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Found 17,501 results

  1. SleeveToBypass2023

    Roller Weight Loss FYI

    Seems pretty standard. I had 2 weeks off when I had my sleeve and when I had to have the revision to bypass a year later, also had 2 weeks then. I think they tend to only give longer if you have complications. Otherwise I think 2 weeks is pretty typical. Some doctor's offices will give longer if you specifically ask for it (not mine) but I don't think that's typical.
  2. SunnyG


    SIPS revision 1/10/2024 pre-op 230 lbs
  3. Did you wish a hernia on yourself? You didn’t “fail” it’s just another opportunity to learn. I’ve been told that people who get hernias tend to get more of them. I had bypass and my doc offered ozempic for me, so apparently it’s ok. (I didn’t do it, yet.) would you be willing to try a surgical revision due to your GERD?
  4. Ooh yea. I am doing fine now. Thank you for asking. I haven’t needed any more NSAIDs. I gained my weight back and I’m facing revision to a surgery where even occasional NSAIDS are not okay though so this is on my list of questions to ask about.
  5. I think that's actually pretty rare. I think I've only heard about feeding tubes maybe two or three times in the nine years I've been on this site (and I don't remember if they were for revisions or "virgin" surgeries)
  6. I just had the sleeve revision to gastric bypass on 6/13/23 and I am a little nervous now after reading a lot of these posts regarding the lack of weight loss.
  7. SleeveToBypass2023

    So many questions about surgery!

    First of all, can I just tell you that you're beautiful!!! I don't mean anything awkward or inappropriate with that, but I just felt like I wanted to tell you that you are a very beautiful woman To answer your questions: 1. What was the best part of surgery for you? Getting off blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, and anti-inflammatory meds, losing the weight, and gaining mobility back 2. What was the worst part of surgery for you? I had several complications from the sleeve and had to have a revision a year later 3. Did you have any complications (minor or major) during or after your surgery? not during the surgery but about 7-8 months later, complications started showing up. 4 endoscopies, 1 colonoscopy, and massive amounts of PPIs later, had to have the revision 4. How has adjusting to your new life been for you? it's been hard sometimes, but overall, so worth it and rewarding and a huge blessing 5. How long did it take you to feel comfortable eating food? If you stick to the plan, it's a gradual process. By 6-8 weeks, I was nervous but ready to eat food and just made sure to go slow. 6. Is there anything you can’t eat anymore that you used to enjoy? pasta, rice, potatoes, bread (a year or 2 out, some can eat it in small amounts every once in a while, but I'm so sensitive to carbs that I stay far away...but there's alternatives that allow me to not feel like I'm deprived so it's completely ok) 7. What was your recovery like? Any vomiting or dumping syndrome? dumping really only happens with the bypass, not the sleeve. Never had vomiting and very little nausea (in the beginning). Once I had my revision to bypass, I had dumping twice and learned my lesson lol I follow the rules and I'm careful, so I haven't had it again. 8. How long did it take you to feel semi-normal after surgery? about 4 weeks after the sleeve, about a week to 10 days after the revision to bypass (much easier surgery to recover from, for some reason) 9. Did you experience higher energy level post surgery? not right away. I was beyond exhausted the first 2 weeks. Weeks 3 and 4 it started to get better. By week 6, I felt normal, and by 3 months out I had lost a good amount of weight and my energy levels really started to pick up. 10. Did surgery affect your mental health? not in any kind of negative way until I started having the complications. Once I had the revision, every complication went away and I've been beyond happy and thrilled. The only real issue I have now is body dysmorphia sometimes. I have moments where I look in the mirror and still see 421 pound me and not 195 pound me. I'll look in my closet and think someone stole my clothes and replaced them with someone else's (I use to be a size 30/5X and now I'm a size 14/XL). 11. Do you regret it? Would you recommend it? I absolutely do not regret it. The only thing I would go back and change is I would just have the bypass to begin with and skip the sleeve altogether. Now, there are a lot of people really happy with the sleeve. They have zero regrets. I was one of them, until I wasn't. Many of us sleevers have to get a revision to bypass for one reason or another, but just as many, if not more, have the sleeve and never have any issues and love it.
  8. Meli3

