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Found 1,238 results

  1. coops

    my first stall

    Popeye, you are completely normal... welcome to the three week stall. It is a complete pain in the a$$ but it WILL pass. You are doing everything spot on. You're body is still a little shocked by the surgery and needs a lil 'time out' to adjust. Please don't beat yourself up or question what you are doing, cos you are doing a great job already. There are many of us who go through this, from newbes to old timers like me! I'm afraid, for me it is part of the process... Good luck on the rest of your weightloss journey!
  2. DreamLife36

    15 pounds?

    Well let me tell you.... When I hit the 3 week mark, I didn't move for 2 weeks. Even my Dr. told me that my weighloss sucked. But after reading about the "three week stall" I came to the conclusion that my body was just in shock and needed time to chatch up. I continued with my diet and after 2 weeks and TOM I started moving down again. So dont be suprised if you don't loose as fast around TOM and during the 3 week mark. Keep your chin up, stick with the diet, only weigh yourself once per week and you will be fine.
  3. I love the month to month updates from everyone VST, so I thought I should post my 1st month update. Well, today October 1st marks my 1 month surgiversary! I am so excited to see that word typed out. In some ways, I can't believe 1 month has come and gone so quickly and in other ways, it has been going at a snails pace! I started my weight loss surgery journey at 257 lbs with a BMI of 45, but my highest recorded weight was 271 lbs with a BMI of 48. I can't believe at 21 years old I was morbidly obese. I feel like I have missed out on so much of my life being obese. I stopped going out with my friends. I did not feel attractive in front of my boyfriend, and I hated being in pictures. However, just starting the weight loss journey again has given me so much hope. I mean since May 2011, I have lost a total of 45.6 lbs and a total of 59.6 lbs since my highest recorded weight. And I kind of can't believe that I have lost 18 lbs of that has been post-op! 18 lbs in a month! That has never happened before. That means altogether since the start of my weight loss surgery journey..... I have lost 33% of my excess weight. I am a 1/3 of the way there! Right now, I am in the dread three week stall, but I know that if I keep pushing my fluids, Protein, and exercise the scale will move again. I am not going to get down about this, and I know I wouldn't have such a positive attitude about this if it wasn't for the great supportive people here at VST. Best so far: I feel just like normal. I just eat smaller portions of soft foods. I am getting all my fluids in, but my acid is really sucky. Lucky, my surgeon let me switch to omeprazole twice a day. It has really helped. Worst so far: The first couple weeks I had like no energy. I didn't want to do anything, but getting in more calories REALLY helped. Also, the stall, but the inevitably happen, so I am just going to roll with it. Can't wait to see where the next month takes me! P.S. When I take photos today, I hope I can add them to this post!
  4. My 'three week stall' started at day 10 after surgery. My diet is supposed to consists of 3 protein shakes/2 yogurts for 4 weeks post op. I'm not breaking 500 calories a day. I lost more the 2 weeks before surgery than I have after the 2 weeks after. I really hope this stall ends soon. I've very discouraged.
  5. mnbsleeve

    NOT losing weight!

    Hang in there NewKat! Lots of us go through this. I have two to three weeks stalls regularly! Especially in the begining! But then there's a big drop. Sometimes they are little drops, several in a row. I've been stuck for four weeks as well. Recently I've been "stuck" right at onederland's door! :-) I know it's super frustrating but it seems from everything I've read here and what I have experienced myself that this is pretty normal and part of the process. Don't despair. I focus on my nutrition, fluids and exercise. Somehow the clothes keep getting bigger and I'm looking better. So as hard as it is, don't freak about the scale. I'm sure others here will post more. Hang in there!!!! Sending good thoughts your way!
  6. Read up here on the Three Week Stall. Almost everyone gets it and what you are doing is not wrong. Chill out and hang on tight, when people say this surgery is a roller coaster, they were not kidding. And think a minute here.. how could you stay the same forever n less than 700 calories a day? Worry will not make you lose faster.
  7. dramagirl28

    August 2011 sleevers get in here!!!!!!

