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Found 1,237 results

  1. shriner37

    The struggle is real.

    Congratulations on great results! Search the forum for "three week stall". It's a common occurrence and completely normal. You've lost 40 pounds in a short period of time, and your body needs a period of adjustment. It generally occurs sometime in the 2-4 week period after surgery and can last a few days or even several weeks. You will have other periods of stall along the way, just embrace them as a necessary part of the journey.
  2. vincereautmori

    Gained 2lbs 3wks postop

    I'm kind of surprised no-one has mentioned the three week stall, don't be surprised if it takes a week or two to get the dial moving again. Sounds like you're doing OK, don't sweat it yet, in my experience I hit a stall about every 5-6 weeks.
  3. Natasha Estrada

    One week post op and only lost 3lbs...

    I'm 6 weeks out and my first week I lost nothing then I lost 25lbs in the next 2 weeks. Then of course I got the dreaded three week stall. It doesn't come in a continuous flow
  4. catwoman7

    Stall Questions

    my first stall lasted two weeks. It was weeks 2 and 3 post surgery. It broke during week 4 and I dropped 6-8 lbs right away - like within a couple of days. I've heard of the "three-week stall" last as long as three weeks, actually. as for carbs, it depends on your program. Some surgeons recommend ultra-low-carb diets, some insist on something more moderate. Mine was one of the latter. While in the losing phase, I kept my carbs under 80 grams. But there are programs that limit carbs to more like 30 or 40. And there are some people whose programs are more moderate carb, but who do lower carb on their own because it works better for them. I doubt 35-45 carbs is going to de-rail you unless you are *super* carb sensitive. I think it's just the regular three-week stall. Just stick to your program, and it will eventually break.
  5. I'm 3 weeks out from surgery (about 24 days). I'm in the three week stall and I am ok. Am I struggling with Water and Protein? Yes. Am I not getting enough sleep? Yes. Am I exhausted and not getting my daily exercise in? Yes. Am I depressed? No. Why? Because I adjust, I do better each day. Each day I push myself. If there is something that is outside the scope of what I should be eating I throw it out. I don't put it away for later, I just chuck it out. I added strength training (resistance) to my routine and I know I'm retaining water because of it. Instead of having a melt down I will continue with the light resistance training 3x a week. Why? Because it makes me feel better: stronger, healthier, like I'm advancing. When I weighed in this morning my weight was UP (and I wanted to freak out but I didn't). I know it is because of water retention (and lack of water). My rational brain is fighting to keep me calm. I couldn't sleep well last night but I woke up and came here to read and find solace in the community. And though sleepy I found reason to keep taking steps forward. Even though it nauseates me in the mornings I'm working on my water. I had a tsp of Peanut Butter and am working on a Protein shake right now. I am separated from my significant other and I slid on my water and protein focus because of that last week. Also, I have been stressed and so my body is holding on to everything; I can feel it (isn't that a funny thing?). But still, I nap when I find the relaxation and I wake up ready to keep going. Now, I have resistance bands at home and my treadmill arrives tomorrow. I watched weight of the nation last night and I didn't feel like such a failure. Just another warrior on this path with the rest of you. I forgot myself in the fog of my sadness: I forgot I am not alone, I forgot that this is not a journey of days but of months and years. And so, even though I am tired, hope wakes here. Thank you. Because of all of you and the strength you show; because of all of you and the weakness we share; because I took the leap off the cliff and it is time to trust my wings and fly. As I ponder the struggles of this journey I keep reminding myself: no matter if you trip or stumble, just get up, keep going, hope remains.
  6. educationrulz

    3 Week Stall

    Well, I just made it through the dreaded three week stall. I knew it was happening when I was going through it (even before I weighed) because I could tell that my body hadn't changed and that my clothes were fitting the same. Against my better judgement, I weighed myself at Walmart, since I don't plan to buy a scale until close to goal, and sure enough it hadn't budged since my last weigh in a week earlier. Man was I pissed off! :tongue_smilie: Despite the fact that I had read countless stories about the 3 week stall, I was still mad for a couple of days. But, I got over it and didn't weigh again until I felt some changes in my body and saw changes with my clothes. By the end of my 4th week, I had lost an additional 2 pounds. Geesh! Couldn't it have been more than 2 lousy pounds?:closedeyes: Oh well, at least we're back on track now. Another member on VST suggested weighing once a month. I've always advocated no more than once a week, so even for me that's a little radical. But, I think I'm going to give it a try. I'm much more interested in feeling better and seeing changes in my clothing and sizes than I am with how much I weigh. So, why stress myself out with scale numbers that don't move as fast as I want them to? I'm going to shoot for the beginning of the month for my weigh-ins and hopefully whatever loss I see then will be motivating enough. We'll see how it goes...:thumbup1:
  7. MinaT

