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Found 1,238 results

  1. devint

    Week 6: May 27-31st Sleevers

    @@Suzzann I use Nascobal with the Bariactiv and have since surgery. It's a win for me, except sometimes I just get sick of the taste but money wise its the best Vitamin solution for me. For pedometer, I use my iPhone, it drains batteries and its only about 95% accurate but it does help me to keep track of whether i've been totally lazy or at least come close to my goal. Because of my three week stall, I decided to start logging food here starting last wednesday and omg no wonder i'm stalled! I have been between 1200 and 1400 calories and have seriously let my carb consumption go haywire (aka over 100 grams most days), all in an effort to be super Protein rich (been over 80 g everyday and hardly "tried") Mostly due to trying to stop/slow the hair loss. :/ I am so disheartened that I have to reevaluate my eating habits again to get "leaner" choices in. I HATE feeling like i'm on a calorie restrictive diet, despite surgery I am back at square one trying to do it "the hard way" that I've tried doing it my whole life with no real long term success. Ugh, I don't mind "rules" like no sweets or bread but I hate "counting" and "logging." But obviously it works. Good news though, family is coming to visit this week and next and haven't seen me since surgery. Prepare for shock and awe.
  2. Amazeyem

    September Members

    I'm going on to a three week stall. This is no fun. I realized that as soon as I got my period is when I stopped going down. I've been walking for 30-45 mins a day. Getting in for the past three days over 60 grams of protein and about 64 oz of water. I only eat chicken beef or egg. I follow everything my Dr said. Do you think the scale will start moving soon?
  3. sallyomalley67

    February sleevers

    Well. I officially hit the dreaded three week stall. Glad i knew it might happen. Not an issue. Im still down 28 lbs so woo hoo!!$
  4. Deactivatedfatgal

    Best decision I've ever made

    I'm one month post op tommorow and I am so happy I did this! I went through stage of regret but it passed, I've experienced my three week stall but looking at myself in the mirror and seeing my scars heal, seeing my stomach shrink tremendously, I know this was my destiny. The amount of confidence I feel at only 27 pds down, is AMAZING. Not eating the way I did prior, is a blessing. No diets would help me stop the binge eating and slow death I was headed for. This surgery has given me my strength and confidence that I had lost for 6 years. Thank god for Dr. Clark!
  5. So I'm two weeks out officially today and I weighed myself this morning and I lost 1 lb Jesus Help! My last week weigh in I lost 14 lbs and I thought that was how every week was going to go. Is this the three week stall everyone talks about. ???????? frustrated!!
  6. Apple1

    2 weeks post op and stalled!

    Almost everyone gets what is called the three week stall sometime during the first month or so. It is completely normal. I am very surprised at how many calories you are able to consume in a day. At two weeks I was right around 400, at4 weeks 600, and now at almost 8 weeks 875-900. You sound like me in that you have had an easy recovery. My stomach healed quickly and I think I. Could easily squeeze in more calories if I tried. I am working towards a gradual increase to 1000 at 3 moths and 1200 at 6 months.
  7. megmom757

    North Carolina

    I had my surgery at Chesapeake Regional. They were fantastic. I did well up walking the same day of surgery. I had surgery early on a Wednesday and went home Friday morning. I had gained ten pounds in the hospital from fluids, but they quickly came off. Two weeks out I lost 27 lbs now I'm in the dreaded three week stall. I'm having some issues with drinking water. My pouch feels like it kinda seizes and revolts against water. So I'm using broth to try and reach fluid goals.
  8. Its the famous Three Week Stall! Join the club, it happens to almost everyone. Look it up...Its frustrating, but its NORMAL. Chill.
  9. We do talk about the phenomenon of regret during the first few weeks post-op, also called "buyer's remorse" quite a lot here. However, pre-ops seem to close their eyes to this kind of discussion, so we have lots of people who post during their first few weeks asking about regrets, and replying to such threads. I wish somehow we could get the message out that this is a normal feeling, and barring complications, usually passes by the end of the first month, when you have mostly healed and food choices are getting more interesting. For those who are new, how could we have phrases this so you would have heard it during your pre-op research? When you were pre-op did you do a search for threads with "regret" in the title? Do you feel like you understood the post-op graduated diet before your surgery? I'm really curious if there is some way to make sure that the right info gets to people before the surgery is they are not surprised afterward by buyer's remorse, the three week stall, etc.
  10. siouxshi

