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  1. TwinkleToes87

    Help, pre-op mistake :(

    Thank you so much @NickelChip for your great insight and information. It’s super helpful and calmed me down a lot. You are absolutely right and it’s something I need to think about and not set myself up for failure by being too restrictive. I was thinking because it’s my last opportunity for solids it would be my last chance to eat that because I had planned to not eat sugar again after surgery. Not an excuse, but I was hungry from missing my shakes due to working also. I wasn’t thinking right at all and regretted it immediately. It definitely opened my eyes to how my brain tries to justify eating something like that. I know I should not look at it as a loss of the foods I used to enjoy. Thank you again for sharing such wise and thoughtful insights. ❤️
  2. TwinkleToes87

    Help, pre-op mistake :(

    Thank you so much for letting me know about your experience. I feel a lot better knowing I can still get my surgery with one slip up. I’m definitely sticking with it so I do not sabotage my chance at a better life. ❤️ thank you for giving me hope.
  3. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    @BlueParis About the same here. I've lost all of 4 lbs in the past 30 days. I hit a low of 199.2 lbs 8 days ago and immediately bounced up above 200 lbs the next day. Now I've been losing maybe 0.2 lbs a day if I'm lucky. Back down below 200 this morning finally, but still above where I was. No rhyme or reason to it. The frustration is real.
  4. Hi! New here! I had VSG previously and I'm going to have the Overstitch procedure this week. If you've had this done or are thinking about it, I'd love to hear from you! I have not met my surgeon in person (phone consult) and there is a long list of medications. I'm pretty nervous about this non-invasive procedure in a way that I never was about the VSG! It could be the extensive medication list- I didn't need any prescriptions after VSG. Prilosec and Miralax daily 7 days before surgery, Zofran, Emend, and Betyl for nausea and cramping, starting the morning of surgery, and ibuprofen rx for pain. I had VSG in 2017 with no complications. I lost 115 lbs. Fast forward to 2023, 1 years after hysterectomy, I experienced about 30 lbs regain. I was having trouble losing with increased workouts and diet modifications, so I tried Mounjaro. I lost 30 pounds. I felt nauseous and fatigued the entire time I was on that, I subsisted on gingerale (I did not drink any carbonated or sugary drink before this) and cereal or saltines. I went off because I wanted a break from the side effects. I rapidly regained all that I lost and 10 more. After attempts to moderate diet again failed, I went back to my doctor. I'd read about Overstitch, but the information out there is pretty vague. Basically, I know what it is and that it's available. I can't find any decent experience reviews. My doctor expects that I can easily lose between 20 and 40 lbs. Not the significant loss of VSG, but on my small frame, that's a large amount and it would bring me to a much healthier place.
  5. NickelChip

    Help, pre-op mistake :(

    I think you need to take a deep breath and try to calm down a little. You've lost 9 lbs in a week. Your liver will be okay. It's good to take the rules seriously, but it's also good to be realistic about how much damage can be done by any particular action and not overcompensate by doing things that seem healthy (water) but might not be (making yourself sick). Two scoops of ice cream is not the same thing as a gallon of ice cream The better question to be asking yourself right now might be why you decided to have the ice cream, and why two scoops instead of one. Understanding behaviors, especially self-sabotaging ones, will be important for long term success. It can also help you find good alternatives. If you absolutely love ice cream on a hot day, consider getting the Yasso frozen yogurt bars with 5g protein for a summer treat when you're able to have them again after surgery. Or if it was because you thought you'd never have ice cream again, I suggest evaluating the rules you plan to follow in the future and make sure they aren't unnecessarily restrictive, as that can cause failure. Or if you just wanted something cold and sweet, stock up on no-sugar added popsicles, which are great for getting in your liquid. Point being, make this a learning experience to do better next time, not a reason to punish yourself or get worked up before your big day.
  6. Hi after many years, diets, etc I am taking the plunge. I feel like this is my last resort on one hand and on the other do I belong here? I am 69, 4ft 11 inches tall and weight at my consult in may was 181.7. I have sleep apnea, high cholesterol, arrhythmia. I have tried every diet under the sun and I know you have heard it all before. So I want to feel healthy with what little time left as I am on the other side of the mountain. Right now going thru Insurance requirements of 12 visit combination with medical weight loss. psych evaluation etc. At least I can do 2 appointments a month. I am going to Carillon in Roanoke, Virginia. They had this as one of the online support groups. I am a little overwhelmed with all the info, steps etc. My BMI is 35.59 but with my sleep apnea I can squeeze in. They want me to maintain my weight right but I think I gained about 3 pounds.
  7. catwoman7

    Taking Tablets?

