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Found 1,237 results

  1. Wheetsin

    Stalling Still

    Do a search for three week stall. Just about everyone goes through it. Normally it doesn't last but a few weeks. Mine lasted 3 months.
  2. Bufflehead

    Week 4 and concerned

    This is so normal that I didn't even have to open your post to know what it said. Anything titled remotely close to "week 4 and concerned" is going to say something like "I lost a lot of weight in the first couple of weeks and haven't lost anything since. What am I doing wrong?" Seriously, do a search on this forum for "three week stall" or "week 3 stall" and you'll see multiple posts about it almost every single day. The best thing you can do is stay off the scale for a few weeks and keep following your plan. As the others have said, your weight loss will start up again and everything will be fine, but jumping on the scale frequently won't make it happen any faster! Rest easy in knowing that you are perfectly normal and doing everything right
  3. I admire your enthusiasm and your fitness level -- tremendously! But you are putting yourself under some very familiar-sounding pressure. And setting a goal to lose 11 pounds in a week (or less) is ... uh ... unreal, at least it's unreal to me. Any day now, you're likely going to experience what most of us already experienced -- the dreaded three-week stall. The hard truth about your weight loss is this: YOU don't get to determine how much weight you lose in a week. But you DO get to determine how much weight you lose in a year. Your body will lose at the pace it wishes to lose. Re the Water -- yes, we are pretty much in a state of near-dehydration post-op, since we're not eating the kinds of foods (high-carb foods with high sodium content) that we ate pre-op that tend to help us retain water. So we constantly pee out what we are drinking. I will admit that earlier on I hesitated to drink much water during the night because I wanted to see a lower number the next morning on the scale. Thank goodness, I'm now getting more water in overnight and feeling better. All this stuff takes time to get used to. You are probably sick of hearing this, but the longer post-op I go the more I understand this advice: This is not a sprint, it's a marathon. Pace yourself. Very best wishes to you.
  4. gotime0810


    You are not doing anything wrong. The three week stall is extremely normal. There are many, many discussions about it throughout the forum. I had a stall at one week post-op that lasted for 10 days. Next thing I knew it broke and I lost 11 pounds in the following 2 weeks. Every so often your body has to take a break and recovery from the quick weight loss and then it will start up again. This might be the first but it won't be the last. During a stall try to look for non-scale victories. I noticed that my body shrank a bit during my stall. Keep working the plan your surgeon has given you and things will work. In the general surgery section there is a food forum for recipes broken down by the stage you are in. Check those out for some savory protein options and ideas. I would also suggest to weigh once a week. The daily fluctuations are going to drive you mad. Hang in there. You are doing great. It's kind of like Dory in Finding Nemo - "Just keep swimming". You are going to get there!
  5. Djmohr

    Exercise after WLS....

    To was feeling the same way at that time. I found I had to simply push through that fog and get going. I started working out using the elliptical and treadmill for 20 minutes a day. I found within a couple of weeks that I could do more and began increasing my workout time. I ended up at an hour a day and then got into a three week stall. I was told I needed to eat more and back down my exercise to 30 minutes every other day until the stall broke. Now I exercise every other day for a total of 40 minutes. I do a fat burn on the elliptical and add muscle endurance to that workout as mine has that feature. I also use the treadmill and do a cardio workout for about 20 minutes. By the way I excercise in the am when I have the most energy. I drink a premier Protein shake which has 30 grams of protein every morning. I work out shortly after I drink my shake. After my workout I have a yogurt with high protein granola. It is replenishing after a workout. I have been very consistently successful with this routine. I also noticed when I first started it was very hard for me to walk up my stairs leading into the lower level where my equipment is. Now, I can literally run up my stairs and I feel fantastic!
  6. catwoman7