    I was sleeved 8/25 and have lost about 17lbs. I'm in the dreaded three week stall but I'm not letting it get to me. After so many years of dieting I am well aware the scale will move when it darn well wants to. lol I just started mushies last week and have been living on egg & tuna salad and ff refried beans. It's a lot easier for me to drink faster now but it still takes me forever to eat 1/4 cup. My energy level is back to normal except when I'm exercising. I can only do about 15 mins on my elliptical before I'm ready to fall over. I'm not getting all my protein in but I'm almost there. Fluids are harder for me. I guess the sleeved life is getting to be more normal.
  8. Search the "three week stall" Almost everyone gets it... it is normal and you are not doing anything wrong. Mine lasted for 4 weeks!
  9. Eyemallrt

    One month out

    Search for " three week stall" , you"ll find some great information out there. It is NORMAL and is usually followed by a good loss. It just goes to show that it is not just as simple as calories in vs calories burned. Our bodies are complicated machines.
  10. ellemarie

    how long is the 3 week stall?

    At week three I had a three week stall. Then last week (week 12) I started another stall so far nothing is dropping. . My daughter and I did basically the same she is in the same stall as I am, her first one lasted 2 1/2 weeks and this one started a few days before mine. We both gained two lbs, we don' t like it but know it is temporary.
  11. smiley2604

    Seven weeks post op..

    I just got over my three week stall and Liz is right, the scale wasn't moving but I was losing inches. I am glad for the stall cause I was a little scared losing two pounds a day. Congrats on your 53lbs. I can't wait to say the same, I am at week 4.
  12. feedyoureye

    how long is the 3 week stall?

    Some never get this stall, but mine was 4 weeks long. How can you NOT lose weight eating only 300 calories a day? Thats the magic of the three week stall! It will start coming off again, I promise.. just keep up the good work. If you follow the docs rules.... you can search the three week stall here too for many stories.
  13. Expect to be tired. I mean exhausted tired for the first two to three weeks post-op. Use every opportunity you can to nap and rebuild your energy. When you aren't napping, plan to be sipping constantly on either water or protein drinks. That's the best way to make sure you get in the required protein and water. Also, expect a bit of an emotional roller coaster. Embrace it and ride it out. Expect a "What the Hell have I done" Day. Mine was day five. I thought I had seriously screwed up and mourned the fact that there was no going back. Of course, today I am thrilled with my decision- but that day I was sure I had screwed up royally. Finally, expect to be dissappointed with weight loss in the first month. Despite learning everything we can it seems to never fail that everyone is upset with the three week stall and his/her weight loss. Lean on this forum when those days come- it helped me tremendously. Good Luck! Amanda
  14. Amanda131

    Sleeved August 8th

    Hi Wondering1- I was also able to eat a larger amount of calories than others post-op. I remember being really concerned that the surgery had failed, that I was overdoing it, etc. On my doctors plan I was on a liquid diet the first two weeks and then could incorporate soft meats and foods starting week 3. On my plan, a grilled leg and mashed potatoes would have been allowed at day 15 as well. What I learned is that some us don't deal with as much swelling as others and therefore can eat more and some of us have longer stomachs which equal longer sleeves and the ability to eat slightly more (especially if you are tall). Of course, the bougie size can vary as well. I feel I have had great success and I have eaten from 800-1200 calories a day since the third week post-op.Of course those are generally "quality" calories and Protein dense foods. I would encourage you to follow all of your doctor's orders and when eating take your time, eat small quanities and really try to find that sense of "satisfied" rather than full. But, also know that there isn't anything wrong with you or your sleeve just because you appear able to consume more calories. I think you will also find that it is more difficult to consume a lot when you eat more dense foods like meats. You're doing great! Amanda PS I lost 14 the first three days and then didn't lose another pound until day 25. It's probably the dreaded three week stall that we all had to deal with. Just keep doing what you are supposed to and it will all work out. Promise.
  15. SleeveGirl-TX

    Over 200lbs to loose

    There are folks that have lost that much. Hang around and poke around and you'll find them. I am at 6 weeks. I have lost a total of 51 pounds today, so right at 25% of my total 200 I want to lose. 20 of those were with the pre op diet, but the other 30 are all me. That's 5 pounds per week, on average, since surgery. I had a three week stall even. I absolutely 100% believe it can and will work for me. BUT it's not just surgery. YOU have to change too. I'm visiting with a counselor, I'm working out with a trainer twice per week and I have a gym membership now. Crazy! LOL
  16. feedyoureye

    Day 95: Possibly fat forever?

