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Found 17,501 results

  1. Thank you so much for the information!! I didn't know there was a risk calculator. I have an appointment with my primary in a couple of weeks to talk it, so I am definitely going to look at these videos. ☺️
  2. Bypass2Freedom

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Heya! I completely get the nerves - I am definitely feeling it too! It is only natural to feel that way, it is a big step we are taking I started my pre-op diet on the 30th May, so I am almost a week in. The first 2-3 days were really hard, I won't like. Cravings were biting my ass, and the pressure headaches were unreal. That being said, it does pass, and then it is pretty manageable. I don't feel like I am struggling as much at the moment! You got this!
  3. AMJ2598

    Pre-Surgery Bucket List

    I'm 3 days into my 2 week LRD, and to be honest I didn't do anything similar to this, as much as I wish I did! But I was so worried about putting weight back on and not getting to the number I needed to be at, as I have my surgery through the NHS, so I started my liquid diet about 3 days early, and before that for the 2 weeks I knew of my surgery, I was super strict with what I ate. There are definitely a couple of things I really really crave, but I've waited way too long for this to be ruined by myself. I really love Halo Top ice cream as it's lower in calorie than the usual pint of Ben & Jerrys, so I'll be excited to eat this when I finally can. Also, just a very nice sunday roast. Yorkshire puddings. Can't wait.
  4. every week or so, i do the "fridge clean up", and toss the foods that are no longer edible and make attempts to salvage the foods that are on the brink of inedible. this morning i tossed a bunch of leftover chinese food, ½ a wheel of brie, an almost full tub of sour cream, and an unopened box mixed greens (this made me sad ) BUT here are some items i was able to save/repurpose/extend shelf life of: 1. leftover fresh parsley and super ripe lemon into...PESTO! 2. uncut cumber bought over a week ago into...SWEET AND SOUR PICKLED CUCUMBERS! 3. almost dried out baby carrots and the remnants of a tub of spreadable cream cheese and 2 old apples that i made into applesauce into...CARROT CARE WITH CREAM CHEESE ICING (Mr. ate like 2/3 of the cake before i got to take a pic of it) and finally: 4: ½ a head of cabbage that i shredded to include in the filling of these EGG ROLLS! that i prepped to freeze and cook another day. phew. i feel very accomplished with my very productive morning...now im gonna go veg on the couch and watch tv!
  5. I had my consultation and my psych eval. I’m just waiting on my recommendation letter from my pcp and because I already see a therapist, they had to also write a brief note. Assuming they come back positive, I’m cleared to move to the next phase. Which that is getting a letter sent to my insurance for approval of my surgery. Once it’s approved I can move to the pre surgery blood work. I do hope they get their letters in this week!
  6. Hello. I had a conversion from the gastric sleeve (2017) to the bypass on 1/8/24. I should start regular foods this week, however, I am at the pureed thin phase as once I incorporate foods with any weight or texture, such as oatmeal, scrambled eggs, finely blended chicken (not pureed), the food feels stuck in my esophagus and I am vomiting froth and mucous (not the food). Has anyone else experienced this? I have contacted my surgeon, seeing her Wednesday as she was on vacation last week, I have spoken with my dietitian and the center for weight loss and they believe that my esophagus is having spasms. Has anyone else experienced this? I have simply gone back to full liquids as I had no problems with that.
  7. You have had the roughest ride of all of us. Your body is saying enough, I need a holiday. Let it go to the beach. Eat well, exercise to a limit that will not tax your body. Kick back and look at how far you have come I am a great believer of being relaxed about the whole new lifestyle. I am not on a diet. What I do now, I will be able to continue with for the rest of my life. I don't push anything. I don't change the way I do anything, I have watched people do extreme diet and exercise and to be honest it has never worked for them. They fall off the regime that's too much to hard to stick too. I just stick to my teams advice. At the moment they want me to up my calcium and keep below 1500 cals. I don't lose for months and then I clunk down 5 lbs a time. Then the long stall starts again. On here I was advised that a 3 month stall meant that I was doing stuff wrong. The person who said this had not had the surgery and not walked in our shoes. I didn't take offence but oh boy is that person going to have a shock when they get into a stall. Its not all about a calorie deficit.
  8. JennyBeez

