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Found 738 results

  1. Friends, I am a little over two months post-op. Overall, I have done extremely well, down 60lbs, feeling great and looking forward to achieving my goals. Unfortunately, I have been occasionally having a cocktail while watching football which disinhibits my appetite control and I wind up eating more than I should or can. Anyone have any suggestions to address this problem? Thanks very much.
  2. Wondering what alternative drinks people order when at a bar or restaurant if you aren't drinking alcohol. Most of the low cal options are highly carbonated e.g diet coke Non alcoholic drinks such as lemon lime and bitters or lime and soda are generally quite high in sugar and calories. Plain soda water is boring and plain water even worse.
  3. I have not had a drop to drink since pre-surgery, however with the holidays approaching, I might want a small drink here or there, socially. I plan on avoiding anything carbonated (no beer or coolers). I know I need to keep sugars down, too. Any recommendations?
  4. PopsFury


    Hi all: Went out with a group from work last night and was able to enjoy myself drinking my delicious, delicious ice water with lime. But I'll admit, I really wanted to order a manhattan. I've only ever been a 1-2 drinks a week kind of guy, but I really enjoy those 1-2 drinks. Have you started drinking? When did you start? How did it go? Anything to worry about? I was something of a margarita connoisseur, but I'm worried about the sugar content. I've heard you can drink, but you may feel the effects very quickly. What should I be thinking about here?
  5. jesse3110

    Alcohol use

    Hey all, Quick background, had surgery April 2nd 2018. At the time I was 471lbs. I'm currently weighing 359lbs. The other night I was out with a friend and she ordered 2 shots of liquor, I stupidly took it. It felt like my insides were on fire. However it seemed to melt away the stress like food used to do for me. Now it's all I can think about or want whenever I feel stressed. I've caved once and did a couple shots. I did call my Dr and he set me up for a scope just in case and an appointment with the social worker. Has anyone else here struggled with that? It's tough, food used to be my go-to if I was angry, sad, stressed, etc. Now I have this void I need to fill and I CANNOT let it be filled with alcohol. Any suggestions, ideas, or anything?? I did see a counselor until I lost my insurance.
  6. I had the gastric sleeve surgery on May 7th. Before surgery I liked to drink wine several times a week. Usually white, sometimes red. After surgery, didn't touch alcohol for 8 weeks. But tonight I've had 3 glasses of white wine. It's only 3 carbs per 5 oz. and around 100 calories. I ate protein for every meal and didn't snack at all. My total calories for the day including the wine are 700. Can someone explain to me why this would be considered "bad"? I'm not looking for judgement on the wine, just truly curious as to why alcohol is considered a bad thing.
  7. What kind of alcoholic beverages can I consume, my 3 months is almost up! I know NO BEER, NO SODA... so any suggestions on healthy alcoholic beverages... besides crystal light lemonade & vodka😁
  8. So I’ll be 6 weeks post op next week. I’m going to New Orleans and I know I’ll want to have at least one drink. I feel like I have and Angel on my left side saying don’t do it and the Devil on the right saying one would be ok. So now long did you guys wait?
  9. If you are finding that post- sleeve you are much more vulnerable to alcohol, you're not alone. Here's a link to an article that examines recent research. Basically, because our stomachs are so much smaller, we absorb more alcohol, and it peaks in our blood more quickly. My doctor said the alcohol is acting more like crack cocaine in terms of speed and intensity of the high. And therefore much more dangerously addictive. So, in addition to alcohol being empty calories, we are at much more grave risk of becoming alcoholics if we drink after gastric sleeves/bypass. Here's the link: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/11/171120133922.htm I'm now struggling with this myself. Snuck up on me quickly, within 2 or 3 months of dealing with some personal trauma and depression. Kept finding that when I'd try to stop drinking, the shakes and intense anxiety were overwhelming. After consulting with a number of agencies and doctors, found there are some meds that make the withdrawals much more manageable, and those have helped tremendously. But insurance limitations make obtaining additional support much more challenging - still working on overcoming that hurdle. Anyway, be very very careful with alcohol after the surgery. One shot of tequila can affect you like 5 shots. And the brain really gets to liking that way too much. Then that's another battle to fight.
  10. LakeishaNicole