    NSV shout outs

    I love this thread so much! I have been reading and decided to join! So I'm only about 3 1/2 weeks out (in my dreaded "three week stall" right now - ugh!) and I had an NSV the other night. We went out to dinner with some friends and I wore a maxi skirt that is elastic at the waist (so it is more comfy than my jeans that fall off of me!) and it kept hitting the tops of my feet. It's never done that before so I was highly confused until I realised that it's because it doesn't have to stretch so much to reach around me anymore! My skirt is actually longer, lol. Didn't see that coming! It was silly, but so fun when I finally made the connection!
  11. catwoman7


    almost everyone, sleeve or bypass, has their first stall within the first month after surgery. We call it "the three week stall" because it usually happens during week 3, but not always. Mine was weeks 2 and 3. Lost nothing. Then during week 4, I dropped like 6-8 lbs practically overnight. Do a search on the three week stall and you'll find HUNDREDS of posts on it. Just stick to your program and the stall will break. I promise.
  12. Lucile

    January 2018 Sleevers HERE

    I am the day after you, 1/10/18. I lost 23 pounds so far, but this week barely anything. We are at the "three week stall" I looked this up and it happens to a lot of people, but we will get over it like everyone else did. I read somewhere to only weigh once a week now so we don't get discouraged, because the first two weeks we were losing a pound or two a day and now it will be less. I am having trouble getting in everything, the nutritionist said I should do the 3 protein shakes for the first two months and to think of it like medicine, that the food is less important at this point, that we are eating just to really get used to it again. I am still having trouble doing the three shakes and three "meals" so I am usually short one shake and one meal a day. I think I need to make sure I get that third shake in because our bodies need the 60 g of protein to keep losing I heard.
  13. I’m in the dreaded three-week stall and it sucks. I knew this was coming. I knew it was going to happen. I thought I even prepared myself for it. I have preached to others that it’s not big deal. That it’s your body saying, “Whoa, what the hell did you do to me?” and, “Your body needs to figure it out before it loses more weight.” I know all that, but it doesn’t make it suck any less and it doesn’t make me any less pissed off. There, I said it. I’m pissed off. I said it again. Rationally, it makes sense. My body is wondering if it’s a time of famine, so it’s not going to allow it’s self to lose any more weight until figures out that this is the new normal. This may take some time – I’m in a Facebook group where some people who had their sleeve operation in November stalled for three weeks. That’s a major blow to my already fragile psyche! After years of yo-yo dieting, when you don’t see the scale move, that when you find the donuts, or bread, or Cookies or (insert vise here). That is not an option. Eating a donut or other off-plan food will not only make me sick, even worse, it could damage my sleeve. It’s also not an option because I must be accountable for my actions. I need to be an adult. I will add that accountability and being an adult sucks, too! :-) So, I am writing this post as much for me as for anyone that reads it. The three-week stall will most likely happen. Try to prepare yourself for it, but know that no matter how much you prepare for it, it’s still going to be difficult when you go through it. What am I going to do about it? I’m going to keep on keepin’ on. That’s all I can do. I am going to stick to my plan – 3 meals and 3 shakes per day with 80-90 grams of protein; just as the doctor ordered. I’m going to continue going to the gym and walking on the treadmill. These are the two things that are going to help me achieve my goals. I cannot lose sight of that. I also know that this is temporary. My rational mind knows the arithmetic behind calories in vs. calories out. I’m consuming 600-800 calories a day right now and I’m burning about 250 on the treadmill daily. That formula will equal weight loss as soon as my body realizes we’re going to be OK. I just wish my body knows what my brain does!
  14. Today is day 15 for me. I'm struggling with my energy level and I also feel like I either pulled a muscle in my ab or I have an incisional hernia. I get major pain when I engage that muscle. I'm praying it's just a strain. I'm on soft solids and doing well. Trying to get in my protein. To date I've lost 24 lbs but the scale hasn't moved in a few days. Hoping it's the three week stall everyone talks about.
  15. McButterpants

    For the love of sweet Jesus.....

