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Found 17,501 results

  1. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Dang it! Back up to 200 today. I could see the digital scale contemplating telling me 199.8, but it decided nope. I've had days with tons of exercise. Days with no exercise. Days with over 1000 calories. Days with barely 500 calories because what I ate made me sick. None of it does anything to move the weight. I get on the scale daily because I like to see the graph as a visual. But I'd like it better if the number went down. On the bright side, my blood work all looks pretty good. A bit low in Vitamin A, zinc, and prealbumin, but so far no one has said I should change anything. @LisaCaryl I love the NSV with the jeans! What a nice surprise, even if you did get stuck wearing them to your group. I have one more week of school runs and after school activities before my kids are out for the summer. At that point, I am going to make a weekly meal plan and try out some new recipes from the bariatric cookbooks that are gathering dust because I've been too busy. I've also found a workout video to try with my pilates bar resistance band set, so that's going to happen this week, at least once.
  2. Amerime

    July 2023 Surgery Buddies UPDATES!!!

    You both are doing great!!! I was sleeved 7/6/23 as well- the recovery went well. I do not believe my sleeve was too restrictive as I can eat small meals without discomfort. I do limit my caloric intake to under 1000 calories per day (I track) and I do not eat simple carbs. I have been eating some fruits which I am cutting back on. I weighed in 3 days ago at 187 lbs, so I am down 43 lbs post surgery, 80 lbs since my first bariatric appointment. I have been in the middle of stall for the last 2 weeks. Hoping it breaks soon. The weight loss has definitely slowed, but based on reading others' experience, I am not going to worry at this point. I wanted to be at least 167 lbs by the 6 month mark, but I've lost very little in the last 4 weeks- don't think I'll make it. Anyway, the goal is what matters. Good luck to you all!
  3. Spinoza

    running or walking?

    I walk a lot and run a little. When I was younger and fitter I was a long distance runner. I now dally with 2-3 mile runs once or twice a week just to prove that I still can. Walking is the workhorse of my exercise regime though. Less chance of injury and totally sustainable for at least the next few years (I hope).
  4. ((I have already sent message to my health care team)) I was in the restroom and pushes a bit, and I felt this pooping sensation internally, on my right side near the large, stitched area. It does not hurt at the moment or anything, but I am panicking that I may have done something bad! I am 4 weeks out from RNY. Has anyone experienced this? What was your outcome?
  5. Spinoza

    How my body tells me I am full

    Yes that's common. Many of us won't get a full feeling for many weeks after surgery because nerve endings get cut and take a while to grow back. We need to stick to the stages and volumes of our programme until we do get those signals back. From about 3 months post op I got a runny nose and/or sneezed when I ate too much. Had this no later than today when I was eating a lovely lunch and decided I needed just another few forkfuls...
  6. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Liquid Diet Questions

    I concur with AmberFL, each surgeon has their own requirements. I was on liquid diet for 2 weeks pre-op and 3 weeks after... Hopefully your bariatric team gave you a diet plan for all phases but of your journey! Mine was no caffeine (no teas or coffees), protein drinks, broths, sugar free Jello and of course all the water I wanted! Oh joy!
  7. RnYBabe

    6-10 Week Out Restriction Feeling

    I did experience a sudden feeling of fullness that wasn't present in the beginning when I ate/drank. My doctor ordered an esophagogram and let me know it could be the nerves in my stomach healing or a stricture. For me, it turned out to just be the nerves healing and I got adjusted as the weeks went on.
  8. summerseeker


    I had so many, they lasted from a few days to 3 weeks in the first year. The second year they lasted much longer, I had one lasting 3 months and I thought I had finished loosing. I stepped on the scale one morning and found that a whopping 5 pounds had fallen off me. Just hold your nerve and follow your plan, good luck
  9. Elizabeth21again

    50 and over crowd?

    Follow up: Surgery went well. Doctor was very pleased with it and my post-op. Tomorrow is the one week mark and I feel pretty good. Following the protein and water intake rules. Using a medicine cup to drink from so that I remember to sip helps a lot. Anyway happy to report that surgery at 60 is going even better than it was at 50 so far!!
  10. @ccast49 It does get better, It will get better, and I know you're probably sick of hearing it ... but walk walk as much as you can ... it will help. Be kind to yourself too. And a hot water bottle really is your friend, the first week I slept sandwiched between 2 with one in my front and one at the small of my back.
  11. MLC3409

    December Surgery Buddies!

    Ok what week are you are still week one? I will send you a couple of the full liquid ones.
  12. MLC3409

    December Surgery Buddies!

