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Found 738 results

  1. I am considering banding, however I enjoy an occassional beer or cocktail. How does banding affect drinking?
  2. jacquelynndiaz


    How long did u all wait before u had an alcoholic beverage? I am 5 weeks post op!
  3. I had my surgery on dec 12 its my brother bday n i just turned 21 in oct n I really want to drink with him im also go to my first concert with him
  4. I was wondering how soon I would be able to enjoy my wine ( mostly red wine) again. I can't live without wine and cheese!
  5. Hey everyone! I'm exactly two months post op and down 56lbs I haven't had any trouble with eating or drinking and have been slowly going at my own pace, but I can essentially eat anything with no side effects Anyway, considering my bounce back, I feel like I can easily manage a couple drinks and I'm absolutely dying to go out and relax. I thought it would take 6 months, but I honestly can't see how 4 months from now anything would be different. I'm healed and cleared for all foods, so if I feel ready isn't that enough of a reason to try? So, when did everyone have their first drink after their op? No negative comments please (: Sent from my LG-H850 using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. MissTiffany203


    21st birthday is in about 15 days ... What drinks doesn't upset your stomach?
  7. Ok, so, I know that alcohol can irritate the stomach, and is full of calories, but that aside, I'm sure lots of people still drink with the band. Right? I'm not talking a glass of wine or 2 at dinner... but you know, going out to a party/pub/bar or wherever you do your recreational drinking, and actually getting drunk... purposely. If someone were to do this, to the point of feeling nauseous... is there anything that can be done? What about a bad hangover with the potential for puking? Probably just some Gravol, right? I'm not a huge drinker, and I actually haven't had a drink in months, but I know that it's gonna happen again (and I'm looking forward to it!), so I just want to be prepared so that if I drink too much, and start feeling sick, I know what kind of things might help. Thanks guys, Mandi
  8. LapbandLo


    I'm not a huge drinker but I usually have a beer if I'm in a social setting. Is that off limits forever once I'm banded? I know it's not recommended but would it kill me?
  9. tinabree


    I have a question, the doc said no alcohol for 1 yr and others say 6 mo and sooner. What does it do to you (besides get you drunk).
  10. I know this probably seems ridiculous - and I'm really just inquiring if anyone did this??! I have a vacation in Montauk less than a week before my surgery - can I have a few drinks while on my pre-surg diet? My dr. Said it won't really hurt but I shouldn't. ... If I can't I won't - but I'm just wondering! Trust me I've been more than compliant and plan to continue to be... But I really want to enjoy my vacation and its bad enough I'll be on my pre-op diet! Lol
  11. kaytiebugs

    Alcoholic beverages?

    I'm almost 24... so I've not quite outgrown my partying years. What do you guys do about drinking?? Do you still drink? Cut out beer? Only do shots? No alcohol at all (if you drank before)? My hubby and I drink <responsibly> with friends practically every weekend!! That's the one thing I'm really wondering about... can I still drink a little? I mean I'd be okay if I could just throw back a few jagerbombs... or just straight jager
  12. I've not read the effects of alcohol on post operative care. Is it allowed? I'm not talking about getting smashed. Is a beer or two allowed? A glass or two of wine? I know it is probably not a good idea, but is it prohibited.
  13. My birthday is in 2 weeks. ..i will be 6 weeks post op at that time. Do you think I could have a drink or two????
  14. #fitnotfat


    Hi I am 6 months post op and have just had my first drink of alcohol, I had about 7 sips of rose wine and the I started sweating profusely but was shivering all over and felt sick!! What was that and has anybody else had the same happen to them? Thanks in advance.
  15. kimmiethomason1

    Alcohol and the sleeve!

    So I'm not going to beat around the bush! I like my liquor, I have probably about 5 drinks a week. When I had my surgery I told my surgeon that I like my rum n cokes. He told me obviously not to drink them often but if I really want on every once in a while to drink them with flat Coke, at first I though, well that sounds nasty but after my first one I thought, it's not bad. But then I started to like them, after a while I got where every day id get home and drink them as a stress reliever. But now, obviously in having issues and I'm not sure if it's alcohol related or not. I need some advice, I don't want to quit drinking entirely because I do use it as a stress reliever because my job is VERY intense but am I ruining my stomach? That is the last thing I want to do.
  16. This isn't a deal breaker for me but I would like to know if any sleevers have an occasional drink and how their body reacted. My Doctor recommends to never drink again.. Anyone else?
  17. I admit that I like to drink. In the last year I have cut my alcohol use down significantly from a cocktail or two per night to one-two per week instead. I also make smaller ones than I used to. After VSG why are we not supposed to drink alcohol? Is it just the extra [empty] calories or is there another reason? I have already cut down from 7 oz martinis to 3 oz ones. I have 1.5 oz martini glasses I can switch to in my bar if it is just the calories. I do enjoy drinking wine as well and have cut down from 3-5 bottles per week to just 1. If there is another health issue other than the calories? It is no big deal to drop my consumption to almost nothing but really don't want to lose the booze completely (although I am willing to do that if necessary).
  18. Has anyone struggled with drinking too much after getting sleeved? My fiancé dumped me right after I was sleeved. Subsequently, I lost my career since he owned the business I worked for and I also have to move in a month. I went 4 weeks with out a drink but then I had wine and tolerated it fine, and have been drinking way too much the past week to mask the pain of everything going on in my life right now. Please private message me if you are...I could use some help here.
  19. tigk29


    I am in the process of having the lap band procedure done and I had a question. Once or twice a month I like to go out with my friends and have a beer or two. I know the beer has cabination in it so I was wondering if a fruit juice with a liquor would be okay to have (Malibu rum and pineapple, screwdriver)? I am aware that the liquor has high sugar in it, but if I do it in moderations will it be okay. Has anybody tried this?
  20. sc09


    I’ve been alcohol free for a year now. I’m planning on meeting up with some friends after work tomorrow and I plan on having a drink. I’ve read other posts about drinking after surgery but don’t remember seeing where anyone said how fast or hard the alcohol will hit you. I don’t plan on driving at all but I also don’t want to look like a blathering idiot after half a glass of wine. Any info someone can pass on from their experiences I would greatly appreciate. [emoji16]
  21. chamilton0323


    When did everyone start drinking again? My surgeon's office said to wait 3 months post op. I'm not wanting to overindulge but I would like to enjoy a mimosa at the baby shower I'm going to in a couple weeks because heavens knows I will need help getting through it.
  22. I have not had a drop to drink since pre-surgery, however with the holidays approaching, I might want a small drink here or there, socially. I plan on avoiding anything carbonated (no beer or coolers). I know I need to keep sugars down, too. Any recommendations?
  23. cottonkime

    Las Vegas/alcohol

    Would like some input about an upcoming trip... It is s Business Convention and I am trying to figure out a non carbonated, sugarfree, alcoholic beverage to sip on (a weeks worth of business dinners). Prior it would be Bacardi diet or Mike's lite hard lemonade, neither of which will work now. Doc gave me ok to have alcohol but I have no clue what other types of drinks to have. Thanks!

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