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Found 17,501 results

  1. catwoman7

    Down Time

    I took three weeks off but could have gone back after two. I know a few people who were back at work after a week, though. If you have a desk job, unless you're having a hard time recovering, you'll probably be able to go back earlier than someone who has a really active job, so yes, the type of job is a factor..
  2. You’re doing awesome!! I wouldn’t worry about 2 lbs. That can fluctuate from one day to the next or even throughout the day. I can not wait to be where you’re at!! I’m watching that line to get into the 29th percentile and sooooo close!! I’m at 186lbs today three weeks post op.
  3. Hi Team! I realize that stalls are inevitable, but I am having some trouble determining if I am in a stall that I need to just wait out, or if I need to change something up. Background: I just hit 8 months post-op. Stats are in my info box. I have been sitting at 174 pounds for three weeks. I had been losing a pound or more per week at around 900 calories per day, Protein at 100G and carbs under 100 g. That is around the time I hired a personal trainer, upped my weight training (free weights now and four days a week), my steps, and my calories (1200 or so per day). The increase in calories was at the recommendation of the trainer, who also recommended increasing carbs to 138 (most days I don't get above 110). I know the level weight is not due to increase in muscle mass---too soon. So....what are your thoughts? Stick with calories or go back down to 900-1000? Thank you in advance for any reassurance or guidance. (And I emailed my surgery team three days ago...waiting to hear back).
  4. catwoman7

    On TPN to gain weight

    it's really, really rare to have a stricture that late - they almost always appear - if they're going to appear - within the first three months after surgery. I had two - at four weeks out and again at eight weeks out. The first time I knew something was wrong and I called my clinic. They suspected it was a stricture and sent me over to the hospital for an upper endoscopy to confirm (and "fix") it. The second time I knew exactly what it was since I'd seen this movie before and I went right in to have it stretched. So no, I never got to the point you were at. For those newbies who are reading this, strictures only happen to about 5% of bypass patients (they can happen to sleeve patients as well, but they're very rare with sleeve), and they almost always happen within the first three months after surgery. Just be aware of the symptoms she listed and contact your clinic if you first start noticing stuff like this. They're not going to heal on their own, and they're an easy fix. Just make sure to let your clinic know if you start having these kinds of symptoms (can't keep anything down, nausea all the time) since these are not normal and are usually indicative of a stricture.
  5. Hi All, I had a sleeve revision to mini bypass 4 weeks ago. I had a brief period of relief from the acid reflux (due to GERD) but now it is back. I am taking a PPI every PM and find I wake in the middle of the night with a burning bile sensation. I chew a few tums. Also during the day, I don’t have much of an appetite (yay) but I find that if I don’t eat every 3 hours or so, the burning returns and I can taste bile. Has anyone had this? I had really hoped this revision would be the end all for this issue and I was so optimistic but now I’m almost worse off than before the surgery…….
  6. FifiLux

    weight stall

    Don't think of a 39lb loss as 'only', that is really good going in under three months. If you do a search in the forum you will see just about everyone has experienced a stall after a few months (some a few weeks) post surgery as our bodies cope with the changes. It is a question/concern that is raised almost weekly, if not more frequently, so you are not alone by any means. My stall lasted approx. 4 weeks and since then the loss as continued as a slow but steady pace, some weeks I lose nothing but I know I have done nothing wrong with my meals and it is all about the body trying to cope with and working out what is going on. I am sure this stall won't last much longer for you so don't worry and also don't worry if you have another stall in a few months time again.
  7. Hey everyone! I'm 4 weeks out as of yesterday, and I've mostly been feeling great. However, I got my period 4 days ago. At first, my weight loss stopped. Then, it even went up 2 pounds. Is this...normal? I've been on track with my water and protein, been following dietary guidelines to a T, and I haven't been exceeding 500-600 calories a day. How on earth did I gain 2 pounds? Is it because of my period? Trying really hard not to panic. 😞
  8. catwoman7

    Not losing weight

    you're in the infamous three-week stall. Happens to most of us. It's not ALWAYS the third week, but that's the most common (hence, the name), but most of us experience our first major stall within the first month or so after surgery. Best way to deal with it is to make sure you're following your clinic's plan to a "T", and stay off the scale for a few days. As long as you're following your program, the stall WILL break, and you'll be on your way again. It usually takes 1-3 weeks. It's basically your system recalibrating - and this will likely be the first of many stalls. re: bowel movements - constipation is a common issue after WLS. It's because of the high protein diet and supplements some of us take (iron and calcium are particularly notorious for this). It should improve once you start eating fiber again, but many of us have to take things like Miralax, magnesium tablets, or stool softeners daily to keep on top of it.
  9. FifiLux

