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Found 17,501 results

  1. Thought to post my stats as I’ve been tracking my weight and on some what was going on with my body at that time. IDK about any of my female Pals but since pre op diet my cycles started to get regular. I am thinking due to the increase of protein and vitamins with iron. I missed a couple days weighing in because I wasn’t feeling well. I only did daily because I wanted to see how my body did with getting all that extra fluid and swelling out. Here Goes: Weight 200 on 8/22 pre surgery 194.88 on 8/29 doc Office 205 - 1st morning after home from hospital 8/30 (swelling & fluid) 202 lbs after surgery Friday 9/1 200.8 - Saturday 9/2 197.8 -Sunday 9/3 196.4 - Monday 9/4 195.6 - Tues 9/5 193.6 - Weds 9/6 192.4 - Thurs 9/7 191.8 - Friday 9/8 192.4 - Sunday 9/10 190.0 - Monday 9/11 189.6 - Tuesday 9/12 189.4 Weds 9/13 190.6 Saturday 9/16 187.2 Sunday 9/17 189.4 Mon 9/18 started cycle yesterday 187.8 Weds 9/20 heavy cycle 186.8 Thurs 9/21 185.2 Fri 9/22
  2. KathyLev

    My dog lost weight - I didn't

    This is crazy .... I've taken my dog to the dog park every day for the last 2 months. We walk around the edge of the 4 acre park. (Some days I'm panting harder than the dogs when I'm done walking .LOL) Took the dog to the vet -- he lost 2 pounds !!! I stepped on my scale - haven't lost an ounce in the 2 months we've been going there !!!! It's not fair !!!!! LOL Okay - I just had to rant about it in this forum
  3. Hey all, I have a bit of a dilemma. According to the FitBit watch I wear everyday, I burn on average around 3000 calories a day. I eat no more than 1,300 calories however, and drink my 2 litres of water but I'm unable to lose any more weight? I've been at this plateau for about 3 months now (which is annoying because I'm a stone away from my goal weight), either staying at exactly the same weight or adding 2/3 pounds a week and it's so frustrating. I can't find any info on why this may be the case, so I thought I would ask you guys to see if you could shed any light? If I'm burning more than I'm eating, surely I could be losing weight instead of gaining? I know muscle weighs more than fat and that it could just be me gaining the muscle I've been trying to build from strength training, but it's incredibly disheartening. The only time I seem to lose weight now is if I go on a 3-5 day liquid diet, but I shouldn't have to rely on doing that every week to lose weight, surely? More info below for context: - 8 months post op - A stone away from my goal weight - I consume as much protein as I physically can a day (between 40-70g a day) vitamins and water - I work out 4 to 5 days a week, mostly strength training with a bit of cardio - I'll probably have carbs 2/3 times a week. Sweet potatoes mostly. Perhaps a sandwich if I'm out.
  4. I have a Vp shunt for hydrocephalus.Wanted to know if anyone here has a VP shunt and has gone through sleeve surgery.
  5. I have my first consultation next Tuesday, and if my surgeon's office holds to the same rules as when I went in five years ago, they require you to lose 10% of your body weight prior to surgery. I'm really frustrated by this because I feel like I'm doing the surgery because I CAN'T lose weight by diet and exercise. If I could, why would I do it? How did you pull it off for those of you who had this requirement? I have to admit, it feels fairly impossible right now.
  6. Happy Stylist