    June 4th - my life changed FOREVER

    Welcome! I'm still a baby here myself (almost 12 weeks post-OP). I remember my first sip of creamy chicken broth on day 4, it felt like life and optimism was returning to me! If you need to, slow down even further. I remember my care team said 1 teaspoon every 5 minutes (when I was first reintroducing non-protein shake liquids), and sometimes that worked for me and sometimes it didn't. Most broths I could get down in shorter time, but creamier soups it would take quite a bit longer. You get used to either reheating your soup or sipping it cold, lol. XD
  9. I think you need to get back into contact with your dietician. Did you say whether you track your food & monitor your macros? Have you still be having regular blood tests as these will show if you are lacking in any nutrients & you can track & monitor any changes when comparing with your food data. This data will help your dietician to help you construct an eating plan that will meet your needs. There are tests to see if you aren’t absorbing certain nutrients. Like a stool test can identify how much fat is present & if you aren’t absorbing it effectively. I take Creons (pancreatic enzymes) three times a day to help with my protein malabsorption (curtesy of my gall removal - not a common side effect but I was just unlucky). They also help with malabsorption of fats & carbs as well as proteins. Worth a conversation with your doctor if it is discovered you’re have malabsorption issues.
  10. Lilia_90


    I am 5.5 months out and at 3 weeks out I have been out to dinner at least once a week/twice sometimes. I traveled at 3 weeks out, 3 months out and at 7 months out (upcoming), and what I can tell you is this: - It never hindered my weight loss, on the contrary, I weigh in every Sunday and I see the weight melting off the morning after being out on date night and having yummy food. - It is truly enjoyable, I get to try a little bit of this and that and not stuff myself. A bite or two is enough. - I TAKE MY TIME. I have been a fast eater my entire life and since surgery I am forced to slow down and actually savor what I am eating. This has turned date night dinner from a 1.5 hour affair to at least 3 - 3.5 hours and I would have lengthy deep conversations with the hubby which also forces him to slow down (the connection and conversation part can apply to whoever your companion is). - SHARE - I order one salad/entree with the person I'm eating with and I portion out what I'm having. - I make good food choices, I scan the menu and choose the best option of protein & Veg. I always start with my protein, a salad/veggies, then if I can I'll have a bite of a fun thing, either a tiny bit of carb or a bite or two of dessert (not always, whenever I'm feeling like it). But generally meals out don't get in the way of how I eat and what I eat. I think it is important to train your body and mind to be okay with eating out without it being a hurdle or a trigger. Living after weight loss surgery should include experiences like travel and food because it's a lifestyle and not alienation from what life used to be. I knew early on that I would not stop myself from eating out (I love love love dining out and trying different cuisines and restaurants) and traveling, it's just how I would do it in a way that doesn't involve losing control and hindering my progress or causing a negative mind shift. Happy belated birthday, I hope you had a blast!
  11. Arabesque

    Food Before and After Photos

    Yum @Starwarsandcupcakes. Just yum. As a lover of asparagus (eat them several times a week) I’m going to look into the soup & the tart. The tart maybe another opportunity to use Boursin cheese if I’m feeling too lazy to make the custard - lol! And yes, I’ll gnaw on the snapped off end of the raw asparagus unless it’s too woody.
  12. ms.sss

