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Found 738 results

  1. Hello folks! I just had my 2-week follow up with my surgeon today. I am excited to be moving onto stage 4 (out of 5, being solids food and forever based on my surgical center's directions)... I am able to take in soft foods and thicker purees. My surgeon told me that I can resume drinking alcohol again at the 2 month mark. I know this might be a contraversal topic and I know many have different opinions and experiences. But if all goes as well I plan to resume drinking and enjoy some alcholic beverages again. I have heard that others do drink beer (which is carbonated). I am willing to try it and see how my stomach tolerates it. But I am normally a liquor drinker or mixed drinks. I am used to drinking vodka in sprite or ginger ale. I am trying to plan what non-carbinated drinks I can make especially with vodka. I would love to find a ginger based drink because it would go well with vodka in my opinion. Does anyone have any ideas of what alcoholic drinks to try when weening back into alcohol. *note* note I also know that I will try my first drink at home and be aware that it will affect me quicker. I know that I need to be aware of my calorie intake and know that alcohol = sugars. -Joe M.
  2. jessrat27


    I'm over three years out from my surgery. I lost over 100 lbs. The last six months i have really started drinking too much, therefore i've gained so much weight back. Anyone gone through this?
  3. How soon can you drink after gastric bypass surgery? I'm planning on hitting the dating sites after I've reached my goal weight loss. I'm interested in knowing whether I'll be able to consume a little alcohol if I'm on a date or just out generally ? Unfortunately my poison of choice is Prosecco,which is fizzy. Would I be able to tolerate it ?
  4. bcl1628


    I'm young(ish) and my wife and I like to drink. We'll have several glasses of wine or cocktails at dinner (esp. at a restaurant or with friends). We go to SEC football games a good bit and drink beer or whiskey there with friends. We have bloody marys and mimosas on mother's day and Easter, etc. We go to music festivals (Jazz Fest, Memphis in May, etc.) and drink there while enjoying the music. It suffices to say that our lifestyle has involved alcohol since we were college kids, albeit much less (and more responsibly) now that we're 30. Do any similar social drinkers have advice about how to juggle VSG with light cocktails/wine/beer? Will my VSG prevent me from drinking at all?
  5. I'll be going on vacation with some old friends and it "coincidentally" is planned for when my doctor allows alcohol. So my question is, what should I drink that will be less likely to make me sick?! I WILL be having one drink or at least most of one. I've heard to stay away from margaritas/mixed drinks Bc of the sugar making people feel sick. I've heard wine gives heartburn. I've heard beer or any liquor mixed with soda just hurts. So what does that leave me to try?!
  6. connnie


