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  1. Hi Team! I realize that stalls are inevitable, but I am having some trouble determining if I am in a stall that I need to just wait out, or if I need to change something up. Background: I just hit 8 months post-op. Stats are in my info box. I have been sitting at 174 pounds for three weeks. I had been losing a pound or more per week at around 900 calories per day, Protein at 100G and carbs under 100 g. That is around the time I hired a personal trainer, upped my weight training (free weights now and four days a week), my steps, and my calories (1200 or so per day). The increase in calories was at the recommendation of the trainer, who also recommended increasing carbs to 138 (most days I don't get above 110). I know the level weight is not due to increase in muscle mass---too soon. So....what are your thoughts? Stick with calories or go back down to 900-1000? Thank you in advance for any reassurance or guidance. (And I emailed my surgery team three days ago...waiting to hear back).
  2. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I'm on a three week stall in weight. I'll weigh twice a week. I'll be down a pound or two. The next time I weigh. I'll be up a pound or two. Just hovers. I think im stalling because of my daily workout, the victory on the scale isn't happening to my liking. But overall I do feel better. Next week is my 3 month post-op appointment. Hopefully the blood tests reveal why I've been so exhausted. Just keep plugging away, it's a marathon. At least that's what I keep telling myself.
  3. Arabesque

    Raw vegetables?

    I think it was a while too. Was eating cooked vegetables from soft but my tummy was a bit fussy about some & others just tasted bad. I love vegetables so that was hard to accept until everything settled. I did eat cucumber at about two months. I’d put a little cream cheese on strips of smoked salmon & wrap it around small salted wedges of peeled seedless cucumber. I’d eat two or three as one of my lunch options. But that was the only raw vegetable for a while.
  4. catwoman7

    Down Time

    I took three weeks off but could have gone back after two. I know a few people who were back at work after a week, though. If you have a desk job, unless you're having a hard time recovering, you'll probably be able to go back earlier than someone who has a really active job, so yes, the type of job is a factor..
  5. ShoppGirl

    One year later...

    I have logged my weight like that but never thought to add the big life stressors or events in between. I bet that would be helpful for a bariatric therapist if you see one. I am working on getting in to see one. I had gastric sleeve three years ago and gained all my weight back. I am contemplating a conversion surgery and I want to pull out all the stops this time around. Best of kick to you.
  6. I would start now, and cut what you are already doing in half. Max of 500 calories and 20 carbs daily. Find protein supplements with 0g fat and carb. I know several of the powders are just 23g or so of protein and nothing else, and around 90 calories. Get in at least 5k steps a day. If three weeks of that doesn't knock off 3.5kg, I'm not sure what will.
  7. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I've been able to eat ground meat (ground chicken, turkey & some Bison) fairly easy. Three ounces of meat with a few bites of veggies and I start feeling full. I take 20-30 minutes to eat with a lot of chewing. I've been sick a hand full of times since I've started soft foods. Mostly from eating too fast or taking one bite to much. Good to hear that you were able to eat without getting sick.
  8. ShoppGirl

    Protein Shakes

    I was going to suggest the protein waters as well. Or if it’s the flavors that you are not liking and you are allowed to have caffeine the caffe latte by premiere protein. It’s kinda like iced coffee if you like that. These two were my go To post sleeve. In fact I am three years post sleeve and I still have the cafe latte in the fridge for morning when I don’t have time to cook or I just wake up really hungry and don’t want to wait.
  9. I'm always cold too. I was cold before surgery and now it feels worse. Also i have a slow healing ulcer in my leg, which is going on three years everytime i get close to it healing somehow i manage to rip the dressing off it. Don't know if it's the extra walking I've been doing that has made it flare up again. On friday i had a fever and literally could not warm up (until i was too hot) that's gone now. Just called in sick for work to get some antibiotics for this leg. (Its Winter over here in Australia)
  10. BigZ

    Not Enough Calories

    At the 6 month mark, I was eating between 6-700 calories a day and I noticed I was slowing to 1 pound per week, which was still good, but then I bumped up to around 1000 calories a day the last three weeks. I have lost 3.2 per week the last two weeks. So not sure if eating more helped, but eating more (which is hard to do without eating junk) seems to have helped.
  11. I'm always cold too. I was cold before surgery and now it feels worse. Also i have a slow healing ulcer in my leg, which is going on three years everytime i get close to it healing somehow i manage to rip the dressing off it. Don't know if it's the extra walking I've been doing that has made it flare up again. On friday i had a fever and literally could not warm up (until i was too hot) that's gone now. Just called in sick for work to get some antibiotics for this leg. (Its Winter over here in Australia)
  12. I had one at two weeks post op, six weeks then at three months, one coming up at six months, nine months and then I'll have a one year and finally an 18 month. Then a required one time every year after that. Along with the yearly check ups I'll have a nutrient blood draw labs each year.
  13. BeanitoDiego

    Bad Knees and excercise

    At the beginning of my fitness journey, I joined a national chain gymnasium for a little over $10 per month. It rhymes with Janet Witness, and had a variety of low impact and muscle building machines to try out. Pushing towards 300 pounds, I had to work up the courage to be there but soon found that everyone was in their own little zone, paying me no mind. I took advantage of their membership benefit that allows one to meet with a trainer to plan a custom routine. Three years later, I am still a member of this gym and am grateful for the healthier lifestyle seeds that they helped me plant.
  14. Arabesque