    Bad Knees and excercise

    I have bad knees, no cartilage in either, which I have been told will need to be replaced in the years to come. I see you don't have a pool close by that is not cheap but I do aqua aerobics once a week and feel the benefit of it so if you could even afford a class once a week it might do you the world of good. I am lucky that my hospital run the class so I just have to pay about €100 by way of membership for the year and the classes are 50 weeks of the year. I also have an exercise bike that I go would go slowly on for about 20 minutes three times a week. Now that I have lost more weight and the weather is improving I find I can do short walks of about 20 minutes/1.5km. My knees do ache afterwards at night but not as bad as before when I was heavier so I feel it is worth it, put a bit of gel on them and it helps me sleep easier. I now also do the Svelte 'One and Done' exercise program, just the beginner level, three days a week. There are some exercises I can't do as they require knee movements I can't do but from what I have seen so far there is always an alternative exercise shown if movement is not possible. You could always check out their YouTube site as they have plenty of exercises that you don't have to pay for. Even though my weight loss has slowed down I can see where I am still losing cm's.
  10. catwoman7

    Coffee on pre-op diet?

    we weren't allowed coffee on the pre-op diet, or for the first three or four weeks after surgery. After that, we could drink decaf. We weren't allowed "real" coffee until about six months out. But as others have said, programs are all different.
  11. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Three days into a two week liquid diet before surgery on Feb. 7th. So far it hasn't been as tough as I thought it would be. Trying to stay busy to pass time faster.
  12. Marzy0153

    ESG January 2024 Buddies??

    Congrats on the weight loss and lower cholesterol in your first month! I am three months out and I’ve always struggled with hitting the recommended calories… I’ve hit almost two weeks now where I haven’t lost anything, but the dietitian told me that’s completely normal. Trying not to let it get to me! Curious if anyone a little further out has experienced this yet? I am down 56lbs after three months and started around your SW weight as well. Are you currently doing a blended/pureed diet? When I hit that phase, I think I was still consuming two protein drinks a day (I like Fairlife Nutrition Plan or Premier Protein) which gave me 60g protein total (30 each) and 300 cals total (150 or 160 each). I would try to have three meals a day. For meals, I would make a yogurt smoothie with a little bit of fruit, milk or water. The pre-made Chobani Zero Smoothies are also good if you need something quick. I would have half of one for a meal. Fat free refried beans were good at that phase. I also made a lot of cooked, mashed carrots and sweet potatoes. Ricotta or cottage cheese blended with fruit or lemon juice, tomato sauce, etc.
  13. NickelChip

    Down Time

    If you have the days to take, take them. I am self-employed and work from home. There were certain things I had to do within a couple days of getting home because nobody else could do them, but it was a struggle. I was sore and exhausted. I'm three weeks out and doing a lot better but I still get very tired midday. It would have been great to have at least a full week to two weeks to recover. Also, figuring out what to eat and when to drink and all that really takes up most of your brain for a while.
  14. I met with the nutritionist and surgeon last week and have received a surgery date of December 27. It's about a month later than I thought it would be, but I'm trying to make the best of it and not be too disappointed. My doctor's office only does 2 days of liquids prior to surgery, so while it does mean I will be on liquids for Christmas, I will have Christmas Eve without any restrictions (which is our bigger celebration day anyway). And I still get the surgery done on this year's deductible, which will help a little financially. So until then I am just working on establishing an exercise routine and healthy eating, but I don't have an additional weight loss goal that I need to meet. I'm sure the time will fly, but it feels so far away when I had been crossing my fingers for mid-November.

  15. I agree with the others who said it's most likely because you just had major surgery. Your body needs time to rest and heal. It'll get better and better. I was probably close to two months out before I felt like my old self, but it does get better every day. After the first three weeks or so, I wasn't exhausted all the time.
  16. I just returned my first post-op vacay. I was gone for a week to two different areas. The first place was a wilderness area on the Atlantic ocean, and then I visited an historic city for a few days.

    On my most active day, I was able to hike 11 miles, and I accomplished my first solo backpacking trip. All of the other days, including the city, were 6-8 miles of walking.

    One issue that came up for me was my mobile phone. I have become reliant on it for tracking macros, calories, and water intake. However, in the wilderness area, I did not have access to mobile data nor wifi, and the app that I use for tracking will not work if it is offline. I am sure that I met my water goals, but I doubt that I was able to reach my protein goals.

