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Found 17,501 results

  1. Sergeant

    December Surgery Buddies!

    Vulnerable post!! Down 51lbs from starting weight… 2 months since surgery. To be honest there are some days I don’t see it, but I sure do feel it! People around are starting to notice as well. I’ve been a little depressed lately, but I don’t think that has anything to do with the weight loss. Just seasonal depression. Bring back blue sky’s and sunshine!! Hope everyone is doing well, feeling successful and has no regrets!! You got this!!
  2. Hello! Lately I’ve been having insane cravings for pho and ramen. I recently ordered a protein noodle ramen and was wondering about pho or alternatives to it. Any suggestions?
  3. I wasn’t think about SIBO. Thank You! I will ask about that if the tests don’t show anything. It’s all in the upper area of the abdomen too with the bloating. I have never had a colonoscopy but did have the egd. I heard the prep is a nightmare.
  4. i also prefer to binge as well, but plots often get spoiled for me by reading the news or social media or listening to friends (and strangers!) talk, dammit! so i try to watch before that happens. omg don't even get my started how my entire 2016 was ruined when i accidentally read a headline about that particular episode of game of thrones season 6. im still salty about it. i dont want to spoil it for u (or others reading this) so all im gonna say is if ur a fan, they u'll likely remain one, ha! and yeah, a different shaped heroine is definitely refreshing! as for 70s-80s period shows/series, you gotta give Glow a try! even if just for the soundtrack lol.
  5. Congratulations! All your hard work has paid off! You're a beautiful woman with a healthy long life to live - enjoy! I'm not sure what the "two months off" are about, but you've made it this far, you've got this!
  6. AmberFL


    Hiya! I think you and I are around the same post op. I had my surgery 1/24, the macros and calories are all over the place. The main thing is to get at least 80g of protein, and 64oz of water/liquids. My plan says 60-80g of Protein, Less than 130g of Carbs, Max 40g of Fat. 3-6months is about 800 cal/day, I have not followed that to a T. I have been at about 1000 calories a day, My carbs I keep less than 50g, Fat is usually under 20g. I work out 5days a week. If your losing then I am sure your going great!
  7. While loss of hunger is a benefit of the surgery, there are some who continue to feel hunger. Distinguishing whether you are experiencing real hunger or head hunger is most important to distinguish which you are experiencing. Craving a specific food, flavour or texture (like your desire to chew) is head hunger. If you used food to comfort or sooth yourself in the past during times of stress, anxiety, emotional upsets, hormonal variations, etc. you are likely experiencing head hunger simply because of the (conscious or sub conscious) physical & mental stress of the surgery. Having hunger pangs/pains is head hunger most of the time. You’re still producing the same amount of stomach acid as you did before surgery in your much smaller tummy which will cause the hunger pangs/pains. It’s why we’re usually prescribed a PPI to reduce the amount of acid for a period of time after surgery until it settles. A rumbling tummy also is not a sign of hunger in most cases - just your digestive system working. Many nerves are cut during surgery so signals and messages from your tummy to signal things like real hunger either aren’t getting through or are being distorted. Most of us discover our signals for real hunger are very different from the signals we used to recognise as hunger. I feel restless, like something is wrong & logically there is a real & legitimate reason for being hungry. All this takes time to recognise & understand & is part of the head work we all talk about you needing to do a long the way. Doesn’t help with your hunger though of course while you’re sorting through all this. In the meantime, look for a distraction. Try reading, contacting friends or family, crafting, go for a short walk, play a game, check social media, meditate, etc. Sipping a warm drink can be helpful too. All the best & congrats on your surgery.
  8. djesh

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    1) Was nervous about the soreness, was very manageable. 2) My thick comfy PJ’s and noise-cancelling headphone were CRITICAL! The person I shared a room with talked (screamed) in his sleep non-stop. Chapstick, phone/watch charger, comfy walking shoes. 3) Having energy and practicing self-discipline.
  9. There's a huge thread about this here already OP!
  10. Congrats! I'm glad to hear you aren't in too much pain. I keep hearing about the gas pain and am not looking forward to that. I'm excited about the fact that you are able to come here and post something already!
  11. Had surgery on 14th. My anxiety was insane during Pre op worrying about what is coming aftersurgery and i had to lie on a tiny stretcher for 3hrs before going in. Pain conrtol was terrible after surgery and i didn't get relief til i got to my room and on dilaudid. Then the first day was great and relatively pain-free and stress-free. I insisted on the overnight because I knew with my anxiety it would give me a good Kickstart to recovery. Went home next day and I still took some hydrocodone that day but didn't take any more after that. I couldn't believe that these incisions hurt less than my gallbladder and a colon resection so recovering from the surgery pain is fast compared to other laparoscopic surgeries I've had Struggling really hard with the eating. I can't seem to figure out how you can get all the protein you need and all the water you need in a day when you have to pause between meals like you do and you can only drink so many ounces an hour. My Cravings are huge. I was really hoping I wouldn't feel hungry anymore but I feel like I feel hungry all the time. I was psyched to get to the full liquid diet only to find out that I couldn't have cream soup or pudding more than once a day. Have to mix protein powder in with everything I'm definitely going through my doubts about why I did this. I mean I know why but looking at food and realizing I can't just reach over and take a little bite of something is really hard. I am adhering to the diet because I don't want to be sick but I feel like I might be drinking too much through the protein meals or water because I seem to get that full feeling quickly after just a sip but then it releases itself through burps I'm also psychologically in a bad place because my psychiatrist did not change one of my meds over from extended release to normal release and so this weekend has been really rough and I can't call him till tomorrow. I am definitely very low about all of this right now
  12. Tazrok