    Food Before and After Photos

    Chinese yum cha lunch with girl friends yesterday & a part way through my meal pxt. Half of the Moreton bay bug spring roll & one of the three prawn & scallop siu mai. Took about 45 minutes to eat it all but I was sipping a glass of Louis Roederer champagne & the bubbles were giving me a bit of trouble. Was still worth it though. Lol! PS - Bugs are a local lobster variety. Very yummy: sweet, rich.
  15. OK so I could eat most of that in one sitting these days! There's no way I could stop when you did, but I'd have a break of a few hours (3 approx) before having to eat again. How long after those three bites of the sandwich and few forkfuls of the greens did you need to eat again OP??
  16. ChunkCat

    November 2023 buddies

    They will, hang in there!! Mine just faded in the last two or three days and my surgery was on the 1st of Nov. I have read in several places that they usually fade between two and three weeks out, especially if you are on a PPI.
  17. So I had the sleeve three years ago and gained my weight back. I am pending revision and the dr did an endoscopy and found a hiatal hernia and some gerd. He then ordered a UGI and a gastric emptying study to get some more information to decide which surgery is most appropriate. I just finished the gastric emptying study and after only two hours the food was completely out of my stomach which may explain why I always feel hungry a couple hours after I eat. I am hoping maybe there is a treatment to slow down my stomach emptying and I won’t even need surgery or if I do it will be more successful this time. I see the dr in a week and I’m sure he will have an answer but I’m just curious if this is truly faster than normal and if anyone else has had this issue.
  18. Yea sometimes it’s the way they dissolve. There was something about tablets that have a special coating on them too that I vaguely remember reading about. I did this research three years ago before I had the sleeve because I am on meds too. People definitely do have issues with certain types of meds commonly and then a much smaller percent have issues with other types of meds that are fine for most people. I guess it’s kind of like the small percentage that have more issues getting enough vitamins no matter what they try. You will Just need to keep working with your doctor until they will figure it out. In the meantime just try to remember that it is just a medication issue and you will feel more like yourself soon. 💜
  19. I’ve been weighing every morning too and notice it goes up and down a lb or two but then goes down again in a day or two. Thankfully my body hasn’t realized there’s a three week stall yet but I’m expecting it any day now. I’m working on the exercise 🤦‍♀️ part of things. It’s been hard because I have been getting headaches and nausea the last few days. Today I’m breaking it down step by step and keeping notes of my water and protein intake so I’m on track!
  20. Chips are slider foods. Most people can technically eat more of them than other foods and anyone can eat a pretty good bit when they are “grazing” Which is eating little bits multiple times throughout the day. Try really hard to avoid grazing because that will can definitely get you into trouble. Not sure if you’ve seen me on here but I had sleeve three years ago and I lost a quite a big chunk of weight but I did regain my weight just as fast. I was able to eat more than I expected at every stage but even still if I had been eating healthy options three times a day that would not have allowed me to gain the amount of weight I gained. I gained my weight by sneaking in the not so healthy foods from near the beginning since I was eating so little i thought it was okay because I was still losing. When my hunger came back my portions got a little bigger and eventually I was eating bigger portions of less that ideal food more often than prescribed. Since I never really took advantage of that honeymoon phase to actually change my eating habits to healthy foods this is when things went off the rails. The surgery will not do all the work. My recommendation is to take this time where your tool is really working for you to try out some new healthy options and recipes and find a variety of things that you like so when the actual hunger comes back you will have changed your habits.
  21. They pump you with a lot of fluids after the surgery so you’re probably still peeing that out. When I had my gall out the pumped me with so much fluid I gained a good 2 kgs. Thankfully I’d lost it two or three days later once I’d peed it all out.
  22. Mjtcollective

    December Surgery Buddies!

    I only had to do 2 weeks of keto - I had mine in Mexico. My insurance denied me. They required BMI and THREE co-morbs 😩
  23. FifiLux

    Bad Knees and excercise

    I have bad knees, no cartilage in either, which I have been told will need to be replaced in the years to come. I see you don't have a pool close by that is not cheap but I do aqua aerobics once a week and feel the benefit of it so if you could even afford a class once a week it might do you the world of good. I am lucky that my hospital run the class so I just have to pay about €100 by way of membership for the year and the classes are 50 weeks of the year. I also have an exercise bike that I go would go slowly on for about 20 minutes three times a week. Now that I have lost more weight and the weather is improving I find I can do short walks of about 20 minutes/1.5km. My knees do ache afterwards at night but not as bad as before when I was heavier so I feel it is worth it, put a bit of gel on them and it helps me sleep easier. I now also do the Svelte 'One and Done' exercise program, just the beginner level, three days a week. There are some exercises I can't do as they require knee movements I can't do but from what I have seen so far there is always an alternative exercise shown if movement is not possible. You could always check out their YouTube site as they have plenty of exercises that you don't have to pay for. Even though my weight loss has slowed down I can see where I am still losing cm's.
  24. Hello all, I had RNY Gastric Bypass on 10/6/15. I am almost three months out. I ordered some Berberine 500 mg as I heard it's great for PCOS and insulin resistance. Has anyone tried Berberine after gastric bypass? I hear it's great for weight loss too! ????
  25. catwoman7


    I met both of mine pretty much right away, but I know a lot of people struggle with this the first three or four weeks. Getting your liquid goals are the more important of the two since being dehydrated can land you back in the hospital. One thing I've done for a long time is to drink 16 oz of water every morning as soon as I get out of bed - before I eat breakfast, drink coffee, or whatever. Even doing 8 oz right off the bat might help..

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