    Damn Tik-Tok

    I had a sleeve to bypass revision yesterday.
  9. Daytimer88

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    Jan 22, now one week out and still in significant pain. I had revision sleeve to gastric bypass.
  10. SleeveToBypass2023

    BCBS Denied

    What kind of BCBS coverage do you have? When I had my initial sleeve surgery (and my revision an year later to bypass due to complications) I had BCBS (the highest Diamond plan) and they approved my initial surgery in 48 hours once it was submitted and 72 hours for my revision once it was submitted. I know some plans don't offer a lot of coverage, or require a thousand hoops to get an approval.
  11. Hello! I was just approved for revision surgery / Lapband to RNY / and am waiting on a surgery date. Just wondering how much time some of you took off work?
  12. Yes, make it clear to the doctor this revision is for treatment of your GERD and Tricare should go along with it. Reflux coming up your throat that far puts you at risk of aspirating it. I ended up in the ER with severe asthma attacks from that and got pneumonitis several times from acid burns in my lungs. It is NOT fun. This wouldn't be a second weight loss surgery, this would be a revision due to a medical problem that the surgery will treat. So it won't conflict with their "once per lifetime" clause.
  13. SleeveToBypass2023

    Feeling very emotional and regretting

    I was fine after the sleeve as far as the surgical glue goes. But after my revision from the sleeve to bypass due to a lot of complications, I developed a major allergy to the glue. So when I had my hernia surgery, they had to do a lot of internal stitches, which was A LOT more painful. But overall, even though the first week or so after your revision has been rough, I promise you it WILL get better.
  14. Okay I am a second timer. I had gastric sleeve 3/9/21 and I gained it back. I am considering the SADI and I am looking for information about it. I have posted on the revision forums and the duodenal switch forum without response. Is this just a really rare procedure or am I posting in the wrong place? I worry that even if this is the right surgery for me I may regret it if I can’t find the support along the way because it is less common.
  15. SleeveToBypass2023


    It happened to me with BOTH surgeries. Started around month 3 after my sleeve and my once really thick hair shed so much it thinned out to the point that I needed to cut my hair and change how I styled it so you couldn't see how much it thinned out. It finally stopped at 9 months, but then at 13 months out I had my revision, and it started again at 2 months out. Here I am 11 months out from the revision and it finally stopped. I got another hair cut and this time decided no more straightening my hair, and now the shorter length and the waves and curls really help hide the additional thinning. Honestly, biotin doesn't promote hair growth or prevent shedding. It just makes the existing hair soft, shiny, and somewhat healthier. The protein is what makes the biggest difference since hair needs it but can't produce it. There really isn't anything that will prevent or lessen the shedding. It just is what it is and has to run its course. I would use volumizing hair care products, have a shorter hair length, possibly style it differently, and just wait it out. That's really all you can do.
  16. newbegining2024

    Incision area bulge after Gastric Bypass

    I’m doing ok. I had revision and it’s definitely not the same as I expected. It’s slow weight loss but at least it’s going down. Body take longer to heal compared to before. Over all can’t complaint. Thanks for asking!
  17. SaraKayaComsin

    50 and over crowd?