    My second issue that came up with the mobile phone was, well, I broke it while in the city! So, in the span of 8 days, I was only able to track my intake for 1. It remains frustrating, as I haven't replaced my phone yet.

    I will need to get some kind of paper logbook/backup option for travelling in the future. I am going to search the forums and start a post to find out what others use as an alternative to electronic journalling. 

  17. I cheated once with two baked chicken wings, and some of an empanada on stage three. I’m gonna be honest it didn’t hurt. I didn’t hurt and I didn’t feel full. I was scared though, that my body couldn’t process it. I don’t know. It was also my graduation night.
  18. Going into my second week post op liquids and I have become weary eating the same things that I've noticed my fluid intake has been going down. I'm charting everything and although I am still within limits of my fluid intake I've noticed it declining as the week goes on. I was on a pre-op diet for one week with the day before surgery all clear liquids. So in actuality I'm going into 3 weeks of fluids. I've had different flavors of protein shakes, some I make some are premade. I have my SF popsicles, different flavors, broths, and creamed soups. I now want none of the above except I can still deal with the popsicles. It's like if you eat a certain food for a long time just the thought of that food makes you nauseous. I am still getting the protein shakes in but I need to mix it up a bit and need creative ways to get through this next week. I also have caffein free teas and SF hot chocolate (not a coffee drinker). I have been using SF Orange Crush & SF 4C tea with lemon packs to flavor my water. My 2 week follow up is Tuesday Sept 12 I still don't have an appetite and it's not that I am wanting to eat off the liquid plan, it's just that if I never have another broth or cream soup for the rest of my life I'll be just fine! lol Any suggestions to get through this next week?
  19. I am similar timeframe and similar stall so to read the two above posts is reassuring. I am still only eating about 900 calories a day which is about 90g carbs and 70-100g protein. I do aqua aerobics once a week and light training three days a week plus try to get a 20 minute walk in most days and I have been stuck at the 78/77kg (171/169 lb) for a few weeks now. I am going to give it a bit more time as I think I have another follow up appointment with my surgery team in a month and can discuss then, especially as the surgeon told me in January that he would be happy with me getting to 75kg this year - I just didn't think it would take this long to get there.
  20. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    @RonHall908 Isn't the slow weight loss the worst? I had my second mini stall this past week. At least it was 4 days instead of 7 like I had at the three-week mark. I truly did think, based on how quickly I lost weight in the pre-op diet phase, that it would be super quick after surgery. I lost 15.4 lbs in 2 weeks compared to 16.8 pounds in 8 weeks post-op. What the heck?! It's demoralizing at times. I still have 3 weeks until my next appointment with the dietician and 5 weeks until I see the doctor again. I'm really hoping I'm on track. They say the first 3 months is the fastest weight loss, and if that's true for me...it really sucks. The one thing I can handle large quantities of is water, or even something very liquid like a smoothie. 16oz in under 30 minutes is no problem. And I can eat a full 1 cup serving of bean and veg soup. Any kind of meat fills me up fast, though, although tuna salad is probably the one I can eat the most of.
  21. I would start now, and cut what you are already doing in half. Max of 500 calories and 20 carbs daily. Find protein supplements with 0g fat and carb. I know several of the powders are just 23g or so of protein and nothing else, and around 90 calories. Get in at least 5k steps a day. If three weeks of that doesn't knock off 3.5kg, I'm not sure what will.
  22. Is this normal ? I did also have a hernia . The first photo is two or three days after surgery and the second photo is 5 days after. I thought the bruising would go away but it is getting bigger . My tummy feels tight and full. My family says I am paranoid. Thanks
  23. I'm 3 weeks post op and have only lost 14 lbs and now have hit a stall for almost a week. I was losing like a pound a day during full liquids. Now I am in soft food stage and haven't lost a lb since starting soft food. How do I break this stall. I've only lost 14 lbs and almost 4 weeks post op. Sent from my SM-N970U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  24. I had one at two weeks post op, six weeks then at three months, one coming up at six months, nine months and then I'll have a one year and finally an 18 month. Then a required one time every year after that. Along with the yearly check ups I'll have a nutrient blood draw labs each year.
  25. catwoman7

    Raw vegetables?

    I'm nine years out so my memory is foggy, but I think they recommended we wait three or four months for those. Raw carrots still occasionally irritate my stomach.

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