    Funny you mention that. I have seen a few people have gotten sick just before surgery. well, as far as the ones that passed neither of them was due to surgery complications. One was a drug overdose. She had so many issues after surgery and had to have a couple of emergency surgery to repair sutures. That however was on her! She did not follow the plan and less than three weeks post op she was eating Doritos. Well one c got lodged in her suture line and they had to repair it. She also over ate regular food and got some kind of blockage. the second one that passed she actually committed suicide. Now that MIGHT have been surgery related because your body goes through so many hormonal changes as well. So that is something that if you start feeling regret know that it is Normal but find a therapist to talk it out with. my other friend he had issues during surgery and they ended up putting him in a medical coma for two weeks. He was a large guy like me, well he was bigger by like 60 pound at around 450. I don’t know what all happened but I know he was having bleeding issues. But he was ok in a couple weeks and he was doing well the last time I talked to him. my other friend I think she just gave up and has gone back to “normal “ for her. So she is gaining weight. I do know I have to work on my mental health and stay disciplined after. And it shows how stuff we can control and some stuff we can’t. We just have to go into this knowing it is only a tool not a cure. so since you have kids I would really say make sure you have a therapist. It will be rough for a few weeks after surgery I’m sure. everything else is out of our hands. I know it is cliche but I follow the AA motto. Accept the things we can not change, Change the things we can, And may God grant us the wisdom to know the difference. all I’m in charge of is what food I put in my body and how much I exercise. Everything else is out of my hands.
  13. I had the Pho broth from week one, I made it myself so it was not too salty or chilli hot. It was so good I could have bathed in it. At 2 years + now, I can manage a couple of spoons of noodles at the end of the meal. I don't crave mountains of noodles now, I am used to just a few for the mouth feel.
  14. Arabesque

    Blood work

    I was every three months from my surgeon but my GP was also getting one in between for the first year & then was happy to review the surgeon’s requests. At two years it was just the three months from my surgeon’s colleague who does his follow ups. When I reached three years it became every 6 months. I didn’t & don’t mind getting so many as it’s been informative to track my levels but also allowed the doctors to pick up fluctuation trends (like my vitamin D dropping in winter) & my protein malabsorption issue which began at 2 years after my gall was removed. I expect I’ll always have regular tests (1 or 2 a year) because of the protein issue.
  15. ms.sss

    running or walking?

    since we are talking about other exercise besides running and walking...want to chime in here that my current flavour du jour of exercise: REFORMER PILATES....kinda like yoga on steroids. i tend to go through phases of exercise types, and have tried countless forms of exercise to see what i like and they all come and go (hot yoga, regular yoga, aerial yoga, zumba, rock climbing, salsa, tap, pole dancing, kick boxing, cross fit, swimming, etc, etc). but so far running is the only thing that i have been able to keep an interest in this whole time is running (about 5 years now...) but methinks reformer pilates will make the long haul HALL of FAME for me (along with running), but it does tend to get expensive (running is FREE! lol). i've been doing reformer pilates 2-3 times a week now for the past 5 months and the interest has been sustained...well see! long story short, find something YOU enjoy doing, because that is the thing YOU will most likely keep doing long term. good luck! ❤️ p.s. i also do weight training twice a week...but RELUCTANTLY because i HATE it. i'll keep doing this until i can't (or won't lol) because i know its good for me. luckily my Mr. hounds me to do it every week, so that helps i guess 🤷🏻‍♀️ (but i still hate it!)
  16. ORFranP86

    Silly question

    I am new here and I’ve been devouring the forums. I am one week post ESG. I am down 16 lbs. I notice a lot of you have cute pictures on your signature showing your weight loss journey. Where do you get those?
  17. Hello, It’s been a week since i went through a gastric sleeve surgery and I use cannabis oils to help with other health issues, however, sometimes friends come over and i would end up vaping a little bit and now idk if its safe to vape after the surgery.
  18. ChunkCat

