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Found 1,237 results

  1. Apple203

    What The? I Stopped Losing Weight!

    Its called the week three stall -- or the three week stall. I've seen it both ways! Its normal/common. It generally happens between weeks 2 and 4. I'm on day #10 myself.
  2. Joy@boman

    3 week stall?

    I have heard of three week stall but I am coming up on two weeks and havnt lost anything so it scares me to stall in 3rd week. I have lost zero since coming home from hospital. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  3. catwoman7

    BIG DEAL!🥴

    it's the infamous three week stall. Almost all of us go through it. It's not always the third week (but it is for most of us) - but at some point within the first 4-6 weeks after surgery, almost all of us go through our first major stall. Mine was weeks 2 & 3. Didn't lose a lb. Then during week 4, the stall finally broke and I lost like 6-8 lbs within a couple of days. Just continue to follow your program and stay off the scale for a few days if you need to - and know that it WILL break! And also know that you'll likely hit these several times during your journey. It's all part of the game...
  4. Dooter


    OHHHH dear one- the conversations we've had today on this forum about stalls!!! I am in one as well. Mine started at...guess when....three weeks!!! Yes, it's referred to around here as the "three week stall." I found a great explanation for it today from one of our seasoned sleevers. Check it out: (This was a post on another thread by "Tiffykins.") This is why you are in a stall. It's normal and expected. Your body will never go into a stall as long as you have body fat to burn: Weight Loss Stall or Plateau A weight loss stall or plateau is an extended period of time during reducing efforts where is there is no weight loss according to the scale and no loss of inches according to the tape measure. This is why it is so important to take your body measurements before surgery, so you'll have a reference as your weight loss progresses post-op. We suggest you take measurements of your chest, waist and hip, neck, upper arm, thigh and calf. Be aware it is very common for your weight loss to "stall" shortly after surgery. Diana explains the reason for this below. The Inevitable Stall By Diana C. A "stall" a few weeks out is inevitable, and here's why. Our bodies use glycogen for short term energy storage. Glycogen is not very soluble, but it is stored in our muscles for quick energy -- one pound of glycogen requires 4 lbs of Water to keep it soluble, and the average glycogen storage capacity is about 2 lbs. So, when you are not getting in enough food, your body turns first to stored glycogen, which is easy to break down for energy. And when you use up 2 lbs of glycogen, you also lose 8 lbs of water that was used to store it -- voila -- the "easy" 10 lbs that most people lose in the first week of a diet. As you stay in caloric deficit, however, your body starts to realize that this is not a short term problem. You start mobilizing fat from your adipose tissue and burning fat for energy. But your body also realizes that fat can't be used for short bursts of energy -- like, to outrun a saber tooth tiger. So, it starts converting some of the fat into glycogen, and rebuilding the glycogen stores. And as it puts back the 2 lbs of glycogen into the muscle, 8 lbs of water has to be stored with it to keep it soluble. So, even though you might still be LOSING energy content to your body, your weight will not go down or you might even GAIN for a while as you retain water to dissolve the glycogen that is being reformed and stored. Breathe, and fuggedaboudit for a few days. What You Can Do About a Stall or Plateau If you are experiencing a post-op weight loss stall or plateau further out there are a few possible causes. First, check that are you really in a stall. If the scale has stopped moving you may be losing inches, so check your measurements. Too Many Carbs? Carbohydrates can start sneaking into your foods without you being aware of how quickly they are adding up. For more information on carbs, see our section onCarbohydrates. If you are struggling with your weight loss you may want to examine your daily carb count. You can try to keep your carbs under 50g a day and see if that makes a difference in your weight loss. Do not eat carbs before bedtime as it triggers insulin and initiates fat storage. There are some great web site resources you can use to keep track of what you are eating.
  5. VDLT

    Stalled since week 2!

