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  1. I'm 10 months post op and have been in a stall for months and I've been contemplating starting a semiglutide. I've never not been hungry, nor have I been able to stop the constant food drum beat in my head even a few weeks post surgery so I fully understand the "white knuckling" it part. I've spoken to my surgeons office dietician and the psychologist at the clinic who actually was the one who suggested it after I told her the "food chatter" is so bad that its become my walking cadence "I am still hungry" over and over. I spoke with the psychologist because I wanted help with my anger, anger over the fact I went through all this to get healthy, stop the constantly thinking of food ...I've done and have been doing my part: I'm still "hungry" and no matter how much protein (80 grams) I eat, sticking to my 800 calories, drinking my water....my brain says eat. I'm tired of the constant battle. I'm angry because I'm doing everything I'm supposed to do...and yet I'm right back to the diet mind games I have to do ...work out instead of eating, clean the house..hoping the chatter will be blocked off or side tracked....etc.. I'm tired of this battle..I don't mind IF the weight is coming off, its a battle with results but it hasn't been for two plus months now the same two pounds over and over. So I understand what you're saying wanting it to help..and why you tried it! I'm glad to hear its worked for you! I have an appointment with my GP in 2 weeks to request the prescription as recommended by the psychologist and dietician. We shall see because there is NO way I can afford to pay $1000 A month. How long before did it shut off the brain chatter? At this point if it can stop that I can quit being angry...and continue to do the right things ..healthy things without the wondering why and if its worth it!
  2. BlondePatriotInCDA


    Exactly, would they ask someone who's putting weight on?
  3. Agreed catwoman7 - that was my BIGGEST concern. I was trying to remember how high into the 180's I hit and I found my paperwork. I had gone up to 187 (17 lbs over my weight I had been holding stable on and mentally remembering the 'brief period' at 167, I felt I had gained 20 lbs but it was really more like 17 from my 'stable weight). Prior gains I had ALWAYS kept within a manageable 5 to 10 lb window. We have an adult daughter with multiple mental health issues that moved back in with us over a year ago and the combined stress between her needs and my job was seriously impacting every aspect of my life. I'm also seeking a new therapist that also specializes in clients who are considering or have had bariatric surgery who can help me with multiple issues as I never want to return to food again as a 'medication' for stress and heartache.
  4. catwoman7


    it's due to the trauma of the surgery + the ultra low calorie intake the first few months post-op. Your body has better things to do with the limited energy (i.e., calories) - like - heal itself. Hair is something that isn't at the top of its priority list. It'll grow back, though. I lost hair (although not much, fortunately) from months 5-9. In the grand scheme of things, it's kind of a minor blip on the screen. You'll probably feel that way when you get past it and have dropped a ton of weight. It's worth it in the end.
  5. I have not although these days it's not that uncommon when someone has a re-gain (well, a somewhat major one, anyway - not 5 or 10 lbs. I do know of a couple of people who've had 40 or 50 lb re-gains who are using it, though). Obesity is a complex disease and it takes a multi-pronged approach to control it - and often for life. I see no problem with it as long as diabetics are able to get their meds, which as far as I know they ARE able to get it now.
  6. It's been 5 years since my gastric bypass. Have done fairly well in staying in my safe zone. My goal weight was 170 initially although mentally I wanted to put 150. After starting at almost 400 lbs, I wanted to see if I could even hit 170 which I did. For 2 days about 2 years ago I briefly 'dipped' down to 167! LOL. Fast forward to 9 months ago, I hit a rough patch and went up to 180'ish. I knew some folks going to a local place that compounded their own semiglutide if I understood them correctly. After asking repeated questions about whether taking this would disrupt the supply to diabetics who needed the medicine, I decided to try it. I was never one of those fortunate ones who after bariatic surgery lost the desire to eat (grehlin?). Even though I obviously had the 'restriction' kicking in due to the pouch size, I had to white-knuckle SOMETIMES during the first 6 months. Part of me feels like I cheated by introducing semiglutide but there are also people who think that weight loss surgery is the 'easy way out'. I can tell you that none of those people, in my opinion, have ever had the surgery. I actually really like the semiglutide, it removes the..trying to think of it as I saw on someone else's post, it is the first thing that has ever removed the mental 'food chatter' in my head. Sometimes I will skip weeks on the injections and I'm already making plans to taper off now that I'm down to 163. I realize I will need to be able to then try to maintain in my new 'safety zone of watching for a weight gain of more than 5 to 10 lbs over current weight. I like to nip those things in the bud. Just curious if anyone else post weight loss surgery (by years) has brought semiglutide into the picture whether to break up a stall, or to get weight gain that has started to creep up halted.
  7. LAMamma

