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Found 1,237 results

  1. Hey Hip! I know it is difficult but try to stay positive! The first couple of weeks are about getting better, healing and recovering. At your stage in the game Water is going to be important, try to get in as much as you can. I hit the dreaded three week stall and the same as you, I stayed there for 2 1/2 weeks. This has become my pattern but I am still losing albeit slowly and I am now 10mths out. Over the last couple of weeks I have really struggled mentally with this whole process, but I am getting there now and feeling more positive about myself. It will come off... as yes, extrafluffy said you don't really have that much to lose; you're a 'light weight' ...lol have a look around at other stall posts.. there are a lot of them! It would seem that a lot of us go through this and it is part and parcel of our bodies way of taking time to adjust. take care of yourself and keep us posted... chin up! =]
  2. Congratulations! And I'm glad it's helping your diabetes. I've seen folks on here end up completely off their medications; I think most of them are Type 2, but even so going down that much in just over a week is exciting. I was sleeved same day as you and haven't lost anything, but I have an adrenal condition and had to have buckets of steroids the day of surgery and the next couple days. I'm still dumping the fluids from that! Plus I had miracle loss on the liquid diet. I teased my doctor that made this week my three week stall. But the sleeve is gonna make this work where it never has before. I'm soo happy for you.
  3. The scale hasn't moved since last week. That's an initial eighteen pounds at the end of maybe the first week, and nothing thereafter. I think my three week stall came early and I am making myself not think that this might mean I am going to turn out to be a slowpoke loser. I can't start soft food for another seven days. I have to wait eight days til I can swim. I am still changing my drain gauze. Two days till I can stop fussing with paper tape every day after my shower. I miss my moisturixing body wash and my bufpuf I went shopping yesterday and tried to get excited over cream Soups. Brought them home and attempted to add unjury Protein to these things and three attempts at this ended up in the sink before I gave up and had a Yoplait LIght and Fit Red Velvet Cake. It's clear to me that I am in the valley of the worst part of the recovery period for a VSG. Nothing is happening, eat your Jello. Just eat your Jello and watch Midred Piece on TV and go to bed at a decent hour. Your metabolic chemistry has undergone something like a nuclear detonation so just shut up and whatever you do, do not go on a rampage and get a bottle of wine and a philly cheese steak at Culvers. I am on Day 13 since my surgery but I think I'm on Day 2 of gutting it out.
  4. I went for my two week post op appointment today with my doctor and I am down 25lbs, 10 pre op and 15 since surgery two weeks ago. Before surgery I feared that I would be the one person that would get this surgery and nothing would happen but so far so good and I'm going to mention it anymore to avoid the three week stall, lol. Thanks again everyone for your continued support and words of encouragement.
  5. Thank you SO much for sharing this. I cried when you were talking about your kids and the Snacks and having the energy to do the things you want to at home. I can relate to both of those things so much. While I am 100% doing this for me, I am so hopeful for the impact that it will have on my family. I think the part where you described that first small gain was exactly what I was talking about. I am just anticipating that " Oh No....I can't gain this back!" moment and just need to be prepared for it and not freak out. I'm just so thankful that we can all communicate on here and know better what to expect. I can't imagine having hit the "three week stall" not knowing that it's common. Now I think I'll be able to be better prepared emotionally. Thanks again for listening and sharing.
  6. OK, so officially I have been on a plateau between 224-226 lbs for 20 days. I am almost 6 weeks out, so this is the dreaded three week stall... started at three weeks, and lasted for three weeks too! I probably weigh myself too often, but even if I weigh once a week, I would still stay the same for three weigh ins. I'm pretty sure I am doing everything I should. The body is just saying NO right now. I get to start going to the gym again in a few days... so Im hoping that will boost the loss. Wah Wah Wah! Thanks for letting me cry a little!
  7. laylasmojo

    One month out & I've gained?

    I would not worry about it to much your body is in a state of shok and yes your weight will fluctuate up and day every day all day long so maybe you should be one of the people who only weigh once a week. as for the three week stall that is perfectally normal and I promise you as long as you are following your dr's guidelines you will begin to loose again.
  8. Relax girlfriend! I was sleeved two days before you and starting weight quite a bit more (247) and right in line with your loss. I think we are doing great! Just let the sleeve do the work, stick to the plan and it will keep coming off. I have had some stall time too, 5 days at one weight, lost a pound and on two days at the next weight... If I was weighing every two weeks I'm sure I would never notice I was in a stall ... I have been measuring now and then too, and have continued to lose inches... have you done this? I have decided to celebrate the three week stall! It just shows we are on the same path as all these nice folks that are losing a bunch of weight with the sleeve. PS my starting weight was two days before surgery, when I started a liquid diet for two days, so really I probably lost about the same as you...
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Timing might be *everything!