    Weight loss shots

    Has anyone tried doing the weight loss shots? My surgery was just over a year ago and I still haven’t lost 50lbs. I started out with a lower BMI. So my surgeons are ok with where I’m at but I’m not. So I’m looking into the shots to help me a long. Just wondering if anyone else has had any luck
  7. My scale is slowing down again... so being a U Tube junkie, I found this 10 minute video that explains why what the scale says isn't that important. It's worth a watch ! She gives a good , simple explanation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2oBp1GuwMY
  8. I had the surgery 4/28/23 At 209 month one I was 189 month two 177 month 3 185! I this is so disrespectful. I feel myself going backwards. I have spoken with the psychiatrist surgeon and nutritionist they said not to weigh myself but I feel like I am consuming more than I am suppose to this is so frustrating nothin satisfies me.
  9. Having only found this site yesterday, I've spent a couple of hours over the past two days wandering around and have noticed that there are many folks here who have a listed Current Weight that's anywhere from 10 to 30 lbs or more below their Goal Weight. Is overshooting your GW something that typically happens, or are some of those folks just not updating their listed numbers or am I completely missing the boat on this? I'm scheduled for my surgery on Aug 28 and know where I'd like to end up on the scale and am more curious than I am concerned about going below that.
  10. So I got my surgery on June 22nd - about nine weeks ago. I am 5'8", 35F, and started out at 320, I'm currently 288 for a loss of 32 pounds over about two months. Is that okay? For the last week or so, I've had a really rough stall and barely been losing anything. Some days I'll even gain a pound. This is my second stall. I normally eat between 600 and 1000 calories (mostly about 800) and almost entirely protein really. Is there an issue with me? Is my weight loss rate okay or is it too slow? I feel like I should have lost like 50 pounds by now. What about this stall?
  11. Hi! I'm at the very beginning of the process. I keep trying to stick to any diet so I can lose weight before the surgery and I have been struggling. I'm just always hungry. It's so hard to not just walk in my kitchen and eat something. I've never struggled so hard to just get started. Anyone else? What did you do? Thanks!!
  12. Hi, All - I recently relocated to Texas and do not know people here who have had DS. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in helping to support each other with daily check-ins, support, encouragement, tips, etc. If so, feel free to introduce yourself on this thread! I am 40 years old woman, single, and dealing with infertility (I am trying to freeze my eggs). I had DS 8.5 years ago and lost 50% of my excess body weight at the time but did not push myself to lose even more (I was in grad school and my mom was deemed terminally ill at the time). I would like to re-commit to healthy eating and working out and have been flying solo for about a month now. I am highly motivated to lose quickly (but safely!) to improve my chances with egg freezing/harvesting given that I'm also up against my biological clock! Hoping there might be some other people who want to join me!
  13. How did you decide on what your goal weight should be? BMI calculator, your lowest weight, recommendation from dr or dietician? Interested in learning… so please share.
  14. From the album: Before and after

