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  1. NickelChip

    Healthy food

    If you are in the neighborhood of 4-6 months out from your surgery, there is absolutely nothing you can do to avoid hair loss. If it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen. Hair grows in cycles and it is natural for hair to fall out when they reach the end of their cycle. When you have a disruptive event like surgery, it signals lots of hair follicles to stop growing at the same time instead of just a few on a staggered basis like usual. It takes a few months for the hair to go from stopping growing to falling out. So, it's nothing you are doing now that is causing it. It's the stress of surgery, not just weight loss but any major surgery. The good news is, once the hair falls out, all the healthy food and protein you are eating now is going to make it so the new hair that begins to grow in is healthy and strong.
  2. dinajafer

    Hair loss???

    It's reassuring to hear that you found something that worked for you during your hair loss phase! Exploring different options beyond Biotin can be helpful
  3. Shanna NYC


    Sometimes you have to ring some bells like HELLO, i need some aftercare and followup. Congrats you finally got your appt. and your A1C going down! I'm not sure about B12. Some labs calculate it differently as the high end of the normal range for mine is 1245. I'm sure if it's an issue it will be or should be addressed by your team. The Vitamin D for sure should be. I know for me it was getting to the higher side of normal and my dietician had me drop down from bariatric vitamin to a regular multi and cut back on my calcium chews which also contain lots of Vitamin D. Woohoo on the weightloss. And the hair loss will eventually slow down. Mine lasted from about month 3-6 at it's worst and has slowed considerably and now I'm only just slightly annoyed at all the short hairs from regrowth.
  4. Tomo

    Healthy food

    If you haven't already, can get your Ferritin levels checked. My hair started falling out when my Ferritin got below 20 ng/ml. I read 70 ng/ml is the key figure to stop hair loss from THAT particular reason. But yeah, unfortunately, hair loss can be from several different reasons, for example, just stress from any surgery. For many of us during the WLS process, it is inevitable but luckily, it does grow back.
  5. SleeveToBypass2023


    Thank you!!! I loved my waves in high school, then for whatever reason I just started to dislike them about 20 years ago and was always straightening my hair. This time around, I had the big surgeries (hysterectomy and emergency surgery right after) and decided that I wasn't in the mood to bother. I cut my hair again because again, didn't want to deal with it, and then waves came back in full force. I decided I love them again lol So now I don't straighten my hair, I don't put a lot of product in it, I just let it live and breath. And I'm finding the shorter, wavier hair is actually a lot more flattering than long straight hair. So yay!! lol
  6. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    @Noelle74 What an amazing transformation! You look terrific! @RonHall908 That's good info about the protein after workout. Not that I exercise hard enough to need to worry about it, but if I ever decide to... @BlueParis Amazing cliff hike! I'm jealous of the beach time, although it's finally warming up this week so I guess summer really is around the corner @gracesmommy2 I have a feeling the hair loss will be coming for me, too. Mine is so thin, and I remember it being shocking a few months after having my kids that it would come out in handfuls. I actually bought a bunch of headbands recently to help hide it if it thins. I'm heading to my annual physical today and my 3-month appointment tomorrow. Looking forward to what the doctor has to say about progress and any changes I should make. I weighed in at 200.6 lbs today. Will I ever get below 200?!?!? I swear this is the hardest milestone. I hit 201 lbs 13 days ago and was so certain I would be under 200 by now.
  7. IsaacMoore

    Hair loss and hair dye and hair cuts.

    I'm so sorry you're going through this, it sounds really difficult. Hair loss can be tough to deal with, especially when it feels like there's no end in sight. It's understandable that you're considering dyeing your hair for a change, but it's important to be cautious. Dyes can sometimes cause further damage to fragile hair, so it's best to chat with a professional stylist first. Also, have you tried batana oil? It's a natural remedy that some people find helpful for hair health. You can check it out at batanabio.com. Hang in there!
  8. NCL04321

    Hair loss???

    My incident of hair loss was very similar to yours. It started about 3 months post surgery and continued to about 8 months. I cut my hair to shoulder length and that helped restore some fullness. I am now noticing hairs about an inch long growing all over my head! Good news, its coming back!!!
  9. I had set my final health goal to achieve a normal BMI. While I’m a bit skeptical about the BMI as the ‘end-all-be-all’ of health indicators, it sure is an effective way to keep my doctors from turning every appointment into a weight-loss seminar lol. But in all seriousness, it’s not just about the numbers on a scale or a chart. It’s about feeling comfortable in your own skin and not having your health sidelined by weight-related comorbidities. That’s the real victory for me. No more worrying about the extra risks that come with excess weight.
  10. FifiLux

