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Found 17,501 results

  1. Already started my first steps. My doc and i decided on the gastric bypass because of my health history. I’ve done the first meet with a doc and got my Surgical Weightloss Management Journal. My first dietitian appointment on Monday. The I’ve got a few appointments next month. If everything goes according to plan my surgery can be somewhere from October to November. I’m excited and very nervous at the same time. Any advice?
  2. It looks like I may have to have a revision to Bypass now. I will know for sure next month after they scope me but I’m curious how much of the excess weight is lost with the revision. My surgeon said his experience is it’s only about 70% but I’m hoping that some people experienced a greater loss. Also, when computing excess loss, what is the ideal body weight we calculate from? That’s never really been clear to me.
  3. I had gastric sleeve 3/9/2021 and I lose quite a bit of weight but as soon as the hunger came back I started gaining and didn’t stop. I recently revisited the surgeon and he thinks I may be a good candidate for the SADI. I am trying to research but I am not finding alot if good information about anything except the scary statistics. am hoping to find someone who had this procedure or has at least heard of it.
  4. What has your experience been with having the sleeve to bypass revision? How was the recovery? Do you have many more food aversions? More dumping? More severe hair loss? I'm considering the revision due to GERD and I want to hear all the stories before I commit.
  5. The incision area in the middle of my belly has a knot/bulge. I don't think it's a hernia, because the Doctor explained they would put mesh to ensure a hernia wouldn't be an issue. It's a semi hard knot/bulge. Doesn't stick out a lot, but it's definitely noticeable. It's not too sore or red. I have another incision that is similar, though it's not protruding as much. Anyone had something similar?
  6. Good Day I am going to have my gastric band removed and the gastric sleeve done on May 17, 2024 due to complications from the band. Does anyone have any tips or suggestions on recovery, foods, exercise etc for the first few days after the surgery. When I had the band installed i was on a liquid diet, then puree and finally real food. Lots of gas pains in chest and shoulders back then. Now I am on a new journey at the end of the month. Any success stories?
  7. Hi, I had the sleeve in 2016. I lost about 30 or so pounds, which I have since regained. The sleeve was not very successful for me. On Monday (8/21/23), I had the SADI-S DS surgery. The doctor said that weigh loss will be slow. I am just worried of failing again. If anyone else had had the SADI-S revision, I would like to hear positive stories to inspire me and know that it is really possible this time. Thanks! Melody
  8. Welp! I’m 4 days post op. I had a revision from lapband to RNY and it was much more than anticipated! My surgeon told me I needed to have my gallbladder out at the same time (I had gallstones) so I was prepared for that but once he got in there he found A LOT of scar tissue from the lapband (mind you, it’s been 20yrs since I got it) and then a hernia!!!! So I was in surgery for 4 hours! I feel as good as expected I guess but wanted to give everyone a heads up… just be prepared for the unexpected! ❤️
  9. I am just now starting the journey and trying to get used to dietary changes. The guidelines I was given them were very very broad in general, and I kind of like a more specific idea of what I need to change and what my calorie account should be in my macro should be, and that really wasn’t given to me so I’m struggling. Is there anyone who has any tips and tricks for dietary visions while I go through the approval process?
  10. I just had my first appointment with the surgeon. It went really well, and I’m glad I took the first step. We are leaning toward Gastric Bypass as the procedure for me. It’s a 3 month process to surgery with his office, 3 visits with him, 3 visits with dietician, plus clearance by Cardiology, Pulmonology and sleep medicine. My next visit with him and the dietician will be in about a month and he’s sending out the referrals to the offices for the clearances and working on prior authorization with insurance.
  11. Surgery went well - it took me the rest of the day of surgery to have some conciousness. I do not understand why they begin to attempt to get you out of bed when you are still under the influence of the anesthesia and can barely keep your eyes open. The next day was much better and I was able to walk slow laps around the floor. My surgeon had the staff provide me with a stomach band that wraps around and closes with velcro which helps tremendously hold my abdomen stable when up and walking around. I still have lots of swelling and I am about 7 lbs heavier (per scale) than on surgery day due to the swelling, fluid etc. I hope that within this next week most of that will subside. Weight DOS - 195 Today - 202 I am staying on target with protein/fluid requirements 60g/64 oz - I was given Boost Glucose Control Max in the hospital and decided to get a pack of that as well as a pack of the Premier Protein Shakes both 160 cal/11oz/30g protein. I had an issue of jaundice while in hospital and upon coming home my face and body had a distinct yellow tone. My blood work had elevated as well a low levels due to surgery. I looked up my pain meds which all had an effect on the liver and could cause levels to increase. I made the decision to stop these pain meds. I was also given liquid Oxy which I was able to take a couple half dose to help with the pain. This morning I was able to get away with Tylenol (powdered). My skin looks like it is getting back to narmal as well. I am not saying it was the medicine, it could have been just the trauma of the surgery and or a combo of both, I followed what I thought was best for me. I don't have an appetite which I am not complaining about at all & I am consuming my nutrition one sip at a time. I'm anxious to hear how you guys felt 2-3 weeks after surgery with the swelling , fluid weight etc. ❤️
  12. Hello, I am new and want to introduce myself. I’m Gina and I am 13 days post op. I had the SIPS procedure and hiatal hernia repair. I had Gastric Sleeve in 2019. Reached a plateau, switched from Kaiser to United Health Care - Sutter Health (N. Ca). Five years ago my pre surgery weight was 286. My pre-op weight on January 10 is was 230. When I was still under Kaiser, I contacted my bariatric team about having revision surgery and they advised me to just stick to a thousand calorie diet and that I was not eligible for revision surgery. My family and I had to switch healthcare providers and I joined the weight management in nutrition program at Sutter Health, and I was immediately referred to a Bariatric surgeon who recommended a revision! I was pleasantly surprised, because I was not even going to ask because of my experience with Kaiser. So here I am 13 days post surgery and looking forward to reading about your experiences. 🙂👍🏼
  13. Is there anybody else that has had a revision. I went from VBG to Gastric Bypass
  14. Hey guys just a little backstory, I was sleeved 2017 and lost 100lbs but due to bad habits creeping in have regained most of it back 5 years now. I just had my consultation with the doctor and I’m getting revised to mini bypass. I’m excited and hoping to lose about 100lbs. Looking for others who may have gone through this revision.