    Low calorie diet vs VSG

    same, same, as the other posters above. i am really, really good at losing weight. I am (was) also really, really good at finding that weight again. i've lost 50-75 lbs three separate times prior to wls, and each time managed to regain it within a year or so, plus a few more pounds for good measure, until i finally hit my highest weight of 235 lbs (i'm 5'2" so thats alot of weight for my height). with WLS (sleeve for me), i lost 120-ish lbs and kept it ALL off (give or take 5lbs) since reaching goal...almost 5 YEARS ago... whats more, maintaining this weight seems relatively effortless compared to before. because i eat so very little in volume (added to the fact that i somehow developed an affection for exercise and activity!), i have quite a bit of leeway in food choices to reach my maintenance calories. i am very grateful for this aspect of my surgery experience, i tell ya. BUT... i will add a disclaimer here that not everyone has the same WLS experience. you won't know what yours will be until you know. though we all of us here already sort of know that low calorie diets alone aren't sustainable long term for us. i mean, that's why we are all here, no?
  13. As I am approaching my 4 week post op. I am so EFFING proud of how I am sticking to the program! Just wanna do a happy dance 💃 HW: 325Lb SW: 297 PreOp Weight: 266 CW: 238
  14. IMARC Group's report titled "Low Speed Electric Vehicle Market Report by Product (Two-wheelers, Three-wheelers, Four-wheelers), Vehicle Type (Passenger LSEV, Heavy-duty LSEV, Utility LSEV, Off-road LSEV), Voltage (24V, 36V, 48V, 60V, 72V), Battery (Lithium-Ion Battery, Lead-Acid Battery, and Others), End User (Golf Courses, Tourist Destinations, Hotels and Resorts, Airports, Residential and Commercial Premises, and Others), and Region 2024-2032". offers a comprehensive analysis of the industry, which comprises insights on the global low speed electric vehicle market share. The global market size reached US$ 5.2 Billion in 2023. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach US$ 14.9 Billion by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 12.04% during 2024-2032. For an in-depth analysis, you can refer sample copy of the report: https://www.imarcgroup.com/low-speed-electric-vehicle-market/requestsample Factors Affecting the Growth of the Low Speed Electric Vehicle Industry: Environmental Concerns: The rising emphasis on reducing carbon emissions and mitigating climate change is impelling the growth of the market. Low speed electric vehicles (LSEVs), with their zero-emission capabilities, are seen as a crucial element in achieving these environmental goals. Public awareness about environmental issues, such as air pollution and global warming, is driving the demand for eco-friendly transportation options. LSEVs are particularly appealing in urban settings where short-distance travel is common and where residents more directly feel the impact of pollution. This environmental consciousness is driving both user preferences and corporate policies, leading to higher adoption of LSEVs. Supportive Government Policies: Governing agencies of various countries are implementing regulations and providing incentives aimed at reducing vehicular emissions. These include subsidies for electric vehicle (EV) purchases, tax exemptions, and investments in EV charging infrastructure. In addition, several cities are introducing low-emission zones where LSEVs are either favored or exclusively allowed, thereby encouraging individuals and businesses to adopt these vehicles. Moreover, governments are also installing charging stations to enable EV owners to effortlessly charge their cars. Advancements in Connectivity and User Experience: The rising integration of advanced connectivity and infotainment systems in LSEVs is contributing to the market growth. Modern LSEVs are equipped with cutting-edge features, such as smartphone integration, real-time vehicle diagnostics, and advanced navigation systems, enhancing the overall user experience. The rise of internet of things (IoT) technology also allows LSEVs to be part of a connected ecosystem, where vehicles can communicate with each other and with city infrastructure to optimize routes, reduce traffic congestion, and increase safety. These technological enhancements not only make LSEVs more appealing to tech-savvy individuals but also improve the practicality and efficiency of these vehicles in urban environments. Leading Companies Operating in the Global Low Speed Electric Vehicle Industry: AGT Electric Cars Bintelli Electric Vehicles Bradshaw Electric Vehicles HDK Electric Vehicle Hero Electric Vehicles Pvt Ltd Polaris Inc. Speedways Electric Terra Motors Corporation Textron Inc Low Speed Electric Vehicle Market Report Segmentation: By Product: Two-wheelers Three-wheelers Four-wheelers Based on the product, the market has been classified into two-wheelers, three-wheelers, and four-wheelers. By Vehicle Type: Passenger LSEV Heavy-duty LSEV Utility LSEV Off-road LSEV Off-road LSEV holds the biggest market share owing to their widespread use in sectors like agriculture, industrial transportation, and recreational activities where low speed and maneuverability are crucial. By Voltage: 24V 36V 48V 60V 72V On the basis of the voltage, the market has been divided into 24V, 36V, 48V, 60V, and 72V. By Battery: Lithium-Ion Battery Lead-Acid Battery Others Based on the battery, the market has been segregated into lithium-ion battery, lead-acid battery, and others. By End User: Golf Courses Tourist Destinations Hotels and Resorts Airports Residential and Commercial Premises Others Golf courses represent the largest segment as LSEVs are extensively used for transportation across golf courses due to their quiet operation, low operational costs, and minimal environmental impact. Regional Insights: North America (United States, Canada) Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia, Others) Europe (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Russia, Others) Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Others) Middle East and Africa North America dominates the market, driven by a well-established golfing culture and stringent environmental regulations promoting the adoption of eco-friendly vehicles. Global Low Speed Electric Vehicle Market Trends: The growing interest in personalization and customization of vehicles is positively influencing the market. LSEVs are being designed with a greater emphasis on modularity, allowing owners to tailor their vehicles to specific needs and preferences. This ranges from customizable exteriors to modular interiors that can be adapted for different uses, such as cargo transport or passenger comfort. The ability to personalize LSEVs is particularly appealing to younger demographics and those looking for vehicles that stand out or serve niche purposes. This shift towards customization is not just a reflection of user preferences but also an indication of how manufacturers are differentiating their products in a competitive market. Note: If you need specific information that is not currently within the scope of the report, we will provide it to you as a part of the customization. About Us: IMARC Group is a leading market research company that offers management strategy and market research worldwide. We partner with clients in all sectors and regions to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform their businesses. IMARCs information products include major market, scientific, economic and technological developments for business leaders in pharmaceutical, industrial, and high technology organizations. Market forecasts and industry analysis for biotechnology, advanced materials, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, travel and tourism, nanotechnology and novel processing methods are at the top of the company’s expertise. Our offerings include comprehensive market intelligence in the form of research reports, production cost reports, feasibility studies, and consulting services. Our team, which includes experienced researchers and analysts from various industries, is dedicated to providing high-quality data and insights to our clientele, ranging from small and medium businesses to Fortune 1000 corporations. Contact US: IMARC Group 134 N 4th St. Brooklyn, NY 11249, USA Email: sales@imarcgroup.com Tel No:(D) +91 120 433 0800 United States: +1-631-791-1145 | United Kingdom: +44-753-713-2163
  15. So during my online readings and searches I’ve pondered the thought of adding B-12 injections. My levels are low and lately I’ve just been sluggish and tired….all the time. Like consistent since my last bout of Covid about 6mo ago. anywho….I’ve come across this B12 + mic injections because if I can feel less sluggish and loose a few pounds, then why not. As a side note I’ve gained a few pounds from my lowest weight. Currently 147 @ 5’5….I’ve tried to convince myself it’s due to muscle gain 😂 but summer is coming and I’m being honest with myself. My workout schedule has gone from easily 6 days a week to maybe 4 on a good week. my work schedule has been crazy. also still have the lapband….if it was a relationship I’d list it as “it’s complicated” because I love and hate it 😂 enough rambling- let me know if you’ve tried it and your thoughts! also these are self administered once approved by the dr.
  16. Julie Kennerley

