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Found 1,237 results

  1. jess9395

    1st week weight loss

    Everyone is different! Lots of things in play. Did you do a pre op diet? If you lost weight pre op your first week post op won't be a high because you already lost the big Water weight drop people often lose the first week of any diet. I lost an amazing amount my first week (17lbs) but I didn't have a pre op diet, even so my doc said at my one week follow up not to trust that loss and not to stress if it went up. It didn't, but I hit the "three week stall" right after at two weeks while my body caught up. It's a marathon, not a sprint!
  2. wantingabetterlife

    How long was your longest stall?

    Yes, perfectly normal. It's called the dreaded three week stall. There are many posts on BP about it. My longest stall was 38 days. Just stick to your plan and stay away from the scale. It will move, on its own time!
  3. yep - sounds like the infamous "three week stall" that happens to probably 90% of us. If you do a search on this site for it, you'll find over 17,000 posts on it. And no, I am NOT kidding. just stick to your plan and stay off your scale for a few days. It typically lasts 1-3 weeks. But it WILL break and you'll be on your way again...
  4. shriner37

    The struggle is real.

    Congratulations on great results! Search the forum for "three week stall". It's a common occurrence and completely normal. You've lost 40 pounds in a short period of time, and your body needs a period of adjustment. It generally occurs sometime in the 2-4 week period after surgery and can last a few days or even several weeks. You will have other periods of stall along the way, just embrace them as a necessary part of the journey.
  5. gwbicster

    Y'all! I'm hungry!

    I'm currently having a real problem with this. I feel like I'm hungry ALL THE TIME! I know that even if my brain wants to eat something, there's no physical place for my body to put it anymore. I'm currently at the 2 ounce phase, and I realize at some point I will be able to eat 4 ounces of protein plus some applesauce or maybe even lettuce (God do I miss that, never thought I'd miss salad), but my brain still wants to eat a full plate of something. I'm losing weight (although I've hit my three week stall a bit early) and you'd think that'd be reward enough, but I'm frustrated. I know it's something I'm just going to have to adjust to, but I worry that I won't be able. But the surgery is non-reversible and so I'm stuck here for the rest of my life. Skinny people might point to obesity surgery as "the easy way out", but I am here to tell you, psychologically, it ain't so easy, at least for me. Thanks for listening.
  6. Apple1

    2 weeks post op and stalled!

    Almost everyone gets what is called the three week stall sometime during the first month or so. It is completely normal. I am very surprised at how many calories you are able to consume in a day. At two weeks I was right around 400, at4 weeks 600, and now at almost 8 weeks 875-900. You sound like me in that you have had an easy recovery. My stomach healed quickly and I think I. Could easily squeeze in more calories if I tried. I am working towards a gradual increase to 1000 at 3 moths and 1200 at 6 months.
  7. catwoman7

    Week 5 since op

    restriction eases over time. I'm several years out now. If this gives you any idea, at restaurants my usual order is an appetizer - or else I'll order an entree, eat half of it, and have them box up the other half. No different than a lot of my never-been-obese women friends, to be honest. that week 3 thing is the infamous "three week stall". It's not always the third week, but it usually is, hence the name. But the vast majority of us hit our first major stall sometime during the first month or so after surgery. Stalls typically last 1-3 weeks. When you hit one (and you'll likely hit several on your journey), just stick to your plan and stay off the scale for a few days - and know that it'll eventually break and you'll be on your way again. If you want more info on the three week stall, do a search for it on this site. Last time I checked, there were over 17,000 posts on it. And no, I am NOT kidding...
  8. vikingbeast

    28 Weeks Post-Op

    You might be in a stall. They happen. They're frustrating. And they all break. Just keep following your plan. If you're truly stuck for like a month, then ask your nutritionist about shock calories—a week of an extra 100-150 calories to get your body to think something else is happening. Are you measuring yourself? When I hit my three-week stall, the inches kept coming off even though the scale change was pokey.
  9. Deactivatedfatgal

    March sleevers hows everyone doing??