    2 weeks post op

    it's the infamous three-week stall. Almost all of us experience that. It's called the three-week stall because it USUALLY happens the third week, but not always. Yours is a little early. Just stick to your plan and stay off the scale if you need to. And know it'll eventually break and you'll be on your way again. Stalls typically last 1-3 weeks. if you want to see how common this is, search "three week stall" on this site. You will find over 17,000 posts on this. And no, I am NOT kidding... P.S. I'm bored so I did the search for you. Here you go. We're now up to 17,501 posts on it! https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall
  7. pretty much everyone stalls sometime during the first month after surgery. As the above poster said, do a search on the "three week stall". You'll find hundreds of posts on it (it's called the three week stall because it usually happens the third week, but not always. Mine was week 2 and 3). also, PLEASE do not cheat this early out! Not only are you not setting yourself up for a successful journey, but you could severely hurt your new stomach! Those incisions still haven't fully healed! and also remember - people lose weight at vastly different rates for all kinds of reasons. Your level of commitment to your program will have a MUCH greater effect on your ultimate success than your rate of weight loss will. I was a slow loser from the get-go. I lost 16 lbs the first month. And I've lost all of my excess weight - over 200 lbs! JUST STICK TO THE PROGRAM! The weight WILL come off if you're diligent!
  8. Wolfgirl1978

    Early Stall!

    The three week stall is the most common, notorious stall. It's perfectly normal. Mine lasted for 7 days some people's last longer.
  9. Here is my story. I spent years stuck at 210 (I am 5’2) and thousands of dollars on personal trainers, nutritionists etc. watched and recorded everything I ate to no avail and of coarse the only scale movement would be I ate a cookie and gained two pounds. Meanwhile I began collecting every co morbidity - sleep apnea, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes , sever scaring on my liver. After two seperate per ate unsuccessful medically supervised diets I was advised gastric bypass was my best bet. I lot 10 lbs in the lead up (5 days a week of boot camp and strength training and keto diet). I lost another 20 lbs on the per-op liquid diet. Had surgery on March 29th. Lost 5 lbs in the first two days and have had no movement since. Walking 3 times a day at 30 minutes each. Drinking 70 oz of water and at least 90 g of protein plus all of the supplements. I know there is a three week stall but I am on a 3 day stall (at the time when weight loss is suppose to be the easiest). This was my last hope and I am starting to feel hopeless.
  10. Well, it's been a whole month since I've weighed myself. After my three week stall, which broke with a measly one pound loss, I was getting very frustrated. I took one member's challenge (I think it was Lisalu) and decided to stay off the scale for a month. For someone who doesn't own a scale and was fine with a weekly weigh-in, I thought it would be a breeze. Well, it wasn't as easy as I thought. But, my clothes fit was changing so much along the way that it kept me going and I was able to resist. I went in for my 6 week followup a couple of days ago - it had actually stretched into a 8 or 9 week followup - and was excited to find that I had lost 11 pounds since my last weight check a month ago. What a confidence boost! My goal was to weigh 230 at the docs office but I weighed in at 228. Yeah!!! I've gone from a size 22 pants and 2X top to a very baggy 20 pants and 1X and some XL tops. My pants were so baggy this last week I went and bought some 18s. I'm going to have to wear them close fitting for a while because the saggy look ain't working for me. :lol0: I'm making my way out of the Women's section and back into the Misses section. I'm looking forward to the clothing options that will open up for me then. I'm happy to say that I'm finally settling into a good routine and feeling good about having had surgery. It's still difficult sometimes having to think so much about what and how I eat, but it gets better every day. I actually feel normal most of the time. Of course, the minute I sit down to eat I get a dose of reality from my stomach. But, it doesn't seem like such a big deal now. I know the scale strike won't work for everyone, but it helped make this past month so much less stressful for me. I just stopped worrying about my weight and focused on getting my Proteins and my clothes fit. I don't know if I'll stick with the monthly weigh-ins. Once every two weeks will probably be more realistic for awhile, but I don't feel like I have to decide now. I do plan to get a scale as I get closer to goal because it will be more important to monitor those last few pounds that come and go. Until then, I guess I'll keep sneaking onto the display scales at Wal-Mart. :thumbup: Best wishes to anyone starting this journey and empathy to anyone struggling with their scale. I feel ya!
  11. Read up here on the Three Week Stall. Almost everyone gets it and what you are doing is not wrong. Chill out and hang on tight, when people say this surgery is a roller coaster, they were not kidding. And think a minute here.. how could you stay the same forever n less than 700 calories a day? Worry will not make you lose faster.
  12. happens to almost everyone - a stall within the first month of surgery. Search "three week stall" (that's what we call it, since it usually (although not always) occurs during week 3 post-surgery)
  13. I’m in the dreaded three-week stall and it sucks. I knew this was coming. I knew it was going to happen. I thought I even prepared myself for it. I have preached to others that it’s not big deal. That it’s your body saying, “Whoa, what the hell did you do to me?” and, “Your body needs to figure it out before it loses more weight.” I know all that, but it doesn’t make it suck any less and it doesn’t make me any less pissed off. There, I said it. I’m pissed off. I said it again. Rationally, it makes sense. My body is wondering if it’s a time of famine, so it’s not going to allow it’s self to lose any more weight until figures out that this is the new normal. This may take some time – I’m in a Facebook group where some people who had their sleeve operation in November stalled for three weeks. That’s a major blow to my already fragile psyche! After years of yo-yo dieting, when you don’t see the scale move, that when you find the donuts, or bread, or Cookies or (insert vise here). That is not an option. Eating a donut or other off-plan food will not only make me sick, even worse, it could damage my sleeve. It’s also not an option because I must be accountable for my actions. I need to be an adult. I will add that accountability and being an adult sucks, too! :-) So, I am writing this post as much for me as for anyone that reads it. The three-week stall will most likely happen. Try to prepare yourself for it, but know that no matter how much you prepare for it, it’s still going to be difficult when you go through it. What am I going to do about it? I’m going to keep on keepin’ on. That’s all I can do. I am going to stick to my plan – 3 meals and 3 shakes per day with 80-90 grams of protein; just as the doctor ordered. I’m going to continue going to the gym and walking on the treadmill. These are the two things that are going to help me achieve my goals. I cannot lose sight of that. I also know that this is temporary. My rational mind knows the arithmetic behind calories in vs. calories out. I’m consuming 600-800 calories a day right now and I’m burning about 250 on the treadmill daily. That formula will equal weight loss as soon as my body realizes we’re going to be OK. I just wish my body knows what my brain does!
  14. XYZXYZXYZ1955