    5 years out not losing weight

    1. Iv been eating like this for about 6 months now. 2. 5 foot 11inch (180cm) male. 3. The only thing I do suffer from is reactive hypoglycemia which means when I eat cars my body produces to much insulin and my sugar levels drop very low that's why I try to avoid cars. When I spoke to the hospital last I was talking to them about portion sice and calories ect and there reply was as long as I stick to the bariactric place then calories and portion size will never be an issue
  13. SleeveToBypass2023

    Struggling post-op

    I had so much pain after my sleeve. I was miserable for the first 2 weeks. I couldn't meet my fluid intake because I couldn't tolerate cold liquids at all. I was living on my pain meds and later tylenol. So I completely feel you on this. If your surgeon already knows how you're doing and says you're fine, then there's not a lot you can do. You can call them back and tell them the same stuff again (emphasize that it was initially managed but now it's not) but I'm guessing they'll tell you the same things they said last time. Sleeping propped up or in a recliner was my saving grace. I, too, am a side sleeper so finding a comfortable position the first 2 weeks was really tough. Also, I was falling asleep all the time in the beginning, so that made it worse. That's normal (sleeping a ton in the beginning) so don't worry about that. The only thing that's not negotiable (in my eyes) is the multivitamin. You absolutely HAVE to have it. If you can't tolerate the one you have, find a liquid one or chewable one in a flavor you might like better. While not preferred, maybe even gummies (they have yummy flavors, and that might help in the beginning). A capsule might also help since they have no flavor at all. Tablets can be rough in the beginning due to size and flavor. If the premade shakes are too much for you at times, try an unflavored protein shake powder. Add it to milk (I personally do almond milk) and then add a non sugar sweetener to taste (I use monk fruit sweetener because I hate Stevia). Protein and fluids are the absolute MOST important things right now (next to the multivitamin). It's ok to not hit the goals in the beginning, but you want to get as close as you can. Instead of regular broth, try different flavors of bone broth (richer taste and higher protein amounts). Try different shake flavors. Taste buds absolutely change after the surgery, so it's normal to not like the flavors you loved pre surgery (that's why you shouldn't stock up before the surgery). I also got a lot of the sugar free water flavoring powders in different flavors (you can get them at any grocery store) which gave me variety when getting in my fluids (I still use them now because I despise plain water).
  14. I have noticed the same thing. I’m about 6 months out from my sleeve op and can eat about half of what I previously could (which to be fair was a lot!) My weight loss has stalled and I know it’s because of the type and amount of food I eat. I saw my doctor recently and they recommended getting back to basics and focusing on protein and water intake to get back on track. They didn’t seem concerned about the pouch stretching. Good luck with your continued weight loss!
  15. katdfitness

    Worst compliment

    WOW - Do people even think before they speak? I guess she meant it as a compliment. My mom, who had a weight obsession, asked me after my surgery why I mutilated myself. She had know Idea how much I struggled with my weight. Probably didn't realize that my weight struggles were after watching and hearing her and her mother commenting about it all the time. I think the German roots and farm family background weight loss was probably considered a sign that you were being properly fed!
  16. One of my concerns is regain. I have in the past, about 10 years ago, lost 100lbs following a low carb low fat diet along with medication from my Dr. Anyone else concerned about regain?
  17. CMTD

    off track

    Thank you NickelChip for these ideas. I'm also having trouble. I asked my surgeon if my sugar addiction was going to be a problem after surgery and he said "no". Since I had the sleeve, I don't get dumping syndrome when I eat sugary things. I start over every morning, every afternoon, and every evening - lol. Because of back pain, I hadn't been able to walk very often, but I've been trying to get around the neighborhood a 1-2 times a day on the days I work from home. I want to get serious with weight loss so that my pain will lessen. I know sugar is an inflammatory agent - but, sugar addiction is real. brandycsiz we can do it!
  18. catwoman7

    Abdominal pain

    or maybe something like SIBO? Or IBD or IBS? Or even a redundant colon? (I have the latter - I'd sometimes wake up in a lot of pain because "stuff" would get stuck in one of the curvy parts). A colonoscopy would detect the latter, though (that's how I found out about mine). Not sure about the others.
  19. Lilia_90


