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Found 3,097 results

  1. Arabesque

    Day 1 pre op diet

    Pre surgical diets can differ a lot but the two shakes & one meals is not uncommon. (Mine was two weeks keto.) Generally eat pretty cleanly: no sauces (pre made or own), steamed vegetables (avoid starchy vegetables like potatoes) no processed foods, watch cooking methods of your meats - low fat. Portions sizes ate likely only 3-4oz protein & a cup of vegetables. But check with your team for what they recommend for you in regards calories, portions sizes & suitable foods for that meal. I’d look at getting a set of scales which measures small increments as soon as possible. They will be invaluable as will measuring cups, spoons & jugs.
  2. GreenTealael

    Food Before and After Photos

    French toast made with keto bread. I tracked 2 slices but only took a pic of 1.
  3. im2bz

    December Surgery Buddies!

    My doctor recommended 60 grams per day of protein, which seems low for my height. I probably need about 75 based on what I have read. It is all I can do to make it to 60. I feel like I am on a low fat keto diet, lol. Thank goodness for the vitamins! I still have not had any labs ordered so who knows. I received a packet from the dietitian recommending 5 small meals (1/4-1/2 cup each) each day. I have noticed that the recommendations differ vastly between different providers. I am supposed to be having regular appointments with my dietician but the appointments are always full so I have had no dietician contact post operatively. She doesn’t even respond to my emails (okay, she did once, two months after I asked a question). In some ways I am relieved that no one has noticed the weight loss, but at the same time I want it to be noticeable, too. I guess 229 looks as huge to the average observer as 289. I look forward to passing from an obese BMI into just an overweight BMI. For my height that will be at 205. Maybe it will be noticeable at that point. But you’re right, you tend to overlook changes on someone you see on a daily basis.
  4. SmoknDudette

    December Surgery Buddies!

    Yay! Same day for my sleeve. Started my pre-op on Nov 22nd. I'm doing my best with my 2 shakes a day but their brand is wearing on me bad. I had to start adding a few drops of water flavoring to them to get them down lol. and Then getting mighty tired of bland chicken and 1 of 5 green veggies a night :(. Had my education class and my per-surgery assessment is on Tuesday and the Wed after its surgery! My surgeons office throws us into keto on the preop and its throwing off my walking bad. But I just keep the thought that I won't have to fight my body any longer.
  5. Arabesque

    Horrible rash over whole body

    Keto rash is a new one to me so I did google it. Does your rash look like the keto rash (prurigo pigmentosa)? Certainly the surgery, change of diet, weight loss, etc. are very stressful & it does seem logical that it might unfortunately set off a flare of your eczema especially if that is a known trigger for you. Have they taken you off the Prilosec & offered you an alternative to see if that is the cause? Good luck with the biopsy. Hope they find an answer soon.
  6. ShoppGirl

    Sleeve Veteran researching revision to SADI

    ChunkCat. I seen on another post where to listed out your daily food log and it was super helpful. I can’t find it now but i took a screenshot and I was just looking at it. I’m hoping my log will be somewhat similar. I am wondering about the keto muffins. You said homemade. Do you mean from a box or scratch. If scratch do you have a link to the recipe by chance?! Since my appt I have been eating lower carb and I am quickly recalling that if I don’t have carbs for a few days I don’t crave them nearly as strongly. I have since told two close friends, my husband and my aunt that apparently no i can’t have just one brownie or one slice of pizza or one piece of cake even if I have this surgery and I’m doing great and please try to remember not to tempt me because it’s hard enough on my own not to have it. I honestly think I’m addicted to carbs and I have to go cold Turkey to be able to do it. I mean I had a wrap the other day and that was okay because it was still low amount I think but if I have a lot. My body screams out for them again for several days afterwards. Maybe most of you know this or maybe I’m weird but I’m hoping that if people who love me understand this about me then maybe I will have better success this time around. Ooh and my point to telling you all that is that I would love to try your muffin recipe because I am basically doing low carb now. Lol
  7. Arabesque

