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Found 3,900 results

  1. Arabesque

    Not losing weight

    Perfectly normal. As @Shanna NYC said they usually occur at week three but can occur before or after that. They usually last 1-3 weeks. And it may not be the only stall you experience. They are the time your body takes to assess where you are now & what it needs in regards to digestive hormones, metabolism, etc. When your body is ready to move forward again the stall will break. Can’t force them to break though some people say they did but they don’t know how long their stall would have lasted. Just stick to your plan. I agree stay off the scales for a week if nit seeing it move is messing with you. Try taking body measurements as some times the scale doesn’t move but your measurements do as your body realigns itself & yes including your fat deposits.
  2. I led one of the classes at my bariatric clinic (for pre-op patients) for three or four years (until the COVID lockdowns when they quit having the classes). I always, always, always told them about the three-week stall, because I've learned from these kinds of sites that most surgeons don't mention it, and people freak out when it happens. Since it happens to the vast majority of us, I'm really surprised it doesn't have a prominent place in people's surgery packets - and/or isn't mentioned in pre-op classes. I think we see this question here on BP twice a week. Surgeons (or anyone who teaches/leads pre-op classes) REALLY need to mention this...
  3. nope - it's far from over. Sounds like you're experiencing the infamous "three-week stall" a little early. The "three-week stall" happens to the vast majority of us - if you do a search on this site for it, you'll find over 17,000 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding). That first major stall can really happen any time during the first month or six weeks after surgery, but it's usually the third week, thus, the name. It'll last 1-3 weeks. The best way to deal with it is to make sure you're 100% on plan and stay off the scale for a few days. It WILL break and you'll be on your way again. And know that this is likely the first of many stalls. It's just a natural part of weight loss.
  4. Oh yes I get the comparing yourself to others. That is REALLY HARD. I say celebrate the 18lbs in 2 weeks (when have you ever lost even close to that on any diet?), get to know how the three week stall hits almost all of us (and can last a few weeks) and then settle into your programme and enjoy the big losses to come. 3lbs gain in a month is nothing to worry about - honestly. I am really surprised that you're allowed bread at such an early stage. My plan was protein then veg and no carbs for many months. When I did start earing bread it sat in my stomach like a lump of lead - so did pasta and rice. Less so 2 years on but I honestly only use them like a weapon in certain situations - not for daily consumption even now. I wish you all the best
  5. Frustrating I know but remember a stall when your body shuts down to reassess your new needs. It’s when it resets things like your digestive hormones, metabolism, etc. to support the changes you’ve made & weight you’ve lost so far. Stalls last as long as your body needs to do this & the stall will break when it’s ready to move forward again. Let your body do what it needs to do. Don’t stress it more (you’ve already been putting it through a lot) by making changes to your activity or calorie intake or food choices except for the accepted changes required by your plan. I used to describe stalls as when your body needs to take a breath. It closes the door, climbs into bed & pulls the covers over its head saying I’ve had enough & I can’t deal with this at the moment. The day always comes when your body gets up & says yep I’m ready to face the world & you start losing again. Most tend to have their first stall around the three week mark but it can happen before or after then. They tend to last 1-3 weeks but for some it’s longer & for some it’s only a few days. Mine were the few days type.
  6. czelek

    Protein help!

