBypass2023

    How did your GS revision help you lose weight and keep it off?

    I had a revision from sleeve to bypass, but it was due to complications, not for weight loss. When you have a revision, the amount of weight you lose is a lot less than the original surgery, and tends to come off slower, as well. For example... with my initial sleeve, I lost 103 pounds the first 8 months. Since I've had my revision (and it's been 8 months) I've lost 57 pounds. I'm not complaining, by any means, but it comes off a lot slower and you definitely lose less. Also, with the initial surgery you tend to lose the most weight in the first 6-7 months. With the revision, I noticed it was the first 3-4 months. In no way do I regret it (as I said, I had some pretty gnarly complications, so a revision was a must) but it's just something to keep in mind when looking at a revision for weight loss versus because of complications.
  10. On August 2nd at revision from sleeve to gastric bypass. Can pancreatitis be a side effect ?
  11. SleeveToBypass2023

    So many questions about surgery!

    First of all, can I just tell you that you're beautiful!!! I don't mean anything awkward or inappropriate with that, but I just felt like I wanted to tell you that you are a very beautiful woman To answer your questions: 1. What was the best part of surgery for you? Getting off blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, and anti-inflammatory meds, losing the weight, and gaining mobility back 2. What was the worst part of surgery for you? I had several complications from the sleeve and had to have a revision a year later 3. Did you have any complications (minor or major) during or after your surgery? not during the surgery but about 7-8 months later, complications started showing up. 4 endoscopies, 1 colonoscopy, and massive amounts of PPIs later, had to have the revision 4. How has adjusting to your new life been for you? it's been hard sometimes, but overall, so worth it and rewarding and a huge blessing 5. How long did it take you to feel comfortable eating food? If you stick to the plan, it's a gradual process. By 6-8 weeks, I was nervous but ready to eat food and just made sure to go slow. 6. Is there anything you can’t eat anymore that you used to enjoy? pasta, rice, potatoes, bread (a year or 2 out, some can eat it in small amounts every once in a while, but I'm so sensitive to carbs that I stay far away...but there's alternatives that allow me to not feel like I'm deprived so it's completely ok) 7. What was your recovery like? Any vomiting or dumping syndrome? dumping really only happens with the bypass, not the sleeve. Never had vomiting and very little nausea (in the beginning). Once I had my revision to bypass, I had dumping twice and learned my lesson lol I follow the rules and I'm careful, so I haven't had it again. 8. How long did it take you to feel semi-normal after surgery? about 4 weeks after the sleeve, about a week to 10 days after the revision to bypass (much easier surgery to recover from, for some reason) 9. Did you experience higher energy level post surgery? not right away. I was beyond exhausted the first 2 weeks. Weeks 3 and 4 it started to get better. By week 6, I felt normal, and by 3 months out I had lost a good amount of weight and my energy levels really started to pick up. 10. Did surgery affect your mental health? not in any kind of negative way until I started having the complications. Once I had the revision, every complication went away and I've been beyond happy and thrilled. The only real issue I have now is body dysmorphia sometimes. I have moments where I look in the mirror and still see 421 pound me and not 195 pound me. I'll look in my closet and think someone stole my clothes and replaced them with someone else's (I use to be a size 30/5X and now I'm a size 14/XL). 11. Do you regret it? Would you recommend it? I absolutely do not regret it. The only thing I would go back and change is I would just have the bypass to begin with and skip the sleeve altogether. Now, there are a lot of people really happy with the sleeve. They have zero regrets. I was one of them, until I wasn't. Many of us sleevers have to get a revision to bypass for one reason or another, but just as many, if not more, have the sleeve and never have any issues and love it.
  12. Hi all, New here. I had gastric sleeve surgery Nov 2016, got pregnant a month later. Initial lost 76 lbs. Gained about 20 lbs back at the time of Covid until now. I have GERD and a hitial hernia so I have opted to get a revision to bypass in hopes of forever getting rid of GERD. I never got to my goal weight which was 150 lbs. I was about 16 lbs shy of that. I am about 189 lbs on a heavy day. My concern is that I wont lose as much weight because my BMI is not extreme. Anyone else out there lose more than 20 lbs getting revised being at such a low starting weight? The Dr's office of course says I may not lose any weight at all which I just can believe.
  13. Have a revision to bypass. That's what I did and it's a game changer. Now, I had it due to complications, but it's still worth it. Start looking into it, and work on getting your mind back in the game. You know the diet, you know the rules, you know how this works. Get started now. I will say, you won't lose weight as fast, or as much, as with your original weight loss surgery. But you could look at a good 40-50 pound loss, which would put you right back in the weight you liked. I say definitely do it.
  14. SleeveToBypass2023