    Veggie advice/tips/recipies

    Would I be right in thinking your nutritionalist is recommending a keto like diet? They are big on no root vegetables & no corn, peas because of their naturally high sugar content. (Potatoes are often a no because they are considered a starch.) I regularly ate carrot & sugar snap peas. I threw frozen corn & peas into soups, mince dishes, some slow cooked dishes, omelettes, etc, I usually just microwave my vegetables with a splash of water & a dab of butter but also will stir fry & occasionally roast (especially cauliflower with a little hummus & zataar to serve). I love vegetables & enjoy them best simply with salt & pepper but don’t be afraid to try herbs & spices. The only vegetables I don’t eat is potato, sweet potato & pumpkin (they tend to sit heavily) except a very small piece (bite or two) with a roast dinner. My thoughts were & are vegetables are vegetables (except potato). They are highly nutritious (all those vitamins, minerals & fibre) so a valuable addition to our food choices. And the little we eat, especially in the first months will have minimal impact on your calorie intake & weight loss. I mean 1/4 cup peas is 30 calories if you can eat that much. Plus the ‘sweet’ vegetables are naturally sweet so they don’t count towards your sugar intake. Certainly didn’t affect my weight loss or maintenance. I say eat your vegetables, just watch portion size & what you serve or add to them. Like no honey glazed carrots, sour cream or cheese sauces at least for a while.
  8. Arabesque

    strange nasty odor

    It’s ketosis. It’s renown for the accompanying unpleasant body odours: breath, skin, sweat, genital secretions, urine & caused by our high protein low carb diet. We want to be in ketosis (fat burning) & we all experience the side effects in some form. Good thing is the odour doesn’t last forever. I used to carry a small toiletries bag with toothbrush & paste, mouth wash, deodorant & body wipes for a refresh during the day. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/ketosis-safety-and-side-effects#The-low-carb/keto-flu
  9. I have never counted carbs following my sleeve. I associate that with keto/Atkins. I *do* count protein intake and total calories - every day. What I do find is that pasta/rice/potatoes/bread etc. aren't worth eating most of the time (unless I'm WLS masking, in which case I purposely use them to deflect attention). If I can generally eat meals that are protein first, veg second, carbs third then I am usually in the zone and happy. Best of luck OP!
  10. Carolhemp63

    Horrible rash over whole body

    Has anyone else had a rash after surgery. I am about 4 months post-op and no real problems, and suddenly this rash develops ands spreads all over. I looked up online and found something called “keto rash” caused by high protein, low carb diet. I have now seen 3 doctors, including a dermatology consult at university hospital, and they think this is a reaction to taking Prilosec (which my Bariatric doctor prescribed). I won’t know for sure until some skin samples (biopsied) come back. I also have a history of eczema, and think this might just be a bad outbreak (triggered by the “stress” of surgery and lifestyle change). Has anyone else heard of Keto rash or had it?
  11. SarahByNumbers

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    I'm on Day 8 of 14 for my liquid pre-op diet, and honestly for me, it hasn't been all that bad! I didn't get "keto flu" or any of that, possibly because I've done keto diets before and knew to keep up with electrolytes. The only crummy part is when I can SMELL tasty things. I'm fine if I can see them, I'm fine sitting next to people chowing down, I'm fine watching YouTube cooking shows even, but if I walk past someone's office and smell something delicious, THEN I really miss food 😅 I'm starting to make myself anxious by reading about post-op infections (it feels like the only people I've read about getting them on my program's Facebook group are those who have the same surgeon as me...), "How will my cats EVER forgive me for not being able to sleep with me the night before surgery?!", "WHAT IF I CAN'T WIPE MY BUTT AFTER SURGERY AND MY HUSBAND HAS TO DO IT?!", etc. etc. etc. 😂 I think the big key is to always remember your "why" - Personally, I'm not just doing this to lose weight. I'm doing this because I have a family history of a number of different cancers whose risk is greatly increased with obesity (and I had a precancerous colon polyp removed earlier this year...I'm not even 40 yet). My "why" is that I want to be here a lot longer and be healthy and be able to enjoy that time doing fun, active things and not overheating and sweating my arse off while I'm at it. Today's my last day working in-office prior to surgery next Wednesday, and I'm really thankful for that. All my good savory liquids are at home! I hope everyone is doing fantastic and healing well, or having an easy time with their pre-op regimens! 💜
  12. ChunkCat