    Things have changed a whole lot since my surgery in 2010! The diet plan I had to follow was one Ensure Protein [and I am know it was not the 30gr/carton variety] and water. That was it. On the hour, 2 oz of protein then 2 oz of water every 15 minutes. I even bought a set of eight pretty 2 oz shot glasses that my husband would use for my meals. At the top of the hour, he brought me one with protein and three with water. Start over at the top of the hour and continue until you went to bed. Slider foods, those that are pureed like mashed potatoes, canned refried beans, tuna with mayo, hot cereals, etc were for weeks 4-6 back then. Of course every practice has their own requirements and so much has changed. To up your protein, add some to your cereals or your yogurt. They make flavorless proteins. Find the protein that you can tolerate. Also, you can look into the clear liquid proteins that are out there. Many companies make them. Stalls are your body's way of trying to figure out just what you are trying to do to it. It naturally does not want you to starve to death so it will hold onto those pounds for as long as it can. Then, you will suddenly lose two pounds overnight, lose for a while and then begin another stall. This is the first of many stalls - just keep doing what you are supposed to be doing and don't let that stall get to you. Yes, that is hard, the "not letting it get to you" part. Remember that your surgery is just another tool in your toolbox and not a magic bullet. For the constipation, which is really common after this surgery because of the high protein intake, I would add Miralax to your water or any liquid or hot cereal. One capful mixed in 8 oz of water, for example. You won't know it is there. I now mix one capful of Miralax with my morning decaf coffee. You could also add stool softener as well. If after adding those, and not getting relief, absolutely speak with your surgeon. There are prescription meds out there that can help.
  7. catwoman7

    Protein help!

    the first stall out of the gate at around the three-week mark (although it comes earlier for some, later for others) is extremely common. We even have a name for it "the three-week stall". Almost everyone has that. In fact, if you do a search on this site for it, you'll find over 17,000 posts on it. And I am NOT kidding. Just stick to your plan and stay off the scale for a few days, and the stall will break. Usually takes 1-3 weeks. And know that it's likely the first of many stalls. It's a natural part of losing weight. I think your body just has to stop and recalibrate once in a while. constipation is also a very common issue after weight loss surgery. It's probably due to the high protein diet plus some of the supplements (iron and calcium supplements are the usual culprits). A lot of us have to take daily Miralax or stool softeners to keep on top of it. Other things that might help - magnesium tablets, prunes, Smooth Move tea. You might have to experiment to see what works for you. I take a capful of Miralax every morning and have been doing it for eight years. does the dizziness occur when you stand up? If so, it's probably orthostatic hypotension - also very common early after surgery - and it eventually goes away. Until then, just stand up SLOWLY. Protein shakes also count as liquids, so it may not be as difficult as you think to hit your fluid goals. the first few weeks are a challenge, but. you'll soon have all this behind you!!
  8. catwoman7

    Weight gain/stall 1 month pist

    do a search on this site for the "three-week stall". You will find over 17,000 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding). Happens to almost all of us. stick to your program, stay off the scale for a few days, and it will break. I promise.
  9. catwoman7

    Stalled at 3 weeks post op

    unless you're the size of someone on "My 600 lb Life", 14 lbs in three weeks is pretty normal. Most of us "average" WLS patients lose somewhere in the 15-25 lb range the first MONTH, so you'll end up somewhere in that range. as for stalling at three weeks post op, do a search on it on this site. I just did. There are literally 17,501 posts on it. Happens to almost everyone. To get through it, stick to your plan and back what off on weighing yourself. Maybe weigh just once or twice a week until it breaks. And it WILL break, as long as you stick to your plan. Usually lasts 1-3 weeks. And it'll likely be the first of many stalls.....
  10. catwoman7

    Roughhh week

    could be water retention from your period or it could also be the infamous "three-week stall" that most of us experience (it's not always the third week - it could be week 2 or 4 or 5 - but most of us have our first stall pretty early after surgery. It usually lasts 1-3 weeks. Best thing to do is stick to your program and stay off the scale for awhile...it'll break and you'll be on your way again...)
  11. catwoman7

