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Found 738 results

  1. I shopped yesterday for my supplements and just discovered the first ingredient in the calcium chews is Maltitol. This product has never agreed with me. Does anyone have any advice? I'm so upset, I shopped at the hospital pharmacy, thinking I was paying fir quality products.
  2. Last week I poured out all the alcohol in the house. I rarely drank pre op but about 6 mths post RNY I stopped declining wine with dinner and very quickly recognized that I was experiencing the food to alcohol addiction transfer.

    I'm so glad the alcohol is gone! If anyone feels they are on that slippery slope I encourage you to do the same. So much easy to resist if it is not in the house.

    Also, for the first time in 6 months I've broken out of the gain/lose/gain/lose the same few lbs stall and have started to lose again!


    1. Newme17


      I’m SOOOOOOOO HAPPY you beat that and recognized the problem and took care of it. Great job hon!!! I hope you find peace and rest in something healthy, should you need an outlet as well. I can’t say Great Job enough!!!!!! 👍😁 I’m really happy for you.

    2. Berry78


      Woo Hoo! Good for you! (You can get nice massages and pedicures with the money you'll save on the booze!)

  3. Hey everyone! I'm exactly two months post op and down 56lbs I haven't had any trouble with eating or drinking and have been slowly going at my own pace, but I can essentially eat anything with no side effects Anyway, considering my bounce back, I feel like I can easily manage a couple drinks and I'm absolutely dying to go out and relax. I thought it would take 6 months, but I honestly can't see how 4 months from now anything would be different. I'm healed and cleared for all foods, so if I feel ready isn't that enough of a reason to try? So, when did everyone have their first drink after their op? No negative comments please (: Sent from my LG-H850 using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. jackie.lowson@hotmail.com


    What are your rules/experiences with drinking alcohol after surgery
  5. I have a big event 3 days before my surgery. Is there any danger to having a few drinks at the event?
  6. jsemmig


    I'm sure the answer is no but I forgot to ask the dietician if I'm allowed to have alcohol during my 2 week pre op liquid diet that I started today. Do any of you know?
  7. How are you guys counting sugar alcohols in macros? I like Dr. Johns hard candies. 4 pieces count as 18 carbs, 16 of which are sugar alcohols. Would you count 18 carbs. would you count 2 carbs? What’s your thoughts?
  8. I understand that for 6 months following surgery that alcohol is banned. But why not after that? As long as its not often?? Confused in Dallas
  9. So I'm 22 years old and had VSG surgery 2 weeks ago. I am very happy with my weightloss and honestly not being about to eat isn't bothered me in the way that I expected. I don't miss food that much but I miss the social aspect of it. I am a person that enjoyed very much cooking large meals and having dinners with my friends and family to show them that I care. Baking cakes for my friends birthday and just going out to eat in general. I honestly didn't realize how much of my social life had food and alcohol in it until I had this surgery. Now all my friends are having dinners and parties to celebrate new jobs and back to school, my best friend is a pilot and she just got her instrument rating and a big dinner to celebrate. I'm like torn should I not go and spare myself the agony of watching everyone eat and drink or do I just stay home and be a sour puss. Any suggestions and tips on how to be social without making everyone feel awkward will definitely help !!! Please I need it. And plus I'm moving to another country in a few weeks so I really want to be able to spend time with my friends now.
  10. Does anybody know if they test for alcohol Sent from my N9560 using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. I've never really been a huge drinker, and before surgery it was not uncommon for me to go many months without a drink. I had my surgery Nov., 2015 and am living an entirely different lifestyle in a new country where drinking alcohol is the one common denominator at every social event. Because I suffer from social anxiety, this appeals to me because it calms me down and makes me more outgoing and friendly. That is, if I wasn't drinking I would stay home. My question is how does this effect weight loss and maintaining weight?
  12. chamilton0323


    When did everyone start drinking again? My surgeon's office said to wait 3 months post op. I'm not wanting to overindulge but I would like to enjoy a mimosa at the baby shower I'm going to in a couple weeks because heavens knows I will need help getting through it.
  13. Got sleeved about a month ago.. never been a smoker..but smoked hookah1 occasionally. Going out with some friends soon and want to know..how long do I have to wait to smoke hookah1 again and have a drink?
  14. I've been eating quest bars since surgery and I actually enjoy them. However, the sugar alcohol in them has me farting so frequently I can't stand to be in the same room as myself. Does anyone have a recommendation for a bar with no sugar alcohol? Thanks.
  15. Yes of course I know there won't be binge drinking, but what about social drinking? Thus may sound silly but my husband and I are on a bowling league and a softball team and in both cases we usually hang out and have a beer or 2....will I be able to do that? I mean if my stomach can only hold 4-6 oz I'm thinking I won't be able to? Just trying to get mentally ready!!
  16. Is anyone having a problem with drinking too much alcohol after the surgery? I have now become obsessed with alcohol.. kind of like I was about sweets before surgery. I've kept off 110 pounds!!!
  17. Jessibird


