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Found 1,237 results

  1. Follow your surgical team's plan. Do a search in these forums for "three week stall" and realize that the first month is not about weight loss but about your body healing. If you look at two months out nobody is still stalled and everyone loses significant weight. This is not the time to start changing your diet. This is time to follow the instructions and stop weighing yourself more than once a week.
  2. My surgery was 10 days ago. I seem to be stuck at the same weight for the past 3 days. I was wondering if the weight I lost on the 2 week Opti-fast liquid diet plus the weight lost during my first week home would make for a 3 week stall. Has anyone experienced this so early after surgery? I know it's still early but could use some encouragement. And I want to make sure I'm not doing anything wrong. I'm eating between 500 - 650 calories a day. I've so far not experienced dumping. I even had 1/2 cup of pureed split pea Soup last night for dinner. The only thing different so far is that my pouch doesn't like cold Water. It definitely has to be room temperature.
  3. catwoman7

    Weight not going down

    do a search on the "three week stall". Almost everyone has that. It's not always on week 3, but it usually is. But it can happen any time within the first 4-6 weeks of surgery. Like I said, pretty much everyone experiences that. Just stick to your program and it will break.
  4. Take your measurements (hips, waist, bust, arms, legs), and then track them each month. You will see a difference in sizing most likely during the months that it seems the scale showed little to no loss. It's because you sometimes lose fat and gain muscle - a pound of fat takes up way more room than a pound of muscle, so it helps to minimize the panic when you think you're not making much progress. And yeah, three week stall is pretty much a given, and it can last for weeks and you'll see other stalls most likely all during your weight loss journey. Don't panic, just keep drinking your Water, eating a healthy diet and exercising.
  5. catwoman7

    Stopped Losing Weight

    that's really bizarre that your surgeon doesn't know about the three week stall. Pretty much everyone has that. I was told about it in my pre-op classes.
  6. Polarbearwifey

    I had my surgery almost a month ago

    @@cokegal I know. I felt down when I step on the scale and says the same numbers: 238.8 I was jogging yesterday, I've being doing cardio everyday and nothing. So I'm about to do my research about what Ruth1ess says "The Three Week Stall" Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  7. kaitlynm

    My body thinks it's funny!

    I'm right there with you.....200.5 this morning. I'm just getting off of a three week stall which has made this really frustrating. I had 3 goals within 10 pounds. First 203 which put me at a 34 BMI, then 199.9 for Onderland, and finally 194 for the lowest I've weighed in over 20 years. Of course right when I was getting there I hit the stall. What was really cruel was I hit 203 and then gained 1.5 pounds to start the dreaded stall. I hope to join you either tomorrow or the next day.
  8. Peggylou

    My Stats At 5 Weeks!

    Sleeved 9/13 down 17 pounds start weight 197. Pushing through the three week stall. Finally dropped another pound. Jogging a mile on the treadmill everyday. Work hard on getting protein and water. Sometimes it's harder than others . I am eating some of my protien now. I get full fast though. Going to a nut group class tonight at Forest park medical . Hoping for some good info to help me on this journey.
  9. Nicey2u

    Low BMI?

    I'm 8 weeks out and down 37 lbs... 57 all together! I had one very frustrating three week stall but it helped knowing everyone goes through it!! Good luck to you all and keep the faith!! You will be a loser!! Haha 14 more pounds to onederland!!
  10. FutureSkyDiver

    Please Help, Advice Needed!