    Alcohol and RNY

    Sooooooooooooooooo when did you have your first drink after surgery?
  11. Five weeks and two days since my last drink and back at the gym three days a week. I went to the rehab support group, which was rubbish. I have decided to do private counselling, one on one. Fifteen pounds down.... That’s 15!!!!!!! 🤸🏼‍♀️🤹🏻‍♀️
  12. sc09


    I’ve been alcohol free for a year now. I’m planning on meeting up with some friends after work tomorrow and I plan on having a drink. I’ve read other posts about drinking after surgery but don’t remember seeing where anyone said how fast or hard the alcohol will hit you. I don’t plan on driving at all but I also don’t want to look like a blathering idiot after half a glass of wine. Any info someone can pass on from their experiences I would greatly appreciate. [emoji16]
  13. corieanne


    When can I have alcohol? I’m 5 weeks out and scared to ask my dr. I’m by no means an alcoholic just wondering when I could have a small drink?
  14. I am going to keep this short (If I can!); I’m English and English people tend to keep things to ourselves with strangers, especially if it is a point of failure so I am nervous about posting this. I had a gastric sleeve on 23rd July 2015, so 2 years and 7 months ago and it has been easy peasy with regards to food. I used to think that I couldn’t really support other people as I never had issues with the operation, or the months that followed nor with the huge weight loss. I felt fantastic, healthy and was going to the gym 3 or 4 times a week, swimming a couple or more times a week and walking my lovely Labrador a couple of hours a day. I could walk up steep mountains and still have breath to talk non-stop. Life was great. My second son got married at the end of Feb 2016 and I had a glass of champagne and a couple of small glasses of wine at the reception. The three drinks lasted 9 hours. For the rest of the year the drinks increased. I would have a couple of glasses of wine at the weekends. Then after a rough day at work (I have a very stressful job) I would have maybe one gin and tonic. That became a glass of wine and a gin and tonic and so on. I would have odd weeks where I didn’t drink at all so I never really saw it as an issue. I enjoyed it but did not really crave it. Jump to January 2017 and I had skin surgery. Tummy tuck lower and upper eyelids and a breast reduction and uplift. The first four weeks were perfect and then I started having the wounds split on my tummy and breasts. I was very ill and had to go to the hospital every day to have the wounds redressed and packed (they were black and absolutely stank at this point) initially I had three open wounds and as one started healing another would appear. In all I had 17 wounds along the scars and had to have additional surgery in June to clean 2 of them out and re-stitch them. In 2017 I had a total of 6 months off work because of this and slept in a riser recliner for 4 months. So, I started drinking heavily around May last year (that’s not an excuse its just the reality). I did it in secret, I hid bottles all over the house where I knew my husband or sons wouldn’t go (like the washing machine lol). I hid them in wellington boots, in old handbags, in my laptop workbag, in the garden, the car, behind furniture. I tried a few times to stop but just couldn’t. I spoke to a gentleman on here who had the same issue in the past, he said he had never posted about it because it would just get backlash and I felt the same. I told three close friends, I stopped drinking and lasted 3 weeks then started to drink more than before. I would get alcohol at different shops daily, so they wouldn’t judge me! Once I bought two ltr bottles of gin and the woman behind the counter said, “watch out, you will become an alcoholic with all that”. I nearly burst out crying, I felt so ashamed. It got worse and worse then a lot worse. I was drinking 4 pints of beer and half a ltr of gin a day. I functioned well in my job and no one suspected a thing. Even the friends I had told before didn’t know I was back on the booze. Then one night, I was driving home from work, stopped to buy some gin, and thought I’d get some ready made up ones too which come in cans. I drank 3 whilst I was driving home. That was my wake up call. Im an ex policewoman and have been to many accidents where the drivers have been drunk and I was ashamed of myself. I saw the Doctor the next morning and whilst I was telling him what I had been doing and sobbing my heart out, I had a panic attack and ended up passing out. He was so good with me and signed me off work for a month and referred me to a drink and drug support group. He then put me on a 10 day detox at home where I have to take a ton of tablets. This is my last day. Tomorrow I only have to take 6 tablets a day of one medication and the other one has stopped. I have my first appointment next week with the support group. Once they have seen me I will again change medication and will need to stay on that between 6-12 months. I am so lucky to have had the guts to see the GP and tell him the truth. I feel so embarrassed and ashamed. Throughout all of this I have kept to my eating plan, stuck to drinking 64oz water, and taken all my vitamins. I cant believe that I have had the control over that yet not over the alcohol. On the day I saw the GP my Blood Pressure was 202/147 so I have to go every day and its now normal. I am now 176llb so have put 40llbs on, not through food but through drinking calories. I haven’t read through this after typing it as I might just lose nerve and delete the lot so if it sounds odd or the grammar is poor please excuse that. I am still having withdrawal symptoms (just the tremors) but at least I wake up in the mornings and can remember what I did the night before. I know people here who have a glass of wine every night after work. Some people can, I obviously can’t. Just be careful. Please.
  15. alexmcintyre