    You know the three week stall is pretty normal? I had it too, and am at 2/3 of my weight lost at 6 months. I know it stinks, but you will be fine!
  17. feedyoureye

    Is it possible

    Read up on (search) the three week stall. Many get it, I did for 20 days. Your body is still healing, and your body is trying to figure out what the heck you did to it. relax, do what the Doc and Nut said to do, and the weight will come off. You must to do your part, and the sleeve will do its part. You don't have that much to lose, so hang in there, it will come off slower than some, but who cares as long as it comes off! I see you both have lost weight... so its not like you have lost nothing! Just keep on plan. You will see! I am losing about 7 pounds a month right now... it is slow, but going in the right direction. Im happy about it! The slower you lose, the more your skin has a chance to tighten up as you go. My nut said expect 10 pounds a month, and most months have been about that... but slowing down a little the last two months.
  18. Look up the Three Week Stall. Mine lated for almost 4 weeks starting at 2 1/2 weeks. Its a frustrating Bit@h! But it is common. I am in a two week stall right now, but know I will come through the other end sooner or later. This is a long race, not a short one. I started measuring during my three week stall, and enjoyed those numbers getting smaller when the scale did its little up and down dance.
  19. Hi apw. I had a three week stall during or after my 2d month. Very frustrating but I just stuck to the food plan. Was doing and able to do only very light exercise due to severe osteoarthritis in knees. Just keep doing what you can. You will start losing again.
  20. Welcome to our three week stall! There is a time honored tradition before this of a stall right now so we are in good company! I am right there with you girl- either up a pound the down a pound and a half then up a pound again- basically stalled this past three days and I refuse to worry- I am getting 80 grams of protein a day, 64 plus ounces of water, and 500-700 calories. I'll up my water and exercise and just keep on keeping on. I am disappointed of course, but I lost 18 pounds on my 2 week pre-op and 12 pounds since and I am sure my body has to figure out what is going on and i will start losing again. So will you!
  21. Kelly and Michelle- I know I said I would be up early but my husband and son went to the Civil War cemetery around the corner for the annual anvil dropping (boys do love a big bang) and without them here I slept and slept and slept. At three weeks that is something I still do pretty easily. I just ate manna from heaven , aka a soft scrambled egg. Or rather half of one. I decided to stop there, not because I actually felt anything that told me to- and I would really love to get tuned in to that, but to be safe. Carter the border terrier shared ;-P IT WAS FABULOUS!!!!! You would think I hadn't had solid food for five weeks! Oh wait- I hadn't... This egg was sublime, bodacious, perfect in it's tasty savory egginess. And it went down fine and I have no pain or discomfort!!!! HOORAY! Meanwhile I am statistically part of the three week stall- I have gone between 250 and 249.6 for four days now. Sigh. I just hope it does not last weeks. My pool opens tomorrow so I will be back in the Water along with my long walk every day so that should help. And I will keep on keeping on with the fluids and Protein. I figure with the small amounts of mushies I will still need the dread Protein drinks for a while. Double sigh. I would love some feedback about how you all know you should stop- what sigh do you get? I really want to avoid the pain, foamies, etc....
  22. Its the famous Three Week Stall! Join the club, it happens to almost everyone. Look it up...Its frustrating, but its NORMAL. Chill.
  23. I have now, just today lost 20 lbs total. I did a perfect two week pre- op, three drinks only, I am three weeks post- op, survived the three week stall, and Lost 20 lbs forever. Now,I am hoping the next 60 goes a little faster, but I just want it gone. So, for all you out there that have lost more, be thankful that you are not the official slowest loser. 20 lbs in 5 weeks is better than nothing or gaining.
  24. feedyoureye

    Stall all ready

    Hang in there, it is not uncommon to stall early out. Look up three week stall. I stalled at two weeks for three weeks. Use the logical part of your brain... you can not stay the same forever at 500 calories a day. You are still under the influence of the IV, the drugs, getting your stomach cut out and your body is pissed and/or confused about what you have just done to it! In a while, whenever she is ready, she will let some weight go. Drink your water, follow rules and chill out. Its going to be a successful ride, if you follow the rules, but weather you enjoy it or not, depends on you! Its not going to be just how you want or imagine it to be!
  25. Lanette

    Here's Some Stall Info...

    Just what I needed.....starting my fourth week of my "three week stall". So ready to be losing again.

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