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Found 17,501 results

  1. Rose perez

    Dating and weight loss

    Hi ladies has anyone found it that they could date or be treated better after weight loss surgery ? would like to know your stories
  2. Hi. I'm having some huge issues with my weight and could really do with some help and advice please. In December 2018 I had a gastric bypass and on the day of the surgery I was 24 stone (336 lb). Over the next year I got down to 15 stone ( 210lb). All my friends and family was concerned I wasn't eating enough and said I looked ill due to the rapid weight loss so I started eating a it more. Fro. 2019 to 2023 my portion sized grow and I was no longer eating the correct foods resulting in me being 21 stone (294lb). I'm currently on the path to getting my health back on track but I don't seem to be losing weight. Im one of them people that will eat the same meals every days and this is my current meals all eaten on a bariactric plate. Breakfast = 2 hard boiled eggs. Lunch = hath a steamed chicken breast, 2 steamed mushrooms, 4 seafood sticks, 2 slices of onion cooked in the air fryer, hath a Peper cooked in the air fryer and 40grams of mozzarella. Dinner= hath a steamed chicken breast, 2 steamed mushrooms, 4 seafood sticks, 2 slices of onion cooked in the air fryer, hath a Peper cooked in the air fryer and 40grams of mozzarella. I'm also walking on average 6 miles (9.6km). In the past 6 months of eating like this my weight has hardly changed, 1 week might be 1lb loss then next week will be 1.5lb gain then 2lb loss ect. Over 6 moths my weight has only gone down 7lb and I don't know what's going on and I'm starting to get very depressed and I seem to be eating well and being active but the weight scales don't reflect that. Am I missing something that's preventing me from losing weight? Thank you
  3. kamigrisham

    Weight gain

    Ugghhh I am 18 months out and have gained back 12 lbs since May… help!!!
  4. I need to hear some weight loss stories please make some friends
  5. Just wondered if there were any similar Stature men in here? Would love to hear about your Journey. My surgery is July 6th! Starting Weight 267 and 6 Feet tall.
  6. Im getting a little discouraged,Ive read about the 3 week stall but im having the 3 week gain. I had gastric bypass 10/18 I also had my gallbladder removed.The first 2 weeks I lost 18 pounds.I was happy and then i go to my clinic for a class with people who had surgery the same day or around the same time.We were there to go over the next phase of eating .Everyone was discussing there weigh loss (30lbs and up) and what they've been eating.I thought to myself im eating far less than most of them why am I only down 18 and there 30+ At the time I was having 8oz of pureed soup,a protein shake or two,and 32oz of water.Im having trouble getting in 64oz of water.I thought maybe Im not eating enough so I started getting in 3 meals a day and now they are allowing us to eat solids at our own pace. I went to the store and bought full grain bread,avacodo,and sliced cheese. First thing in the morning Ive been having 1/2 of one slice of bread with avacodo or a slice of cheese.For lunch I'll have the other half of slice of bread with avacodo,and dinner I'll have pureed soup 4oz. I dont stop eating because Im full,I stop eating because Im afraid of eating to much and getting sick. I've been eating far less than I have ever eaten in my life and now everytime I step on the scale for the past couple of weeks i've been gaining weight everyday!! I dont get it.Why would I be gaining weight when Im eating healthy and Im not going over 4oz each time I eat. Ive gained 3 lbs so far.
  7. Hi everyone what are the most significant and helpeful exercises that helped you all long term ??
  8. Hi Me again! So I am noticing that I am losing 1.5-2lbs a week last couple of weeks, I had surgery 1/24 for Gastric Sleeve so I am 14 weeks post op. I have lost a lot of weight fast in the beginning so I am assuming that's why its slowing down? I am incorporating a lot of exercise now including weights so maybe that's why too? I am trying to get into the mind set that I am focusing on how I feel and not so much what the scale says. Just want to make sure this is normal? Weight when I entered the bariatric program: 297lbs Surgery Day Weight: 266lbs CW: 205lbs GW: 170lbs
  9. Its been 8 years gained a little but nothing near my original weight the best decision ever!

  10. I am a month out now and I am happy I dropped 18 pounds but now it seems I am on a stall already. I am still not making protein or fluid requirements. I never drank 100 oz. A day of water in my life. I am so full I can’t seem to reach this 70 - 80 of protein. I am on foods well chewed now. I feel like every 21/2 hours drink then wait eat then wit drink shake. Nothing to drink a hour after you eat. There are not enough hours in the day! Ia week after my surgery I got Covid and my age it wasn’t easy. I am still out of sorts. Doc checked me and I’m ok. I need to do better. I just started walks and some bicycle. I am hoping my stamina gets better. If anyone has any tricks they do about how to manage better with foods, I would appreciate if you can share! Thanks so much!
  11. I'm currently about 5 months post-op and have started to gradually gain a bit. Gained about 5.5 lbs in about a week and I've changed nothing with my routine. While I understand weight loss isn't linear and I can understand not losing for awhile, why am I gaining? Is this normal? Any advice is appreciated. How I can gauge where I should be, about how many carbs and calories did/do you consume at 5 months post-op?
  12. April Surgery

    Am I the only struggling to get weight down. I started with weight of 297 and now im 280 but seem to not lose more weight. My nutrtionist told me not to worry about the pounds because I might still be losing inches. However, I do not really see much of a difference is this happen to any of you, if so any tips?