    I found this article an interesting explanation of the three week stall. https://www.sagebariatric.com/what-you-can-do-about-weight-loss-stalls/
  11. I had the very same issues the first month after surgery. I dropped 36 pounds in the first three weeks. Then went into a three week stall. I could not handle the soy Protein drinks either. Thank god I found the nectar Protein Drinks on diet direct. I mainly use the road side lemonade. I drink these while at work because a little afraid to eat. I never know how my body will handle the food. Now that I am 3 1/2 months out I can handle more dairy, just in small amounts. So things will get better. On the nectar shakes I mix one scoop with about 14 oz Water so they are not to sweet. https://www.dietdirect.com/rewardsref/index/refer/id/114403/ here is a link to website if you want to check them out.
  12. Well, it's been a whole month since I've weighed myself. After my three week stall, which broke with a measly one pound loss, I was getting very frustrated. I took one member's challenge (I think it was Lisalu) and decided to stay off the scale for a month. For someone who doesn't own a scale and was fine with a weekly weigh-in, I thought it would be a breeze. Well, it wasn't as easy as I thought. But, my clothes fit was changing so much along the way that it kept me going and I was able to resist. I went in for my 6 week followup a couple of days ago - it had actually stretched into a 8 or 9 week followup - and was excited to find that I had lost 11 pounds since my last weight check a month ago. What a confidence boost! My goal was to weigh 230 at the docs office but I weighed in at 228. Yeah!!! I've gone from a size 22 pants and 2X top to a very baggy 20 pants and 1X and some XL tops. My pants were so baggy this last week I went and bought some 18s. I'm going to have to wear them close fitting for a while because the saggy look ain't working for me. :lol0: I'm making my way out of the Women's section and back into the Misses section. I'm looking forward to the clothing options that will open up for me then. I'm happy to say that I'm finally settling into a good routine and feeling good about having had surgery. It's still difficult sometimes having to think so much about what and how I eat, but it gets better every day. I actually feel normal most of the time. Of course, the minute I sit down to eat I get a dose of reality from my stomach. But, it doesn't seem like such a big deal now. I know the scale strike won't work for everyone, but it helped make this past month so much less stressful for me. I just stopped worrying about my weight and focused on getting my Proteins and my clothes fit. I don't know if I'll stick with the monthly weigh-ins. Once every two weeks will probably be more realistic for awhile, but I don't feel like I have to decide now. I do plan to get a scale as I get closer to goal because it will be more important to monitor those last few pounds that come and go. Until then, I guess I'll keep sneaking onto the display scales at Wal-Mart. :thumbup: Best wishes to anyone starting this journey and empathy to anyone struggling with their scale. I feel ya!
  13. gemigirl

    No weight loss in 3 days

    You're going to have lots of days where this happens, fluctuations are completely normal! I was sleeved 9/19 and am mentally preparing for the dreaded three week stall by stepping off my scale and moving to weekly instead of daily weigh-ins. At 10 days out your most important tasks are to hit your Fluid intake and Protein goals, walk walk walk and rest. Everything else will fall into place! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  14. catwoman7

    3 week stall...I guess

    1) three-week stall. Almost all of us experience that. 2) I lost 16 lbs the entire first month, and I went on to lose over 200 lbs.
  15. feedyoureye

    Slow weight loss - feeling very low

    Many of us have slow spots or stalls. The one at 2-3 weeks has a name! "the three week stall" look it up. You may have slow weeks or weeks where you lose nothing, and are doing everything right. I lost pretty slow... I didnt get to goal for 3 years! But the speed of loss is not the prize, the end results are. Just keep with it and try not to stress. You are only at the very beginning of the journey... it lasts a lifetime!
  16. I'm only two months out but I hit a three week stall after the 3rd week!! I call it my condensing stage! Haha I lost so much so fast my body needs to readjust itself! I wasn't losing pounds but I was shrinking!
  17. yep - sounds like the infamous "three week stall" that happens to probably 90% of us. If you do a search on this site for it, you'll find over 17,000 posts on it. And no, I am NOT kidding. just stick to your plan and stay off your scale for a few days. It typically lasts 1-3 weeks. But it WILL break and you'll be on your way again...
  18. that's about what I lost the first couple of weeks - and then I hit the infamous "three week stall". How quickly you lose depends on so many factors - your age, gender, how much weight you have to lose, whether or not you lost weight pre-op (some people lose their "Water weight" *before* surgery), how muscular you are, etc. You can't really compare yourself to others, although I know it's hard not to. I wouldn't worry about it at all, though. I'd say 11 lbs for the first two weeks is definitely in the normal range.
  19. Apple1

    2 weeks post op and stalled!