  15. I got the sleeve done in 2010, lost a hundred pounds and then had 2 babies which basically stopped my weight loss. I have gone back to the yoyo effect between 200 and 245. I'm currently 243 and just want to get the weight off. I have severe sleep apnea and gerd that wakes me up sometimes from stuff in my throat.. Has anyone who has tricare select be able to get a full bipass after getting the sleeve? I had tricare prime for the sleeve. I called and they told me that one 1 biariatric surgery is allowed. Thank you in advance!
  16. Hello everyone, I’ve gone through the long process of trying to get a revision surgery after gaining most of the weight back after having the sleeve in 2014. I’ve had mental health issues in the years following and also developed GERD and High blood pressure in the recent years since. The insurance company (BCBS of North Carolina) has been giving me issues from the start first saying that my surgeon wasn’t in network so they wouldn’t cover the surgery. Upon further investigation from my doctors office the real issue was them denying my claim for a revision because there was a lack of evidence showing that I followed proper diet and exercise after my first surgery. Has any experienced something similar? I have the two comorbidities and my bmi is currently 45 so I’m just kinda in shock they denied me especially without even informing me.
  17. Hello all I was wondering if anyone else has had this rare complication. I got my sleeve done in Mexico Oct 2021. About a year ago, January 2023, I noticed I started to have excessive saliva. It started randomly but picked up more. Well fast forward to January 2024 I got an endoscopy and was told my sleeve is “tortuous” and I have a hernia. This means that my sleeve has a lot of turns. I don’t feel any pain but the acid reflux which was manageable completely prior with one 20mg Prilosec, some days didn’t have to take it at all, has now been more annoying. I’m getting a referral to a Bariatric surgeon here in the states even tho the gastro told me I’ll be fine and don’t need to do anything. I’ve read that a twisted sleeve happens to about less then 2% of sleeve patients. I’ve also read some great success stories of surgeons fixing the twist and hernia without revision to bypass etc. I’m hopeful and not in any pain. But I don’t want it to get worse and it’s just a little overwhelming. Thank you!
  18. Hi all, I am writing this for the >1% of gastric bypass patients who have the unusual complications that I had and, like me, couldn't find any information about it online to ease your mind. I had my gastric bypass surgery on September 7, 2022. I chose gastric bypass over the gastric sleeve specifically after months of research because of the higher rate of successful weight loss, particularly in women. My first week post-op went great, but after day 8 or 9 when I tried progressing my food intake from full-liquids to pureed foods I began vomiting and feeling really nauseous at every meal. I let my surgeon and dietitian know immediately and stepped my food intake back down to full-liquids. Pretty soon, I couldn't even take in full-liquids and was limited to hydrating fluids and chicken broth. I could keep down hydrating fluids and broth about 80% of the time, full-liquids 50% of the time, and everything else came back up. My surgeon was very responsive and had me get an endoscopy. Under general anesthesia, the endoscopy explored my new stomach pouch and roux limb connections that make up my new tummy system. Typically, gastric bypasses can result in constriction of the connection between the stomach pouch and roux limb, and my gastroenterologist was prepared to use a balloon to inflate the area to ease that restriction. In my case, however, that area looked fine, but further down the roux limb there was a stricture that was almost impassable for the narrow scope. This is what was causing my problem. I had an external compression on my roux limb that was making it impossible for anything more viscous than water to pass through. My layman's understanding of what had happened is that my surgeon brought my small intestine / roux limb up to meet my new stomach pouch through the transverse mesocolon. This involved cutting a hole through the transverse mesocolon to put the roux limb through and then stitching it up a little on either side to make sure nothing else will slip through the hole and cause a hernia. Apparently, this is typically sufficient and there is space enough in the hole in the mesocolon for scar tissue to form but still allow the roux limb to operate appropriately. Not in my case! xD My body and over-active immune system saw a hole and decided that hole must. be. fixed! The scar tissue that formed to close the hole closed tight enough on the roux limb and it was tight enough that barely anything could get through. I had a second laparoscopic surgery on October 12, 2022 to remove the scar tissue and loosen the compression on the roux limb. My surgeon decided to remove the small stitches on either side of the hole in the transverse mesocolon to reduce the chance that any new scar tissue will close the hole up as completely again. Immediately after this second laparoscopic surgery, I felt tons better! I stayed overnight in the hospital and was put straight on full-liquids, which I was barely tolerating before! The reason I am writing all of this out is because, in the month-long interim between surgeries, I couldn't find anything in my online research to figure out what was wrong, or what I could try, or what the next steps looked like, or how long, or why this was happening. I went for more than a month on little to no substantial nutrition, and I found so little information on what to expect or how long I would have to live like this. I even looked in these forums to see if anyone had asked about symptoms that are similar to mine and I didn't find very much information. So, I'm writing about my experience and using as many of the keywords I can think of that I've been searching for over the past two months! So! If you had gastric bypass and you start experiencing nausea and vomiting after what seems like typical food progression, please speak to your surgeon. It could be an internal stricture of the roux limb or the connecting bits, or in my case an external compression of some sort. From the very few resources I could find online, my type of external compression of transverse mesocolon on the roux limb seemed to occur in 0.9% of gastric bypass patients and it seems to happen within the first month. My surgeon pretty much immediately knew what was wrong, and her PA said she had seen it before, but not often, and it was new for my insurance caseworker. The inability to eat made it very difficult to complete normal daily tasks like my job, housework, walking the dog, etc. I wasn't in pain, I just couldn't get enough energy to do anything! My doctors moved quickly to get me back in for surgery, but it still took 4-5 weeks from starting to vomit at each meal to waking up from my second surgery feeling much better. I am so thankful that my surgeon was able to fix what was wrong with the scar tissue compressing around the roux limb; it made a world of difference! I'm not out of the woods quite yet, however. Six days after the surgery to repair the hole in the transverse mesocolon, I had a bad food day and nothing stayed down. I immediately reached out to my surgeon's office and today went in for an upper GI in which I intake contrast dye while a doctor observes how it flows through my new gastrointestinal system with an X-ray. That doctor said it looks like the connection between my stomach pouch and roux limb looks stenosed now. I am grateful that they found something and that there is an explanation for why everything I put in my mouth makes me nauseous and that there's a reason why I don't want to eat anything. I will be having another endoscopy in the following couple of weeks and, as ever, I am hopeful that this will be the last surgery that I need for my gastric bypass.
  19. sdurbin85@gmail.com

