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Found 738 results

  1. chamilton0323


    When did everyone start drinking again? My surgeon's office said to wait 3 months post op. I'm not wanting to overindulge but I would like to enjoy a mimosa at the baby shower I'm going to in a couple weeks because heavens knows I will need help getting through it.
  2. I have not had a drop to drink since pre-surgery, however with the holidays approaching, I might want a small drink here or there, socially. I plan on avoiding anything carbonated (no beer or coolers). I know I need to keep sugars down, too. Any recommendations?
  3. cottonkime

    Las Vegas/alcohol

    Would like some input about an upcoming trip... It is s Business Convention and I am trying to figure out a non carbonated, sugarfree, alcoholic beverage to sip on (a weeks worth of business dinners). Prior it would be Bacardi diet or Mike's lite hard lemonade, neither of which will work now. Doc gave me ok to have alcohol but I have no clue what other types of drinks to have. Thanks!
  4. Hey everyone I was wondering when is it ok to go out for drinks like beers or liquor I'm 2 months out I know I sound stupid but it's gonna be 4th of July and I want to Celebrate Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  5. I’m in month 3/6 of my pre-op and have cut out all alcohol for the foreseeable future. Will there be a point when I may be able to enjoy a cocktail again post-op? Not a party guy, but I kinda miss a good gin and juice.
  6. TracieSue


    I know this is a big no-no, and I'm not a big drinker anyway, but why is alcohol so bad post-op? Is it because it takes up room in the pouch where the good stuff with Vitamins and nutrients should go? Is it because the pouch is sensitive to alcohol and the healing process is impeded? Is it because the sugar content will more than likely cause dumping? Maybe it's all of these things, I just wanted some feedback so we could help each other make educated choices instead of just following the rest of the herd. Or even worse drink alcohol without knowing what can happen! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  7. Hey guys, can anyone tell me about alcohol and wine with lapband ? before getting banded I would only drink on special occasions just a glass or 2.i have not drank since i got banded,will it be diffrent after being banded? can any one tell me ? i am going on vacation sept,7th to hawaii for our 1st wedding anniversary and would like to have a drink or 2 .and info would be appreciated! thanks tonyann
  8. I’m trying to avoid alcohol and my dietician has told me no carbonated drinks. When friends go to the bar, what can I order? I’m looking for something that is relatively common, which many bars would be able to make.
  9. Hi I'm going to a big wedding and really want to have a drink there. I am 3 and half weeks post op. Also my social gathering amount all my friends I've had for over 20 years all gather for drinks on weekends and I'm being to feel left out of my social group. Would I harm myself by having just 2 gin and orange every Saturday at this stage? In 2 days it will be 4 weeks post op.
  10. Hi all, I had my consultation with my surgeon on Friday. Things went great, but 1 question went unanswered, well, kind of. I asked him several times about drinking alcohol, but all he had to say is that it is high in calories, stay away. I am not a big drinker but, one of my favorite hobbies is planning 3-4 "theme parties" a year to get all of our friends together. People come from all around, and it is surely a blast! On these occasions I usually like to get a "buzz" or maybe go a little further and *gasp* get intoxicated..lol. I want to know what happens if you drink (non carbonated) alcoholic beverages on the band?? Or rather crudely asked... is it possible to get drunk if you are banded?? lol.. Thanks in advance, I really appreciate any input:) ~Kerri
  11. I asked after a month after my surgery if I could drink because it was my 30th birthday, I couldn't make it through a milestone like that, that I couldn't drink... I am fine. My surgeon said, "your weight loss will slow down..." I have discovered that vodka and DIET OCEAN SPRAY CRAN-GRAPE OR CRAN-POMEGRANATE juice helps. My weight loss has not slowed, just happened. Y'all need to be informed!! Drink!!! It's awesome!! Just don't substitute your FOOD addiction for alcohol.... Alcohol can still be enjoyed, just don't over do it. Love all my VSG family!
  12. pamela


    Do any of you drink wine or anything else? I am still on mushies right now, but when I start on solids, I would eventually love to have a glass (or a few sips!) of wine. Can we tolerate it? You know, to an extent?
  13. Bulldog51