    Absolutely! My biggest loss was first 14 days, I was struggling to get in liquids & then I stopped seeing scale move. I could feel that I was smaller, like I was shedding inches. THe three week stall broke and I'm 3 pds away from onederland. 😂 I'm six weeks out now
  10. Dogmom68

    Day 20 Post-Op & New to the group

    I had VSG 2/09/21 so I’m only two weeks out from surgery. My doctor has me on Protonix to prevent gastric reflux and so far it’s helped tremendously. No problems with stomach acids really. My problem is I seem to have hit the dreaded “three week stall” early! No matter how closely I track and watch what I’m eating (I’m on puréed foods now), I’m stuck at the same weight! It’s incredibly frustrating. I’m 52 and guess things are a little different for us older gals... I’ve only lost 12 lbs since my surgery. I sure could use some words of encouragement.
  11. catwoman7

    Weight Loss Stalls almost 4 weeks post op

    we call that the three-week stall, and it happens to almost everyone. If you do a search on this site, you'll find literally over 15,000 posts on it. just stick to your program and stay off the scale if you have to. It typically lasts 1-3 weeks. You'll hit a few more of these along the way, but like with you, the first one usually hits within the first month or so after surgery.
  12. catwoman7


    three week stall. if you to do a search on it on this site, you'll find over 17,000 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding). It happens to almost all of us. Just stick to your plan and stay off the scale for a few days - and know that your weight loss WILL start up again. It always does...
  13. Arabesque


    Aah, the three week stall. Though it can happen earlier or later than that. Yes, it is common - extremely common. I liked to think of it it as my body taking a breath to catch up with all the changes. You will start to lose again, maybe in a week, maybe two or three & you’ll experience it again. Some people will say to increase your calories or activity levels. Others will say just keep on your path. I kept on my path & the loss started again (the first time after a week, the second after almost three weeks). Congrats on your surgery & weight loss so far.
  14. McButterpants

    For the love of sweet Jesus.....

    Revs, I was wondering when you write again and you didn't fail us....Please don't stop your rants. I think I have woman-crush on you. I agree with some of the other posters here...I just kind of move along when the repeated questions are asked, "Which Protein shake is the best?" or the irrational "My hair is on fire, what should I do?" "My incision is bleeding and oozing a green colored liquid - is this normal?" "2nd day post-op and I'm up 5 pounds WTF?" "3 weeks post-op and stalled - has this happened to you?" I agree with Revs on the point of putting forth effort to look thru some old posts - Yes, stalls happen at three weeks and if you spent any time on this site, you would see that everyone stalls at some point and the three week stall is real. OK - I'm off now...I'm going to weigh myself for the 5th time today to see if I've lost anything.
  15. Djmohr

    Exercise after WLS....

    To was feeling the same way at that time. I found I had to simply push through that fog and get going. I started working out using the elliptical and treadmill for 20 minutes a day. I found within a couple of weeks that I could do more and began increasing my workout time. I ended up at an hour a day and then got into a three week stall. I was told I needed to eat more and back down my exercise to 30 minutes every other day until the stall broke. Now I exercise every other day for a total of 40 minutes. I do a fat burn on the elliptical and add muscle endurance to that workout as mine has that feature. I also use the treadmill and do a cardio workout for about 20 minutes. By the way I excercise in the am when I have the most energy. I drink a premier Protein shake which has 30 grams of protein every morning. I work out shortly after I drink my shake. After my workout I have a yogurt with high protein granola. It is replenishing after a workout. I have been very consistently successful with this routine. I also noticed when I first started it was very hard for me to walk up my stairs leading into the lower level where my equipment is. Now, I can literally run up my stairs and I feel fantastic!
  16. I had a good three week stall beginning 2nd week of December and just ending this past week! I was sleeved on 11/12 so it started at four weeks post op. I am most definitely the slowest loser on these boards -
  17. happens to almost everyone - a stall within the first month of surgery. Search "three week stall" (that's what we call it, since it usually (although not always) occurs during week 3 post-surgery)
  18. del112

    No food..