    Almost everyone gets what is called the three week stall sometime during the first month or so. It is completely normal. I am very surprised at how many calories you are able to consume in a day. At two weeks I was right around 400, at4 weeks 600, and now at almost 8 weeks 875-900. You sound like me in that you have had an easy recovery. My stomach healed quickly and I think I. Could easily squeeze in more calories if I tried. I am working towards a gradual increase to 1000 at 3 moths and 1200 at 6 months.
  20. happens to almost everyone - a stall within the first month of surgery. Search "three week stall" (that's what we call it, since it usually (although not always) occurs during week 3 post-surgery)
  21. NovaLuna

    So done with this stall

    I never had the three week stall... I had the four (going on 5) MONTH stall. 4 months after I had my surgery I stalled for 23 days! It was soooooo frustrating! I kept thinking what did I do wrong? Why wasn't I losing any more? But then I pulled up my weight loss chart and realized I lost 23 pounds the first month, 19 pounds the second month, 17 pounds the third, and 18 pounds the fourth. I somehow got out of the stall and lost 7 pounds in the last week of that month. I've lost slower ever since, but I still average 1-3 pounds a week instead of the 3-5 like I did in the beginning (i.e. I lost 8 pounds following the stall month, then 10 pounds, and this month I've lost 7 pounds). Stalls suck. They are disheartening and frustrating, but they are just our bodies way of adjusting to the rapid weight loss. It's trying to catch up with us and sometimes our system just needs to take a break. You'll get passed this!
  22. That's right - mostly likely the dreaded three week stall, which hits most everyone to one degree or another. This article - http://www.dsfacts.com/weight-loss-stall-or-plateau.html gives a good explanation of what's happening. The bad news is that when you resume losing it will likely be at a somewhat slower rate, but the good news is that now it will be primarly fat, which is what we are here for in the first place. So rejoice, and enjoy the trip.
  23. I was 3 weeks out a couple of days ago. Lost 18lbs up to two week weigh in, then nothing when weighed on Thursday this week. But my body shape is changing and yesterday I bought a dress 2 sizes smaller than before! As VSGKirk says, our bodies have had a bit of a trauma and are coming to terms with all sorts of new stuff. All we can do is not to panic, stick to what we should be doing and only stand on the scales once a week Oh and read all the posts on this site about the three week stall, then relax. Others who have been trhough this say it will pass.... Good luck!
  24. catwoman7

    12 days post op and stopped losing weight

    yes. Happens to almost all of us. It's called the three week stall, even though it's not always the third week. Mine was weeks 2 & 3. During week 4, I dropped like 6-8 lbs within a couple of days. if you want to see how common it is, do a search on the "three week stall" on this site. There are 15,701 posts on it, the last time I checked (and no, I am NOT kidding). just stick with your plan and stay off the scale for a few days if you have to. And know that it WILL end and you'll be on your way again edited to add that I thought I'd do the search for you. Here you go: https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall
  25. RozzieJ

    How's my calories?

    Hi Kindle - My apologies for barging in on this particular conversation, but I couldn't help notice your first sentence about the "Famous" three week stall. I'm coming up on 4wks post op (tomorrow actually). The scales haven't moved for me in the last two weeks, aside from up and down 1kg. So can I reassure myself that this is indeed normal?? I confess I'm sucking BIG time at getting in my requisite amount of protein. My visit to the surgeon last week didn't give me much info - he told me not to worry about protein and to focus on eating well. And I visited a dietician last week and she made it seem so easy to get my protein in, but I'm struggling. I'm working on about 700-800 calories a day and I'm walking every second day at this stage, with the hopes of progressing into light weights end of week. I'm really starting to panic as my biggest fear with this surgery was that I was not going to lose weight and here I am, nearly a month post op and haven't budged weight in two weeks. So any advice, opinions, suggestions and help will be greatly, greatly appreciated!! And once again, my apologies for barging in on this post!! Kindest regards RozzieJ

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