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Found 17,501 results

  1. I am wondering if anyone with a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome has had bariatric surgery. I am curious as I am contemplating surgery and if it helped or made symptoms of chronic fatigue worse
  2. Hey all, I have a bit of a dilemma. According to the FitBit watch I wear everyday, I burn on average around 3000 calories a day. I eat no more than 1,300 calories however, and drink my 2 litres of water but I'm unable to lose any more weight? I've been at this plateau for about 3 months now (which is annoying because I'm a stone away from my goal weight), either staying at exactly the same weight or adding 2/3 pounds a week and it's so frustrating. I can't find any info on why this may be the case, so I thought I would ask you guys to see if you could shed any light? If I'm burning more than I'm eating, surely I could be losing weight instead of gaining? I know muscle weighs more than fat and that it could just be me gaining the muscle I've been trying to build from strength training, but it's incredibly disheartening. The only time I seem to lose weight now is if I go on a 3-5 day liquid diet, but I shouldn't have to rely on doing that every week to lose weight, surely? More info below for context: - 8 months post op - A stone away from my goal weight - I consume as much protein as I physically can a day (between 40-70g a day) vitamins and water - I work out 4 to 5 days a week, mostly strength training with a bit of cardio - I'll probably have carbs 2/3 times a week. Sweet potatoes mostly. Perhaps a sandwich if I'm out.
  3. I had a gastric bypass 2.5 yrs ago and have recently experienced a 17 lb weight gain. My doctor recommended Topiramate to help get me back on track and advised it’s very successful with bariatric patients however the possible side effects were kind of concerning has anyone taken this? And if so what was your experience? I appreciate your feedback!
  4. I am 8 years out from my sugery. I had great results, went from 280 to 135. But i am having trouble holding my weight, have lost about 5 lbs over the past month. Im trying to cut back on fat and sugar. Trying to avoid pancreatic enzymes, any suggestions?
  5. kamigrisham

    Weight gain

    Ugghhh I am 18 months out and have gained back 12 lbs since May… help!!!
  6. So I had a revision to bypass at a very low weight (120 pounds) due to GERD. I saw three separate doctors for second opinions as I was quite concerned about losing too much weight by having the bypass. I have struggled to keep weight on for years due to the GERD and the vomiting it has caused me to have to deal with... and it was destroying my esophagus and stomach lining. That said, the GERD is gone, so Yay.... but I am still quite concerned about keeping my weight up. I am 4 weeks post surgery and down to 107 pounds. I am getting in all of my protein and liquids as I have been asked to, and this week I am finally allowed to eat more soft food. That said, I want to eat stuff that is more dense calorically - and that would normally not be allowed.... such as pasta...because I think that will help me keep the weight up better. I had some chef boyardee ravioli yesterday an it was definitely soft enough,... and had 8 grams of protein in the 1/4 cup I was able to eat. So, although it had more carbs than is suggested - I liked that - as I am trying to regain what I have lost... Is there ANY reason why I should not be able to eat pasta or bread products (toasted) if I can handle them.... besides them being bad for weight loss? Or is there something that could hurt my new anatomy? I don't want to break rules and injure myself, but I do want to keep my weight up. The nutritionist at Kaiser has been fairly silent when getting back to me... and keeps treating me like all the other patients.... I don't need to lose weight... I need to keep it on. And, yes, I've had to lose weight in the past.... just not since 2016. I know how to eat to keep weight off... just not quite how to eat to put weight on at this point. Thanks all for any help/ideas.
  7. I've recently joined the forum and I was adding my details and it asked for a goal weight. I've never really discussed exactly what the endgoal should be so I wondered - is there a way to work out what a healthy goal weight should be? And specifics aside, it is useful to create multiple goals for as you go along or just stick with one 'endgoal'? Just interested to hear opinions on this and also any advice on how to work out what a healthy goal is would be appreciated.
  8. Good morning, I am a 51 yr old woman and had my RNY on 3/9/2016 I am 5 ft and was 210 but 190 at surgery. I was on the smaller end,but I had a lot of comobidities that justified having it. Everything was normal for a while. I got down to about 118 at about 9 months and slowly creeped back up to about 135 where I sat at this weight for a while. Then fast forward to the end of 2019 and I started seeing the pounds come off rapidly for no reason. Now fast forward to today and I am 97 lbs and can't keep weight on,no matter how many calories,carbs, fat I eat. I have seen multiple health care professionals that up until very recently have all told me that this is my new normal. I have had an ultrasound that reviled a fatty liver, however I had a fatty liver before surgery? Has anyone else experienced weight loss like this? I am scared that I will never stop loosing.
  9. Thought to post my stats as I’ve been tracking my weight and on some what was going on with my body at that time. IDK about any of my female Pals but since pre op diet my cycles started to get regular. I am thinking due to the increase of protein and vitamins with iron. I missed a couple days weighing in because I wasn’t feeling well. I only did daily because I wanted to see how my body did with getting all that extra fluid and swelling out. Here Goes: Weight 200 on 8/22 pre surgery 194.88 on 8/29 doc Office 205 - 1st morning after home from hospital 8/30 (swelling & fluid) 202 lbs after surgery Friday 9/1 200.8 - Saturday 9/2 197.8 -Sunday 9/3 196.4 - Monday 9/4 195.6 - Tues 9/5 193.6 - Weds 9/6 192.4 - Thurs 9/7 191.8 - Friday 9/8 192.4 - Sunday 9/10 190.0 - Monday 9/11 189.6 - Tuesday 9/12 189.4 Weds 9/13 190.6 Saturday 9/16 187.2 Sunday 9/17 189.4 Mon 9/18 started cycle yesterday 187.8 Weds 9/20 heavy cycle 186.8 Thurs 9/21 185.2 Fri 9/22
  10. KathyLev