    Hey guys. Cheer up! Have you heard of the three week stall?? Don't know much about it but have been reading that from time to time you will stall and that's it's a normal part of weight loss. Hang in there and do some reading, you will see you are not alone in any and all of your experiences I thank God for this forum, there is something here to address any question you could ever ask. Hang in there man. I too am 4 weeks out and having some challenges, in that, I have stalled at 18lbs but I remain hopeful . My father like to say " keep hope alive , my daughter. Keep hope alive." I say to you today my friends, Keep hope alive. It will be just fine !
  19. I started blended this week yeah, but I honestly forget to eat most of the time - I'm too easily distracted! But everyone's been telling me about the three week stall and how the body is adjusting to all the changes, so I'm not so confused about it anymore and just grateful I still managed to lose some :-) Forgetting to eat "most of the time" is not a good habit to get into. If you need to, set a reminder on your phone. Right now, your primary focus should be getting in all of your Protein and fluids every day, I do actually have reminders set on my phone, but sometimes I'm busy when they go off - it's also hard to eat when you don't feel hungry, but I do it. I make sure I get all my protein though because when I do eat I'm managing protein rich foods and I bought special high protein puddings and milk to ensure this. Same for the liquids - I'm not having a problem with those, I just find things I like to drink and it's good.
  20. I started blended this week yeah, but I honestly forget to eat most of the time - I'm too easily distracted! But everyone's been telling me about the three week stall and how the body is adjusting to all the changes, so I'm not so confused about it anymore and just grateful I still managed to lose some :-)
  21. Im currently in my three week stall. Weight has stayed at 273 for the past week. Im just sticking to the plan and hoping it will start to shift again soon
  22. Here is my story. I spent years stuck at 210 (I am 5’2) and thousands of dollars on personal trainers, nutritionists etc. watched and recorded everything I ate to no avail and of coarse the only scale movement would be I ate a cookie and gained two pounds. Meanwhile I began collecting every co morbidity - sleep apnea, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes , sever scaring on my liver. After two seperate per ate unsuccessful medically supervised diets I was advised gastric bypass was my best bet. I lot 10 lbs in the lead up (5 days a week of boot camp and strength training and keto diet). I lost another 20 lbs on the per-op liquid diet. Had surgery on March 29th. Lost 5 lbs in the first two days and have had no movement since. Walking 3 times a day at 30 minutes each. Drinking 70 oz of water and at least 90 g of protein plus all of the supplements. I know there is a three week stall but I am on a 3 day stall (at the time when weight loss is suppose to be the easiest). This was my last hope and I am starting to feel hopeless.
  23. My scale comes with an app called FitIndex that I really like. It also has a fancy smart tape measure that I bought so I can measure myself for the times when weight loss stalls. I am about a month out and lost 9 lbs on my pre-op diet and 35 lbs. in the first month post-op. I'm currently in the dreaded three-week stall, just continuing what I need to do and I know it'll resume eventually.
  24. I’m in the dreaded three-week stall and it sucks. I knew this was coming. I knew it was going to happen. I thought I even prepared myself for it. I have preached to others that it’s not big deal. That it’s your body saying, “Whoa, what the hell did you do to me?” and, “Your body needs to figure it out before it loses more weight.” I know all that, but it doesn’t make it suck any less and it doesn’t make me any less pissed off. There, I said it. I’m pissed off. I said it again. Rationally, it makes sense. My body is wondering if it’s a time of famine, so it’s not going to allow it’s self to lose any more weight until figures out that this is the new normal. This may take some time – I’m in a Facebook group where some people who had their sleeve operation in November stalled for three weeks. That’s a major blow to my already fragile psyche! After years of yo-yo dieting, when you don’t see the scale move, that when you find the donuts, or bread, or Cookies or (insert vise here). That is not an option. Eating a donut or other off-plan food will not only make me sick, even worse, it could damage my sleeve. It’s also not an option because I must be accountable for my actions. I need to be an adult. I will add that accountability and being an adult sucks, too! :-) So, I am writing this post as much for me as for anyone that reads it. The three-week stall will most likely happen. Try to prepare yourself for it, but know that no matter how much you prepare for it, it’s still going to be difficult when you go through it. What am I going to do about it? I’m going to keep on keepin’ on. That’s all I can do. I am going to stick to my plan – 3 meals and 3 shakes per day with 80-90 grams of protein; just as the doctor ordered. I’m going to continue going to the gym and walking on the treadmill. These are the two things that are going to help me achieve my goals. I cannot lose sight of that. I also know that this is temporary. My rational mind knows the arithmetic behind calories in vs. calories out. I’m consuming 600-800 calories a day right now and I’m burning about 250 on the treadmill daily. That formula will equal weight loss as soon as my body realizes we’re going to be OK. I just wish my body knows what my brain does!
  25. Nicey2u

    Low BMI?

    I'm 8 weeks out and down 37 lbs... 57 all together! I had one very frustrating three week stall but it helped knowing everyone goes through it!! Good luck to you all and keep the faith!! You will be a loser!! Haha 14 more pounds to onederland!!

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