    April 2024 Surgery Buddies

    Hey everyone, just wondering how it's going. I'm 6 weeks since surgery and my weight has stalled. I'm down a total of 34 lbs, but almost 1/2 of that was pre-surgery. I was losing quite nicely for the first 5 weeks, but this week is just staying steady and even going up a bit 😥. Is this normal? This week is back to "regular foods" although I'm mostly still on soft foods because I'm not tolerating any thing else yet.
  8. ms.sss

    Weeks 1 & 2 Post-Op, Sleeve

    ok, so i just gotta say: while your spreadsheets and plans and DETAILS is like porn to ME (i love it!), i want to let OTHERS reading this that this is not for everyone. its OK to be flexible and/or slack off sometimes. we all can't be perfect 100% of the time. have a plan (as detailed or NOT detailed as you want) and do the best you can. if you stick to it, AWESOME! if you don't, try not to give into any angst about it. just learn whatever lesson you can from it and keep going. the goal is to lose some weight, however way you do it. ❤️
  9. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Same boat here with the same fluctuating weight for a little while now…….soooo frustrating! Hopefully the rain stops and it warms up for you soon @BlueParis @NickelChip if you like the video you got would you let me know what bar/bands you got and what video. I know I’ve said I hate exercising ,but what I want to get is a Pilates reformer, unfortunately they are ridiculously expensive and would very likely become a clothes hanger at some point like all other exercise equipment I’ve bought in the past 🤣. So maybe what you have I would like for now. 🤞
  10. jmorrisbp