    Just curious if anyone has had alcohol after surgery and how long after surgery was it? I have a party in a few weeks and I want to have one drink. I will be 4 weeks post op.
  7. Hi everyone. Well, I had my first appointment with the surgeon on April 18 and all went well and quickly, which surprised me. The surgeon knows, and we discussed briefly, that I was diagnosed with NASH last year. He was non-plussed and said that would improve with weight loss, mentioned nothing about it posing a problem during or after surgery. However, a co-worker of my husband had the banding done, is having to have it re-done (whatever that means), and he told my husband yesterday that his surgeon told him that if he found a fatty liver that he would terminate the surgery. So then I went online to read about NAFLD and NASH (which is what I have) and gastric sleeve surgery. Confusing confusing confusing information..... A couple of research papers said it helps and doesn't pose too many complications unless the person has cirrhosis and/or portal hypertension. As of my biopsy last year I have neither of those. But other articles, etc say that the liver will "Shred" or "Tear" and bruise due to it's larger size due to the fat. There wasn't any mention by my liver specialist, nor was it in the copies of the biopsy results, that stated my liver was enlarged. BUT... which of the information is true??? Will my liver shred or tear if it's fatty and they try to do this surgery, or.....???? Anyone else have fatty liver, and if so... what was your experience?
  8. Had my first drink last night. Ordered a mojito. WAY to sugary. Any ideas on something else?
  9. I have heard after you get your new tummy that you don't need much to feel a buzz. I am curious what ha been your limit? What did you drink? I'm 6 weeks Post op and would love a glass of wine. Don't judge me please, we're all adults lol I've been very good with holding down food and getting liquids in. I've never had any issues. Thank you!
  10. I have Been Post Op for 2 years and am tired of wine. Anyone know of any non-carbonate beverages that are tasty? I want something like Twisted Tea but pretty sure it is carbonated.
  11. I am almost 5 years out from surgery. I lost around 155 pounds and kept it off for about 3.5 years. But in the past 1.5 years, I have suffered from depression and started drinking alcohol excessively ( I typically would have ate food excessively in the past). In the past I could have several drinks and be fine; however post surgery the side effects were much more severe (depression, a feeling of real dependency, blacking out suddenly with no recollection of where the cutoff point would be i.e. 2 drinks now was just as strong as drinking 5) The alcohol goes so quickly into your system that it is a real danger if not properly monitored. Although my eating habits didn't change, without daily exercise and with the added calories of excessive alcohol consumption, I regained around 60 pounds. In addition to the weight gain I have struggled with the affects of alcohol dependency, which I never had experienced before. As VSG patients we were all cautioned on drinking and how it affects us differently after surgery. I didn't really take heed to those warnings until it had become a problem for me. I am working on it daily now and also am struggling to lose the weight all over again, which feels pretty much like as difficult as it had been prior to surgery. I think this is not talked about enough and I'm sure I am not the only VSG patient who has experienced this. As a community being open with one another, and as individual seeking out help earlier, I probably wouldn't be struggling with these 60 pounds now. Anyone who's been through it should reach out sooner than later. Not only have I suffered from this issue, I have had to deal with the fact that I messed up my own progress and success and now have to deal with the ramifications of starting all over again so to speak. This I can say for certain, staying in a support group and dealing with your issues is imperative to continued success in this journey. I'm not sure if I'll loose all of the 60 I've regained again, but I am willing to fight the battle to do this all over again and to warn others of how dangerous alcohol consumption is for us post surgery!
  12. I am almost 5 years out from surgery. I lost around 155 pounds and kept it off for about 3.5 years. But in the past 1.5 years, I have suffered from depression and started drinking alcohol excessively ( I typically would have ate food excessively in the past). In the past I could have several drinks and be fine; however post surgery the side effects were much more severe (depression, a feeling of real dependency, blacking out suddenly with no recollection of where the cutoff point would be i.e. 2 drinks now was just as strong as drinking 5) The alcohol goes so quickly into your system that it is a real danger if not properly monitored. Although my eating habits didn't change, without daily exercise and with the added calories of excessive alcohol consumption, I regained around 60 pounds. In addition to the weight gain I have struggled with the affects of alcohol dependency, which I never had experienced before. As VSG patients we were all cautioned on drinking and how it affects us differently after surgery. I didn't really take heed to those warnings until it had become a problem for me. I am working on it daily now and also am struggling to lose the weight all over again, which feels pretty much like as difficult as it had been prior to surgery. I think this is not talked about enough and I'm sure I am not the only VSG patient who has experienced this. As a community being open with one another, and as individual seeking out help earlier, I probably wouldn't be struggling with these 60 pounds now. Anyone who's been through it should reach out sooner than later. Not only have I suffered from this issue, I have had to deal with the fact that I messed up my own progress and success and now have to deal with the ramifications of starting all over again so to speak. This I can say for certain, staying in a support group and dealing with your issues is imperative to continued success in this journey. I'm not sure if I'll loose all of the 60 I've regained again, but I am willing to fight the battle to do this all over again and to warn others of how dangerous alcohol consumption is for us post surgery!
  13. Today is my birthday and I'm 4wks post op and wanna know how soon did any sleeves start drinking?? But remember I'm really don't drink like that only on occasions.. Help pls
  14. Here in just a short few weeks I'll be turning 21, also going to be 3 months post op. I'm not a big alcohol drinker anyway.. but I'm going to a casino for the night for my birthday. Can I have a glass of wine while I'm there? How fast do you get drunk? Sleeved
  15. I am 1 month post-op and I celebrated Mardi Gras but stuck with only vodka Water with crystal light packets mixed in. I was never drunk out of mind (not even close) but slowly sipped on drinks adding water and crystal light to each one to keep filling. Then once my crystal light packet and bottle of water were out I'd get another vodka water drink. I'm NOT looking for feedback or advice on the following: 1) Cheating that soon is just empty calories (I'm aware of that and already regret it so let's not beat a dead horse) 2) Beating a food addiction can lead to alcoholism 3) Follow what your surgeon/NUT says. I have been following it perfectly until the vodka so back on track with their guidelines for phases What I DO want advice on is the medical standpoint and everyone else's experiences. I have left my surgeon's nurse a note about it just in case 1) Will the vodka cause a leak? 2) Are there any other medical risks, besides delayed weight loss? 3) Has anyone else drank this soon and what happened?
  16. How long did you wait until you drank alcohol?
  17. How long before you can have a drink? I forgot o ask!!! Any feedback!?!
  18. kris2100