    Roughly 253lbs at this point. A couple months before my surgery

    © Me only

  15. Before surgery at one of my dietician appointments , she did a bunch of calculations and said this surgery will help me lose 30 pounds. Granted,I started out with a lower BMI , but after reading all the weight loss by everyone else ,I feel like having the surgery, I went nuclear over a measley 30 pounds ! I do want to lose more ,so I guess it's up to me to do the rest of the work after I hit that point. Did anyone get a calculation like this ? Have you lost beyond the number they gave you by your own efforts ? Maybe I'm overthinking this . I've been at a stall for 3 weeks now and I think it's messing with my head .
  16. I am almost 11 months post opp and the last 2-3 month I have seen a dramatic halt in weight loss. It's to the point that I feel like I should have went with bypass instead of sleeve. At what point did you see the slow down? Did anyone plateau before they were even close to the goal? And did you do anything in particular to get the weight loss going again?
  17. Highest weight: 346 Weight the day of surgery: 316.4 Current weight: 266 It’s been 9 months since I had the sleeve and I’ve only lost 50 lbs. I‘ve expressed my concern with my surgeon, and she seemed somewhat concerned. She put me on Phentermine which helped me lose 10 lbs but that’s about it. I can’t eat as much as I used to, but I can still eat quite a bit before feeling full which scares me. I portion my food out to try to avoid overeating. I’m not sure what more to do. I don’t have any health issues other than being obese. I’ve been feeling really defeated about this. Does anyone have any advice on maybe kickstarting the weight loss again or maybe taking a different route for another surgery?
  18. Hey yall! Im 3 weeks out tomorrow and im on a stall today is day 4. Now im overthinking about is this it? is this all im going to lose? Im down 30lbs since my 1 week pre op diet and Im kinda doubting everything. I know everyone says "Trust the process" and im trying to!
  19. This week we have a lot of visitors from the head office (I work in a remote site) and I've not seen some of them for quite sometime. Some even before Covid hit. I was the star of this week with everyone talking about my weight loss and all kinds of praise and encouragement. Almost everyone asked me how did I lose the weight including the big bosses from the client and the contractors. I've only told my direct boss and the company managing director about my surgery. I took time-off to do it and told everyone else that I was going on vacation. It helped that we were still working from home while I was recovering so nobody noticed any change during that period. I chose not to tell my coworkers because I didn't want the unsolicited advice and opinions some might have about the WLS and also the follow-up questions. I learned that from when I was on KETO and made the mistake of telling a few coworkers about it. Suddenly I would have people come over to talk to me about it or advising against it etc. It was too much. One guy in particular would come in a for a weekly update on how much weight did I lose etc. Outside work, only my wife, my direct family and two of my closest friends know about my WLS. They have been very supportive and helped me throughout. I've been telling people that I was on KETO, then started a low-carb diet and exercising. I even have a photo of me on my maintain bike to prove it 😂. I would love to hear how did you respond to such questions / remarks?
  20. Hi all! I’m a new member of the group - I hope you’re all well! I had gastric sleeve surgery on 31st January 2023, after losing 13lbs on the pre-op diet. On the morning of my surgery, I weighed 281lbs. I lost no weight in the first week even though I was drinking my required water intake and having between 60-80g of protein a day. Today is two weeks post op. I’m officially allowed to move onto purées and so first thing this morning, I weighed myself and I’ve only lost 4lbs?? I try not to compare myself to others, but I’m so disheartened and even low key regret having the surgery now. I keep seeing people reporting a stone weight loss in a week, 12 lbs a week, 8 lbs the second week etc and so I assumed this would be the same for me. I’ve been very strict with my post op diet and making sure to get in at least 30 mins of movement a day. I’ve typically been consuming protein shakes, water, protein yogurt, tomato soups and the odd sugar-free/fat free children’s ice cream lolly. I feel like I’m doing something wrong, and feel like a bit of a failure. I feel like my body is actively working against me. I spoke to my bariatric nurse who just said ‘you’re still healing, give it time’, but I don’t know if it’s just an excuse.
  21. I had my consultation. No real diet plan but I’ve been trying on my own. Not working. My insurance company didn’t require weight loss before surgery but I’m not allowed to gain. Well I am up 15 lbs. help!!! I’m trying to diet and exercise. Can’t do much exercising because of back and leg pain issues. Retaining water. They ordered lasix. It’s not doing much. And just got done with steroids for the back and leg pain. I’m exhausted by the time I get home. I did go swimming last night and did aqua exercises. Just worried I can’t get this extra weight off. No surgery date yet. Have an endoscopy scheduled for July 11th and that’s my last requirement. Just nervous and stressed between the pain and the weight gain. Thanks for reading. Advice appreciated.
  22. Hello, was wondering if anyone got to, or close to their goal weight, and then regained and lost that again?
  23. Greetings, So I finally had my sleeve surgery 3 weeks ago and while there has been weight loss, it hasn't really been what I expected. I don't have unrealistic expectations, but I expected to lose more weight than if I just did it on my own without the surgery with little calorie intake and some activity like with doing Optifast prior. Or just eating healthy and going for a walk everyday - which I wasn't doing prior. Perhaps it takes a month to really get things going, but I am hardly really eating anything when compared to the 4,000 calories+ a day I was eating that got me this way. I do eat a breakfast, lunch and dinner, so I am not starving myself - but I am not yet in the solid food phase yet. I have sort of reprogrammed my brain and I am not really craving the things now that made me obese. Now granted I know I JUST had the surgery and don't know how things will be 4 months from now, but I am just sort of wondering in the back of my mind if the surgery was really necessary in the sense that I maybe could have lost the same amount of weight if I finally just stuck to living a better life when it comes to food and my health. I would appreciate any feedback or advice from anyone else where weight loss started a bit slow even with having a smaller stomach now or feedback in general. Thanks! HM
  24. It's 6 months since my mini gastric bypass. I have lost total of 55 Kg or 121.25 lbs. My weight loss trend is still hovering around 6 Kg (13.2 lbs) loss/month. But from last 3 months, I have seen increase in my hunger. In terms of percentage, the increase would be 20 % as compared to the 3 months back. Is this normal? I am also spending a lot of time for workout - around 6 hours of cardio and 12 hours for strength training + HIIT + weights every week. Not sure if that along with muscle i am developing is causing this hunger? or maybe its normal? Also, lost my job to layoffs recently but finances are not an issue. So just trying to maintain calm and avoid any emotional eating. My current weight is 92.5 Kg or 203.5 lbs. Should I get my metabolism evaluated to see my calorie requirement or wait upto 1 year for weight to stabilize? I had my surgery outside country of residence due to surgery wait times. I do teleconference with bariatric surgeon every 3 months, but no in person visit option available. Please suggest. Thank you
  25. Hi all! I’m 18 months post op from my VSG and I’m still 24 pounds out from my goal weight. My highest weight was 313 and surgery day I was 289. I’m currently 204. I was able to get down to 197 a few months ago but I have gained some back. I’m battling constant hunger. I have been strength training a lot the past 6 months, which at first I attributed to my increase in hunger, but the past 2 months it’s gotten out of control. I eat anywhere between 100-130 grams of protein a day. Drink 120 ounces of water a day. Take my vitamins. I just can’t shake this hunger, which in turn makes me have bad food choices, usually later at night. Has anyone else struggled with this at this point in their journey? And what advice do you have? I’m terrified of weight gain and desperately want to reach my goal!

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