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Found 17,501 results

  1. RnYBabe

    B12 + MIC Injections

    If your levels are low then I would definitely recommend adding the injection and seeing how you feel afterwards. Do you take a bariatric vitamin?
  2. What’s the best insurance to have when you’re interested in having Bariatric surgery covered by insurance?
  3. I went through similar for the first few months and couldn't keep them down. In the end my surgeon agreed that I could take 'normal' vitamins for a month, which I had been taking pre-op, and then to go on to a different format of the bariatric vitamins once my stomach was ready to accept them. I had been taking the hard ones that were so big, dry and tasted disgusting and couldn't keep them down, even the smell of them turned my stomach. Now I can take the capsule format as there is no taste or smell. I also tried a different brand of bariatric capsules but they were cherry tasting (hate) and couldn't keep them down and even putting into a smoothie turned the the taste of the smoothie vile. For the calcium I have to just buy generic ones on Amazon as the special bariatric ones I can get here can only be sold as a package with the horrible cherry capsules. I also had to take a daily dose of iron for a month or so when my levels got too low as I have pernicious anemia. Picture attached of the daily vitamin one I take. I also took their special hair capsule one in addition for three months to help when I was losing so much hair.
  4. SleeveToBypass2023

    Looking for guidance on surgery with Medicaid.

    Medicaid typically requires 6 months of documented medically supervised weight loss attempts with your doctor, bmi of 40 or 35 with at least 2 comorbidities, pass an ekg, blood work, and pass a psych eval before they will approve the surgery. They may also require a referral to a bariatric surgeon from your primary doc. They will also require a letter from your primary doctor approving you to have the surgery. All of that gets submitted to Medicaid by the bariatric surgeon and then Medicaid decides if they will approve it or not. If they deny it, they'll usually tell you why and you can either do whatever else they need you to do or appeal it if you already have it done. That's all I can think of. I actually originally looked into bariatric surgery way back when I was on Medicaid, but ended up not doing it. Once I started my previous job and got BCBS, I looked into it again and ended up doing it. When I had my revision a year later, I was changing jobs and in between insurance and back on Medicaid (if the revision if for complications and not failed weight loss, they tend to approve the revision really fast - in my case, it was 72 hours, if it's for failed weight loss, you basically have to start everything all over again as if you're doing the surgery from scratch, and all the previous requirements are back in place). Now I'm at my current job (dream job) and have United Health Care. I hope this helps somewhat!
  5. NickelChip

    How Can I tell I’m Hungry?

    This is the best time to start good habits for the future. You probably won't feel hungry for a while, but you will need to eat regularly anyway. Without the distraction of hunger, you can make deliberate choices. Right now, you should have a schedule from your surgeon's office or dietician that tells you what you can eat, how much, and when. Try to follow that as you get used to your body's new cues. If you need more detail, you can check out bariatric cookbooks, but choose ones written by doctors and registered dietitians who specialize in bariatrics. It's a good time to slowly try out new recipes and retrain yourself for small portions.
  6. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I've listened to some podcasts on bariatric surgery. The one in particular I've just listened to a couple times is called "Former fat friends" I listened to their finale of season 1. There's some things they talk about that may help. I'm an audible junkie, I listen to podcasts and books while I work. So, I'm not sure how many platforms they are on. I think everyone can take something from that podcast.
  7. Alex Brecher

    Best vitamins to take for energy

    The BariatricPal Store carries a selection of bariatric-friendly energy & pre-workout supplements at https://store.bariatricpal.com/collections/energy-supplements
  8. Alex Brecher

    Best Multivitamin Brand

    I've been taking BariatricPal Multivitamin ONE capsules recently, and I've found them really helpful. They're flavorless, and you only need one a day, which is super convenient. There's a deal where a year's supply is just $99, which seems like great value. If you're interested, you can check it out at https://store.bariatricpal.com/99. One thing I appreciate about these vitamins is that experts in the field specifically design them with bariatric needs in mind. Just a heads-up, though – taking a separate calcium supplement is recommended, as it can affect iron absorption. If you're looking for options, BariatricPal has a range of calcium supplements that might suit your needs, available at https://store.bariatricpal.com/collections/calcium. Also, if you're exploring different brands or types of bariatric multivitamins, there's a variety to choose from at https://store.bariatricpal.com/collections/multivitamins. It's always good to have options.
  9. catwoman7

    Help !