    Sleeve Veteran researching revision to SADI

    Yes! Happy to share! It's this one: https://www.wholesomeyum.com/keto-banana-muffins-recipe/ I doubled the banana flavoring emulsion (I got mine from Amazon) and I added vanilla. None of the box mixes were low carb enough for me and I used to be a chef so I have a bias towards homemade things. 😂 I can empathize with the carb cravings. When I eat carbs I crave them intensely for days afterwards. There are a lot of people who make judgments about those of us who use artificial sweeteners, and though I prefer the real thing, I simply cannot have it. My body HATES carbs, it just doesn't know what to do with them and whether it's a piece of cake or a bagel, it will bloat me and I'll want 3 times as much the next meal. It is just not worth it. And now with the surgery and my designer insides, it isn't worth the gas and such either... The only exception I seem to be able to make is a small amount of very dark chocolate. I think the reason it doesn't cause the carb cravings is because my craving for the minerals in it is stronger. LOL And even with that I can't have it two days in a row without cravings kicking in stronger... I think it is perfectly reasonable to ask those close to you to support you with limitations around what they offer you. I asked the same thing of those close to me and they were happy to do so because it gave them a tangible way to help me with my goal. We don't gain weight in isolation. Food is a social thing. We ask our social circle for support around other goals like going to school or raising our children, we should be able to ask for support with this too. It increases our chances of success!! The head game will do you in every time. Having people close to you wise to that helps tremendously in my experience... As long as they don't turn into food police. 😂
  13. RonHall908

    December Surgery Buddies!

    Had my first consult October 13th. All my testing is complete as of last week. Was hoping to get a surgery date for late December but that doesn't look like it's going to happen. (Duodenal Switch) I've been reading about others having 3 day up to a week liquid pre-op diets up to surgery. My surgeon said no less than two weeks. I guess all surgeons have their preferences. I've read a few books and listened to as many podcasts about Bariatric surgery per-op and post-op. I feel like a have a good hold on it. I started a Keto/Carnivore diet back in June. Limiting carbs and Sugar wasn't a big deal starting a 100 Gram Protein & 100 Gram carb diet the dietician has recommended for me to be on now. I've lost 47 pounds since June and 27 since my October consult.
  14. renae97006


    Hi June folks, Im hanging in there. I think we all have are good days and bad days but I try to focus on the good and why I decided to do this. I think once we all make it closer to that 1 year mark things will become alot easier. I have my stalls as well and it use to get to me but now I just stay consistent, make adjustments from time to time and continue to work out. During those stalls I still notice a change in my clothes, so eventho i didnt loose weight or gained a few pounds clothes are still getting closer, its weird. For those having stalls for long periods of time try tracker your food, I stay away from Protein power and anything that says Keto. That made a difference for me. Hang in there guys.
  15. SleeveToBypass2023

    Bloodwork showed type 2 diabetes

    I'm no longer diabetic. My A1c is now 5.5 and my glucose tends to stay between 107-112 when checked. I'm no longer on any of the meds I was on because all of my numbers are normal. For a sugar substitute, I use monk fruit sweetener. I can't stand anything else. I hate the gross taste of everything else. Sugar free foods are actually really good these days. I don't use veggie curls to substitute pasta. There are keto pasta noodles (and keto bread, which is really good) that I prefer. Normal calorie intake is 2000 calories. I would work on getting yours down to 1600 by surgery time. You will eat A LOT less than that after the surgery, but lowering your calories and carbs will help you drop the weight you need to qualify for the surgery. I would also work on getting your carbs down to 70-80 per day by surgery day. Again, you will be consuming a lot less than that after surgery, but getting them down now will help you later.
  16. On Black Friday, I bought a Ninja Creami for my family. The Creami allows you to make your own ice cream pints. You make your liquid mix, place in it one of their plastic pints and freeze it for at least 24 hours. You put the pint in the machine, spin it for a few cycles and you get ice cream. Here is why it is great for bariatric patients: you can make delicious, high protein, low sugar ice cream. Not an exaggeration. For my first ice cream, I mixed a 16 oz Premier Protein 30g chocolate shake, a packet of Chocolate Toffee keto chow, 1 tsp of MCT oil and 4 tbs of 2% milk. I had to put that mixture into a blender to get it all mixed because it was pretty thick. But then I poured it into a plastic pint and froze it. When it was done, it tasted just like a creamy chocolate ice cream and had the following nutritional profile (per MyFitnessPal) 356 calories 9.2g of fat 5.5g of net carbs 4.4g of sugar 57.7g of protein 109% of my calcium 34% of my iron 2,135mg of potassium 27.5% of Vitamin A 26% of Vitamin C (By way of comparison, a pint of Blue Bell vanilla has 640 calories, 32g of fat, 68g of sugar and 16g of protein). The Creami is not cheap (Normally $170, bought it for $125 on Black Friday). But if you can afford it and you like ice cream, I highly recommend it. You can use protein shakes, protein powders, Greek yogurt and a ton of other bariatric-friendly ingredients to make something that tastes like ice cream that you can eat guilt free.