    Revs, I was wondering when you write again and you didn't fail us....Please don't stop your rants. I think I have woman-crush on you. I agree with some of the other posters here...I just kind of move along when the repeated questions are asked, "Which Protein shake is the best?" or the irrational "My hair is on fire, what should I do?" "My incision is bleeding and oozing a green colored liquid - is this normal?" "2nd day post-op and I'm up 5 pounds WTF?" "3 weeks post-op and stalled - has this happened to you?" I agree with Revs on the point of putting forth effort to look thru some old posts - Yes, stalls happen at three weeks and if you spent any time on this site, you would see that everyone stalls at some point and the three week stall is real. OK - I'm off now...I'm going to weigh myself for the 5th time today to see if I've lost anything.
  16. April 23rd sleeved... Starting weight: 270 SW: 250 CW: 213 I just got into size 16!! Woot!! Had one huge three week stall that was horrible but I got through it! I downloaded my fitness pal to help me make my Protein goals! I have between 600 and 800 calories a day! Sometimes I don't make the goal but I get darn close! How is everyone doing? I'm so happy to feel normal again! Went out and had prime rib!! It was yummy!! Of course my son has to eat the majority of it! Hahah
  17. I wished I had packed a robe, I was missing a tie on my hospital gown so my husband had to hold it closed for me. I used the chapstick, gas-x strips & slippers I brought. At some time through the process you are going to freak out or just be done with the whole thing. About two weeks out I got really grumpy with my husband and just started bawling when he came to give me my shot (some surgeons prescribe anti-coagulant shots.) I was tired of the whole after care process and just wanted to be normal. After surgery Water may taste sweet to you & it may make you nauseous, it faded after 2-3 weeks but it is really tough to get water in when your main source tastes nasty. For me the whole process doesn't feel real, I had an easy recovery & am losing weight pretty quickly. I wish I knew that I would be able to drink normally. When you are in post op liquid phase you may be able to drink more than 4oz if so it will freak you out and get you worrying. Just make sure to measure what you drink and keep to your timetable. If you one of the lucky folks you also won't feel restriction during this phase but when you move to more solid food you will. Also the dreaded three week stall is real. The worst part of the stall is the mental games it plays with you, all your previous diet fears & emotions come bubbling up and you just can't help it. It will break as long as you follow your program. Almost every surgeon has their own plan and post-op instructions, I am following my surgeons instructions and tucking things I am learning from my online support group that follows my guidelines. Even though you feel fine one month after surgery, be careful a this is when you can really hurt yourself (your internal stitches have not dissolved yet and if you do something wrong you will feel "pinching". It is not pleasant.
  18. I feel like such an idiot, but the allure of hitting the scale proved too much for me this morning...... Down 4 pounds. And that is after pee number one, I don't know about all of you, but I get so much liquid in me that my "floor weight" cannot be determined until after pee number two in the am. At least the scale did not go up! I have two more days this week to lose weight before my official weight in on Friday morning. I'd go for my am walk, but it's 03:15 and fargin cold outside, oh and dark. The park system where I walk is great, however, it's massive and reclusive, and a number of homeless setup tents in the woods and sleep there overnight. Between 0500 and 0600 when the local corner stores open, they start drinking, I've had to put down several, let me restate, I was forced to take aggressive action to subdue drunken idiots on several occasions. No police, I was also kind enough not to break any bones or do any serious damage, just make my point "Don't F with me" and move along. My fear, is the duo, one or two of which is armed, I can drop one quick, but if the second pulls a (insert weapon here) I don't know how casually I would take it. And honestly the last thing I need is to be on the news for killing an armed homeless alcoholic. Thusly the end of an overly long paragraph is I try to avoid the park before the sun comes up, as the homeless take down their tents and move out before the police begin patrols. I guess tomorrow will be the real testing point. If I continue to lose weight, the stall lasted nearly a week, if not it's still going on, and today was just a 'teaser'. BTW my NUT indicated that "The Dreaded Three Week Stall" happens for a reason. She said, "You ever notice how it's always right after a dietary change?" then she went on to describe a variety of different dietary reasons that could cause a stall, but her logic was sound. This did not happen until the day I began eating pureed foods instead of liquids. I am not saying it's not real, obviously it is, nor am I saying that anyone is doing anything wrong, it may just be, the body reacting to a new diet component or something. Anyway, Thanks for those who posted.
  19. eclecticavatar

    calling all December 2016 sleevers!