    weight stall

    Don't think of a 39lb loss as 'only', that is really good going in under three months. If you do a search in the forum you will see just about everyone has experienced a stall after a few months (some a few weeks) post surgery as our bodies cope with the changes. It is a question/concern that is raised almost weekly, if not more frequently, so you are not alone by any means. My stall lasted approx. 4 weeks and since then the loss as continued as a slow but steady pace, some weeks I lose nothing but I know I have done nothing wrong with my meals and it is all about the body trying to cope with and working out what is going on. I am sure this stall won't last much longer for you so don't worry and also don't worry if you have another stall in a few months time again.
  11. There's no one place on Bariatric Pal that houses questions/comments about maintenance. There probably should be separate forum for maintenance, but I'll start a thread here. For those of you in maintenance, where are you in your journey? Any lessons learned?
  12. Oh, and this was me yesterday after I got the incision restitched. No more preggo looking tummy!!! I still have a little swelling, but even that's gonna get better. And then the other pic is me about 10 minutes ago. I got my hair cut this morning because it's friggin too hot for long hair lol
  13. SleeveToBypass2023


    Thank you so much!!! A trick was to have the hair dresser do layers in my hair. Adds shape, depth, and fullness. And the shorter length really helps. I wash my hair twice per week. I blow dry it with a diffuser so the heat isn't directly on my scalp. I add leave in conditioner for curls and a tiny bit of curl defining mousse and then blow dry it. Once it's all set, I run my fingers through it a few times and that's literally it. Think about doing layers when you get it cut. It's hard to part with the length at first, but once you see your hair looking fuller and healthier, and it's a lot easier to manage, it takes the sting out pretty quick.
  14. Hi! I'm at the beginning of the process for the gastric sleeve. At the beginning because I have yet to lose any of the weight I have to for the surgery. When I decided to have the surgery, I started tracking my food and I lost about 6 lbs...then as soon as the process started and it became a "have-to" thing, I started having a super hard time sticking to the diet. That, and I hit a bout of depression which makes it really, really hard to control sugar cravings. I'm in therapy for other reasons, but I don't have an appointment with their therapist until January. I'm having enough trouble sticking with the diet that I'm beginning to wonder if I'm going to be able to do this. I feel so resentful that I have to diet. I know, I know, it's "not a diet, it's a lifestyle change". It's a diet. I have to give up most of my favorite foods for most of the time, and when I do have them I can barely have anything. I call that a diet. I know it's my fault and I got myself here, but that doesn't help, it just makes the whole thing feel more like a punishment. Did anyone else struggle with any of this? How did you overcome this thinking?
  15. Spinoza


    Oh at 6 days out I was still on liquids OP! Didn't get to puree until 2 weeks after my sleeve. Honestly - get as close as you can to your protein goal and don't worry too much about that. At this stage what matters most is not getting dehydrated, so focus on your fluids! Hair loss will happen because that's what our bodies do when we cut calories. Not sure what, if anything, stops that. It's not nice but it does stop eventually.
  16. Good morning, I am a 51 yr old woman and had my RNY on 3/9/2016 I am 5 ft and was 210 but 190 at surgery. I was on the smaller end,but I had a lot of comobidities that justified having it. Everything was normal for a while. I got down to about 118 at about 9 months and slowly creeped back up to about 135 where I sat at this weight for a while. Then fast forward to the end of 2019 and I started seeing the pounds come off rapidly for no reason. Now fast forward to today and I am 97 lbs and can't keep weight on,no matter how many calories,carbs, fat I eat. I have seen multiple health care professionals that up until very recently have all told me that this is my new normal. I have had an ultrasound that reviled a fatty liver, however I had a fatty liver before surgery? Has anyone else experienced weight loss like this? I am scared that I will never stop loosing.
  17. Arabesque

    Hair length and loss

    I wouldn’t worry yet but wait until you start to lose your hair. You don’t know how much you will shed. You may not have to do a thing. You usually start to shed around month 4 so your hair wouldn’t have grown much in those 4 months (about 2 inches) and you may not need to do a thing. I had long thick hair & cut it in stages. Cut a few inches off after a month because it was looking a little thin at the ends (well thin for me but not for most). I then went to just above my shoulders the next month when I’d lost some more. I didn’t lose a lot but short hair is always bouncier & looks thicker than long which is why I cut it.
  18. KK711


    OMG I love your hair color as well. You look so much younger. Great job with the weight loss. I am going for the same hair color as well after losing my weight. You are a great inspiration.
  19. Ideally, maintenance is achieved when you are living the lifestyle (in terms of intake and movement) that you can foreseeably do for the "rest if your life"...even more ideally, is if you can adjust your lifestyle as your circumstances change... when u get to goal weight, you can start upping ur calories until weight loss stops. you may find you go under ur goal weight by a bit, but more likely than not, you will regain a few lbs until you stabilize (at, below, or over goal weight...u won't know until u know, unfortunately). lots of us on here worried about losing too much weight...unless u have medical conditions, this worry doesn't last long lol. i got to about 20 lbs below goal weight at my lowest. regained about 10 of those extra lbs within a year. and while i thought i was too small when i was at actual goal, i don't think that anymore, even weighing 10 lbs less. long story short, if u can leave the worry at the door, do it. Unless u are sick or your med team is worried, just enjoy the ride! you look awesome, you look like u must awesome. bask in your awesomeness!
  20. dinajafer

    Hair loss???