    The Last 25

    The reason that the last part is harder has to do with the amount of energy you expend with your current exercise or normal routines and your current weight vs. when you were 200 - 180. Someone that weights 250 uses up more calories per minute than someone that weights 150 doing the exact same thing. If every single day you do the same routine, walk a mile, 3, 5 or 10, it becomes the norm. Something usually has to change for the last push and of course you know that there's not just a "three week stall" there are continual stalls. How about switch up your exercise routine, if you usually walk or ride a bike, try step aerobics with weight training, get a tape like The Firm. Sometimes something as easy as switching your routine will help move it along. More muscle you have the more fat you burn. I haven't had surgery yet, but I've been through this myself. I used to run 10 miles a day, lift weights, do aerobics and kick box before I got sick and regained all my weight back. Good luck and hopefully the last 25 will melt off
  8. I am 3 1/2 weeks post op. Things progressing fine. No problem with liquid or Protein requirement. Am able to eat soft foods prepared in the blender. Even turkey meat loaf and tuna. Cannot eat much or I feel stuffed. About 1/2 cup is my limit. Ground chicken chili with soft white Beans has been my latest. I was losing pounds fairly steadily until this week. I've lost 35 pounds since beginning the two week liquid diet on Sept 5. Now I seemed to have stalled. I've heard of the three week stall so has anyone else experienced it? My Doc says to stay away from the scales for a while because I'm replacing fat with lean muscle tissue. I just can't resist stepping on those scales every morning. Any of you sleevers experience the stall? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  9. I'm down about 30 lbs from August 8th. Probably a little too fast for my height but I've had trouble with constant stomach upset and getting enough protein. (Can't take protein shakes. They advanced me onto soft meats early. Also had to stop most dairy.) I wanted to die those first two weeks, like, literally. The physiological starvation and rapid weight loss started making me batshit crazy. The three week stall is real!! I can only tolerate 1-2 ounces at a time. I actually added a little bit of carbs at the end of the three week stall with my very small meals and it helped with the stomach upset and got my weight moving downward again. IDK why but only one food group at a time has always bothered my stomach and I kind of forgot about that from my dieting days of old before all this (I have always had a lot of food-tolerance issues both mental and physical. Eating disorder brain and genuine physical sensitivities combined.) The stomach upset also makes it hard to get enough fluid and the vitamins all went to hell. It's been a vicious cycle of nausea causing stuff lol. I just started the vitamin patches after reading so many good reviews, so hopefully those help too. I haven't started a regular exercise regime yet because I've been so weak, but plans are in the works. Oh, and I'm back to work -- in smaller scrubs. [emoji4] Most days are getting slightly better each day. I still have a lot of "What have I done?" regret moments, but little by little that's improving too. Attached: a few weeks preop, Hospital pic, a couple days after they let me eat some meat lol, then the obligatory smaller scrub selfies were yesterday. I'll have to get a full body shot when I go back. (Bad underwear shots are being saved for bigger losses lol)
  10. a majority of people experience their first stall about three weeks after surgery (search for "the three week stall" (it even has a name!)). The first month or so is also when you'll typically see your biggest losses, after that, your 2.2 lbs a week thing is pretty common. Just stick to your plan and the weight will come off. After the first month, I lost about 10-12 lbs a month for awhile (and once I was about six or seven months out, it came off even slower). But I've lost over 200 lbs in total, so it does work as long as you stick to your program.
  11. syd5195


    I had my surgery o the 18th of Sept and have lost 60 lbs. But, the last three weeks not an ounce. I had a three week stall. Has anyone had a four month stall!?
  12. Bufflehead

    A little down

    It's perfectly normal to stall in your weight loss, especially between the two and four weeks out mark. If you don't believe me, use the search function here and look for "three week stall." You are not alone! Keep following your doctor's instructions and the weight will start to come off again. Don't be disappointed in yourself, you are doing great, I promise!
  13. HopeThruFaith

    Any Of You Girls...