    Hi! I’m having revision from VSG to RNY in June. I’m 52, and had the sleeve almost 10 years ago. I did well with the sleeve as far as no complications, but I regained almost all of what I lost, so here I am now. I’m older, hopefully wiser, and my reasons are different this time around. Best wishes to you!
  18. On August 2nd at revision from sleeve to gastric bypass. Can pancreatitis be a side effect ?
  19. I am so glad they recommended you for revision!! It is sad that a lot of insurance companies have a "one bariatric surgery per lifetime" clause, or will cover revisions but make it near impossible to qualify for them. The sleeve surgery is the first stage in a classic DS surgery, it should always be up for revision to a DS/SADI if the results from it aren't lasting! I had a modified traditional DS done on November 1st. I'm so happy I did it. My diabetes and high blood pressure went into immediate remission. My weight loss has been slower than I'd like, but that isn't unusual for a DS because we lose for a lot longer than other surgeries (if we are lucky!). Your sidebar says you are pre-op, you should adjust it so it shows you post-op! How are you feeling?? I've heard the recovery from revision from sleeve to SIPS is not too bad since they don't normally touch your sleeve again unless it was improperly done the first time. Do they still have you on a strict post-op diet progression? I look forward to seeing how your weight loss goes, revision patients to this surgery usually do well! It just goes a little slower than before. ❤️
  20. Arabesque

    Cirkul drinks

    I’d never heard about up them (they’re not available here so no wonder). I did notice they say to avoid if you have IBS or other gut conditions as they can upset your small intestine bacteria. Can cause bloating, diarrhoea, etc. too. May be see what your dietician & surgeon say especially with your revision.
  21. I had the sleeve done in August 2023 and have lost 75% of the excess weight. Approximately 2 weeks after surgery, I developed reflux. I did not have reflux prior to the surgery. I do not feel burning in the chest, but I do have a sore throat and saliva in the back of my throat most of the time. I have been on various combinations and dosages (taking them once a day and twice a day) of Prilosec, Nexium, Protonix, and Pepcid, but nothing seems to help. I have had two endoscopies: November 2023 - which was performed by a GI doctor that found gastritis and a small hiatal hernia. February 2024 - which was performed by my sleeve surgeon that found gastritis and esophagitis. I was told that the hiatal hernia was fixed during the sleeve surgery in August 2023, so I am not sure why it came back or why it was seen in November 2023, but not in February 2024. I was also told by my sleeve surgeon following the February 2024 endoscopy that I have a non-obstruction rotation. My sleeve surgeon advised that I could have another endoscopy where they blow air in the sleeve and that it "may" help with the reflux or I will need to do the gastric bypass revision. I have been living with this sore throat for 8 months now and I feel I have tried everything. I don't want to have a sore throat for the rest of my life, but I am reluctant to do the revision. Questions: Has anyone heard of this "blow air in the sleeve"? If so, does it help? Is the revision a guaranteed cure? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  22. Hi, all. I'm new here, but I'm scheduled for an endoscopic gastric bypass revision for early May. Looking forward to hearing from others who have had the procedure. My RNY was in 2001 surgery weight 465, bottom weight 290. I have slowly regained almost half of that amount back over the past 23 years. I never really felt that the pouch or the anastomosis were made small enough. I was one of the very first RNY patients in our area and the technique was in its infancy at that time.
  23. auntie4life

    Hernia and exercise? Help!!

    Thank you for the response @learn2cook it’s a little scary even though it seems to be really common. I don’t want a revision and hoping I can just get a hernia repair. But such is life. The doctor said I also had some curves to my sleeve so a revision maybe in my future. But he wasn’t a Bariatric doctor but a gastro. Thank you
  24. Have a revision to bypass. That's what I did and it's a game changer. Now, I had it due to complications, but it's still worth it. Start looking into it, and work on getting your mind back in the game. You know the diet, you know the rules, you know how this works. Get started now. I will say, you won't lose weight as fast, or as much, as with your original weight loss surgery. But you could look at a good 40-50 pound loss, which would put you right back in the weight you liked. I say definitely do it.
  25. I had the sleeve done and only lost 30% of my excess body weight. Typically they like to see you at 60% of your excess body weight. They had me on wegovy and that didn’t work so I’m now scheduled for a bypass revision. For people in the same boat that lost some but not a lot the first time, how much did you lose after revision? I’m hoping because I have so much weight to lose that it will come off the way it should have the first time

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