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  1. @BlondePatriotInCDA and @SleeveToBypass2023 This discussion has inspired me to talk to the bariatric surgeon I switched to here in Fort Worth when I see him on a post-op follow up appt on 6/10/24 as I want to discuss how his practice is managing this new set of 'tools' with their bariatric surgery patients. I wish he'd been my original bariatric surgeon. Due to abdominal pain I've been chasing for 2 yrs (right side) I ended up referred to him. TOMORROW, he is performing an investigative laparoscopic procedure to 'scope' the inside of my pouch and see if some of the occasional 'old blood' I have in my er..stools and the pain that hits out of nowhere that feels like my intestines are knotting up, is related to any issue inside the pouch or with scar tissue. I've already done an upper & lower GI in May, gall bladder has been gone for 2 yrs, had a CT-scan, etc. Wish me luck tomorrow. I'm looking at it as very nice and expensive nap with hopefully useful information obtained. I'm also curious what he has to say about my pouch now that it has been 5 years. Is he gonna say 'wow, you sure managed to stretch that sucker!'...lol
  2. I don't plan on being on them for a lifetime, I just need the head hunger to stop and help with the constant hunger...I've been good at fighting it..but I can foresee starting to cheat if I don't get some help. I've tried the alternatives to side track my brain...doesn't work. $250 is way better..hopefully my doctor who's had bariatric surgery will prescribe something to help!
  3. KarenLR75

    OMG OMG OMG I DID IT!!!!!!!

    OMG! I'm so thrilled for you!! I remember this!! You are looking so great in your pics!! AWESOME JOB!! I noticed your highest weight was 421. My highest was 400. When I joined here, I only entered 390 as that was the weight I was at when I started trying to lose some more 'on my own' as I was going through the insurance process (SO LONG) to get approved for bariatric surgery. 5 years later and I'm wondering if I should have changed my weight to the highest I ever was or if that is confusing to anyone. Again, I'm just so very happy for you!
  4. Yeah, I worry that people, including 'us bariatric surgery patients' who haven't done the mental/headspace work (and I don't mean this in reference to the 2 people you know that have done the weight loss injections) that most of us try to look or are 'made to look at' at when preparing for gastric bypass will have to stay on them 'forever'. Of course, doing a sleeve or gastric bypass is a very permanent 'anatomical' decision that can, if we are not vigilant also not be successful in the long term for people who feel the surgery is the 'only fix' needed. Since all of my health issues are already under control after my gastric bypass - I NEVER had high blood pressure despite weighing almost 400 lbs and I was not a diabetic but I could tell the toll that being that heavy was taking on my body (my knees, sleep apnea, DVT's/PE's, etc.) I was leery of doing anything that would require 'forever' outside of the bypass surgery. I'm looking for a new therapist right now that specializes not only in anxiety and depression but in working with bariatric patients/weight loss as I know I can I have to be constantly vigilant with my headspace or NOTHING will work. I also am not willing to take the shots for the rest of my life for myself. For other people weighing risks versus benefits I can see this being a highly individualized and personal decision especially if weight loss surgery is not an option for them no matter the reason (leery of it, insurance won't pay, BMI not high enough, etc.). Everyone's journey is their own. The only thing I advocate is for everyone to be as informed as possible and to do their research and make the best decision for themselves. I need to do more research about long term implications of these drugs, but I haven't found much data out there (too new to have that much historical data yet). I'm within 10 lbs of when I told the clinic I'm going to that I would be tapering off and ending the weekly shots. Will try to remember to post more when I've been off the shots for more than a couple of months to talk about struggles or successes I have.
  5. It took about 2 to 4 weeks worth of injections for the true total benefits to settle in and when it did, it was so FREEING. I still absolutely am delighted I had gastric bypass. I also could not afford to pay $1000 a month. I found a local 'wellness' clinic here in Fort Worth where I pay roughly $300 a MONTH for weekly injections. I skipped their package of B12 and Semiglutide as I'm already on an inhalable B-12 supplement. Definitely shop around. I do worry about it causing long term complications (unsure what those are at this point outside of blurbs I've read) but I'm also not wanting this to be something I end up needing to do every week past this 6 to 9 month window. They have other clients that after they got where they wanted, they tapered off completely or come in for monthly or bi monthly injections only. I'd like to taper completely. I have gone a month with no injections after i started and while I had a slight hunger increase, the food chatter was so dang muted. I actually ended up reducing my dosage as I got to a point where I was not eating enough which is ALSO NOT my goal. My protein intake plummeted simply because I was not taking in enough calories. Luckily the place I work with is conservative with dosing and they have multiple patients that had bariatric surgery years ago and they are always ready to discuss 'what is the least amount of semiglutide that you need to be sudcessful'.
  6. Agreed catwoman7 - that was my BIGGEST concern. I was trying to remember how high into the 180's I hit and I found my paperwork. I had gone up to 187 (17 lbs over my weight I had been holding stable on and mentally remembering the 'brief period' at 167, I felt I had gained 20 lbs but it was really more like 17 from my 'stable weight). Prior gains I had ALWAYS kept within a manageable 5 to 10 lb window. We have an adult daughter with multiple mental health issues that moved back in with us over a year ago and the combined stress between her needs and my job was seriously impacting every aspect of my life. I'm also seeking a new therapist that also specializes in clients who are considering or have had bariatric surgery who can help me with multiple issues as I never want to return to food again as a 'medication' for stress and heartache.
  7. Congrats on the loss, Warren! Tomorrow is my scheduled 'peek'. Luckily the doctor doing this is a bariatric surgeon that specializes in revisions. Things at work and home are so stressful that I'm ALMOST looking forward to anesthesia simply for the temporary 'rest'...lol.... If there is nothing wrong 'there', then I'm going to have a long talk with my new 'GI' doctor. I hope this doesn't sound bad but after chasing this pain for almost 2 years, I really want them to find 'something' and hopefully minor, but I'm running out of options and I'm still completely salty on my primary doctor's response.
  8. thanks all. Dr changed my meds.. hoping I can sleep through the night.. adhd meds are too strong and Which prenatal vitamins do you take? is that along with bariatric vitamins? anyone also took a nutritional Labs .. thinking of buying a home test kit
  9. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Dang it! Back up to 200 today. I could see the digital scale contemplating telling me 199.8, but it decided nope. I've had days with tons of exercise. Days with no exercise. Days with over 1000 calories. Days with barely 500 calories because what I ate made me sick. None of it does anything to move the weight. I get on the scale daily because I like to see the graph as a visual. But I'd like it better if the number went down. On the bright side, my blood work all looks pretty good. A bit low in Vitamin A, zinc, and prealbumin, but so far no one has said I should change anything. @LisaCaryl I love the NSV with the jeans! What a nice surprise, even if you did get stuck wearing them to your group. I have one more week of school runs and after school activities before my kids are out for the summer. At that point, I am going to make a weekly meal plan and try out some new recipes from the bariatric cookbooks that are gathering dust because I've been too busy. I've also found a workout video to try with my pilates bar resistance band set, so that's going to happen this week, at least once.
  10. Shanna NYC