    You lost over 30 pounds in two weeks, Celebrate that! It is early on in the game and as long as you are following rules you will be ok. The first month going from clears to full liquids to mushies etc poses a lot of changes to your body so give it time to adjust. I stalled after week two for over a week as well and thought, oh well, getting the three week stall out of the way early. Nope, hit another big stall a few weeks later. But things got moving again. I am now stuck at a previous set point and trying to just wait it out. I am doing what I need to be doing and have to trust that.
  6. kimbernada


    Don't forget to track how much and what you are eating. I like using My Fitness Pal. It really helped me in the beginning because it made me more aware of what nutrients I was getting in. My focus has always been to try to hit at least 80 grams of Protein. And, I had a three week stall that started week 3. They happen. I know it can be discouraging to NOT see the weight come off, but it will. I also learned early on to not weigh myself daily. Our bodies will fluctuate in weight day to day, even morning compared to night. Why? The food and fluids we eat/drink that is still in the system will increase our weight temporarily (and don't forget the other bodily functions). Pick a day and time to weigh yourself once a week. I swear it will help keep your sanity intact.
  7. So I had my sleeve done 11/6. I am on a liquid stage right now. Had to go out to any event to Celebrate my son's birthday and were around family that did not know I had surgery. I had Soup and then tried to eat a few bites of mashed potatoes so that it appeared I was eating like everyone else. I was only able to eat three bites of mashed potato. I'm just wondering once I get to real food next month. Is there going to be a point where I'm going to be able to eat an amount that is not so noticeable that everyone's gonna ask why only take five bites of food ? I'm just wondering if it's always only going to be a few bites of food or what? I want to eventually be able to go out and have normal social life without all the questions or why I'm not eating? So that's my only concern. For now obviously just being on shakes and yogurt etc. i'm already down 20 pounds since my surgery date. Still doesn't really feel good to eat yogurt even then I do better with just liquids. I go back to work this week and I feel fine other than that. I've been able to get up and walk around and be active almost since the first few days I've been home. So no complaints here. More just questions about the future. Happy that I will never be able to sit down with a huge plate of food And eat til my stomach hurts. Just knowing that makes me much more sure about my future. Making better choices and this tool helping for portion size it's really a win-win. Now I'm approaching this three-week stall keep hearing about but I have no complaints 20 pounds even for one month it's nothing to complain about. So far every day still more and more weight is gone. My doctor told me last Friday that that weight loss would slow down but I've lost another 3 pounds since then. Cheers to that!
  8. NtvTxn

    Not losing

    Hi Maddie, A three week stall is a long time. I know you're frustrated! You're just now six weeks out, so you are starting on 'everything'. Carbs can bring you to a halt fast depending on what you are eating. To kick start a plateau, I'd always up my Protein and Water, do a little exercise and it worked like a charm every time. Protein for me was normally 60 - 65 and I'd go to 70 - 80. My calories when I was where you are were between 500 and 650 per day...and I did good to get that much in. During my losing period I averaged 675 per day. I had great restriction, I still do. I call cottage cheese, the Breakfast of champions, I love it. 1% of course. Eggs; steamed shrimp (i keep a bag on hand for lunch), tuna, I measure 2 TB of lite mayo for a can; whatever meat you want at night; stay away from bread, rice, Pasta, all sweets, nothing until you reach goal; chips; if it's in a bag or a box....chances are, you shouldn't have it!!! The exception, Special K Crackers, a few with tuna rather than bread are ok - recommended by my dietitian. They even have a little Fiber. I have two glasses of skim milk per day. I get liquid and 16 grams of protein, killing two birds with one stone, so to speak!! Greek yogurt, the plain, has TONS of protein in it, add Stivia or some other artificial sweetener to it, or sugar free jelly....a little fruit, be creative, just nothing you shouldn't. Great source of protein. I hope these suggestions help!!! Three weeks is a long time, you can overcome this, I promise you!!! Good luck, this tool works, just work with it!!! Also, I still weight and measure EVERYTHING....and keep an on line food log, it's good to know exactly how much you are eating and to keep track of your protein and calories!!! Just a suggestion!!
  9. Vinasu

    Could I be stalling already?