    Hard to eat 6 days out

    Even though you are a revision, your digestive system is still full of swelling and sutures from a major surgery! Hydration is king for the first two weeks, then protein, and both of these needs can be met with fluids... If you are experiencing nausea don't be afraid to ask for meds, it should help you be able to drink more. I agree with the others, sounds like a possible UTI. Best to go be tested at the doctor. Be sure to let your surgeon know approximately how much fluid you are getting in a day. Low fluid intake not only causes dehydration, but it can increase your risk for a UTI, especially in the first few weeks after surgery. ❤️
  19. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Day 5 out of 14 on the pre-op diet and I've settled into somewhat of a routine. I do a Bariatric Fusion cappuccino shake at breakfast with a 20 oz decaf tea that has 1/2 cup Fairlife milk and a scoop of collagen in it. Oikos triple zero yogurt for a mid-morning snack. Bariatric Fusion chicken soup shake for lunch. Jello for snack. 2 scoops Syntrax Nectar unflavored powder in one cup of Pacific Foods tomato basil soup for dinner. Jello for dessert. Sometimes a Good Night protein hot cocoa before bed if I'm hungry. I also take my chewable Celebrate One 45 vitamin, 3 celebrate calcium chews, 2 scoops of Benefiber, Vitagut liquid probiotic, and a liquid omega 3. Believe it or not, all of those supplements add 160 calories and 14g carb to my day! I also drink three 32oz waters with a sugar free flavor packet in each. Total average daily macros: 850 calories, 105g protein, 11g fat, 50g carb Weight loss so far: 7lbs
  20. Good luck tomorrow, I had mine a week ago and completely understand the emotions. There are a few other March buddies who recently had GS & are doing great! I recommend bringing chapstick or ask for some at the hospital! And walk as much as you can to get the gas bubbles out. It really makes a difference.
  21. I absolutely had this, right around 4 weeks post-op from VSG. With laparoscopic VSG, there's one larger incision where they remove the stomach remnant (usually on the right side), and I know my surgeon said there's generally an internal stitch there that will dissolve over time (or pop, if you put too much pressure on it). In my case, I bent over pretty far to pick something up and felt a POP and a little pain, then it was fine. I noticed right after that my previously puckered-looking incision was now flat, so I was fairly certain it was the internal stitch popping. I asked the team about it, and they said that's exactly what it sounded like, palpated the area a bit, and had no concerns. Now, I'm not sure how this relates to RNY, but it's possible you also had an internal stitch that just finally let go. No pain following the pop is good. At 4 weeks out, your incisions should be starting to heal up pretty nicely, but it's definitely best to check with your team juuuuuust in case! Good luck!
  22. Marcia91

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    I will be 3 weeks this Thursday, it gets better once you get into soft foods. Take it one day at a time, you will reach the point of yummy food again.
  23. Arabesque

    So much soup

    Oh yes. Food for weeks. I still cook more than I need but I do it on purpose now because I love having leftovers. Simply freeze the leftovers/excess for easy meals on another day. Just bag it up in appropriate serving sizes. (I love zip lock bags.) My freezer is filled with single serves of soups, bolognese, savoury mince, steak, chops, savoury egg muffins, … chicken, beef, lamb & pork. Don’t feel like cooking? Just defrost a meal & all I have to cook or prep are vegetables or salad if needed. Bonus you only have to cook dinner from scratch a couple of times a week. Found it very useful for work lunches too. Popped one of my frozen meals in my bag & reheated it at work. Easy.
  24. FifiLux

    Is this a stall ?

    Hi Fifi0523 from FifiLux I am in a similar situation to you, 8 months post surgery and between January 11th and February 12th I only lost 4lb. On Jan 11th my surgeon said my goal was to lose 10kg (22lb) during the rest of the year so I guess he based that on his knowledge that my loss would slow down. My goal is to lose 17kg (37.5lb) and that seems way off, if not impossible, given the stall I have now. This is even after I have upped my exercise, not by much due to suffering from exhaustion, but certainly by more than I was doing pre-op. I have started to track my food and drink to see if there are places I am slipping up and it has already helped me highlight areas as I was eating more carbs that I realised and I hadn't been counting my protein correctly at times. I also have started to go into menopause in the last couple of months and I am not sure if that is impacting the weight loss as I know it is already impacting my energy and sleep. I hope and think it is just our bodies recovering from rapid loss and now that it will continue but at a slower pace - I just hadn't expected it to be this slow!
  25. hiya! do you have a team or doc to reach out to for guidance...you will find that calorie and macro advice will run the gamut on here, as our docs all have different recommendations! with that said, your intake will really depend you your own physiological makeup as well as if you are looking to lose more weight or maintain... at one year post, i was in maintenance, and was averaging about 1500-1600 calories with about 75g protein. i was also 5'2" and 110 lbs-ish at the time, doing about 1-2 hrs of cardio AND strength training 4-5 times a week today i am 5.5 years out and average about 2000-2200 (recently increased from 1800 because i am on an exercise kick at the moment: 1 hour of exercise 6 days a week) and weigh 118-ish on average. so the recommendation on your cals (and macros) will depend on how tall you are, how much you currently weigh, how much activity you currently participate in, and whether you are looking to lose weight or maintain.

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