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Found 17,501 results

  1. cjbowers2005

    Sadi is so lonely

    I am having my Sadi revision from sleeve next Tuesday 5/28, I am excited and nervous but looking forward to it
  2. WarrenInEC

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Revision went very well. Pouch is now 8 cm. Opening was 54 mm. Now 8 mm.
  3. I am having a T.O.R.e procedure on the 6th. I was wondering if anyone here has had one or even heard of it (lol). Any advice would be helpful!! I had my bypass 11 years ago and made some bad choices which led me here.
  4. Got my approval for revision from sleeve to bypass! Aetna
  5. It looks like I may have to have a revision to Bypass now. I will know for sure next month after they scope me but I’m curious how much of the excess weight is lost with the revision. My surgeon said his experience is it’s only about 70% but I’m hoping that some people experienced a greater loss. Also, when computing excess loss, what is the ideal body weight we calculate from? That’s never really been clear to me.
  6. I was sleeved in 2017. Highest weight was 275. Lowest was 159. My 'settled' weight was around 165 and it was perfect. I gained weight after menopause and couldn't move it with resets or diets. I just had GSRe or Overstitch a few days ago, which is a noninvasive revision that allows you to keep your sleeve--- it's just tightened up again. The size of mine had expanded quite a bit. The restriction I have now mimics what I had immediately after my original wls. This might be an option for you too if you're not wanting to revise to bypass.
  7. I'm not sure...surgeon just said that tightening that opening alone would not cause major weight loss. Unsure if during a full blown revision if they also reduce the size of the 'pouch' and tighten that opening. I would think 'pouch size' is a possible element as well but this doctor did not elaborate, I'm assuming since the goal of my revision if not to lose more weight maybe? If I ever get time with him outside of the investigation in the OR, I will ask.
  8. Tomo

    50 and over crowd?

    I had a revision to rny in my sixties in 2021, It went so smooth and still going smooth. Really was the best thing that I've ever done for my health.
  9. Hello. I am considering revising my sleeve to Sadi and I’m curious to know how you guys are doing now.
  10. Hey guys just a little backstory, I was sleeved 2017 and lost 100lbs but due to bad habits creeping in have regained most of it back 5 years now. I just had my consultation with the doctor and I’m getting revised to mini bypass. I’m excited and hoping to lose about 100lbs. Looking for others who may have gone through this revision.
  11. I had a revision for GERD. began regaining weight at 6 months post revision. I've had issues with rapid gastric emptying after my bypass, I feel limited restriction and have blood sugar issues. Most people only get these issues with sugars or simple carbs ie: dumping. I get it after everything. I started wegovy a week ago and it seems to be helping.
  12. So when I had my revision, it was for complications. I was told to expect no more than 45-60 additional pounds of weight loss, because you only lose about 50% of your excess weight with a revision. Well, if you look at my signature, you can see I've lost more than that lol It wasn't easy, and the weight comes off slower and can be a bit harder to lose, but it's possible if you do the work.
  13. I am contemplating revision and have to choose between bypass and Sadi so I am curious to follow this as well. Not sure if your surgeon does the Sadi revision but I was told that the weight loss should be a little better than bypass. There are drawbacks too though with more absorption issues it can cause more malnutrition than the bypass and also bathroom issues seem to be a common complaint. I was told with proper nutrition that both of these are less of an issue.
  14. Do people think they've lost more weight than they hoped to, or are you happy with end weight? Any others who feel they didn't lose enough and what did you do, revision etc for example.
  15. Hi! I am 51 and having a revision from lap band to RNY on April 3. I’d like to hear from someone my age or older… how did your surgery go? Do you think age makes a difference?
  16. WarrenInEC, I saw the bariatric revision surgeon. He doesn't think it is dumping and said that the upper and lower GI done would not have taken an image of the inside of my pouch so there could potentially be an internal hernia. He suggested possible laparoscopic investigatory surgery in a couple of weeks. He said a revision to tighten the opening wouldn't necessarily force me to lose more weight, which is perplexing to me but I'm not looking at it as a solution to lose weight, I just thought that would come with the "package". I'm assuming the reason I still feel restriction when I eat is simply because of the 'pouch' then. I thought I understood all of this 5 years ago when I had the surgery, but I obviously did not comprehend everything. Well, we'll see what the next few weeks brings... I assume you had a revision then as that is a big difference in the opening size..lol. If so, what was it like?
  17. SleeveToBypass2023

    How did your GS revision help you lose weight and keep it off?

    I had a revision from sleeve to bypass, but it was due to complications, not for weight loss. When you have a revision, the amount of weight you lose is a lot less than the original surgery, and tends to come off slower, as well. For example... with my initial sleeve, I lost 103 pounds the first 8 months. Since I've had my revision (and it's been 8 months) I've lost 57 pounds. I'm not complaining, by any means, but it comes off a lot slower and you definitely lose less. Also, with the initial surgery you tend to lose the most weight in the first 6-7 months. With the revision, I noticed it was the first 3-4 months. In no way do I regret it (as I said, I had some pretty gnarly complications, so a revision was a must) but it's just something to keep in mind when looking at a revision for weight loss versus because of complications.
  18. SleeveToBypass2023

    Feeding tube after revision

    I had a sleeve to bypass revision and no, that was not only NOT required, it was never even discussed.
  19. Yes, I am pre-op for a revision to my RNY. I am having the TORE procedure done to restore the size of the pouch outlet and the dimensions of the pouch itself.
  20. Waiting for insurance company to approve my revision surgery from sleeve to bypass due to severe reflux.
  21. WarrenInEC

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    I'm doing gastric bypass revision surgery on May 4. I'm familiar with the prep and post-op routine, so that's not a problem. I'm looking forward to getting back on track!!
  22. Them tests and being off PPi’s for a week do not sound like fun. Hopefully all that is a means to an end, though and you get scheduled for your revision very soon.
  23. I had my surgery 3/13/24 I had ESG revision of Gastric Plication in 2011
  24. catwoman7

    Advice Needed: Reflux After Sleeve

    revisions do work the vast majority of the time. But not all the time - we see people on here once in a while who had one, but it didn't work for them. But most of the time, yes, it works.
  25. SleeveToBypass2023

    3 months out.. any naseau?gerd?

    I had to have a revision to bypass from sleeve because the GERD that developed from the sleeve was SO SO bad it caused me to be on 80mg of Nexium 2x per day and Pepcid 1-2x per day, plus I developed gastritis, esophagitis, and so many polyps because of the high amt of PPIs over a long period of time that it took 4 endoscopies to remove them. Since I had the revision, I haven't had a single issue since. If you're having problems even after the revision to bypass, try a low dose of PPI (Prilosec, Nexium, etc) and speak to your doctor. I haven't heard of "phantom pains" from previous GERD, but I guess it's possible. Maybe get a 2nd opinion??

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