    Liver Shrinkage Diet struggles

    Hiya! I followed the food diet they ğive you alongside a months worth of Wegovy, which my Harley Street Surgeon supported. Wegovy removes your hunger. I lost 2 stone pre op. My BMI was at 66.5 to start with. I had my surgery 2 weeks ago tomorrow x
  17. Julie Kennerley

    Liver Shrinkage Diet struggles

    Hiya! I followed the food diet they ğive you alongside a months worth of Wegovy, which my Harley Street Surgeon supported. Wegovy removes your hunger. I lost 2 stone pre op. My BMI was at 66.5 to start with. I had my surgery 2 weeks ago tomorrow x
  18. Julie Kennerley

    Liver Shrinkage Diet struggles

    Hiya! I followed the food diet they ğive you alongside a months worth of Wegovy, which my Harley Street Surgeon supported. Wegovy removes your hunger. I lost 2 stone pre op. My BMI was at 66.5 to start with. I had my surgery 2 weeks ago tomorrow x
  19. Julie Kennerley

    Liver Shrinkage Diet struggles

    Hiya! I followed the food diet they ğive you alongside a months worth of Wegovy, which my Harley Street Surgeon supported. Wegovy removes your hunger. I lost 2 stone pre op. My BMI was at 66.5 to start with. I had my surgery 2 weeks ago tomorrow x
  20. Julie Kennerley

    Liver Shrinkage Diet struggles

    Hiya! I followed the food diet they ğive you alongside a months worth of Wegovy, which my Harley Street Surgeon supported. Wegovy removes your hunger. I lost 2 stone pre op. My BMI was at 66.5 to start with. I had my surgery 2 weeks ago tomorrow x
  21. kristieshannon

    Will I ever be able to enjoy Pho again?

    Pho broth saved me in those first few weeks post op! My local place was happy to sell me a container of broth only. It was a nice change from the powdered broths and protein drinks. I’m almost 5 years PO now and have pho from time to time, mostly just the broth, meat, and veggies with a couple bites of noodles at the end of my meal if I still have any room.
  22. MLC3409

    December Surgery Buddies!

    I am glad to read all of this. I bought small 2 oz plastic cups to use for my 2-3 weeks after. I also found protein powder that already has the required vitamins in it so I won’t have to deal with them the first 2 weeks. I am hoping that after the two week mark and moving onto purée food that I will start to feel more comfortable. I have my vitamin and calcium chews for that week start. I am glad you guys have had a fairly successful time since surgery. I pray all of us have as good experiences.
  23. Tomorrow is my surgery day! I am soooo nervous! I only lost 6lbs on the prep diet. I know it was only 2 weeks but man I have been starving!! Send me good vibes tomorrow! I can wait to be one step further on my journey!
  24. jessicawilliams24

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Applesauce? Are you not on a liquid diet for 2 weeks? Did it hurt? That is a little low but honestly mine is usually about that low normally so I wouldn’t be super worried about it being that low. Are y’all having to do the Blood thinner shot? That thing is a *itch!! It burns….does it for y’all?
  25. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I had mu Gastric bypass on the 7th. Mine went pretty well too. I haven't had any issues getting enough fluids. On the blood thinner shots, they will bruise you, it doesn't look pleasant. It something that happens taking thinners. The area where I put the shots looks like I took a couple chuck norris kicks to the mid section. Forgive me if I give to much info. The only problem I have is constipation. I've taken MiraLAX everyday, yet I still had an impaction. I couldn't free it myself and had to go to the ER to get everything to pass. The surgeon told me it could happen after surgery because of pain meds and Anesthesia. Plus I was on a two week pre-op liquid diet and was supposed to be two weeks Post-Op. So you get no fiber to help things along. Since my issue, the Doctor said I could go ahead and eat pureed/soft food. Even starting it early by a week, I've had no issues. Though, I can only intake a cup of food or less. It's very different. Wish you the best of luck.

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