    Feeling defeated

    couple things to remember: 1. you are only 33 days out. 2. The "keto diet" is a high fat, moderate protein, and low carb diet. It usually consists of 75% fats, 20% protein and only 5% carb. Even though you are eating smaller portions the fat is too high. 3. A baratric diet focuses on smaller portions, high protein, low fat, and low carbs! The fat you are consuming in a Keto diet 33 days out is likely the culprit. I would stick to the meal plan that should have been outlined for you after your surgery. I am over a year out and lost 100+ pounds after my surgery w/in the first year. I did think (after talking to my dietician) that I could also try to go back on the Keto diet. I gained weight 10 lbs before I stopped that cold in its tracks and focused on my portions and eating right foods. I am almost lost the weight I gained thinking the keto diet would work for me now. I had done it before making my decision to have gastric sleeve and lost 75 lbs in a short period of time. But it came back on and then some once I stopped eating Keto.
  18. I have to eat every 2-3 hours and have since I was post op, so I eat 5-6 small meals a day. I prefer this because it keeps me from mindless snacking, provides a rhythm to my day, and allows me to get in a variety of flavors and textures. I'm only 3 months post op, there is no way I'd get my daily macros in with just 3 meals a day. My stomach doesn't have that capacity and if I go past 3 hours without eating my energy crashes, I feel light headed, nauseous, shaky, and irritable. Each person's body is different, but by necessity I ascribe to the "eat less more often" method and I'm not alone in that need. My target macros are 120 grams of protein, 100 grams of fat, 40 grams of total carbs, calories don't matter because I malabsorb a good percentage of fat and a moderate percentage of protein. 8:00 am Premier Protein Vanilla Shake 9:30 am 3 tablespoons hashbrowns, 4 cherry tomatoes, 1 1/2 scrambled eggs 12:00 Ratio Coconut Keto Yogurt and 2 tablespoons Diabetic Kitchen Granola 3:00 pm Espresso with 1/2 cup Fairlife Whole Milk, Quest Spicy Sweet Chili Protein Chips 6:00 pm 1 grilled chicken thigh, no skin, 3 tablespoons green beans 9:00 pm 14 Wasabi Soy Roasted Almonds, 1 Choxo Dark Chocolate Coconut Cup Total Macros: 116 grams of Protein, 40 total grams of carbs, 78 grams of fat, 1305 calories. This is pretty typical for me. I don't always eat the protein chips, I was just in a hurry and they are one of my go-to snacks when I can't have something perishable. Normally they'd be a protein and veggie.
  19. ChunkCat

    Soft Food

    I've been taking notes from @Arabesque and got 4 oz containers to prep mini meals in once I can eat again! Things like meatballs are a great tip, they are definitely more tender than chicken breast! I've been thinking that poached chicken thighs might be good because poaching makes the texture so much more tender. I also found this recipe for keto chicken and dumplings and can tell you now I will be having that as soon as I hit soft foods. That is my ULTIMATE comfort food. LOL I know some also recommend deli meat because the texture is so soft and goes down easy. In our diet classes we've been encouraged to eat a lot of seafood on the soft food diet because the textures lend themselves well to it. I'm not a huge seafood fan but I've ordered some things to try when I get there. I'm still in the liquid phase right now. It is lasting forever...
  20. Arabesque

    Apology letter to my rectum

    Your title may be laugh too. Thought you were going to talk about the awful constipation &/or diarrhoea. LOL! Corn is one of those foods that can be difficult to digest & therefore pass. It can cause gas & bloating too - it’s the cellulose in it. It is also high in natural sugars (especially sweet corn) so it’s often not included in some diets like keto & in many of our plans for a while. Yes, the mayo, cheese or even the chilli could be causing your body to go nope not for us too. Not sure how far a long you are but maybe give it a break for a while & then see how you go. If you aren’t that far out, your tummy may still be a little fussy & sensitive.
  21. I had the same experience as NickelChip on the GLP-1 meds. Saxenda I lost about 15 lbs on, when insurance decided I didn't lose that fast enough they stopped covering it. I gained the 15 back plus another 10 almost immediately. I then went on Victoza, no weight loss. I did Ozempic for two years, also no weight loss. And on both of them I actually gained weight until my highest weight of 320lbs. They did help my A1C levels but that was it. They all had unpleasant side effects and cost a ton. I'm 7 weeks out from a duodenal switch. I've lost 26 lbs since the surgery and while there have been tough moments I'm so glad I decided to go with surgery instead of trying more medication... I've lost 40 lbs since my highest weight! I've never lost that much weight with anything, ever, not even with keto plus the meds. Usually if I have issues with a doctor's office not returning my calls or responding to my messages, I eventually go in there and talk to the office staff in person and wait until they send a nurse out to deal with my issue. 😂 It is quite effective! I'm super nice about it, but still... I had a LOT of scheduling issues with my surgery and in the middle of it they lost their scheduler and I had to deal with some really rude staff on the phone. But it all got sorted out in the end! Hang in there!!
  22. KathyLev