    I never lost my hunger. Not with the sleeve or with my revision to bypass (complications caused the revision). It was tough...really tough...in the beginning with both surgeries, but once I learned to time my meals and snacks, and learned the difference between head hunger and real hunger, and got my body used to the dietary changes I was making, it got a lot easier. You have to not only retrain your stomach, you also have to retrain your brain and change your relationship with food. It's worth it in the end.
  15. ShoppGirl

    Pain relief

    This is a problem that I ran into also. Basically there isn’t anything. Well there is an herb that’s supposed to help with inflammation called Tumeric but I never tied it. Some people say injections and topical NSAIDs are okay but others say no. I was lucky I had sleeve when I needed them and was told that because I was so far out that I could take them on very rare occasions. I talked to my surgeon today about revision and asked about NSAIDs with SADI vs Bypass. He said it’s a definite no with Bypass but didn’t say what you can take instead. Probably just pain medication and ice like you said and maybe try the Tumeric. Google says it can interact with some drugs so be sure to talk to Dr or pharmacist
  16. SleeveToBypass2023

    5 days since sleeve… feeling constantly starving

    When I had my sleeve, I never lost my hunger and I didn't really have any restriction. It was mostly learning what I can and can't eat, how often, and when. I had to do the work to retrain my brain because I didn't get the benefit of loss of hunger. I complained about it all the time on here lol I had to have a revision to bypass 13 months later due to complications and while I didn't really lose hunger, there was DEFINITELY a hard stop when it came to how much I could eat and how often.
  17. SleeveToBypass2023

    Having second thoughts.

    I didn't have much pain when I woke up from my sleeve surgery. The pain came after i got home. It was a ROUGH 2 week recovery. HOWEVER....when I had my revision from sleeve to bypass, no pain. I was literally up and moving and walking and doing well while still in the hospital. The recovery was night and day compared to the sleeve. My only regret is that I didn't just do the bypass to begin with. I think you'll be fine. Just breathe through the nerves, remember why you're doing it, and take the leap. I promise, once you're on the other side of the surgery, you'll be so glad you did it.
  18. Finding it hard to decide which surgery to get. Im leaning towards the bypass at the moment. 

    1. New To This23

      New To This23

      Are you wanting suggestions? I am getting bypass on Friday. If you would like I'll share my reasons and circumstances on why I chose bypass over sleeve for myself.

    2. Jessica Marie

      Jessica Marie

      I'm always open to suggestions!

    3. New To This23

      New To This23

      I'll message you.

  19. I am looking to revise my gastric sleeve for similar reasons. I had my mind on bypass but my dr just suggested today that I do some research on the SADI. I could be wrong but I believe if you already have the sleeve part that they do the SADI. From what I understand the sleeve and the Sadi make up the DS. But there is also something about a modified DS so I’m pretty confused at this point. Anyways, I have to choose between the SADI and the bypass and I am curious to hear what people have to say about both options.
  20. You do have legitimate questions and ones that any doctor or their team should be comfortable answering as they are important to you and your peace of mind in consideration of another procedure. I know via your prior post you said you aren’t on the socials quite as much, but if you listen to podcasts I’d recommend BariNation. There is one of the hosts who had been sleeved and always felt like they could consume more than they should, and did not want a bypass (which he was originally told he would need to be sleeved first, lose enough to be then safe enough to have a bypass). He thought a bypass would be the only option and for whatever reason was not keen on it. He was then introduced to a doctor who said that’s not his only option and told him about the SADI. He eventually got his evaluation and found out that though the sleeve is said to remove 80% of your stomach, his was only 50-60% so he wasn’t wrong that his eating capacity was more than he thought. He recently did his revision surgery and part of it was resleeving on top of the reroute of the intestinal tract. So yes part of the procedure should be to reevaluate your stomach size to determine whether it should be revised.
  21. Hi, I am six days post op and feeling okay (except a little dizzy). I still have over a week of liquid diet let per doctor's plan--- but getting so sick of the sweet protein shake options. I have ordered a bunch of protein soups. Hope everyone one in August is doing well!
  22. Had my revision to gastric bypass two days ago. I did so well they let me go home yesterday. Today is a different story. The pain has definitely increased and I am having trouble urinating. It trickles out of me and not a lot. Has anyone experienced this? Thanks so much!
  23. I just had bypass as a revision as well about 10 days ago. The last two morning I woke up with feeling something in my throat accompanied with sore throat feeling? But no acid taste. I really hope it’s not reflux!
  24. They reduced both my pouch size and the size of the opening during the revision. That's why I'm very puzzled by his comment that you wouldn't lose significant weight after the revision. It just makes no sense to me.
  25. SleeveToBypass2023

    BCBS Denied

    What kind of BCBS coverage do you have? When I had my initial sleeve surgery (and my revision an year later to bypass due to complications) I had BCBS (the highest Diamond plan) and they approved my initial surgery in 48 hours once it was submitted and 72 hours for my revision once it was submitted. I know some plans don't offer a lot of coverage, or require a thousand hoops to get an approval.

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