    Feeling defeated

    I lost the same amount (16 lbs) the first month and ended up losing 235 lbs (I've gained back a few since then). Most of us seem to lose somewhere in the 15-25 lb range the first month post-op, so you're in the right range. If you're getting your expectations from "My 600 lb Life", remember that those people start at over 600 lbs - that's way above where the average WLS patient starts from, and starting BMI is one of the factors that determines what your rate of weight loss is (other factors are age, gender, how much of your body weight is muscle, whether or not you lost a lot of weight prior to surgery, metabolism rate, other genetic factors, etc). The only two factors that play into the rate of weight loss that you have much control over are how closely you're sticking to your clinic's food plan, and how active you are. If you're doing well with those, you'll lose the weight, whether fast or slow. the other thing you may be dealing with is the "three-week stall" that most of us experience. It's not always the third week post-op - sometimes it's the second or fourth or fifth week post-op, but it's most commonly during the third week, hence the name. It's basically the first major stall after WLS. Most of us go through this. It generally lasts 1-3 weeks. I had mine during weeks 2 and 3 (so two weeks). I lost virtually nothing during this time, but once week 4 started, I dropped like 6-8 lbs within just a couple of days. so anyway, long way of saying, there's no reason to feel defeated. Sounds like everything is pretty normal...
  12. The good news is that this seems to be fairly normal - our weight loss when we start a major effort, surgical or not, tends to be front loaded - lots of initial loss, mostly water weight, and then slows down. Plus you are just getting in.to the "three week stall" window where weight loss typically slows or stops for a bit while the body absorbs what has happened to it, and then resumes (though usually at a slower rate.) The not so good news is that as a revision, weightloss is typically slower and less than with the original surgery. My simple minded thought on this is that originally, our stomachs will hold 32-64 oz, but now after your original WLS and whatever stretch and adaptation it goes through over the years, it might hold 4-6 oz, yet you have adapted to that (learned how to eat around your sleeve/pouch) and still regained. So things will be slower. And, the biggest loss tends to be around surgery time when we are stuck with the highly restrictive pre- and post-op dieting. Additionally, the RNY is metabolically similar to your original VSG, so it doesn't provide a big change over what you had - so it is much slower going the second time around. (The DS, duodenal switch, is stronger metabolically than either of the others, so does work somewhat better on regain, but few surgeons offer it, or mention it.) Those who I have seen who have done really well with revision weight loss are those who take the "I'm not going to let that happen again" attitude and really knuckle under and get, and stay with, the program.
  13. Arabesque

    8 months post op Questions

    The reason I answered the way I did was because of the large number of posts from people who are frustrated, disappointed, angry or think they are failing because they compare themselves with others, set unrealistic goals or timelines, think they are losing slowly, don’t reach their goal, etc. I didn’t want you to fall into the comparison trap too. I had a lower starting weight so had less to lose than you do. Am shorter & likely older. I also had a sleeve. I lost my goal of 31kg (68lbs) at 6 months. (Lost another 11odd kilos over the next 11 months bringing my total to a loss of about 92lbs.) At 8 months I’d lost 37kg (81lbs). So comparing my stats with @ms.sss & @summerseeker you can see how different loss can be over the same time period - a range of more than 2 stone which can be two or three dress sizes as an example. I may have lost more by month 8 if I wasn’t consciously increasing my calories to try to stop my loss. I may have lost less if I had more or longer stalls or lost nothing if my body decided that my goal weight was my new set point & best weight. PS: My total loss made me an outlier. The average weight loss is about 65% of the weight you’re to lose to put you in a healthier range for both bypass & sleeve. I lost 135%. I had a couple of very short stalls, less than a week in length, so my rate of loss was fairly steady, gradually slowing, with just little hiccups along the way.
  14. catwoman7

    Concerns about Weight loss

    here are the 15K+ posts (and no, I am NOT kidding) from members who've experienced the infamous "three-week stall" (i.e, just about everyone...): https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three-week stall
  15. Arabesque