    My dog lost weight - I didn't

    This is crazy .... I've taken my dog to the dog park every day for the last 2 months. We walk around the edge of the 4 acre park. (Some days I'm panting harder than the dogs when I'm done walking .LOL) Took the dog to the vet -- he lost 2 pounds !!! I stepped on my scale - haven't lost an ounce in the 2 months we've been going there !!!! It's not fair !!!!! LOL Okay - I just had to rant about it in this forum
  11. Hi! I had vsg 8.15 and have lost 24 lbs. This am I seem to be up 3 lbs. Not off course. Still eating pureed. Cals are between 6 and 700. I meet protein daily but water is tough. I usually get 52 ounces vs 64. I eat 3 meals daily plus 1 snack of string cheese. I still have some muscle discomfort in tummy area but find I'm emotional a lot. Dr is happy w progress but I'm super upset with stall or gain when I'm not even eating or drinking off program. Any thoughts?
  12. I had my VS in 2012, lost 150 lbs and maintained that loss almost effortlessly for 8 years, then Covid hit and in a matter of 3 months I gained 80 lbs back WITHOUT CHANGING MY EATING HABITS!!! I feel like I’ve been robbed. By no fault of my own, the weight came back and stayed. I still can only consume 4 or 5 bites to eat and I’m full. I just don’t understand why this happened and if I do a revision to a DS will that help?
  13. Hi, I am nearing the 7 year anniversary of my VGS. I initially lost 102 pounds. Losing the weight was easy after surgery. A year later I started to feel too small. I needed to wrap my head around my new body. I felt that I was too small and gained 10 pounds. I was able to maintain this weight for years but then the Covid lockdown began, I ran into problems. Living alone, eating, & very little physical activity led to a 20 pound weight gain. Today I have gained 40 pounds and I am working towards losing the weight. Has anyone experienced the same? Any advice or suggestions are appreciated.
  14. I have my first consultation next Tuesday, and if my surgeon's office holds to the same rules as when I went in five years ago, they require you to lose 10% of your body weight prior to surgery. I'm really frustrated by this because I feel like I'm doing the surgery because I CAN'T lose weight by diet and exercise. If I could, why would I do it? How did you pull it off for those of you who had this requirement? I have to admit, it feels fairly impossible right now.
  15. Hi everyone! I hope this post finds you well wherever you are in your weight loss journey. I had gastric bypass revision on June 12, 2023. My original bypass was done in April 2002 so it’s been 21 years. Original weight loss was 123 lbs. However, I only maintained that loss for about 8 years. Then slowly I started eating poorly and Bedouin knew it I had gained back 45 lbs. I’m 71 years old. I did the revision for my health because there’s so many heart problems in my family. As of Sunday, September 3rd I’m only down 20 lbs. I’m discouraged but I know some of it has to do with not exercising. Can you share some of the things you snack on? I’m good with my meals but not sure if I should be making other choices for snacks. Thank you.
  16. So I got my surgery on June 22nd - about nine weeks ago. I am 5'8", 35F, and started out at 320, I'm currently 288 for a loss of 32 pounds over about two months. Is that okay? For the last week or so, I've had a really rough stall and barely been losing anything. Some days I'll even gain a pound. This is my second stall. I normally eat between 600 and 1000 calories (mostly about 800) and almost entirely protein really. Is there an issue with me? Is my weight loss rate okay or is it too slow? I feel like I should have lost like 50 pounds by now. What about this stall?
  17. Hi My partner had a Allurion balloon fitted 4 days ago. She has been losing each day but today she has put on 3 lb. She has been stringent with her diet. Is this normal when starting to eat pureed food?
  18. Hi, I had the sleeve in 2016. I lost about 30 or so pounds, which I have since regained. The sleeve was not very successful for me. On Monday (8/21/23), I had the SADI-S DS surgery. The doctor said that weigh loss will be slow. I am just worried of failing again. If anyone else had had the SADI-S revision, I would like to hear positive stories to inspire me and know that it is really possible this time. Thanks! Melody
  19. My scale is slowing down again... so being a U Tube junkie, I found this 10 minute video that explains why what the scale says isn't that important. It's worth a watch ! She gives a good , simple explanation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2oBp1GuwMY
  20. I am meeting with my surgeon in a week to hopefully talk about a surgery date. The surgeon wanted me to lose 10-15 pound prior to this appointment, and I haven't been able to! I have major anxiety about this and am worried he will choose to not move forward. Has anyone gone through something similar?
  21. Happy Stylist