    Hi I was sleeved on oct 17 my bachorelette party is in march I haven't had any alcohol yet any suggestions my surgeon said I could drink Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  19. I drank a small shot last night and it burned and ached inside of my stomach for at least 5 minutes. The pain was excruciating! Needless to say that will be the last time I do that! Has anyone had a similar experience? Sent from my SM-G920V using the BariatricPal App
  20. danaymacklin


    My bariatric book advises not to drink alcohol for a year. My sister who had the surgery 4 years ago said she doesn't recall waiting a year and more than likely didn't. Just wondering if you all waited a year or how long you waited AND how you felt after vs. before? I hear you become intoxicated fairly quick. Thx! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  21. rbaertsch


    This is crazy because I'm not much of a drinker. A few times a year maybe. Maybe it's the football playoffs, but I can't wait to have a beer. How long are we supposed to wait? I don't see my doctor for a while and I'm too embarrassed to call and ask. Sent from my LG-H810 using the BariatricPal App
  22. I am ten days out and going to Vegas, would it be okay to have a shot or two? How long did you guys wait? I hear people saying they had a shot or two very early on.. just want to see what other people experienced. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  23. TracieSue


    I know this is a big no-no, and I'm not a big drinker anyway, but why is alcohol so bad post-op? Is it because it takes up room in the pouch where the good stuff with Vitamins and nutrients should go? Is it because the pouch is sensitive to alcohol and the healing process is impeded? Is it because the sugar content will more than likely cause dumping? Maybe it's all of these things, I just wanted some feedback so we could help each other make educated choices instead of just following the rest of the herd. Or even worse drink alcohol without knowing what can happen! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  24. drinking alcohol after wls

  25. Be fore I get into the nitty gritty of this post let me tell you about my background. I had the sleeve done on 11-2012 and was by far the best decision I ever made. I will advise anyone with a weight issue to proceed with this procedure. I weighed in at 393 pounds the day of surgery and after two and a half short years I got down to 218 lbs ( dream goal is 210). I have been large all of my life (311lbs in 10th grade) and at 38 years old I felt great about myself. I was losing 8-10 lbs a week at my prime and slowly stopped as I was able to consume more food but nothing to be alerted about. I noticed at my smallest weight I was very weak and kept telling myself I need to get stronger if I was going to maintain this weight. Before my procedure I could not control my food intake but had no alcohol issues at all. If I had 3-4 drinks a month and that would be a lot for me. Food was my deal back then not alcohol. So about two years ago I went out with the boys and one of them bought me a beer. I was like what the hell, I'll have one (first in 2 years). It took me about an hour to drink the entire bottle. As time went on I notice that the one beer turn into a six pack in a week then into a 12 pack over a weekend. I slowly started drinking regularly and with that I slowly started to put weight back on. I took a step back to evaluate what was going on just to find out that I was still consuming the same amount of food that I did before but my weight was increasing. The concern now is that the alcohol is taking over the place of the food issues that I had. Having a food issue pretty much all of your life was normal to me but now trying to figure out if you have an alcohol problem is what I am struggling with. How did this happen and why all of a sudden now? It took everything in me to get myself to have the surgery and now I am facing another hurdle to get over. To this day I am still struggling on this issue an I can't stress enough that if you get faced to introduce alcohol back in you diet please DON'T do it. You may think you have control but chances are you won't. This is a small reach out to anyone that may have had a similar issue. Please reach out if you think you may have any advice or a similar story. Thank you for your time Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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