    I've just overcame a three week stall that irked me so bad! Yes I was happy for the weight I'd lost to date, but I really don't think my body type is one that should have long stalls. So, when I go a third week and no loss, I investigate everything I'm eating/drinking and how much, when and how its all prepared and I re-evaluate my workout routine. I tweak it to fine tune to what I know works for me and it seems to get things moving back in the right direction. Losing weight comes with a lot of patience and getting to know your body. You have to find what works the best for you and continue to do that through to the end. Logging your food and writing down a certain routine for workouts (if you workout - not everyone does) so you keep track of what you are doing. If you are still stalled, try changing some things or trying new ways. Good luck!
  10. Hi! I'm 8 weeks out and had a three week stall during weeks 4,5,6. Stick with the rules. I upped my food intake and watched carbs and finally the scale moved and I've lost 6 more pounds in last 2 weeks for a total of 36. Sometimes your body just stops to take a breath.
  11. so I have hit my three week stall....but my clothes are getting lose.

  12. kristykreem

    8 wks post op today & so discouraged

    Thirty pounds in eight weeks is an average of almost four pounds a week! That's GREAT! I'm eight weeks post-op tomorrow and my ticker reflects the 17 pounds I lost in the two weeks prior to surgery (I worked it!). I've lost 32 pounds since my surgery on October 13th and I'm thrilled. I had an almost three week stall from week two - week five, then I started losing again. So, this past month, I've lost almost five pounds a week, but the month before, not so much. My bod was in shock from surgery and rapid weight loss. You're doing great! An average of 15 pounds a month is nothing to sneeze at! This is what 15 pounds of fat looks like: http://llnw.image.cbslocal.com/0/2007/02/19/320x240/images_sizedimage_050112704.jpg
  13. educationrulz

    5 Weeks post op and no weight loss

    Up your protein and your stall will probably break quickly. That's what got me out of my three week stall. I don't say that lightly because I continue to have to work hard at getting in protein. I FINALLY found two protein supplements that I can tolerate on a regular basis (Jay Robb whey protein powder and Isopure ready to drink clear whey protein drinks). If it wasn't for those, I'd be getting about 15 gm a day. I still can't eat enough to get in a decent amount. In addition to the protein being good for your body, it also has a way of squeezing out room for the non-protein foods you might otherwise eat. Now that I can eat anything I want, I am finding myself straying from pure protein foods, like meat. Even something as simple as choosing green beans or sweet potatoes interferes with the amount of protein you can eat. I choose to eat side dishes here and there to keep my diet more interesting, so the supplements are a must for me.
  14. Welcome to the site! Hang in there...i just came off an almost three week stall. They happen then they are gone and the weight begins to fall off again!!! Keep track of what you are eating to help stay the course and good luck!
  15. Welcome to the site! Hang in there...i just came off an almost three week stall. They happen then they are gone and the weight begins to fall off again!!! Keep track of what you are eating to help stay the course and good luck!
  16. thegeek


    It's called the three-week stall, but it varies from person to person. I think I stalled from weeks 3-5, but I'm back to losing again. From what I hear you'll go through periods of time where you won't lose any weight, but it'll come back. Just stick with it, keep doing what you're supposed to be doing and the sleeve will take care of the rest!
  17. FitatFifty

    3 Week Stall

    Mick...This too will pass. I'm not sure you can prevent stalls, you're body is adjusting. My three week stall came and went rather quickly, and truly was a non event. Enjoy the ride!! Fit.
  18. I lost 90lbs during the year before my VSG by being on a 1500 Cal diet and lots of walking. Since my VSG on August 20th I have lost an additional 25 lbs but I hit the dreaded "three week stall" for the past week. I hope I start losing again soon. I am averaging only 500 Cals a day and run out of energy by mid afternoon. Unfortunately, I have to go back to work next week. I hope my energy holds out.
  19. Roseib