    Alcoholic Drinks

    Hi Everyone! Does anyone have any alcohol suggestions that are the best option for my situation? I know your tolerance is basically gone post op but I just turned 21 years old so alcohol free is a little harder than anticipated. I do not like michelob ultra (My mom was sleeved 6 years ago and this is her drink of choice). Please drop suggestions!! HW 240 SW 232 CW 203 (6Weeks out)
  16. So, I had my 6 week check in today and all is well. Weight loss is on track...27 lbs down. I do need to increase my calories. I've been around a thousand and the doctor and dietician would like to see me at 1200-1500, particularly before I start going to the gym. While I was there, I asked how long I needed to wait before I could have a glass of wine. I expected to hear 6 months to a year based on what others have posted. I was surprised when the dietician said that I could have started a couple weeks ago! Of course they gave the usual caveats...empty calories and take it slow to see how I react. Just thought I'd share since I know that question comes up a lot
  17. Im 9 days post op and really want a drink, I've been healing well tolerating everything extremely well. How soon can I have a drink? Thanks!
  18. I had my surgery on dec 12 its my brother bday n i just turned 21 in oct n I really want to drink with him im also go to my first concert with him
  19. Has anyone started drinking alcoholic beverages after being sleeved? If so, how's that going for you?
  20. Hi all. I know you’re not supposed to have any alcohol after surgery so I’m talking about a year or more down the line. What alcohol beverages are safe to consume if you were to have 1 drink socially?
  21. E99L


    How long can you drink alcohol after gastric sleeve surgery ? whiskey vodka tequila beer .
  22. Sleeved October 17, 2017. I’m out with friends tonight and I got a fruity drink with barely any alcohol mainly just juice lol but I’ve been holding onto it most of the night cause I’m nervous to drink it. Will one light drink do anything? I know to stay away from it but I’m nervous
  23. The other night I had alcohol for the first time since my surgery (very little, yes I'm allowed per my surgeon, no I'm not an alcoholic) And realized I had no idea what the hell to drink. Most drinks have carbonation and extra/excess sugar or are mixed with **** I don't need. What are the best options for a post sleeve patient to drink responsibly? I really don't drink often enough to where it'll be a huge issue, but I figure any opportunity to improve is always a good one. I'm sure there's old threads on this, but I mostly just found ones centered on when/how much rather than drink selection
  24. Markg17


    So how long did everyone wait before they started drinking? I haven’t had any cravings for it but I was a big beer drinker before and I know I can’t have beer for a while because of the carbonation, but I was wondering about liquors. My dr says 6 weeks anyone start sooner than that?
  25. What will happen if u take a shot of vodka 2 months after surgery??

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