    I ONLY lose after it goes away. That means I have a three week stall EVERY month and then lose 10-15 lbs that last week of the month. It's weird but my nutritionist said it wasnt uncommon.
  14. I was 338 on 10/30. On 11/1, I was 341.4. I dodnt worry about it because i the last couple of days had been closer to 1000 cals because of our anniversay and because I hadnt "eliminated". On 11/2, I was 340.6. I also had some spotting. I have mirena and havent period in years, so this was a bit weird. But the spotting has stopped. Today, I was 339.8. Its going down a bit but I realized the last time I remember having a decent size "elimination" was Saturday. Do I consider this the three week stall (4 weeks post op yesterday), some psuedo period or constipation? If stall or constipatio, what do you guys suggest to "break through"? I would really like to . Thanks HW 385 SW 359 CW 340 Sleeved 10/5/16
  15. Expect to be tired. I mean exhausted tired for the first two to three weeks post-op. Use every opportunity you can to nap and rebuild your energy. When you aren't napping, plan to be sipping constantly on either water or protein drinks. That's the best way to make sure you get in the required protein and water. Also, expect a bit of an emotional roller coaster. Embrace it and ride it out. Expect a "What the Hell have I done" Day. Mine was day five. I thought I had seriously screwed up and mourned the fact that there was no going back. Of course, today I am thrilled with my decision- but that day I was sure I had screwed up royally. Finally, expect to be dissappointed with weight loss in the first month. Despite learning everything we can it seems to never fail that everyone is upset with the three week stall and his/her weight loss. Lean on this forum when those days come- it helped me tremendously. Good Luck! Amanda
  16. The three week stall like others have said is very real and very common don’t beat yourself up just continue to stick with the nutrition guidelines and exercise and the weight loss will pick back up again. Wishing you all the best!
  17. As stated above, the three week stall is so common! Also, were you on a two week liquid "liver shrinking" diet? If so, you could have dropped a significant amount of weight pre-surgery, which can lower your "weight" loss in the first couple of weeks. Focus on staying hydrated and getting your protein in...it will come off! Good luck!
  18. catwoman7

    Weight Loss Stalls almost 4 weeks post op

    we call that the three-week stall, and it happens to almost everyone. If you do a search on this site, you'll find literally over 15,000 posts on it. just stick to your program and stay off the scale if you have to. It typically lasts 1-3 weeks. You'll hit a few more of these along the way, but like with you, the first one usually hits within the first month or so after surgery.
  19. wantingabetterlife

    How long was your longest stall?

    Yes, perfectly normal. It's called the dreaded three week stall. There are many posts on BP about it. My longest stall was 38 days. Just stick to your plan and stay away from the scale. It will move, on its own time!
  20. Don't want to scare you, but my three week stall lasted a month and a half. One day I got on the scale and was down 4 pounds over night. I did nothing but keeps to my diet (protein, protein, and more protein.) I still cant figure out how someone who is 250 pounds, works two jobs, and eats less than 100 calories a day didn't lose weight. As I said, haven't changed anything, my body just finally caught on.
  21. you're in what we call the "three week stall" (it doesn't always happen the third week - it can really happy any time within the first six weeks or so after surgery, but most of us have it the third week, hence the name). Probably 90% of us experience that early stall. Just keep following your plan and stay off the scale if you need to. It typically lasts 1-3 weeks, but I've heard of some cases where it's gone longer. Just know that as long as you follow your plan to a "T", the stall will break and you'll be on your way again. if you want to read more about it, do a search on this site of the "three week stall" Last time I checked, there were over 17,000 posts on it. And no, I am NOT kidding...
  22. winklie

    Slower than I expected

    @@Smallfry06 You are right on time for the 'dreaded three week stall' try searching, there are a million posts about it. Stick to the program, and you will be fine. I know I hit the same stall at the same time. Now back to 3-4 pounds a week.
  23. Follow your surgical team's plan. Do a search in these forums for "three week stall" and realize that the first month is not about weight loss but about your body healing. If you look at two months out nobody is still stalled and everyone loses significant weight. This is not the time to start changing your diet. This is time to follow the instructions and stop weighing yourself more than once a week.
  24. My surgery was 10 days ago. I seem to be stuck at the same weight for the past 3 days. I was wondering if the weight I lost on the 2 week Opti-fast liquid diet plus the weight lost during my first week home would make for a 3 week stall. Has anyone experienced this so early after surgery? I know it's still early but could use some encouragement. And I want to make sure I'm not doing anything wrong. I'm eating between 500 - 650 calories a day. I've so far not experienced dumping. I even had 1/2 cup of pureed split pea Soup last night for dinner. The only thing different so far is that my pouch doesn't like cold Water. It definitely has to be room temperature.
  25. catwoman7

    Weight not going down

    do a search on the "three week stall". Almost everyone has that. It's not always on week 3, but it usually is. But it can happen any time within the first 4-6 weeks of surgery. Like I said, pretty much everyone experiences that. Just stick to your program and it will break.

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