    Immi Ramen

    I watch the Keto Twins on U Tube and they did a video using the noodles. They always give their honest opinion of the things they try. Here's a link to one of their videos : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xylw6mQYq_E
  23. That does sound like the basis for the diet I'm on. They told me to work on getting 64oz of water per day as top priority, then around 60-80g of protein next. Next it was to prioritize some unsaturated fats (fish, poultry, and lower carb veggie protein options). From there, they told me to keep carbs under 10g per serving, and under 55g total for the day (not quite as low as keto). Then try to keep saturated fats low where possible. I'm a 6'1" male, so they had me try to target 800-1000 calories per day during the weight loss phase, and work toward 1200 after about 6 months. You may want to check with your doctor or nutritionist to see if they have a recommended range to target. I learned the hard way while I was sick with Covid over the holidays that its really easy for excess calories to be hiding in small things. But overall, just keep up with what you are doing. There will be a stall within the first couple months, and a second stall a couple months after that, so just mentally prepare for it. Both will last 2-4 weeks and will likely have a slight regain in the middle of it. It doesn't take much fluid retention to make the number on the scale go back up. Remember that a 16oz bottle of water is literally 1lb. It's not fat, so it doesn't count. if you're drinking a half gallon / 2L of water a day, that's 4 lbs sitting there, but it doesn't count as "fat weight". It is jarring to see a 4lb fluctuation on the scale, but you're not losing progress, it's just water that your body isn't done processing yet. Think of the weight loss more like stair steps rather than a straight line. You can push through it!
  24. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Surgery Failure

    I know its been awhile since you originally posted this, but, upon reading it I was very surprised that you said you're diabetic and drink apply juice (Gerber or not)! Just 1/2 cup has: 60 calories 14 carbs and 13 sugars! That's a lot of sugars for the small quantity of 1/2 cup. I did keto for a few years and that would have pushed me out of ketosis quick! I know each surgeon has their own plan, but I'm surprised yours allowed apple juice..or any juice since most are high is natural sugars. I was told absolutely no juices. I hope you've gotten it worked out!
  25. ChunkCat

    Modified Duodenal Switch

    I'm glad you are feeling better!! Learning to eat slow is definitely a challenge. I still catch myself sometimes. I get food bored too so I try to eat a variety of things. I don't usually weigh out my food, but I do portion it out/estimate the portion and log it to make sure my macros are on target. It is crucial for DS patients to get enough protein in and if you aren't tracking it you might not be getting enough. It'll eventually show in your labs, but once your protein level drops in labs it is a huge pain to get back up. So it is best to just track it... You don't have to be as exact as weighing, but a good estimation is worthwhile and will also teach you how to understand what correct bariatric portions are for you. My surgeon likes his patients to stay in ketosis for a while so I aim for 120 grams of protein, less than 50 total carbs (usually less than 40 total carbs for me to be safe), and I aim for about 100 grams of fat for good brain health. I don't eat at specific times. That's too much planning. LOL I drink a protein shake as soon as I wake up, then eat a meal about an hour later, and eat every 3 hours after that until I go to bed! I usually end up eating about 5 times a day. I ascribe to the "eat less more often" method and so does my surgeon. I discovered soon after surgery that I need to eat within 3 hours, anything past that and I start to feel exhausted and have no energy and get moody. I feel my best if I eat within 3 hours of my last meal throughout the day... Sometimes eating is a protein snack like a bag of protein chips and a few pickles. Sometimes eating is more meal-like like keto chicken tenders with steamed asparagus. But I always eat by that mark or I pay for it. I also pay for it if I don't get enough fluids in a day, so I watch that. Monitoring your food and water can feel triggering for some people due to past diet attempts. But it is important to reframe it as a caretaking behavior as much as possible, especially for DS patients because our dietary needs are so important to be on target with.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