    Food portions

    Stalls are very common & you can have several of them while you are losing. When they occur & how long they last can be quite different though yes the first tends to occur around week three & the usually last 1-3 weeks. It’s the time your buddy uses to reset your digestive hormones & enzymes, metabolic rate, etc in response to your weight loss & new needs. Your stomach is a muscle that stretches & contracts but it will take years of overeating to stretch it out to where it doesn’t contract as effectively & is larger. As for portion sizes, it’s best to check with your dietician for their recommendations for your needs. Some people are given caloric goals as well as goals for all macros. I was only given protein & fluid goals & told 1/4 to 1/3 of a cup from purée slowly increasing to a cup by about 6 months (my goal weight). The majority of that portion should be protein. I was only eating a bare 900 calories at 6 months but many are advised to eat more than that from months 2 or 3. You’ll discover your own portion sizes too i.e. the portion your tummy will tolerate of specific foods at a sitting. Some foods sit more heavily in your tummy or take longer to digest & are more filling so you’ll eat less of them. Some are digested more quickly so unless you are aware of your portion it can be easy to eat more than you need.
  16. catwoman7

    Stalling after 12 days ?

    very normal. It's the infamous three-week stall visiting you a little early. The vast majority of us experience that. It usually lasts 1-3 weeks. It's usually the third week (hence the name), but not always. Mine was weeks 2 and 3. Once it broke I dropped like six lbs practically overnight. the standard advice is follow your plan and stay off the scale. It WILL break and you'll be on your way again.
  17. allisonparrett

    May 2023 surgeries

    Guys I am at week 5 and I am still stalled I don’t know what I am doing wrong!!! I am a total of 45 pounds down and have been stuck at 359/360 for 2 and a half weeks. I exercise everyday walk or swim. I am hitting water and protein goal trying to get my calories to at least 700 in that process but happier if they go over since they want me close to 1000 I don’t know what else to do. I have been pretty good at not weighing my self everyday now but still!!!! How long did your three week stall last
  18. lindsxlurid


    I didn't have a three week stall, but I'm about six months post-op now and have been teetering on 2 pounds. HOWEVER, measurements do not lie. From last month I've lost another two inches off my waist. I'm struggling mentally with progress/body/eating right now, so the inches lost are a huge help to see, but I totally feel you with the stall pain.
  19. What were you expecting to lose? If you're looking for 30+ lbs the first month, that's pretty rare unless you're the size of someone on "My 600 lb Life". For most of us "average" WLS patients, that much loss the first month is pretty unusual. Most of us lose somewhere in the 15-25 lb range. Plus most people don't lose much the first week because of the "gain" from the IV fluids you get in the hospital (which of course is just water) - and then there's the infamous "three-week stall" that many of us experience, where you can go a couple of weeks (usually 1-3) without any loss, because your body is kind of recalibrating after the surgery - so you may be experiencing that as well. you're not going to lose the weight any faster than if you ate the same thing without surgery. With the extreme calorie deficit we have the first few months out, you'd probably lose about the same regardless if you had surgery or not. The difference is, it's much more easy to sustain that deficit with the surgery. Most people probably could not go for months on end eating something like 800 calories. But with the surgery, you can. Your hunger is suppressed, your stomach is tiny, etc. The most I could ever lose before surgery was about 50-60 lbs. With this, I lost over 200, and have kept it off for eight years. No way could I have done that without the surgery.
  20. Lipman


    Hang in there! This is a great video describing what is going on: The TLDR Version: In the first three weeks, you are losing more weight than is possible given your calorie deficiency, that is extra water around your body. You actually become dehydrated in those first few weeks until your body regulates itself and starts to store some more water to get you out of that dehydrated state. That usually happens around week 3, so you stall. You are STILL losing fat, you are just retaining more (needed) water than the fat you are losing that week.
  21. catwoman7


    it's the three-week stall - right on time! stick to your plan, stay off the scale, and it'll break. Does every time...
  22. mcipanda

