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Found 1,207 results

  1. Hello all. I am still doing my two week post op liquid diet and I read some people say they gained weight after getting back on solid foods. Is this a common thing? I have lost ten pounds and am so scared to gain it back once off liquids. Have some people just kept losing during the transition?
  2. Does anybody have experience with weight gain after starting Prednisone? I have been gaining a 1/2 to 1 pound a day but am careful with my calorie intake. Will this gain leave as soon as I stop the Prednisone? I am on 10mg a day for 14 days for severe Sciatica pain. Which also means I had to stop exercising. Help!!!! Mimi
  3. Good evening all. I'm scheduled for rny on 9/12. I have my final weigh-in on 9/6 and watch the drop video. I'm in Michigan and wonder if anyone knows someone who surgery date was cancelled due to them gaining a few pounds. Right now with changing my eating and exercise seems like I'm up in a few lbs and scared they are going to cancel my rny. Does anyone know if someone surgery was canceled. Thank you everyone
  4. hello. i had a sleeve surgery last jan...23rd jan 2014. then on 13th oct 2014 I had knee transplant ,both knees. now I notice I am slowly gaining weight. I am walking a lot.eating Proteins, having Water. I am scared at this gain.... does anyone have a similar experience.
  5. Really curious about this as I've seen it mentioned on a few of the weight gain forums!! Everytime someone mentions a weight gain someone says watch ur sodium intake! Can someone explain why?? As after weeks do water and protein I love a bit of salt on my scrambled egg :(
  6. Hi I am only 3 weeks out and getting concerned. The scale dropped like lightening the first 8 days. Since then it's barely moved and in the last 3 days I've gained. Is that normal? I am following everything to the letter so I'm not sure where and if I'm actually falling short. Please help
  7. Any of you out there who have gone through a pregnancy while banded, I'm curious as to how much weight you gained during the pregnancy and if you were able to take it off post partum. I am only 13 weeks along, and haven't gained anything. It is very difficult on my psychologically not losing weight at this point, even though this is definately not the time for weightloss! I continue to monitor the scale, in a slightly less obsessive manner than pre-pregnancy. I understand that I'm going to gain weight, or at least just stop losing, either of which my OB/GYN is fine with, but I had no idea it would mess with me mentally. I find myself physically hungry pretty much all the time, thanks in part to the pregnancy and to the slight unfill (food doesn't stay in the band as long) I had as a precautionary measure related to the pregnancy. It's very bizzare after 9 months of being satisfied by Protein shakes for Breakfast and only a few small meals a day to now having my stomach growling the minute I wake up, and even sometimes waking me up! Obviously I am eating more now-hence the stop in weight loss (which is pregnancy appropriate), however I worry that I am eating too much, and struggling with the thoughts of seeing 240 or 250 or more on the scale again.
  8. I am 3 weeks post op and was doing pretty good. In the past week, however, I have gained 4 pounds. I go next Friday to get my first fill. I am rather confused and frustrated. Not sure what I am doing wrong. thoughts??
  9. hunniebun

    Weight gain

    I have had the lapband for 4 months, havent gained but havent lost, i dont like the diet at all, im starting to feel like i couldve saved 10,000 & just followed Atkins Diet cause thats basically what my diet is, and i cant do atkins, have never been able to do it, constipates me beyond belief, my band is a 10cc & its filled 6.5, im starting to get discouraged. Has this happened to anyone else?
  10. Hi all, so I have a question because I'm freaking out a bit. The day off my bypass 13 days ago I went into the hospital weighing 275lbs. After surgery my weight went up 10lbs while still in the hospital which I understand is from the IV fluids and what not. However after coming home, I dropped to 264lbs and in the past three days I have gained 3lbs. I know that's not a drastic gain but I'm still concerned. Has anyone else had weight gain after leaving the hospital during the first couple weeks post op ? Sent from my Pixel using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. Some people undergo WLS and lose significant weight only to gain some or all of it back years later. I asked my nutricianist "Why". Her response was grazing. Grazing is to eat small portions of food, as appetizers or the like, in place of a full-sized meal or to snack during the course of the day in place of regular meals. A recent study by University of California, Berkeley, may have found a correlation between sleep and body mass index (BMI). Breakfast and breakfast skipping is associated with weight gain.” This study seems to go hand-in-hand with another study. Another recent study found that reducing the eating window (the hours per day that one eats) reduces weight. http://acsh.org/2015/09/picture-this-a-food-app-that-could-improve-public-health/ The results from this study published in Cell Metabolism showed that the majority eat over a 15-hour period each day. Some research suggests that limiting the “eating window” to 10-12 hours per day may contribute to weight loss. Their sample size was small, but of their volunteers interested in weight loss researchers set the smart phone app to help them restrict food intake to a 10-hour window. Without changing the types of food they were eating over 13 weeks, this volunteer group lost an average of 3.5 percent of their initial weight per person. So it appears that to maintain the weight loss after you reach the Maintenance stage, one needs to control "Grazing". This includes limiting your "eating window" to around 10-12 hours per day and getting the nominal 7-9 hours of sleep each night.
  12. SoonToBeThinKAT