    Anybody have issues with alcohol now that they cant eat? I find myself struggling with alochol now. So sad anout this. Sent from my SM-J700T using BariatricPal mobile app
  18. #fitnotfat


    Hi I am 6 months post op and have just had my first drink of alcohol, I had about 7 sips of rose wine and the I started sweating profusely but was shivering all over and felt sick!! What was that and has anybody else had the same happen to them? Thanks in advance.
  19. OkieMom2


    I have my surgery scheduled for August 1st. July 10-15 we are going on a small vacation with friends and I'd like to enjoy a few drinks or shots. I'm not a beer drinker but asking if anyone had drinks this close to surgery? I will still be three weeks away and not in my two week liquid diet phase. I won't drink everyday but wondering what the thoughts were on occasional drinks while there?
  20. It's me again. Neossa. I am 6 month post op MGB. After 3 month of my surgery I had small amount of alcohol and since then...I realized that I can drink decent amount of alcohol after my surgery. Before surgery I was drinking beer like a fish. After surgery I can even drink 2 beer at a time or 2 glass of wine. I am not drinking daily...but once a week. Over the weekend. I wonder my capacity of drinking after MGB. When I google stuff ppl says....they can't drink after surgery or they get high faster. But I don't feel like I am higher or tipsy. I KNOW its not good. and I am still half way to my weight loss journey. I need advise or a conversation for alcohol after Mini Gastric Bypass. Should I drink ( Off course NO) or I can occasionally drink 1 glass of alcohol. Thank you all in advance who can comment on it.
  21. I'm pretty new here and I'm scheduled for surgery July 4th (EEK!) with Dr. Illian. I drink alcohol very rarely now...but I am a mother of an almost two year old, so occasionally a glass of wine or a nice cold beer really hits the spot. I was just curious on post-op how your body tolerates that? I know that wine may be a little easier on the belly, as long as it's not "bubbly". Just curious on what others experiences have been. Thank you for the info!
  22. If an alcoholic came to a support group and confessed to drinking, support would come in the form of a come to Jesus, get-real tough conversation.  Same if a drug addict relapsed.  But when morbidly obese people, who have been given a tremendous opportunity no less, make terrible decisions, "good" support comes in the form of telling them they will be okay and that everyone is human because doing what you are supposed to do is hard. What a world we live in!

    1. Newme17


      I agree...our mentality about other addictions tend to be less severe than food addictions. They should all be equally thought of a terrible thing to have to deal with and get help with.

  23. I am 2 weeks postop gastRic sleeve.. I'm currently on a soft diet.. my post op md said to hold off on drinking until my goal weight.. which is probably gonna be about 6 months or more. So realistically when did anyone have a glass of wine or alcohol one drink after their sleeve. I know not have any mixed drinks or sugar loaded margaritas
  24. I am 5 months post op, I have over 5 and 1/2 stone far, but at the weekend I went out and decided to have a few glasses of wine, not before surgery I was a cider/beer person but I know to stay away from carbonated drinks. Well the wine obviously went straight to my head and I lost all control, I landed up drinking almost 3 entire bottles of rose wine, even before surgery I could only ever have handled one bottle, this was on Saturday night and now it is Tuesday I am still be absolutely rubbish both physically and obviously mentally as well. Obviously it was a massive wake up call that I am not ready to drink again, but I am genuinely worried if I have damaged my liver or kidneys, I'm trying to keep as hydrated as possible, but my stomach is clearly out of sync, which is then just making the guilt cycle in my head. I am so mad at myself for not having control when I have been doing so well. Was just wondering if anyone has any advice or similar stories on this as I have given myself a real scare
  25. A tiny bit disappointed that I turn 21 tomorrow and still won't know what alcohol tastes like (I was sleeved less than 3 weeks ago), but getting my health and life on track are totally worth it <3

    1. OutsideMatchInside


      I had a fake ID and was going to the bars at 16. By the time I was 21 I was already bored with alcohol

    2. Newme17


      I guess us older folks are wondering why? Lol. When you get older, you'll wander why did you bother too? (or get bored with it). It just got me in a lot of trouble. If I had to do my 20's all over, I'd skip it. Enjoy life sober. You'll be glad you did. One less thing to get addicted to as well (if you tend to have addictions).

      Happy birthday!!! 🎈🎊🎁🎂🎉

    3. Newme17


      Btw, I'm not speaking for all of us older ones either.

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