    Little to no weightloss

    I understand your frustration. When I was about one week post op, I hit my first stall. ONE WEEK! I only had water, some broth and that’s it. So why the heck wasn’t I losing weight?? To make matters worse, my hubby, who ate take out twice that week, lost three pounds. WHAT!? I was totally insulted… and I started to think it was my body again. Always trying to keep me fat. Years of struggle and here I am eating 400 cals a day and not losing anything?? One week later, a small movement. But every time I changed food stages, another stall. That was four stalls in six weeks. Very frustrating. I knew my BMR was 1400, so staying around 600-800 calories with high protein and low carb would HAVE to work. It’s not the program as much as it is the science. a couple things I’ve noticed… 1. If I’m sick or have an allergy episode, I will stall or even gain 2. if I drink Gatorade or artificial sweeteners of any kind, I will stall 3. if I don’t have regular daily bowel movements, I will stall. This one is so hard to deal with. 4. If I don’t get enough sleep, I will stall. 5. When I started eating higher protein than recommended (90 recommended, I have 110), I will lose. Even if the carbs go up slightly. 6. If I eat too many processed foods in a day, like protein bars, drinks or snacks, I will stall. 7. If I don’t get enough pure water, I will stall. You might have some sensitivities like these or others…. Really examen what you’re taking in, not just the calories and fat. It’s a puzzle you gotta figure out for yourself. It’s hard work. But I believe you can do it. Just vent and get back in there! 😃
  23. catwoman7

    Weight stall 7 days PO

    you've probably hit the infamous "three week stall" (most people have this early stall. It's usually the third week after surgery, hence the name, but it can happen any time within the first six weeks or so). Mine was weeks 2 and 3. Just stick to your plan, stay off the scale, and know that it'll break and you'll be on your way again. No need to do anything different.
  24. catwoman7

    Weight Loss Patterns?

    where did you hear that the average is 5-15 lbs a week? NO ONE loses that fast. Maybe 5 lbs a week the first MONTH (and it wouldn't be five lbs each and every week - most of us experience the dreaded "three week stall" - but a 15-25 lb loss the first month seems to be pretty average, unless you're the size of someone on "My 600 lb Life". After that drop the first month, you'll settle to into a slower rate for a few months, maybe 10 lbs a month, give or take, for the next few months - and then it'll slow even further. so I don't know where you heard that figure, but it's not accurate. You need to adjust your expectations or you're going to be frustrated and disappointed. As long as you comply with your clinic's plan, the weight will come off. Don't stress over this and more importantly, don't burn yourself out - you don't want to crash and burn. Just follow the plan. Depending on your starting point, it can take a year or more to get to goal - it took me 20 months. You want to jeopardize your health.
  25. heatherdbby

    Hurry Up and Wait!

    So you got options. But let me start with this advice, that will help you stay sane. Do not judge others journeys against your own. You will go crazy. I finally had surgery after three attempts, I will lay out each timeline. First surgeon, Meeting in november, decided to start program in january bc I would meet my deductible and my insurance requirements, I could be done in about 8 weeks, because all I needed was one dietician appt and a physch eval. My insurance added it as a blacklisted item when the year changed over so I didn't get it. This doctor also was heavy on sleeve, and said that bypass wasn't important and he felt was overdone. Second. Was going to go to mexico. I filled out the only paper, and had a call with a coordinator in 48 hrs with approval. LIterally could have scheduled 2 weeks out, If I had the money in hand. I would have had a 14 day clear diet with them or else they could have gotten me in sooner, lol. Custody battle took my surgery money, so, cancelled. Third time the charm My surgeon was heavy bypass. And I am glad bc in my EGD they were able to see I had silent reflux and lots of ulcers. So I needed bypass regardless. I had my first appt May 2nd, and was given a list of requirements that my surgeon had, and another sheet with my insurance requirements. My Ins reqd a phych eval, a dietician clearance, and a recommendation letter. My surgeons office requires phych eval, 4 dietician classes to be completed 1x a week while on preop diet, 1 dietician meeting a month prior to start preop, EGD, and if needed based on medical records cardio and EKG. I left the appt on May 2nd with my EGD appoint, that was 6 ish weeks out, mid June. I didn't understand that I was supposed to make the phych appt, so that was kinda stalled, but they sent everything to insurance for approval in mid august. I started the 1 month preop labor day weekend and had surgery Oct 3rd. But insurance companies can require things that will make it longer, esp if they require a supervising diet.

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