    Yes. It's normal. Do a search for the "three week stall." Sent from my SM-G925V using the BariatricPal App
  10. catwoman7

    Loosing too fast?

    it'll slow down. I had a big drop the first month, then it's been like 2-3 lbs a week. Plus like many, you may hit the "three week stall" soon where you won't lose anything for a week or two....
  11. rosepose

    Week 3 discouragement

    Oh I was really frustrated my first week!!! It felt like I didn't lose anything for days at a time and then only a pound and then nothing again! I think my system was in shock and went into lock down. I'm only 11 days out now but things have started moving. I think I have to put the scale away - the three week stall sounds crazy making.
  12. kimpossible67

    First stall

    I'm 8 mths post op. I never had the three week stall. I'm having an 8 th month stall, almost 2 weeks. Frustrating!!!
  13. 1Cor2:9

    3 Week Stall

    First I want to say that since my three week stall I have now lost more than ten lbs, so the stall for now is over. I think people should have the right to "freak" out if they want. You may say. that will not solve anything. That is not the point. The point is to acknowledge how you feel. This is important. Also, I do not think the mere mention of being disappointment about a stall is "freaking out". Anytime one strives for a goal and that goal is not achieved there is going to be disappointment. That is normal. To state over wise is false. So if you experience a stall cry about it, shout about it, throw something (preferably something that will not break), and so on. Then once you have had your moment pick yourself up off the floor and plan again. The journey we are on is going to have all kinds of feelings/emotions the best way to deal with it is to acknowledge it.
  14. pretty much everyone has their first stall within the first month after surgery. It's so common it has a name - the three week stall (although it's not always the third week). Search the three week stall - you'll find hundreds of posts about it. Just stick to your plan, and the weight loss will start up again.
  15. Roo101769

    Not Losing Weight.

    I too was sleeved 10/21 and I too have only lost 14lbs. I was stalled for several days. I am pretty sure I know some of the reasons. First, I have had trouble getting enough calories in. I believe between 600-800 is good, but I have been lucky to be hitting 500. I am trying to boost it a little, but I truly am not hungry or get full fast. But this weekend I did increase by a little and dropped a pound. Second, I think I just stalled early, didn't wait for the "three week stall". That's ok, hopefully I will get past it early too! Pre op I started changing my diet in August, at my own discretion. So I dropped almost 33lbs before surgery, so my body has already been in a "losing" mode for a while now. And finally is my activity level. I haven't been cleared to exercise yet, but I know I could be doing more. (walking) But working 8-5 and raising a 5 year old makes it hard. Plus I am in Ohio and it is dark by 5:30, when I get home. Not much for walking in the dark and cold. Could walk at a mall or the Y, but my daughter has to come with me and that is just a whole other set of issues... Ok, the last thing is truly an excuse. I need to get more exercise, period. Anyway, I am exactly at the same point as you and I am not worried or giving up. Just keep on keepin' on ( with the plan) and things will start happening again.
  16. Jessee3897

    3 weeks out

    In going on week five and can attest to the three week stall. I started upping my protein and added in walking and by the middle of week four I was losing again.
  17. I too purchased way too many Protein drinks, packs of pudding, Soup broth and Jello. Tossed a lot of it. What I didn't realize was I could only consume 1 oz at a time the day after surgery. We buy for our tumors before surgery, but we can't eat that much after. I'm about 5 wks post op and STILL forget and dish up an old serving size. Then I giggle like I'd actually be able to eat even half of that amount! The three week stall was awful! Throw your scale away. Just wait for your post op visits to weigh. It's a mind game and it sucked for me. Getting up and moving as quickly as I could was hands down the best decision I made. No surgery gas pains (I'd had them from a previous laparoscopic surgery and they were awful! Dr said walking right away probably helped.) Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  18. band2bypass15

    Like clock work....