    I was able to swallow all tablets but two (because of their size) as soon as I got home from the hospital. After about three weeks, I could swallow all tablets.
  8. summerseeker

    Mood Swings

    Hello @Selki Even I had these at 60. I was tearful and touchy. It felt like PMT. I hadn't been pre warned about these and when I asked on here, I was quickly answered. Once I knew the cause it was easy to accept the feelings and move on. The symptoms don't last long, about a month in my case. I had to say sorry a few times to my husband. Good luck with your surgery, it has so many benefits you will be amazed.
  9. I’ve found the questions and everyone’s answers to be really helpful in understanding the journey I’ve embarked upon. I really do appreciate the honesty in all the answers - nothing is sugarcoated, pitfalls are spoken about but the positives are highlighted and they really do seem to outweigh the negatives. Thanks to all who have contributed - I think this thread is a must-read for newbies!
  10. ms.sss

    Exercises for those who hate exercise?

    ok. first let me say that regular exercise may not affect the number on the scale as much as diet does, but it does WONDERS for your appearance and well being. starting something that is beyond your capabilities or desire is a sure fire way to alienate yourself from exercise even more. how about starting small: walk around your neighbourhood; vacuum your entire house more often. do some gardening or yard work. you can even start SUPER-small; take the stairs instead on the escalator; park further away from your destinations and walk the difference. once you get ur body used to moving regularly and hopefully develop an actual liking of endorphins, it may be easier to make the transition to something more regular and challenging. good luck! ❤️
  11. Lilia_90

    Rapid Weight Loss

    That is very helpful! I appreciate how much time and thought you put into your responses. I am around one kilo away from my new goal which I think is too low anyway, so I want to shift to maintenance at the moment but I am scared, worried, don't know how and I think I'm developing a low key ED. I was out with my mom and sister for lunch yesterday and we went to this fancy Chinese place and ordered dim sum, Kung Pao Chicken and Tenderloin. Obviously due to restriction I had very little food but then they brought in a dessert platter with mini samples of desserts they were testing and I was really scared to even trying a mini bite of anything. My mom and sister went like you aren't going to gain weight if you have one bite of something you fancy! this is not healthy. I don't know how to shift gears for maintenance and I am so worried of weight gain but also don't want to be sick looking. I have blabbered too much but I really want to learn from people who have successfully kept the weight off for years but are not afraid to eat. I need to achieve that balance and don't know how to do it.
  12. OMG I greatly dislike cooking but this sounds so good I’m going to make this! I do better with weight loss and maintenance with some regular structure too. I do change up cooked veggies for winter and salads for summer. I’m glad I filled up on seafood this Spring because it’s suddenly gotten costly in the US heading into summer. Best of luck with PT, it’s kept me away from knee surgery for 10 years now, good stuff if you keep it up!
  13. H Hello there I have had my band for 8 years. Weight loss was not remarkable and at the max of 5-7 kg over all the years. Instead, the band has only caused issues and daily vomiting. Have finally decided to have it removed, as I now suspect it has slipped. I haven’t been able to keep food down for 7 days, despite not having had any fills for years. However, I have once concern: I am 41 y.o and have no children and planning to become pregnant this year. How soon after band removal am I allowed to become pregnant? Thank you
  14. I had the sleeve on 4/22. I have lost 36 pounds since starting liquids. I previously had a lap band that was removed 10 years ago. With the sleeve I feel almost zero restriction. I feel I could eat as long as I wanted. I can drink and drink. I’m getting close to 2 gallons a day with no issue and have been from first day post op. I am hungry all the time. I don’t feel satisfied ever. I’m restricting myself to 1200 calories a day. I thought this would be more like the band where you felt full. I hate being constantly hungry. I’m at a loss. I read other people saying they they can only eat small amounts and have to struggle to get the protein and I think I wouldn’t mind some of that.
  15. FifiLux

    Exercises for those who hate exercise?

    If you have access to a pool and don't mind being seen in a swimming costume aqua aerobics is nice and easy to get the body moving and help joints. If you have a yard/garden even just walking around it would be good to help get you moving, or stairs if you are in an apartment complex. I am not the best when it comes to exercise but I can certainly feel an improvement in my interest and energy levels as the weight comes off. I start each day with good intentions but often procrastinate or find something else to do but I do go to aqua aerobics once a week since February and since last month I am doing pilates once a week. I believe in turning up if I have paid so signed up for a year of the aqua aerobics and doing the pilates in 10 block sessions. At home I do the One and Done program, seven minutes every two days or three days depending on how I am feeling. Again as I paid for it, think $30, I use it and I can feel the difference. I also have an stationary bike that I use once a week or so if I haven't done any other exercises. I just do about 5km at a time as I find it boring but I am sure any little helps. My main problem area is my legs (ankles to thighs) as I have bad lipedema and while they have gone down in size since my sleeve surgery they still do me no favours in the appearance department so I am just trying to target them as much as possible.
  16. Hi 👋 I’m right at the very beginning of my bariatric journey and I’m equal parts excited, apprehensive and relieved. I’m 55 and have had numerous attempts at weight loss (like many, many of us!) Thankfully I found an incredibly supportive GP who has helped with menopause issues and was really understanding of my frustration with my weight, and the constant feelings of guilt, anxiety and failure. She put me forward for bariatric surgery and has helped me with the initial stages. Mobility is an issue - I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis in both knees and left hip and generally feel like crap - constant pain and just a general feeling of being fed up. I’ve had my first education support meeting at the hospital and now have appointments for the dietitian, sleep test, and support group (waiting for endoscopy appointment) I’ve read, researched and downloaded what I can. I have also familiarised myself with all the information provided by the hospital and have downloaded a couple of bariatric recipe books for the different stages. I always like lots of information when embarking on something major! My plan is to start a weight loss plan come Monday and start getting my head around higher protein, lower carbs and better eating all round once again. My weight is currently 303lbs and I’m 171cm tall. I’ve taken the dreaded ‘before’ pictures (😖) and have re-started my weight loss app membership to record everything and make myself accountable. I’m looking forward to ‘meeting’ people who are on this journey too, regardless of the stage!
  17. catwoman7