    I am 5.5 months out and at 3 weeks out I have been out to dinner at least once a week/twice sometimes. I traveled at 3 weeks out, 3 months out and at 7 months out (upcoming), and what I can tell you is this: - It never hindered my weight loss, on the contrary, I weigh in every Sunday and I see the weight melting off the morning after being out on date night and having yummy food. - It is truly enjoyable, I get to try a little bit of this and that and not stuff myself. A bite or two is enough. - I TAKE MY TIME. I have been a fast eater my entire life and since surgery I am forced to slow down and actually savor what I am eating. This has turned date night dinner from a 1.5 hour affair to at least 3 - 3.5 hours and I would have lengthy deep conversations with the hubby which also forces him to slow down (the connection and conversation part can apply to whoever your companion is). - SHARE - I order one salad/entree with the person I'm eating with and I portion out what I'm having. - I make good food choices, I scan the menu and choose the best option of protein & Veg. I always start with my protein, a salad/veggies, then if I can I'll have a bite of a fun thing, either a tiny bit of carb or a bite or two of dessert (not always, whenever I'm feeling like it). But generally meals out don't get in the way of how I eat and what I eat. I think it is important to train your body and mind to be okay with eating out without it being a hurdle or a trigger. Living after weight loss surgery should include experiences like travel and food because it's a lifestyle and not alienation from what life used to be. I knew early on that I would not stop myself from eating out (I love love love dining out and trying different cuisines and restaurants) and traveling, it's just how I would do it in a way that doesn't involve losing control and hindering my progress or causing a negative mind shift. Happy belated birthday, I hope you had a blast!
  20. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    @BlueParis I’m sure you’re really happy to be home and WTG on the weight loss! @NickelChip I’m usually able to get between 60-70 gms of protein a day in with no shakes most days…..I eat a lot of tuna, Greek yogurt, buffalo chicken dip, and my new favorite is chicken pizza crust pizza. I also occasionally eat canned turkey chili with no beans in it for lunch mainly cause it’s soft and high in protein but a little different than what I’m usually eating. I’m definitely getting bored with my food choices but anytime I try and add in stuff I end up coming up short on protein and have to drink a shake. 🤢I use liquacel also. They gave it to me in the hospital and I prefer it to shakes. It’s 16 gms of collagen protein ( it is a complete protein and my nutritionist is ok with it) it’s super sweet but I just mix it with a little water and I’m good. @RonHall908 and I’m with you guys on the slow weight loss train also so it must be pretty normal although irritating. Lol @LisaCaryl I’m glad your nausea is getting better. Maybe you’d like the liquacel to help with your protein since you don’t eat meat. You can buy them in one dose packets so you could try them before you bought a bottle of it. I like the peach mango one the best but it is super sweet so not sure if it’s for ev1 but maybe an option for some of y’all needing a protein boost with no shakes 🤷🏼‍♀️ https://store.bariatricpal.com/products/liquacel-liquid-protein-1oz-packets-flavors?variant=5067375607845 heres the single serve packets but I ended up buying the multiple dose bottles directly from the manufacturer cause it was cheaper. https://globalhp.com/shop/liquacel-liquid-protein/
  21. Our bodies tend to retain fluids when rapid weight loss occurs, and can hang on to it for a few weeks until it knows everything is ok, and it can resume with the weight loss. Any IV's can also add to the fluid retention you're currently experiencing, which makes it easy to gain for a week or so, but its just water/fluids, and not fat, which is what you really want to lose. You can still be burning away the fat during this phase despite the scale saying otherwise. Also as you go further on your weight loss journey, you'll gain more muscle mass from working out more, and muscle is roughly 1.5x the weight of fat. So if you're doing significantly more walking and/or lifting weights, that will offset the scale losses, but you're becoming much healthier in the process.
  22. I am 10 years out from a gastric sleeve surgery. I lost 70 pounds and gained it all back plus some. I have suffered from chronic dehydration, despite drinking a gallon or more every day. I feel that it’s due to my stomach not absorbing enough water. Has anyone had issues with this?? I am also anemic and my doctor is playing around with multiple vitamin and supplement dose increases. I just started Zepbound to try to get the weight off again, and that makes the dehydration so much worse. I am just desperate for answers. My weight loss surgeon moved, and I am not established with any other practice. Thank you!!
  23. TwinkleToes87

    Help, pre-op mistake :(

    Thank you so much for letting me know about your experience. I feel a lot better knowing I can still get my surgery with one slip up. I’m definitely sticking with it so I do not sabotage my chance at a better life. ❤️ thank you for giving me hope.
  24. GreenTealael

    Food Before and After Photos

    My kid made a large batch of Turkey burgers and I’m the only one eating them 🧐 At least they’re good! I ate about 70% of this but logged the whole meal
  25. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    That's a great view. I walk one to two miles every other day. Part of the reason for the gastric bypass is I have a torn meniscus ligament in my knee. It's going to require a full knee replacement. The surgeon won't consider doing the surgery until I'm at 40 BMI. That's the reason why I can only do 1 to 2 miles, anymore than that is just unbearably painful. Tha days I don't walk, I get on the rowing machine I have at home. I try to exercise at least 6 days a week. It's not high intensity or anything as of yet. Great to see your stall has passed. My weight loss is very slow. But, it is moving.

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