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  1. Hello everyone, I’ve gone through the long process of trying to get a revision surgery after gaining most of the weight back after having the sleeve in 2014. I’ve had mental health issues in the years following and also developed GERD and High blood pressure in the recent years since. The insurance company (BCBS of North Carolina) has been giving me issues from the start first saying that my surgeon wasn’t in network so they wouldn’t cover the surgery. Upon further investigation from my doctors office the real issue was them denying my claim for a revision because there was a lack of evidence showing that I followed proper diet and exercise after my first surgery. Has any experienced something similar? I have the two comorbidities and my bmi is currently 45 so I’m just kinda in shock they denied me especially without even informing me.
  2. Sleeve in 2017 to revision Gastric Bypass Aug 2023 - Update Hi All! I can't believe how fast time has gone! I will be going to my 6 mth check up tomorrow 2/20/24. Everything is a lot better! As of today I am 173lbs, I'll update my ticker it's still at 183. I am able to eat more varieties that I cook at home. Can't tolerate beef to well but I was never a big red meat person. I am still on the fence with salads/raw vegs though I can tolerate raw onions and tomatoes. I CANNOT eat take out! Purchased chinese for my son as he was going back to college... tried a little and was bringing it back up the rest of the night! If I eat out it has to be at a place that actually cooks food like salmon, veggies, no added anything. Food prepared at home is MUCH beter because you know what's in it. I am not doing too well with my multi because I purchased capsules that I open to put in my protein smoothies (Unjury Vanilla) which I don't take every day anymore. I just purchase the multi-vitamin patch from the bariatric store, I'll update you on that later My food is mostly a diet consistency of pescatarian due to the low cal/high protein and the ease of my system digesting the food. I would occassionally eat chicken as well (ground, poached breast etc), turkey hardly ever because the meat is not as soft as chicken. My veggies are fine steamed, some legumes & beans (occasional), as far as grains or potatoes etc I try to not do carbs at all or keep them at a bare minimum (jasmine or basati brown rice) with an occasional meal...I've really gotten into sweet potatoes as I didn't eat them a lot before. Swelling is gone, skin is good, and I can visually see the difference in pounds and inches loss especially from a side view lol. I still have work to do (vitamins, eat more, move more) and I am working on it. BTW!!!! I am back in the health & wellness field as I start my new position next week. I took a pause last summer. Now as I am on my health journey I'll be helping my patients with weight loss and adopting healthier lifestyles. My goal is to lose 13 more lbs and as you all know after running so long and you can see the finish line in sight....your legs get weary and that last sprint is the hardest. It is good to move from "morbidly obese", to "obese", to now "overweight"...do you guys feel the same? Let me know how you all are doing!
  3. I had GS nine years ago. Lost a lot. During lockdown I transfer addicted to alcohol. Now I'm sober, but, transfer addicted back to food to get there and have regained over half my loss back in the last year. So, what to do? I'd appreciate thoughts from those who got revisions and how they think it has helped them. Thanks.
  4. Hi! I was banded with a Realize band in 2008. Went from 235 to 150 and I've been between 150 and 165 for years. I'm now having serious complications with the band. Lots of complications but the worst is an "oozing sore" around 75% of my Esophagus. I've had such great success with the band and I'm nervous about going to a RNY. I really don't want to weigh less than 150. Is a revision just going to put me back into rapid weight loss? Any revision weight loss/gain stories are greatly appreciated. I need someone to hold my hand!
  5. On Monday, I had revision from sleeve to bypass. The pain at first was cruel! However, today, it got better. I am excited, relieved, and hopeful! I fought for this tool. Now, it's time to use the tool and self-control for a positive lifetime outcome! Here, I go! Sent from my SM-G996U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. I had my gastric sleeve in March of 2012 with a starting weight of roughly 283 lbs at consultation / start of my journey. The lowest weight I was able to get to was about 185-188 lbs which was in early to mid 2015. Later that year, I developed a wrist injury and eventually needed surgery in 2016, and began around late 2015 to early 2016 putting on weight. From October 2016 to now I've essentially regained all of my weight back. I am contemplating revisional surgery at this time, and looking around for surgeons. I have a consultation with one surgeon set for Nov. 27th with Dr. Alibhai in Irving, Tx. (If anyone has any experience they can share, please do.) My other choice of surgeon would be Dr. Matin who did my mother's Gastric Bypass around 2007. I'm wanting to revise to the DS....but, now I am reading and learning about the SADI DS and I now don't really know which one of these I would like to do. My mom is trying to talk me more into doing the gastric bypass rather than the DS. I understand she's worried, she knew someone who recently passed away who was having complications with her DS....I don't know the specifics, but that is the gist of her reasons for not wanting me to go with the DS. At the same time, I'm 10-11 years out from my Sleeve surgery, so I've also had some thoughts about if I could possibly get a re-sleeve along with the DS. (At this rate, I think I've decided I want the DS, just not certain if I want the traditional DS or the SADI version. If anyone has any experience with Dr Mustafa Alibhai and / or experience with Re-Sleeve + DS / SADI revision, could you please share? I would really like to get back to the 180s at the very least. I felt soo much better at that weight, even though I was still a good 50-70 lbs over weight (I'm 5'3). Thank you!
  7. Hey everyone, My name is Sarah. I am 34 years old. I had VSG 13 years ago. Going from 335 pounds down to 180 in 18 months, I was considered a success. I have been through 2 pregnancies and as the years passed, the pounds crept back on. I am currently back to 290, and i suffer from SEVERE GERD daily. If I do not take heartburn medication several times a daily, i will be in agony and vomiting stomach acid despite what I choose to eat. I have had an endoscopy and I have a hiatial hernia and a lot of scar tissue. I am going to be converting my sleeve to a full gastric bypass in the upcoming month. During the procedure my hiatial hernia will be repaired and excess scar tissue removed. I am wanting to know if anyone else has had this conversion surgery. How did you feel afterward? How was the recovery and do you feel the conversion was it worth it? Who has gained weight back after sleeve and do you suffer from severe GERD and heartburn daily? Thank you for any input Sarah
  8. What has your experience been with having the sleeve to bypass revision? How was the recovery? Do you have many more food aversions? More dumping? More severe hair loss? I'm considering the revision due to GERD and I want to hear all the stories before I commit.
  9. I had my sleeve done in 2014. I had an endoscopy done last week. Doctor says I have a hiatal hernia, esophagitis and gastritis and recommends the Roux-en-Y procedure to repair and revise. I’m scared for that procedure for some reason. Is it common for the doctor to recommend revision & repair over just repairing the hernia? He said that it could come back larger so that’s why they don’t recommend just the hernia repair. Anyone heard this? I’m trying to make the best decision. Thank you! :)
  10. Timberlynn Sleeved to DS