    Weight Gain For Tom

    I know this might be a stupid question but I never paid attention to it when I was heavier but is it normal to gain 3+ lbs during that time of the month? I got on my scale this morning and I was shocked to see the gain and I've been doing everything right.
  13. Hi All, I had my surgery on Tuesday, October 18th and feel pretty good. The soreness is subsiding and I'm able to walk outside with no problem. My question is... I lost 15 lbs. during the liquid diet before the surgery, they weighed me the day of surgery. However, since I've been home from the hospital (2 days) my weight has gone up by about 20 lbs. I'm still on a liquid diet and have stuck to it completely. I believe that a lot of it is Water weight, but does this seem strange to anyone else? I'm kind of freaking out a bit. What if I had the surgery and then I don't lose the weight. That's got to be impossible, right? Did that happen to anyone else?
  14. I just researched some of the medicine I am still on and the say they cause weight gain. I am 3 weeks post op and now scared to death these meds are going to slow me down in my weight loss journey.My goal is to be off all my meds as the weight comes off but until then is it sabotaging my weight loss? Does anyone else have this concern?
  15. I don't understand how I could possibly be gaining weight since I have been extremly strict with my diet progression through the appropriate stages and my amounts are staggeringly small.....3 or 4 tbls of food at each meal. How is that happening? Doesn't that mean that when I'm able to eat real food that I'll continue gaining? This is so depressing and I was so close to canceling my suregery anyway cuz I thought I was doing so good on the preop diet (20 lbs lost). I've read that post surgery is about healing more so than weight loss, but how terrible I feel to be gaining on such small amounts of food. Anyone know why this happens or has happened to anyone else or is it just me failing once again at weight loss?
  16. A Sleeve4me

    weight gain

    Good morning everyone, I had my surgery done Sept 20,2012..I have gained 20 lbs since and I don't know where to start to get it off. I have to admit that I don't exercise. I used to walk at the park but lately I have just been going with the flow eating whatever. I also notice that I can eat more now than before over the last 2 years. Any suggestions on Protein rich foods that can help me stay full longer so that I won't snack as much. Please help!
  17. I came home from the hospital on Friday after gastric bypass revision from lapband on Tuesday and I had gained 19#'s. I know that it is from all the fluids given to me while in the hospital, but it still feels like a set back. I was very swollen and that has gone down and I have lost 17 of the 19#'s. but it looks like at my one week f/u on Thursday I will probably just barely be below weight day of surgery? Did anyone else experience this.?
  18. KatieOkieDokie

    Period and weight gain

    Ok ladies I have a question about weight gain during your period. I have heard of some women noticing weight gain during your period. I guess before losing weight, I never noticed, or paid attention to my weight. That and I had stopped having my period all together. However, now it's back. I noticed this week during my weigh in that I had gained 5 lbs! Which of course freaked me out. Then I started my period. Have any of you gained 5 or more pounds during your period? If I would have been eating wrong, and not exercising I wouldn't have freaked out. But I work my butt off! lol..
  19. Can someone help with my weight gain??? Please!! I had my sleeve surgery two and half years ago and for about two years I stayed the same weight...125 lbs. However about two months ago...my weight went up to 137 lbs and my frame is filling out more with muscle and not so boney. But I am concerned as I have gained 12 lbs. in only two months! I have been exercising the same as I always have although honestly I have been snacking a bit but nothing out of control. My calorie intake is roughly the same. I don't understand what is happening with my body and my clothes don't fit well. What can I do?
  20. In a number of posts lately, opinions have been expressed that some people are gaining or at least not losing weight due to a lack of carbs in their diet. I've spent the better part of my spare time for the past three days trying to find any scientific proof of this theory. All I could come up with was a discredited study from some years ago. If any one has proof that this theory has some basis in fact, could you please present it on this forum so we might have a new reason for lack of weight loss.
  21. See my stats... 30yrs old about 9 weeks out. I increased my consumption this weekend to 4 oz at each meal per my NUTs instructions, and I ate kroger deli albacore tuna salad for lunch and dinner... stuck with one egg and a laughing cow wedge for lunch. Woke up this morning and popped up 3# from Sunday to this morning. Did you guys ever pop up like that? I had a little bit of broth from a pot roast my wife made, and I am telling myself its just Water weight from the salt content of the broth. I was on a good run too... down from 229-223 in about a week or so after being stalled at 229 for a week. Thoughts?
  22. I am going to get banded on April 21st (supposed to be on April 7th) :glare:; however, the ENT put me on Prednisone for 10 days due to chronic sinus infection. Will I gain weight using the steroids for 10 days? Thanks,
  23. Had my sleeve done yesterday, 4/4/16. Before I left my house, I weighed 234 lbs. Just got home today and I now weigh 242 lbs. Is this normal? Is it Water weight?! Kinda freaked out at the moment! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  24. :help: :help: :omg: Okay, help I feel like a freak or a science project. i was baned on 4/27. As of approximately 1 week post-op i was down 15 pounds. Every morning I would get up and I would be a pound or two lighter. I started at 226 and at one time even saw 210. pop up on my scale. I was very weak during the clear liquid phase but stuck to it. I have since gone on to Protein Shakes and Soups. I have never exceeded 800 calories in a day, most days averaging around 600. Here is the problem. The last FOUR days I've gotten up and I have gained!!!!! Yes,it's true. Please don't run screaming from this message thinking that if you read it you might catch what I have. I need encouragement, help, scientific explanations on how this could be happening. I keep thinking it is Fluid but how many days will this continue? PLease don't tell me not to weigh myself, I can't help it I can't stop. First, I laughed not at all suprised by my bodies fear of losing weight (it has always been hard for my body to drop). but now I am starting to panic, what's the point of no food if I am still gaining f.....ng weight. I am really getting pissed. I AM NOT EATING!!! I feel like a science project that has gone way wrong. My scale says 214, now. Yesterday, after my 2.5 mile walk it even bumped up to 215.:angry Why am I not losing, and why am I putting it back on. I am starting to feel desperate and it isn't funny anymore. This makes me want to eat. Please help. Did I have the only band placed for weight gain? Should I call my doc and see if a horrible mistake has been made? Thanks, tina

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