  13. Sorry, such a newb question but I have been scouring my profile where I would easily update my weight loss? Any direction would be amazing. Thanks
  14. Sigh.....I need to figure out how to maintain and not lose more weight. Wanted to stop at 190....but now I can't figure out how to stop losing!!!! Never in a million years did I think I would ever have this problem. I can't add more carbs because I'm SUPER sensitive to them and too many make me REALLY sick. I tried adding more calories, but because I work out 4-5 days per week, it's actually causing me to lose still. So weird. I tried eating more small meals and snacks more often, but honestly, I already have 3 meals and 2 snacks per day, and eating more just makes me sick to my stomach because I'm trying to force myself to eat when I'm not hungry. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. I know my secret goal was 180, but I actually like how I look and feel at 190, so I'm not really looking to go lower. Yet here I am....going lower.....
  15. I am 8 years out from my sugery. I had great results, went from 280 to 135. But i am having trouble holding my weight, have lost about 5 lbs over the past month. Im trying to cut back on fat and sugar. Trying to avoid pancreatic enzymes, any suggestions?
  16. It's been 3 yrs went to 144lbs everyone said I looked sick. So I went off track now at 175 I am disgusted of myself and can't get back on track I tried everything but will power is not there. Any suggestions. It doesn't help with no support from home. Sent from my SM-G998U using BariatricPal mobile app
  17. It's been 5 years since my gastric bypass. Have done fairly well in staying in my safe zone. My goal weight was 170 initially although mentally I wanted to put 150. After starting at almost 400 lbs, I wanted to see if I could even hit 170 which I did. For 2 days about 2 years ago I briefly 'dipped' down to 167! LOL. Fast forward to 9 months ago, I hit a rough patch and went up to 180'ish. I knew some folks going to a local place that compounded their own semiglutide if I understood them correctly. After asking repeated questions about whether taking this would disrupt the supply to diabetics who needed the medicine, I decided to try it. I was never one of those fortunate ones who after bariatic surgery lost the desire to eat (grehlin?). Even though I obviously had the 'restriction' kicking in due to the pouch size, I had to white-knuckle SOMETIMES during the first 6 months. Part of me feels like I cheated by introducing semiglutide but there are also people who think that weight loss surgery is the 'easy way out'. I can tell you that none of those people, in my opinion, have ever had the surgery. I actually really like the semiglutide, it removes the..trying to think of it as I saw on someone else's post, it is the first thing that has ever removed the mental 'food chatter' in my head. Sometimes I will skip weeks on the injections and I'm already making plans to taper off now that I'm down to 163. I realize I will need to be able to then try to maintain in my new 'safety zone of watching for a weight gain of more than 5 to 10 lbs over current weight. I like to nip those things in the bud. Just curious if anyone else post weight loss surgery (by years) has brought semiglutide into the picture whether to break up a stall, or to get weight gain that has started to creep up halted.
  18. I had vsg surgery on 12/19/23 I lost about 12lbs during the first week and a half but since week two hit I've been seeing the scale not move at all, my inches on my waist was going down so I was to upset. Then I had my post op visit with my surgeon and He told me that I wasn't eating enough, He said that I was losing too much weight and I had told him that the scale hasn't even moved for the past week. But he expected me to hit about 1200 calories a day where I've been eating me 400 or 500. He had said that I should add a couple of snacks in to my meals throughout the day. So three meals a day plus two snacks at least. And it's been a struggle but I've done that and I've been eating around 800 calories a day. Maybe 9:00 but now I'm gaining weight so I'm just unsure of what to do. Should I keep going at this? 800 calorie 900 trying to achieve 1200 so soon after surgery or should I just stick with my four or 500? It seems like so much food for 3 weeks post-op. Also, just so it's clear, I'm pretty much clearer to eat anything I want now just to use discretion when choosing my foods. I am hitting All of my protein and water goals. But I was before when I was getting 400 calories or 500 a day.
  19. I am 3 weeks Po and I initially lost 20 pounds but I haven’t loss a single pound in a week! I am following the diet, exercising everyday. I’m getting discouraged

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