    I just hot the three week stall. I'm down 29 lbs and couldn't wait to say I am down 30! Well, that may not happen right away. But I am so relieved to know that a "3 week stall" is actually a thing that others go through too. If I didn't know about this ahead of time I'm sure I would be really hard on myself...and I don't want that kind of negativity when I'm working so hard at this!
  19. catwoman7

    Week 3 approaching 4 stall?

    almost everyone has their first stall within the first month after surgery. In fact, we call it "the three week stall", because it often (but not always) happens during week 3. If you search for it, you'll find tons of posts about it. Just stick to your program and it will break. i stalled weeks 2 and 3 and it finally broke during week 4. Then I dropped like 6-8 lbs within a couple of days.
  20. InfiniteButterfly

    Stall @ week 3? Seems to soon for that?

    I just pushed past the dread "three week stall" (which actually hit around 2 weeks out for me, and lasted maybe 10 days?) I knew it was coming (having seen so many posting about it on here), but it's still frustrating to experience, especially when you're doing everything right. My stall broke when I managed to boost my calories slightly for the day. I went from around 400 to 550-600, and that seemed to kick my losing back into gear.
  21. catwoman7

    3 weeks out and stalled

    go up to the search box and type in "three week stall". It happens to pretty much everybody! I think your body just need to recalibrate or something. Just stick to your plan and the stall will break. I stalled for two weeks, but then I dropped like 6 or 8 lbs within a couple of days after it broke
  22. blizair09

    The Stall...

    Google "three week stall." That is what is happening. Just stick to your plan and the weight will come off. Nothing about post-op weight loss is linear. It is full of periods of loss, followed by longer periods of stall. That is just part of the process. Also, it is slow. I started my six month insurance-required diet program at 397 pounds, and weighed 298 pounds on surgery day. Even at that size, my loss in the first four weeks post-op was far from "dramatic." But I have followed my plan religiously every single day, kept my carbs below 20 every single day, tracked everything I put in my body every single day, and even with the countless stalls, I have lost 205 pounds and am 12 pounds from goal at 9 months post-op. Put the scale away if it bothers you and keep focused on what is important. Good luck!
  23. Hello there! Thank you and Congratulations on your surgery date! You are going to be sooo happy!! I remember pre-op, I was on the liquid diet for 7 days, and it was hard at first, but by day 5 I was getting excited that my surgery was almost here and wasn't hungry any more. I am doing really well post-op - thank goodness. I am a little sore now and then, or if I move too quick in an odd position then I feel a little pinch, but other then that I am good. I am waiting to see if I experience the dreaded three week stall, but the truth I am not really dreading it if I do. I already feel so much better, and have lost 32 lbs in the last 26 days, that if I have to wait a minute for my body to catch up, then it's worth it. Are you excited? Are you nervous? Temecula is really nice - Wine Country!!
  24. I am 16 days post op and haven't lost anything in about 5 days, today I gained about .5 pound. I know this isn't a true stall but I was wondering if anyone has hit this wall so soon. So far I've done awesome and I am happy with it but I feel like I am failing already. I am busting my butt to get fluids and protein in, but find it almost impossible to hit them daily. I am also cleared for food and can eat about an oz at a meal. Most of the time it's a meat or a cheese stick ( for the protein). But I am really focusing on fluids over real food. I've also had a bad allergic reaction to the adhesive they used, so I am not sure if that is playing a role. I plan to keep up with increasing fluids/ protein as well as increase my walking. ( currently a mile 4-5 days a week) Is this normal? Did I hit the dreaded three week stall early? Thanks in advance
  25. Donna Thorne

    Three week stall

    I lost 30 lbs the first three weeks after surgery, coming down from near 300 lbs. Now I have gained a pound in my 4th week. I heard this may be normal, but I feel maybe I need to buckle down even tighter on my eating, not sure. If this is true, how long did it last for you? When did you start to lose weight again?

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