    I went through something similar after my surgery too. It can be really alarming to see your hair falling out like that, even when you've been warned beforehand. In my case, the hair loss phase lasted for a few months, but eventually, it started growing back to its pre-op thickness. One thing that really helped me during that time was exploring different options beyond just Biotin. I stumbled upon this amazing natural supplement called BatanaBio. A friend recommended it to me, and I decided to give it a try. I noticed a significant improvement in the strength and thickness of my hair after incorporating it into my routine.
  21. ms.sss

    Rapid Weight Loss

    hiya! alot of us worried about rapid weight loss and getting too thin. more often than not it really becomes a non-issue. very very very rarely does someone lose too much weight to the point that it affects thier health. aesthetics though, may be a different story. you (or others) may believe you are too skinny, but your labs will likely say otherwise. you are taller and weighed less than me when we started. i too was "normal-sized" for the majority of my life. my weight gain was in my 30's, and early 40's (kids, family, work, mortgage, lol). went from 130-235 lbs. but at 5 months post op, we are both very close in weight loss PERCENTAGE WISE. you lost 66% of your body weight, i lost 65%. ** EDIT: CORRECTION, did my math wrong: you lost 34% of your body weight, i lost 35%. (i used end 5m body weight vs weight lost at 5 months for original calc..oospies!) ** and i can tell you that i did not get dangerously thin, nor was my surgeon or primary care doc worried at any point during my weight loss (nor during maintenance). i DID think i got really skeletor-looking when i reached 127 lbs, BUT i was 118.4 lbs this morning (and over 5 years out now), and honestly, i think i have not looked better since i was a teenager (i was firmer as a teen vs now lololozzzz). stuff shifts around, and the same number will look totally different on you at different times of your life. regular exercise does WONDERS for your appearance (and well being). anyway, i know i can't really just TELL you to stop worrying and you will magically stop worrying. i worried for a month or so as well way back when i decided to enter maintenance. alot of us felt the same way. maybe we all need to just go THROUGH the worry to get OVER it. good luck! ❤️
  22. SleeveToBypass2023


    It happened to me with BOTH surgeries. Started around month 3 after my sleeve and my once really thick hair shed so much it thinned out to the point that I needed to cut my hair and change how I styled it so you couldn't see how much it thinned out. It finally stopped at 9 months, but then at 13 months out I had my revision, and it started again at 2 months out. Here I am 11 months out from the revision and it finally stopped. I got another hair cut and this time decided no more straightening my hair, and now the shorter length and the waves and curls really help hide the additional thinning. Honestly, biotin doesn't promote hair growth or prevent shedding. It just makes the existing hair soft, shiny, and somewhat healthier. The protein is what makes the biggest difference since hair needs it but can't produce it. There really isn't anything that will prevent or lessen the shedding. It just is what it is and has to run its course. I would use volumizing hair care products, have a shorter hair length, possibly style it differently, and just wait it out. That's really all you can do.
  23. I can suggest biotin, and maybe try Nutrafol, but honestly, the best thing is PROTEIN, PROTEIN, PROTEIN. Your hair needs it to grow but can't produce it. Also, try doing what I did. I know for some people this is an emotional thing, but honestly, get your hair cut. My hair was long, brittle, split ends galore, dry. It was down to by breasts. I got it cut to where it just touches the tops of my shoulders and not only did my natural waves come back, but my hair looks fuller, healthier, and no more split ends. Here's a before and after, for reference:
  24. Dr. John Morton, Division Chief of Bariatric and Minimally Invasive Surgery at Yale School of Medicine, discusses if the new injectable weight-loss drugs are having an impact on people choosing bariatric surgery. https://www.nbcconnecticut.com/news/local/yale-doctor-discusses-differences-between-bariatric-surgery-and-weight-loss-drugs/3145715/?amp=1
  25. wendy4energyrenewal


    Thank you, longhaul68! I read about hair loss and was hoping it was a rare side effect. It sounds like it does get better when nutrition picks up?? Did you tell everybody you had weight loss surgery? My friends know, as they are my support system. I have not told anyone at work. I told my boss I'm having surgery. I told my families (I work with kids) that I'm going to be out for 2 weeks (BTW is 2 weeks enough??). It's not that I'm ashamed of the surgery, I don't think. I'm not sure why I haven't told everyone in my life. They'll think I'm sick when I start the weight loss! What have others said to people?

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