    I'm guessing whoever did you scan isn't a bariatric surgeon, so they might call any weight loss surgery an RNY (?). Not sure. If what you got is a sleeve, and it was confirmed by other MRI's and scans, then I'm guessing that's why that person put "RNY" on your summary. He or she just isn't familiar with the various WLSs.
  10. I had a gastric bypass 2.5 yrs ago and have recently experienced a 17 lb weight gain. My doctor recommended Topiramate to help get me back on track and advised it’s very successful with bariatric patients however the possible side effects were kind of concerning has anyone taken this? And if so what was your experience? I appreciate your feedback!
  11. I don't plan on being on them for a lifetime, I just need the head hunger to stop and help with the constant hunger...I've been good at fighting it..but I can foresee starting to cheat if I don't get some help. I've tried the alternatives to side track my brain...doesn't work. $250 is way better..hopefully my doctor who's had bariatric surgery will prescribe something to help!
  12. Hi! I am scheduled to have gastric sleeve surgery in September. I have diastolic dysfunction grade 1 and the idea of going under anesthesia makes me nervous. My surgeon is aware, as is my cardiologist and all have given me the green light. I realize that weight loss will likely improve the diastolic dysfunction and hopefully prevent full blown heart failure, so I am leaning towards going through with the surgery. I had a previous lapband (removed in 2014) and multiple surgeries which has caused adhesions/scar tissue, which will likely extend my total time under anesthesia. Has anyone had WLS with heart disease? If so, did you have any cardiac complications during or post-surgery?
  13. FifiLux


    I don't think it made a difference to how much came out but it made my hair softer and kept it in good condition which meant I could go longer between washes. I was taking collagen every day as well, still do. The only vitamin I am no longer taking is the bariatric hair one as felt I did well with the three month supply.
  14. NickelChip

    Weight Gain Scare

    This video should be required viewing for every bariatric patient. I have watched every one of Dr. Weiner's videos and rewatch them regularly. So much important information that you don't learn in most programs.
  15. Pines

    Is cauliflower rice good??

    Absolutely! It’s from the cookbook “The Complete Bariatric Cookbook and Meal Plan”. Made the recipe for eight other people at Sunday dinner and they all really liked it too.
  16. Hi 👋 I’m right at the very beginning of my bariatric journey and I’m equal parts excited, apprehensive and relieved. I’m 55 and have had numerous attempts at weight loss (like many, many of us!) Thankfully I found an incredibly supportive GP who has helped with menopause issues and was really understanding of my frustration with my weight, and the constant feelings of guilt, anxiety and failure. She put me forward for bariatric surgery and has helped me with the initial stages. Mobility is an issue - I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis in both knees and left hip and generally feel like crap - constant pain and just a general feeling of being fed up. I’ve had my first education support meeting at the hospital and now have appointments for the dietitian, sleep test, and support group (waiting for endoscopy appointment) I’ve read, researched and downloaded what I can. I have also familiarised myself with all the information provided by the hospital and have downloaded a couple of bariatric recipe books for the different stages. I always like lots of information when embarking on something major! My plan is to start a weight loss plan come Monday and start getting my head around higher protein, lower carbs and better eating all round once again. My weight is currently 303lbs and I’m 171cm tall. I’ve taken the dreaded ‘before’ pictures (😖) and have re-started my weight loss app membership to record everything and make myself accountable. I’m looking forward to ‘meeting’ people who are on this journey too, regardless of the stage!
  17. ShoppGirl

    Everyday diet post surgery.