    Weight loss shots

    Has anyone tried doing the weight loss shots? My surgery was just over a year ago and I still haven’t lost 50lbs. I started out with a lower BMI. So my surgeons are ok with where I’m at but I’m not. So I’m looking into the shots to help me a long. Just wondering if anyone else has had any luck
  22. I had the surgery 4/28/23 At 209 month one I was 189 month two 177 month 3 185! I this is so disrespectful. I feel myself going backwards. I have spoken with the psychiatrist surgeon and nutritionist they said not to weigh myself but I feel like I am consuming more than I am suppose to this is so frustrating nothin satisfies me.
  23. Hi! I'm at the very beginning of the process. I keep trying to stick to any diet so I can lose weight before the surgery and I have been struggling. I'm just always hungry. It's so hard to not just walk in my kitchen and eat something. I've never struggled so hard to just get started. Anyone else? What did you do? Thanks!!
  24. I got worried because I'm 2 months out from surgery and my chest hurt and felt hot and I felt sick. I thought - "Oh no - the hiatel hernia repair is infected ! " Went to a walk in clinic and they said it's bronchitis. She said "I don't want to give you steroids because it'll make you gain weight". 3 weeks later,I'm still coughing. Steroids have always worked wonders for me , but now that I had the surgery,I'm wondering if they'll interfere with the weight loss if I take them. I want to go to my family doctor ,but I want to know about the steroids before he might suggest them. Have you ever taken any and do you think it affected your weight?
  25. Hi all! Newbie here... I've been lurking for months though. LOL I got notice today that my policy covers the surgery but that I cannot gain any weight the entire time I'm in a bariatric program. I'm curious, how many other people have had this as a clause in their policy? And if so, how did you deal with it? Did you gain weight and get kicked out? I find this to be such an absurd requirement. If I could control what the scale does I wouldn't be pursuing weight loss surgery in the first place! I just gained 10 lbs in the last 3 weeks on a new medication (Lyrica) that I have to stop now because its not worth the gain. Doctors are always playing with my meds, what if something else causes me to gain before surgery?? This is such an annoying detail to have to worry about.

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