    Monday Morning Weigh In

    385.6 H 6/14/10 366.5 Surgery 6/29/10 Current: 322 Had three week stall weeks 5-7 but also added more calories and protein and lost 16lbs in past three weeks.
  20. I have been in a three week stall and wondering about it myself. I do, however, think that I am losing waist line, so I'm keeping a tape measure in the bedroom to check. I feel much stronger now that I'm walking and working more. I am over the post-op weakness that plagued me earlier. I am comfortable with my diet - 12 to 16 oz. of high protein foods and a protein shake a day. I feel that I should drink more water to kick the weight loss elves into production. We will see.
  21. Well, it's been a whole month since I've weighed myself. After my three week stall, which broke with a measly one pound loss, I was getting very frustrated. I took one member's challenge (I think it was Lisalu) and decided to stay off the scale for a month. For someone who doesn't own a scale and was fine with a weekly weigh-in, I thought it would be a breeze. Well, it wasn't as easy as I thought. But, my clothes fit was changing so much along the way that it kept me going and I was able to resist. I went in for my 6 week followup a couple of days ago - it had actually stretched into a 8 or 9 week followup - and was excited to find that I had lost 11 pounds since my last weight check a month ago. What a confidence boost! My goal was to weigh 230 at the docs office but I weighed in at 228. Yeah!!! I've gone from a size 22 pants and 2X top to a very baggy 20 pants and 1X and some XL tops. My pants were so baggy this last week I went and bought some 18s. I'm going to have to wear them close fitting for a while because the saggy look ain't working for me. :lol0: I'm making my way out of the Women's section and back into the Misses section. I'm looking forward to the clothing options that will open up for me then. I'm happy to say that I'm finally settling into a good routine and feeling good about having had surgery. It's still difficult sometimes having to think so much about what and how I eat, but it gets better every day. I actually feel normal most of the time. Of course, the minute I sit down to eat I get a dose of reality from my stomach. But, it doesn't seem like such a big deal now. I know the scale strike won't work for everyone, but it helped make this past month so much less stressful for me. I just stopped worrying about my weight and focused on getting my Proteins and my clothes fit. I don't know if I'll stick with the monthly weigh-ins. Once every two weeks will probably be more realistic for awhile, but I don't feel like I have to decide now. I do plan to get a scale as I get closer to goal because it will be more important to monitor those last few pounds that come and go. Until then, I guess I'll keep sneaking onto the display scales at Wal-Mart. :thumbup: Best wishes to anyone starting this journey and empathy to anyone struggling with their scale. I feel ya!
  22. educationrulz

    3 Week Stall

    Well, I just made it through the dreaded three week stall. I knew it was happening when I was going through it (even before I weighed) because I could tell that my body hadn't changed and that my clothes were fitting the same. Against my better judgement, I weighed myself at Walmart, since I don't plan to buy a scale until close to goal, and sure enough it hadn't budged since my last weigh in a week earlier. Man was I pissed off! :tongue_smilie: Despite the fact that I had read countless stories about the 3 week stall, I was still mad for a couple of days. But, I got over it and didn't weigh again until I felt some changes in my body and saw changes with my clothes. By the end of my 4th week, I had lost an additional 2 pounds. Geesh! Couldn't it have been more than 2 lousy pounds?:closedeyes: Oh well, at least we're back on track now. Another member on VST suggested weighing once a month. I've always advocated no more than once a week, so even for me that's a little radical. But, I think I'm going to give it a try. I'm much more interested in feeling better and seeing changes in my clothing and sizes than I am with how much I weigh. So, why stress myself out with scale numbers that don't move as fast as I want them to? I'm going to shoot for the beginning of the month for my weigh-ins and hopefully whatever loss I see then will be motivating enough. We'll see how it goes...:thumbup1:
  23. educationrulz

    Has anyone felt like they aren't...

    I think I might join you Lisa. I don't own a scale either and don't plan to buy one until I hit goal so I can monitor any unwanted weight gain. I've been weighing myself here and there every week or so. I just went through the dreaded three week stall. I knew from the way my body was acting the minute it hit. Against my better judgement I got on a scale (at Walmart :001_tt2:) during that time and hadn't lost a thing from my previous weigh in the week before. Needless to say, I was pissed. But, I had read enough here to know that it was common and that it would pass. I didn't weigh again until I felt my body shifting and started to see a change in my clothes. I just broke my stall and lost 2 pounds. I wasn't thrilled that it was only two pounds, but I'll take it. After being mad for two or three days about the scale not changing I started thinking that I need to cut back to weighing even less frequently than every week. I just don't need the extra drama. I'm actually much more emotionally tied to how my clothes fit and getting smaller sizes than I am with how much I weigh, so why should I be stressing about the scale. I think I'm going to go for once a month weigh-ins too - at least until I get closer to goal! Count me in!
  24. SarahD.

    i'm going to fail....

    Yes, I feel like that frequently. Especially right now because I think I've entered the three week stall. I try to give myself pep talks, but it is hard! I too deep down feel like I'm going to fail at this too and it will be "just another one of the diets" that didn't work type of a thing. Logically, I tell myself that it won't happen this time, but after so many attempts and so many failures it is hard to get out of that thinking. So, I totally understand how your feeling.:thumbup:
  25. I was sleeved on May 6/2010. Everything was fine until I star the third week when I stall, now this is my 5th week that means three weeks stall (and counting). I went to the nutritionist last week and we review what I'm eating but the only adjust was to replace the snacks for the protein shakes, I'm eating right, I'm drinking most of the time my liquids and I'm exercising. this is what I think I'm suppose to do but it is not working. Any suggestions? Somebody with a problem like this? Thanks.

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