    I got it from a bariatric cookbook on kindle so I’m not sure how to link it but it’s basically just a scrambled egg with cheese and veggies and or meat mixed in that you put into a muffin tin and bake. It tastes different that scrambled egg though. If you have kindle it’s called the bite sized bariatric cookbook. If not, mix 4 eggs with 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk. Then mix in 2 cups chopped boccoli and 1 cup shredded cheese bake at 375 for 20-25 minutes in greased mini muffin tins. Having done it once already I think I would pour the egg in first then add the veggies and cheese to the muffin tin so that they would be more even.
  18. Jessie203

    Initial Visit-Mixed Emotions

    I APOLOGIZE!! It got long but I wanted to add some background. and the regret comes from nervousness that I won’t enjoy food. And no desire to be really thin but being disabled mean getting/ keeping weight off will be difficult according to the bariatric surgeon I am 5’2. Majority of my weight is my thighs. I do have a belly, apron belly.
  19. Absolutely not in the slightest, at all. Not even a little. There are occasional bits of medicine that are sciency in that way, but they are rare and WLS is absolutely not one of them. And when science is applied to medicine, the results don't necessarily take. A lot of the advice given to bariatric patients hasn't been researched at all, but some of it flatly contradicts research results.
  20. So I'm considering getting the gastric sleeve surgery. I'm almost 40 years old and weight almost 440 pounds and have a BMI of 67 and ive tried literally everything to lose weight and nothing has worked. I've never lost more than 20-30 pounds at a time.Bariatric surgery is really the last option for me. So I'm in a bariatric program right now and we've decided that the gastric sleeve would be the safest operation for me. The problem my team including my surgeon is trying to address? I'm schizophrenic and Bipolar and take Antipsychotics. I've maybe gained 100 lbs over the course of trying meds since 2011 to find the right medicine combination. Right now I'm taking Latuda and Seroquel for antipsychotics. My GP has stated over and over again that Latuda might not be the greatest medicine for me to be on because it requires me to consume 350 calories in order for it to work properly. But reallym the medication does wonders with me. When/if I get bariatric surgery that's going to be a challenge for my bariatric team finding a meal or snack that I can fit those calories in. Not to mention my surgeon has mentioned that it will be an extra challenge for him to try to work around my anti psychotics. He didn't say it was impossible but he did call it a great challenge. I guess why I'm posting here is to ask is, is the gastric sleeve an option for me? Or should I consider the switch instead? My bariatric team pretty much flat out said that the bypass would be too risky of a surgery to do with me and they don't do the lap band anymore and my bmi is too risky for the lap band anyway. But before I go and permanently change my stomach I'd like to know what my options are. My team hasn't really been forthcoming and just seem to want to do the surgery as soon as possible. But, I'd like it to be a success as well. Especially when the sleeve is a permanent change to my body.
  21. ShoppGirl

    Total regret

    What’s the difference between the sasi and the Sadi. I am contemplating the Sadi and I just learned it’s the same as sips but this is first I heard of sasi. Wow there are alot more bariatric surgeries than I ever realized.
  22. ShoppGirl

    Loosing too much weight

    Have you only spoken with you bariatric dr, in regards to this being related to surgery? Perhaps it’s coincidence and you have something totally unrelated going on. I would have a chat with my PCP if you haven’t already.
  23. So I finally reached out my bariatric team and they said my post op appts "slipped through the cracks", So instead of having a 3 and 6 month appt I am have one next week (at 5months ish) that will combine my 3 and 6 month post op appt. ANYWAYS to my point! I got my blood work and everything is normal range! my A1C even went down from 5.6 to 5.3 which is pretty groovy! Also my iron is normal for the first time in my life! However my B12 is 1116 which from what I read optimal results are >500 for bariatric patients? So does that mean I am doubly good? My Vitamin D is at 119 and toxic levels are over 100. So my assumption is I could probably cut back on those vitamins lol. I feel great! I am down to 185 as of last week. Hair is still shedding but tis life. Thanks for coming to my ted talk!
  24. SleeveToBypass2023

    Back to basics. Taking vitamins

    I honestly don't take an extra calcium anymore. I take the bariatric multivitamin w/ iron in the morning and that's it. I was told once you hit 6 months out, you don't need it anymore because you'll get what you need from your food. Hmmm...I wonder if I should ask about it again.
  25. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I think that's why I feel exhausted at times, working out and not fueling enough. Maybe I need more. But, I'm trying to follow the dieticians directions as close as I can. She has more experience at this than I do. I haven't ate food to fuel my body since I was a kid. My fear is, if I eat too much I'll resort back to bad habits. I'm sure that is most everyone's fear after bariatric surgery. 

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