    Stalled weight loss at three weeks post op

    Read around this site--the three-week stall is kind of legendary, or at least very, very, very common. Your body kind of needs to pause to catch up every now and then; many people report losing inches during this time, if not pounds on the scale. My doctor advised not even thinking about weight loss--to focus on the big four things: water, protein, vitamins, and exercise. I'm human and I have a really good scale, though, so . . . yes, it's great to see it change nearly every day. I'm sure I'll find the three-week stall frustrating. But just hang on in there--it'll start going down again. Oh--and this won't be your last stall, either, so . . . chin up!
  15. catwoman7

    Weight Loss Patterns?

    where did you hear that the average is 5-15 lbs a week? NO ONE loses that fast. Maybe 5 lbs a week the first MONTH (and it wouldn't be five lbs each and every week - most of us experience the dreaded "three week stall" - but a 15-25 lb loss the first month seems to be pretty average, unless you're the size of someone on "My 600 lb Life". After that drop the first month, you'll settle to into a slower rate for a few months, maybe 10 lbs a month, give or take, for the next few months - and then it'll slow even further. so I don't know where you heard that figure, but it's not accurate. You need to adjust your expectations or you're going to be frustrated and disappointed. As long as you comply with your clinic's plan, the weight will come off. Don't stress over this and more importantly, don't burn yourself out - you don't want to crash and burn. Just follow the plan. Depending on your starting point, it can take a year or more to get to goal - it took me 20 months. You want to jeopardize your health.
  16. Weight loss mode. Just recovered from the three week stall, the scales finally moved down one today. Currently 255 Hope to be 242 by 9/19 Sent from my KFTT using the BariatricPal App
  17. catwoman7


    almost everyone has their first major stall sometime during the first 4-6 weeks after surgery. It's usually the third week (hence we call it "the three week stall"), but not always. i just did a search of this site for you on the "three week stall" - there are 17,500 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding). here they are: https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall your calories are fine. Just stick to your program and stay off the scale for a few days. As long as you stick to your program, the stall will break. Usually takes 1-3 weeks.
  18. Biddy zz 🏳️🌈

    Am I eating enough.