    Weeks 1 & 2 Post-Op, Sleeve

    Aww-gee-thanks! I just took what my surgeon said would make me successful, made myself a plan, and did it! For anyone who has a brain that works like mine (MORE details, please!!!), this makes life easy, post-op! At my 1-week appointment, everyone was telling me I didn’t look or move like I had just had major surgery, my color was great, I looked so energized and happy - and I did! I felt so great, and this was even BEFORE I started my multi. He told me “exceeding expectations” at every follow-up appointment I’ve had, to date. All I did was what my surgeon said was the formula for success. FLUIDS, PROTEIN, MOVEMENT. It’s that easy! AND, I have lost HALF of my extra weight, as of yesterday! I’m so happy! And I haven’t done anything besides what my surgeon said would make me successful. I had lost 19 pounds on my own, before my first surgeon visit. I lost 16 lbs from my consultation to surgery date. The rest of my losses have been post-op, which has been 38 lbs, as of yesterday. Yesterday, I started Week Ten Post-Op (my surgery was April 2nd). The full long term list is: Water, Protein, Movement, Supplements, Whole Foods, Go To All Your Appointments & Participate In Any Extras Your Surgeon Offers (My surgeon does monthly group webinars with post-op patients! It’s so great!) Also, I hope nobody takes this as bragging. I just want to show if you do what they ask of you, there’s no other option besides being a success! You can’t lose! Keep it simple by remembering your basic job right now: Fluids, Protein, Movement. You CAN and WILL do it! There’s no way to fail, this time! Even if “movement” for you means walking a circle around your couch and then sitting down, that’s a start! Just move your body, drink water, get protein.
  11. I'm actually amazed. Lost 90 lbs, down to fighting weight based on weigh-in at gym using one of those machines that measures body fat + weigh- in at doctor's with clothes on a day later. Went from 40 waist to 33 (American size), can now fit into clothes I could not wear for quite a while, work out 4 times a week at a serious gym, most sessions with a highly experienced trainer. I haven't done one sit up yet- it's about balance, step up, step down, with kettle bell, 12 reps, 5 sets, squats with a dumbbell, 12 reps, 5 sets, then next exercise, etc. I do my warm up 1/2 hour in advance of the trainer session so I don't waste time--it's all exercise when I work with the trainer. I drink a 30 gram protein drink before and another after, so I'm finally building some muscle on what is now a diminutive appearing frame. I can't quite press my body weight yet, but I will. I have long hair for a guy, and yeah, it was coming out when washing it (not every day, more like every 4 days unless I get sweaty) but that seems to have finally stopped. I have no cravings for foods that I cannot have because I get sick if I eat a slice of pizza with toppings or eat more indigestible foods. So I just stay away from them. I have developed a fondness for medium rare lamb chops and roasted potatoes with rosemary salt. My wife is a good cook but we still eat at restaurants and I'm careful. I found out that alcohol just doesn't work- a beer is too filling and carbonated, for some reason wine doesn't taste good; I'm a high proof whiskey man and it doesn't metabolize. I'm on my ass with far less than what I could normally consume, so I just stopped altogether. (Good because I have Barrett's and alcohol is inflammatory). Punchline- this surgery really turned me around. Trade-offs to be sure, but I feel so much better and look far younger. I can walk fast and not get winded as easily. I'm in my 70th year and don't look like a geezer-- more like a ruffian in rude health. I had targeted 185 as a goal weight and reached that but I still have a small roll of fat around my middle. I figure that I can continue to lose a little more given the surgery stats, and tighten up my core as my work-out regime continues. I'm gonna start swimming this summer-- where I am in Texas it is 3 months of summer and 9 months of hell. Hell is just starting here. The really hardcore stuff is pilates. I used to do that with a women's class and they kicked my butt. I'm planning to advance to that as well. I think the "whole picture" outlook is optimal for me- I don't check the scale at home, I do my thing and get routine blood work done. Though I have a few health issues which come with age, I'm in pretty decent shape now, physically and mentally. Thanks to all you kind folks for your advice and support.
  12. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Dang it! Back up to 200 today. I could see the digital scale contemplating telling me 199.8, but it decided nope. I've had days with tons of exercise. Days with no exercise. Days with over 1000 calories. Days with barely 500 calories because what I ate made me sick. None of it does anything to move the weight. I get on the scale daily because I like to see the graph as a visual. But I'd like it better if the number went down. On the bright side, my blood work all looks pretty good. A bit low in Vitamin A, zinc, and prealbumin, but so far no one has said I should change anything. @LisaCaryl I love the NSV with the jeans! What a nice surprise, even if you did get stuck wearing them to your group. I have one more week of school runs and after school activities before my kids are out for the summer. At that point, I am going to make a weekly meal plan and try out some new recipes from the bariatric cookbooks that are gathering dust because I've been too busy. I've also found a workout video to try with my pilates bar resistance band set, so that's going to happen this week, at least once.
  13. Hi all, I was on the forums last year for the gastric sleeve in Turkey but decided to wait a year & see if I could lose the weight naturally. Safe to write that I lost nothing & gained a lot more! I am having my gastric sleeve surgery with APERA (went to them for a rhinoplasty last year & they were excellent) so I’m not nervous about the operation.. more the discomfort of the gas & pain afterwards. Could someone please let me know the stages you go through with food consistencies, please?
  14. I’m only losing a pound or two a week. It’s super slow!!!! I had my post up appt which wasn’t super informative. I’ve lost 40lbs so far. Not all of my bloodwork was in yet so I’m waiting to hear how my vitamin levels are. She said the stuck food lasts til 6 months then comes back at 12 months and 18 months 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ and I’m expected to lose my weight over 18 months. That was about it. Other than the stalls will get longer and longer she said. Ughhhhhhhh. Some days I feel like I’m where I was pre surgery trying to get the scale to move even though I know that’s not the case. I have started only weighing once a week now instead of every day so that’s less frustrating. Knowing we are all stalling definitely helps me to see it is just the way things are and I can’t rush it. Thanks for the continued support ❤️
  15. SleeveToBypass2023

    Anyone else weird with me, or is it just me?

    I personally don't. I typically do cardio, core and strength training, and weight training. I think I'm going to try adding in some beginner yoga on my rest days and see how it goes. I go pretty hard and get sweaty on my work out days, so I'm hoping beginner yoga will be a little easier on the sweating and still give my body a good stretch and a gentle work out while not pushing too hard.
  16. Hey, So lately i start to geht more and more anxious, I got my RNY-Bypass sept. 2023, i'm currently 36 years old from Germany. my Starting weight was around 230kg, i'm now at 125kg, it is a lot right?, But me being Anxious about my excess skin is kinda..Hart on my self esteem, i kinda think that even after my Fight is won, that nobody wants someone who is kinda...mhm.. Weird? , for comparions, a photo from 1 day to OP and one from today.
  17. do any of you have a solid upper body or lower body routine? I do a lot of free weights and machines if I don't do a home workout. Sometimes I do YouTube videos or I will look up exercises on what muscles I want to target. But if anyone has a solid, sweaty, muscle shaking workout I am all ears!!
  18. FifiLux