    Hello all, I had my gastric sleeve surgery on November 15th. It has been such an adventure. I use to be a big drinker before surgery. I stopped about a month before and didn't have any cravings. Now I'm starting to have a craving for a drink. I know and completely understand it is empty calories and it's not healthy. I'm not looking to be criticized. I want to know when people have had drinks how it went and how soon it was. Thanks all. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  14. My program doesn't allow raw vegetables (no salads) until 5 months post op, no bread products for 6 months (but other carbs are okay), and no alcohol for a year. Curious to learn A)when did you start eating/drinking these things post op and how did you handle it? B)what advice your program gave you about them? C) experience with your first salad? Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  15. My husband, before we got married, last October did confide that he was a recovering alcoholic. I guess I did not understand exactly what that meant until recently. We got married on 10/31/2011. In January, I thought he was having a stroke, but right as I was about to call 911 he confessed he had just guzzled a bottle of vodka, thus the slurring and stumbling. There have been many more incidents since then like this one. He has even been to some AA meetings to try to appease me. Last Saturday he was drunk before 1030 in the morning. He had went out to buy donuts, and guzzled a bottle of tequilla on the way home. He tried to lie and tell me some melatonin made him do all that. Then he went to drive himself to get something to eat. Later during the week, sober this time, he got mad at MY 5 year old and slap him on the leg pretty hard. This weekend was the straw that broke the camel's back. Me and my mother went out of town together, and he promised me he would not drink, since the previous week had been pretty bad. When I got home he was trying to change a spare tire, and when he spoke his speech was slurred. He said he had taken his Xanax and that it made him do it. When I went into our room to unpack, I noticed glitter all over our floor, then I saw all the knick knacks on my bookshelf were broke, and everything was askew. I also noticed our dresser was all crazy and pushed into the wall, and the aquarium was on the edge of the dresser. I asked him about this and he denied knowing anything about it. Well I told him that he needed to come look, because if he did it, then one of his teenage daughters had been in our room. Well finally he fessed up he had been drinking and he woke up and there was a mess, and he doesnt remember anything. He stated his nose was broke, he had bumps on the back of his head, and his face was all scratched up and he didn't remember anything. I went and spoke with his 16 year old, who has Aspbergers, and she states that he was out of his mind, he fell face first on hearth of fireplace, he fell off of the couch several times, he tried to put on a tank top in the dryer like it was pants, he kept walking into walls and he left the house in his car twice. Folks, this was enough for me. I know its supposed to be through thick and thin but I cannot raise my 5 year old like this. He has made several promises to me about getting help, and only does it for a day or so. Don't get me wrong, he is not verbally abusive, or physically abusive, and he's been a good husband except for this. My sanity is shot. My son and I moved to my parents last night, and I am looking for a place for us. I just had to vent.
  16. I was banded on the 23rd september, so its been one week. I feel great no pain almost feel back to normal. Im still on liquids and my on a fact sheet i recieved from my doctor it says i shouldnt drink alcohol for one month after surgery. Im wondering does anyone know what will happen if i do a have a few drinks? Is this the same information that everyone else has recieved? any insight will be great!!! thanks
  17. I'm not an alcoholic don't get me wrong. I'm scared to drink, but wondering when did u just start to try it??!!!
  18. I'm curious for those who went from the band to the sleeve - with the smaller stomach - have you noticed a difference when drinking alcohol? I'm not a big drinker - I can't stomach much alcohol as it is but I'm wondering if the sleeve changes the effect that alcohol has on the body.
  19. I was wondering if anyone could tell me how long you need to wait after surgery to partake in an alcoholic beverage? I am also looking for any advice on what would be the beverage to have. My family is having a surprise party for my mom the first Saturday in April and I know that there will be some alcohol. I don't really want to drink alot but I know it would look funny if I didn't have at least on drink. By this time I will almost be one month post op, so I am thinking it will be ok but thought I had better check. I am also making sure that my Aunt is having something on the menu that is considered the mushy phase since I can't have solids for at least one month after surgery
  20. For me so far, the hardest part of this journey is not being able to drink. I did a 2 week pre op diet where alcohol was not allowed and am 3 weeks out now. So it's been almost 2 months since I last drank. I never considered myself a big drinker but could always handle a lot ( probably due to my weight). I'm 25 and have a lot of friends who still go to bars on weekends. I am starting to feel I'm losing touch with my social life because I'm not able to do those things yet. How long did everyone wait before trying a drink? Did you get sick? Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App
  21. Im 9 days post op and really want a drink, I've been healing well tolerating everything extremely well. How soon can I have a drink? Thanks!
  22. How are you guys counting sugar alcohols in macros? I like Dr. Johns hard candies. 4 pieces count as 18 carbs, 16 of which are sugar alcohols. Would you count 18 carbs. would you count 2 carbs? What’s your thoughts?
  23. Hi everyone. Well, I had my first appointment with the surgeon on April 18 and all went well and quickly, which surprised me. The surgeon knows, and we discussed briefly, that I was diagnosed with NASH last year. He was non-plussed and said that would improve with weight loss, mentioned nothing about it posing a problem during or after surgery. However, a co-worker of my husband had the banding done, is having to have it re-done (whatever that means), and he told my husband yesterday that his surgeon told him that if he found a fatty liver that he would terminate the surgery. So then I went online to read about NAFLD and NASH (which is what I have) and gastric sleeve surgery. Confusing confusing confusing information..... A couple of research papers said it helps and doesn't pose too many complications unless the person has cirrhosis and/or portal hypertension. As of my biopsy last year I have neither of those. But other articles, etc say that the liver will "Shred" or "Tear" and bruise due to it's larger size due to the fat. There wasn't any mention by my liver specialist, nor was it in the copies of the biopsy results, that stated my liver was enlarged. BUT... which of the information is true??? Will my liver shred or tear if it's fatty and they try to do this surgery, or.....???? Anyone else have fatty liver, and if so... what was your experience?
  24. I dont drink a lot but Im young so I still enjoy going out from time to time on the weekends. I know its empty calories! But is anyone drinking? Have you been able to drink beer?
  25. mischa23


    My surgeon and my Nutritious said I can start drinking. But next month is my 10th wedding anniversary i don’t know I’m excited I really do missed glass of moscato wine sunrise tequila or something I really need advice I just want our anniversary be so special

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