    I recommend loggin your food in myfitnesspal, so you can track calories, carbs, protein, fats. My surgeon tracks almost 2000 patients. A year after surgery, most are still eating under 1000 calories a day. They are healthy (some need just vitamins, some also need folic acid and B12 supplements). Did you put on weight at surgery time? Often people do and it takes a bit to shed that. And many many people have a ‘three week stall’ where the weight loss slows at the 3 week (but can me 6 or 8 or 10 week) mark. Stick to your programme. At first blush your eating sounds fine at this point - you can’t help but lose. Are you walking? That helps too...
  19. megmom757

    North Carolina

    I had my surgery at Chesapeake Regional. They were fantastic. I did well up walking the same day of surgery. I had surgery early on a Wednesday and went home Friday morning. I had gained ten pounds in the hospital from fluids, but they quickly came off. Two weeks out I lost 27 lbs now I'm in the dreaded three week stall. I'm having some issues with drinking water. My pouch feels like it kinda seizes and revolts against water. So I'm using broth to try and reach fluid goals.
  20. Today is day 15 for me. I'm struggling with my energy level and I also feel like I either pulled a muscle in my ab or I have an incisional hernia. I get major pain when I engage that muscle. I'm praying it's just a strain. I'm on soft solids and doing well. Trying to get in my protein. To date I've lost 24 lbs but the scale hasn't moved in a few days. Hoping it's the three week stall everyone talks about.
  21. catwoman7

    Want to give up

    do a search on "three week stall". It happens to almost everyone. There should be millions of threads on it in here...
  22. pieganjane

    Oct. 15, 2012 Sleeve Date

    Hi everyone..yes we passed our onw month mark. I have been enjoying following this thread because we are all in the same place time-wise. I have lost weight and inches about 32 lbs since surgery, had a three week stall but finally got things moving again. I have had two awful experiences with slimeing and nausea and then vomiting, I vomited for 6 hours and was terrified. Of course it was the weekend and there was no blood so I tried to ride it out and keep calm. The cause was cooked cauliflower, I boiled it forever but ate a full cup of it and ate it fast and it stuck and I stayed up until 3am pacing and freaking out. Today is a new day and the cauliflower has gone away. The problem is that I want t be eating real flood and all I can do is puree shakes and soup. Oh well. I have to realize that this is all such a change for me. I am 66 years old and am a food critic. Obviously I had to take a break from work for 6 months. I go from loving the sleeve to hating it...an emotional roller coaster. I have opted out of Thanksgiving this year, too stressful.
  23. We do talk about the phenomenon of regret during the first few weeks post-op, also called "buyer's remorse" quite a lot here. However, pre-ops seem to close their eyes to this kind of discussion, so we have lots of people who post during their first few weeks asking about regrets, and replying to such threads. I wish somehow we could get the message out that this is a normal feeling, and barring complications, usually passes by the end of the first month, when you have mostly healed and food choices are getting more interesting. For those who are new, how could we have phrases this so you would have heard it during your pre-op research? When you were pre-op did you do a search for threads with "regret" in the title? Do you feel like you understood the post-op graduated diet before your surgery? I'm really curious if there is some way to make sure that the right info gets to people before the surgery is they are not surprised afterward by buyer's remorse, the three week stall, etc.
  24. LisaPunkinHead

    Not losing anything? ?

    Welcome to the three-week stall!
  25. I'm in the same boat. I had my three week stall at 2 weeks and I was frantic. The boards really helped since it seems to be normal. The scale budged again so I'm hoping I'm past the stall. Keep doing what you're doing and make sure you get enough water and protein.

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