    Gastric bypass Dec 5th

    Due to complication I am only just now starting a regular diet. I’m doing everything sugar free, but wondering does no sugar mean no sugar ever? Can I eat an occasional slice of pie at an event?
  20. Hi! I was banded with a Realize band in 2008. Went from 235 to 150 and I've been between 150 and 165 for years. I'm now having serious complications with the band. Lots of complications but the worst is an "oozing sore" around 75% of my Esophagus. I've had such great success with the band and I'm nervous about going to a RNY. I really don't want to weigh less than 150. Is a revision just going to put me back into rapid weight loss? Any revision weight loss/gain stories are greatly appreciated. I need someone to hold my hand!
  21. I had GS nine years ago. Lost a lot. During lockdown I transfer addicted to alcohol. Now I'm sober, but, transfer addicted back to food to get there and have regained over half my loss back in the last year. So, what to do? I'd appreciate thoughts from those who got revisions and how they think it has helped them. Thanks.
  22. Timberlynn Sleeved to DS

    Revision from VSG to Bypass

    I went for my EGD last week due to all the GERD I have been experiencing for over 5 months which has got worse and no OTC or RX medication is touching it. Results of EGD: - Localized mild inflammation characterized by erythema and linear erosions was found in the prepyloric region of the stomach. Moderate bile reflux into sleeve. Chronic Gastritis. Doctor has me on RX Pepcid and I see him in 6 weeks to discuss revision to Bypass. Personally I wish I would have went with the bypass instead of the sleeve when I had my WLS. How was everyone's experience who had the revision to bypass that experience GERD. Was it gone after?
  23. Feb 1st 2023 had Gastric bypass revision surgery. The Dr could not make my pouch smaller due to scar tissue around area. So he bypassed much more of my intestines. He said this would be greater malabsorption of foods. I'm still on first phase clear liquids and broth. I have been so hungry, though. Is this normal? Anyone else have this surgery?
  24. Anyone experience a worst case with your bypass? After my bypass, my small intestine decided to close off completely . I had to have an energy surgery to reduce my small intestines I aspirated during the second surgery and ended up on a vent . I ended up with sepsis, ARDS, and fighting to stay alive. 10 days on the vent and 23 days in the hospital. I’m home now trying to recover and figure out all this stuff. I’ve had to learn how to walk and how to use my arms and hands again due to prolonged time on the vent. I knew this was a life style change but I didn’t expect to be in this shape trying to figure it all out.

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