    Revision from VSG to Bypass

    I went for my EGD last week due to all the GERD I have been experiencing for over 5 months which has got worse and no OTC or RX medication is touching it. Results of EGD: - Localized mild inflammation characterized by erythema and linear erosions was found in the prepyloric region of the stomach. Moderate bile reflux into sleeve. Chronic Gastritis. Doctor has me on RX Pepcid and I see him in 6 weeks to discuss revision to Bypass. Personally I wish I would have went with the bypass instead of the sleeve when I had my WLS. How was everyone's experience who had the revision to bypass that experience GERD. Was it gone after?
  11. Currently in the process of getting a revision to SADI-S.

  12. Feb 1st 2023 had Gastric bypass revision surgery. The Dr could not make my pouch smaller due to scar tissue around area. So he bypassed much more of my intestines. He said this would be greater malabsorption of foods. I'm still on first phase clear liquids and broth. I have been so hungry, though. Is this normal? Anyone else have this surgery?
  13. I had the gastric sleeve 4 yrs ago. I developed real bad Gerd. My surgeon said to do the revision to the gastric bypass. I’m 6 weeks post op and down only 25 pounds and my surgeon says I probably won’t loose much more because it’s a revision. I’m devastated why didn’t they tell me before I did the revision. Has anyone lost significant weight after a revision?
  14. SleeveToBypass2023

    TORe Procedure

    Did you ever have your procedure? If so, how did it go? I never knew there was a revision for the bypass. I had a revision from the sleeve to the bypass, so it's nice to know if I ever need another revision down the line, there's an option.
  15. Hi, all new here. I was sent by my PCP to have a revision to my RNY. The surgeon suggests Candy Cane Revision and I asked will that help me lose weight? This jackass tells me some but stop eating so much! My 14 yr old said she wants what she is supposed to and no junk foods. He looked me dead in my face and said I doubt that. I am 268 lbs and 5'2. My Doctor along with the original Surgeon who retired and sent me to him are really PO'd about this. Should I ask for a second opinion or seek help elsewhere. I have no gastric issues this is what they are seeing due to tests. Thank You
  16. Hi everyone I have a line and a dent across my stomach. The dent is under my largest incision
  17. They reduced both my pouch size and the size of the opening during the revision. That's why I'm very puzzled by his comment that you wouldn't lose significant weight after the revision. It just makes no sense to me.
  18. I learned today that I will require a revision due to having severe reflux which has caused barrettes disease. In regards to my weight, I do not need the surgery but I am 8 pounds above my most consistent weight and in total I’d like to lose 15-20 pounds. I didn’t ask any questions I just listened. I was wondering if anyone had similar circumstances? If so is the pre-op and post op similar to the initial surgery? How many days were you in the hospital? I would appreciate any feedback others could offer. Thank you!
  19. I learned today that I will require a revision due to having severe reflux which has caused barrettes disease. In regards to my weight, I do not need the surgery but I am 8 pounds above my most consistent weight and in total I’d like to lose 15-20 pounds. I didn’t ask any questions I just listened. I was wondering if anyone had similar circumstances? If so is the pre-op and post op similar to the initial surgery? How many days were you in the hospital? I would appreciate any feedback others could offer. Thank you!
  20. Hi all, New here. I had gastric sleeve surgery Nov 2016, got pregnant a month later. Initial lost 76 lbs. Gained about 20 lbs back at the time of Covid until now. I have GERD and a hitial hernia so I have opted to get a revision to bypass in hopes of forever getting rid of GERD. I never got to my goal weight which was 150 lbs. I was about 16 lbs shy of that. I am about 189 lbs on a heavy day. My concern is that I wont lose as much weight because my BMI is not extreme. Anyone else out there lose more than 20 lbs getting revised being at such a low starting weight? The Dr's office of course says I may not lose any weight at all which I just can believe.
  21. Hi, I am six days post op and feeling okay (except a little dizzy). I still have over a week of liquid diet let per doctor's plan--- but getting so sick of the sweet protein shake options. I have ordered a bunch of protein soups. Hope everyone one in August is doing well!
  22. cjbowers2005

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    I am scheduled in less than a week, May 28th for Sadie revision
  23. Thank you! Yes, this was a revision from sleeve to bypass.
  24. Get the revision don’t concern yourself with the negativeness. What’s done is done now move on. Stop beating yourself up.
  25. How are you now? What were the results of your tests? Are you scheduled for a revision yet? Which one are you doing?

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