    9 Month Post Op Fears and Worries

    Like the others said before me, I think it is highly unlikely that you have stretched your stomach. Weight will fluctuate (annoying I know) as your body copes with the changes. Please try not to stress yourself out unnecessarily. I think try to find a resource of a dietician, maybe even one online if that is quicker than a local one. Did your care team, at the time, give you any reading material for post-op foods etc? I didn't get much advice for long-term from my team so I spent a lot of time online and found some good online reading material at 'Bariatric Meal Prep', 'My Bariatric Dietitian' and a few other sites/blogs.
  19. Here are some vegetarian recipes that are not only delicious but also great for weight loss: 1. Quinoa Salad with Roasted Vegetables: Packed with protein and fiber, this colorful salad is both satisfying and nutritious. 2. Lentil Soup: High in protein and low in fat, lentil soup is filling and comforting, perfect for keeping you full without excess calories. 3. Veggie Stir-Fry: Loaded with colorful veggies and tofu or tempeh, stir-fries are quick, easy, and customizable for weight loss goals. 4. Zucchini Noodles with Pesto: Replace traditional pasta with zucchini noodles for a lighter option, topped with homemade pesto for flavor without excess calories. 5. Chickpea Salad: Chickpeas are rich in protein and fiber, making them a great base for salads. Combine with veggies and a light dressing for a satisfying meal. These recipes focus on whole, plant-based ingredients that are low in calories but high in nutrients, making them ideal for supporting weight loss goals. Enjoy experimenting with different flavors and ingredients to find what works best for you!
  20. TruthBehindMyEyes

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Hi everyone my name is kaitlin! I am a semi driver I'm on medical leave currently because of a hernia. In order to get it fixed I have to get to 150 pounds. I dropped 60 pounds on my own out on the road before this happened. So when i got taken out of the saddle in September I took the pledge and plunge I ended up going through the process for Roux-en-Y gastric bypass which I had on May 14th 2024. My highest documented weight was 420. But my starting weight before surgery was 389. My day of surgery weight was 364 and I'm sitting at 341 now!!! I'm on soft food stage.
  21. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I’ve slowed wayyyy down weight loss wise. I’ve only lost about 6 LBs in the last month which doesn’t thrill me. Since I rarely eat 800-1000 cal a day on average I guess I’m going to have to start exercising (which I despise 😂) but i know it’s better for me.
  22. NickelChip