    Hi surgery buddies! Love that there are a few of us for December 19th. Merry Christmas/happy Hanukkah to us, huh? Things are going well I think. The glue is coming off of my incisions and that's kind of gross, but I am pretty much past the pain. I am getting my Protein but not doing as well with fluids as I could be. I go back to work on Monday and I'm wondering if that's going to be a struggle. I hit a weight-loss stall and the scale hadn't budged in the past seven days but this morning I was back down the extra pound I had gained since the stall started. I think this is the "three week stall," it just happened a little early for me? I think it was a combination of not getting enough Water, and also eating a little too much on my stage 4/vaguely solid foods diet that I was allowed to start. No clue. Just frustrating. I was 250 when I started and 226 day of surgery, down to 216 now.
  20. Kasparkles

    August Sleevers-How are you doing??

    Hi. Sleeved on 8/3. Down 23 lbs since surgery. Have definitely hit the three week stall! I'm getting better everyday with getting in enough water, but struggling a bit with liquid protein--just kind of over it, but trying to work on it because I have struggled with feeling weak and tired. It's not been easy for me to take it slow, so I have to remind myself I just had surgery three weeks ago, and need to take better care of myself. I am also battling constipation, even taking benefited everyday and hitting 60oz fluids. Good luck to you!
  21. Aimee480


    I had the sleeve on June 14th and have also his a stall. I went in for my two week post op appoitment and was told that this is normal. I also attend a support group for WLS patients and everybody said they his a three week stall. Some folks said it lasts a short time and for others it was a couple of weeks. Everyone gave the same advice, take your measurements. My thought on all of this is that I am 26 lbs down and happy. I never want to go back. Good luck, you'll get through this.
  22. RunningA5K

    December 2013 Sleever Pounds Lost Log

    WOOHOOO....congratulations and welcome to TWO-derland...your stay will be short and sweet I am sure! Absolutely claim that half a pound...I'm on day 3 (or 4) of the three week stall, so even if I lost 1/10 of a pound, I would be claiming it! Yahooo!!!! Way to go!
  23. Weight loss mode. Just recovered from the three week stall, the scales finally moved down one today. Currently 255 Hope to be 242 by 9/19 Sent from my KFTT using the BariatricPal App
  24. pieganjane

    Oct. 15, 2012 Sleeve Date

    Hi everyone..yes we passed our onw month mark. I have been enjoying following this thread because we are all in the same place time-wise. I have lost weight and inches about 32 lbs since surgery, had a three week stall but finally got things moving again. I have had two awful experiences with slimeing and nausea and then vomiting, I vomited for 6 hours and was terrified. Of course it was the weekend and there was no blood so I tried to ride it out and keep calm. The cause was cooked cauliflower, I boiled it forever but ate a full cup of it and ate it fast and it stuck and I stayed up until 3am pacing and freaking out. Today is a new day and the cauliflower has gone away. The problem is that I want t be eating real flood and all I can do is puree shakes and soup. Oh well. I have to realize that this is all such a change for me. I am 66 years old and am a food critic. Obviously I had to take a break from work for 6 months. I go from loving the sleeve to hating it...an emotional roller coaster. I have opted out of Thanksgiving this year, too stressful.
  25. Bufflehead

    Week 4 and concerned

    This is so normal that I didn't even have to open your post to know what it said. Anything titled remotely close to "week 4 and concerned" is going to say something like "I lost a lot of weight in the first couple of weeks and haven't lost anything since. What am I doing wrong?" Seriously, do a search on this forum for "three week stall" or "week 3 stall" and you'll see multiple posts about it almost every single day. The best thing you can do is stay off the scale for a few weeks and keep following your plan. As the others have said, your weight loss will start up again and everything will be fine, but jumping on the scale frequently won't make it happen any faster! Rest easy in knowing that you are perfectly normal and doing everything right

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