    Mood Swings

    it's common - but not inevitable - for women of child-bearing age. It's because estrogen is stored in fat cells, and it's released during fast weight loss. People report mood swings and screwed up menstrual cycles because of it. But it's temporary.
  18. djesh

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    1) Was nervous about the soreness, was very manageable. 2) My thick comfy PJ’s and noise-cancelling headphone were CRITICAL! The person I shared a room with talked (screamed) in his sleep non-stop. Chapstick, phone/watch charger, comfy walking shoes. 3) Having energy and practicing self-discipline.
  19. Hi Folks, I am about 2 weeks pre-surgery and having the sleeve. I have read about potentially having mood swings after this procedure, and am worrying about this? Does anyone have any views/thoughts.
  20. Lily2024

    Roller Weight Loss FYI

    I'm pretty sure I was told 2 weeks also, though I don't work full time so I was able to go back part time, and I was tired. I can understand not feeling up to it, though standard is 2 weeks. I think the significant piece here is that you have a few issues that are also affecting your recovery time, and it's unfortunate that you weren't able to feel heard about your specific situation. How are you feeling now?
  21. had a double header of hot yoga then pilates this morning. i was STARVING afterwards, but then a class friend asked me out for coffee. so of course u went cuz i love coffee and chats on a patio on a lovely day. finally got home at 3pm and realized i wasn't hungry anymore. now i cant believe that my earlier hunger was head hunger because other than water and 2 coffees my stomach was empty! fixed myself this avocado-cucumber-tomato-chicken salad thing cuz i knew i needed to eat SOMETHING, but didn't get very far. ate less than ½ and called it quits. not sure what my body is trying to tell me... anyway, its almost 5pm and im probably only at about 250 calories today...lets see if i feel hungry later...🤷🏻‍♀️
  22. AmberFL


    I am not sure what she does, I know this will be the 3rd session for going blonder. I went super dark after I had my son because I couldn't do the upkeep then regretted it now going back to blond lol She refused to damage my hair. Which i appreciate I pay her a lot of money for nice hair LOL
  23. returninghalfherweight

    Roller Weight Loss FYI

    FMLA is granted by your employer, but the doctor is the one who says when you can return to work and if they say two weeks, your employer only legally has to hold your job for two weeks. Like I said, I did a lot of research prior to taking leave and saw some went back as soon as 2 days after their surgery, others took the full 6 weeks, but the most common leave time was 2-6. Given that timeline and my previous experience w/ surgery, I expected 4 weeks would be the best situation for me. I am not sure there should be a "standard" for these surgeries. Most of us are very obese and have varying comorbid conditions. I'm not saying that some people cannot return at 2 weeks (or even sooner), but this should be a private conversation that takes place between a patient and their provider and should be customized to the specific patient and their needs. The door to conversation about this should not be slammed on the patient.
  24. SleeveToBypass2023

    5 days since sleeve… feeling constantly starving

    When I had my sleeve, I never lost my hunger and I didn't really have any restriction. It was mostly learning what I can and can't eat, how often, and when. I had to do the work to retrain my brain because I didn't get the benefit of loss of hunger. I complained about it all the time on here lol I had to have a revision to bypass 13 months later due to complications and while I didn't really lose hunger, there was DEFINITELY a hard stop when it came to how much I could eat and how often.
  25. SleeveToBypass2023


    Thank you!!! I loved my waves in high school, then for whatever reason I just started to dislike them about 20 years ago and was always straightening my hair. This time around, I had the big surgeries (hysterectomy and emergency surgery right after) and decided that I wasn't in the mood to bother. I cut my hair again because again, didn't want to deal with it, and then waves came back in full force. I decided I love them again lol So now I don't straighten my hair, I don't put a lot of product in it, I just let it live and breath. And I'm finding the shorter, wavier hair is actually a lot more flattering than long straight hair. So yay!! lol

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