    9 Month Post Op Fears and Worries

    Stretching in the sense that you mean it is exceedingly rare and only happens if someone consistently binge eats over a relatively long period of time. What does happen naturally is increased capacity. This is true for sleeve and bypass both. After 6 months or so, your stomach regains some of its elasticity and can accommodate a bit more at one sitting. This is fine and healthy. Everyone is different, and everyone's capacity at a given point post-op is different. I don't know what you were told for goals, but my program says 60-80g protein per day and 64oz minimum of water. They want my protein to be around 40% of my calories, and I generally aim for 800-1000 calories per day, but that was not strictly set and will change over time. 1200 seems to be a common goal for the later stages of weight loss, with the amount going up once you are in maintenance. 5oz per meal is reasonable, but you need to be eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Plus possibly a snack. My program says aim for 20-25g protein per meal, and supplement with a protein snack or shake as needed until you can get the full amount from food comfortably. By 9 months, you should be fine getting it all from food. Your brittle nails and hair loss suggest you are not getting enough protein and may not be getting enough other nutrients. You should continue to aim for around 4 oz of lean meat or fish, (or a serving of Greek yogurt or cottage cheese, for example) per meal. 4oz cooked skinless chicken breast has 25g protein. Your second priority at every meal should be nonstarchy veg. If you still have room, you can have a little bit of carb (rice, potato, sweet potato, bread, etc.). A serving of fruit makes a nice dessert. An easy way to eyeball it is to take a salad plate (not dinner plate), and put a piece of meat the size and thickness of your palm on one side, and fill about 2/3 of the other side with nonstarchy veg and the remaining 1/3 with carb. Go light on the sauces and butter. If in doubt, check Amazon for bariatric cookbooks. There are several by bariatric experts, including surgeons and registered dietitians. Kristin Willard's Bariatric Meal Prep is a personal favorite, with portion sizes for different stages, and a full color photo for every recipe.
  23. Hello Everyone! It has been a while since I posted on here, but I wanted to get some input and reassurance/knowledge from others who have potentially dealt with this. I had GS surgery done on 9/5/23 and things were ROUGH at the beginning. It did not help that my surgeon is out of state an their office was not the best with returning calls and in a sense "caring" about my progress/recovery. It is a longer story for another time, as this post is about something more current but somewhat related. Since my surgery I have no gone to my follow up appointments being that 1. I decided to not work with them after the complications and lack of any kind of support/communication from my surgeons office until right before my 3 month appointment, 2. They are out of state and I had not found a primary care physician in my new state, and 3. Probably because I am stubborn as hell, LOL! On the 5th I will be 9 months post op, and after I somewhat got my food/liquid intake figured out I was able to get things moving. Being a food addict I have a love/hate relationship with food and emotional connections to them. I am not the type of food addict that if its there I am going to eat it. Once I am full I do not crave or even want to think about food. So, with the lack of hunger from the surgery I was feeling like I was unstoppable. I was eating when i thought i was hungry/knew it had been several hours. Looking back i think it was the common fear of it all that probably set me up wrong, but we live and we learn. I was afraid of eating too much and afraid to see the number go up as well. I would basically only eat at breakfast and dinner and maybe a snack somewhere in between. I thought i was doing well honestly an thought it was normal. Well here we are nearly 9 months later and I was maybe eating 5 ounces a meal and it was like a single taco or 1.5 sausage patties and some eggs. again, thought it was totally normal. Then i spoke to a friend who did the surgery and she informed me of what she was able to eat by the time I am at and i realized i am eating way way way less than what she listed. So, I have been trying to increase my portions/time in between meals. I have a food scale and weigh out majority of my ingredients and now am calorie obsessed. I am doing it to hopefully eat enough and make sure I am getting enough in me to help with my dizziness and hair loss/brittle nails issues. Since doing so though now I have MAJOR fear that i am eating too much and i am doing it wrong. I am terrified i stretched my stomach and something is not right because i am not gaining weight. I am up 4 pounds and in my terrible mind it feels like I've gained 40 pounds. I was consistently walking everyday until mid-December, but stopped due to pain in my hips (another long story), but have started walking again consistently as of last month. I am also trying to find a new doctor/surgeon here in Tuscaloosa or Birmingham to have a consistent source of information/support. But until then I am in mind panic mode. Has anyone felt this way or dealt with stretching? My family is convinced it has not stretched, but I being the crazy one worried about it feels like i have. I am open to private messages if thats a thing and willing to answer any questions as well!
  24. Hi Sarah! I did not have that fear at first, but I can tell you that if you do not meet your fluid and protein goals you will run yourself into the ground. Trust me! I am 6 weeks post op, and after 2 weeks, I didn't drink my fluids or have my protein. When I took a shower one night, I came VERY close to passing out. The plan is so important (and sometimes really annoying) to follow, but it is for your safety, health, and to achieve the weight loss that you desire. Drinking fluids (all 64 ounces +) will really help your weight loss. I worry about stretching my stomach out later on. Like, if I succumb to mental hunger and have something that I should not have, and I just keep eating it because it tastes good - but I am told it will take a LOT to get it stretched out. I know it will eventually stretch out some, but nothing like it was. Good luck on your journey! I hope the worrying subsides and you are able to heal and start seeing the good things. My first non-scale victory was putting on a pair of jeans I hadn't worn in years and they fit...comfortably. Those are the kinds of things that keep you going. I'm down 38lbs since 4/10 (pre-op diet) and 23lbs since my surgery. I haven't weighed in a bit, so hoping it's more like 25-30lbs since surgery, but as long as it keeps going down, I'm good.
  25. I haven't hit a stall yet and I am 9.5 months post op. I still extremely limit my carbs. typically less than 40 carbs per day, net carbs are less. I am still high protein. I am still losing 2+ pounds per week. My daughter had the surgery the same day I did, and she has been stalled for a two months, she also eats whatever she wants. She isn't limiting what she eats. She is under 1400 calories per day and not losing. I am ~1000 calories a day still. As far as being cold, yes, I am cold a lot. I used to die from heat, if my office was 75 degrees I was sweating. Now at 75 degrees I can be comfortable if not slightly chilled. I have lost a lot of insulation. All my blood work comes back perfect. It will take some time for your body to regulate. (although my friend is 4 years PO and she is still always cold and has been goal weight for 2 years).

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