    Dating with excess Skin as a Man.

    Congratulations on your success for starters! I would not say you are weird, the excess skin is a badge of honor and proof of your hard work. That being said I completely 100% understand feeling self conscious of it. I am not a fan of the stomach folds and flappy arms on myself either. However, once you meet the right person, they will look past that to the person that you are. Yes it will take effort and bravery on your part to put yourself out there, but you've been on this journey I'm sure to live your best healthier life to the fullest which includes companionship. Maybe also seek out some therapy or a bariatric support group that can help with your anxiety. You are not alone in your feelings. I know plastic surgery here in the US is quite expensive, but I definitely will be looking into it when i'm closer to goal. If that is something that is attainable for you, may be something you can work towards. But in the meantime try not to hold yourself back from enjoying this new lease on life.
  11. FifiLux

    Dating with excess Skin as a Man.

    You are looking great, well done. Not a man but feeling the same way and have a lot of self doubt about starting to date (my friends are trying to push me to it) because the excess skin is all fine when it is hidden under the clothes but God forbid anyone was to see me naked, it is bad enough when the good looking doctors have to take a peak! I realise that a lot of my fear is in my own head and of my own making but not helped by social media etc.. At the moment I am trying to focus on the mental side of things and practice a bit of self love (no not masturbation 😂) by reading books on finding happiness and learning to dampen my own negativity. I never thought it would be something I would read and try to act on but I am trying my best to put positivity out into the word and hope it comes back. I am learning to have a smiling face instead of resting bit*h face, it is hard work 😂 Not sure if or when I will ever put myself out there but the positivity is good to give and get. Anyway, I just wanted to say you are not alone plus everyone (not just bariatric patients) is weird in their own way and we just have to try and embrace it and find that other person (persons) who get us.
  12. Shanna NYC


    Sometimes you have to ring some bells like HELLO, i need some aftercare and followup. Congrats you finally got your appt. and your A1C going down! I'm not sure about B12. Some labs calculate it differently as the high end of the normal range for mine is 1245. I'm sure if it's an issue it will be or should be addressed by your team. The Vitamin D for sure should be. I know for me it was getting to the higher side of normal and my dietician had me drop down from bariatric vitamin to a regular multi and cut back on my calcium chews which also contain lots of Vitamin D. Woohoo on the weightloss. And the hair loss will eventually slow down. Mine lasted from about month 3-6 at it's worst and has slowed considerably and now I'm only just slightly annoyed at all the short hairs from regrowth.
  13. So I finally reached out my bariatric team and they said my post op appts "slipped through the cracks", So instead of having a 3 and 6 month appt I am have one next week (at 5months ish) that will combine my 3 and 6 month post op appt. ANYWAYS to my point! I got my blood work and everything is normal range! my A1C even went down from 5.6 to 5.3 which is pretty groovy! Also my iron is normal for the first time in my life! However my B12 is 1116 which from what I read optimal results are >500 for bariatric patients? So does that mean I am doubly good? My Vitamin D is at 119 and toxic levels are over 100. So my assumption is I could probably cut back on those vitamins lol. I feel great! I am down to 185 as of last week. Hair is still shedding but tis life. Thanks for coming to my ted talk!
  14. FifiLux

    9 Month Post Op Fears and Worries

    Like the others said before me, I think it is highly unlikely that you have stretched your stomach. Weight will fluctuate (annoying I know) as your body copes with the changes. Please try not to stress yourself out unnecessarily. I think try to find a resource of a dietician, maybe even one online if that is quicker than a local one. Did your care team, at the time, give you any reading material for post-op foods etc? I didn't get much advice for long-term from my team so I spent a lot of time online and found some good online reading material at 'Bariatric Meal Prep', 'My Bariatric Dietitian' and a few other sites/blogs.
  15. Arabesque

    9 Month Post Op Fears and Worries

    Great advice from everyone and I would second finding yourself a nutritionalist/dietician sooner rather than later. And maybe a therapist who has experience with bariatric surgery & disordered eating. Do you track your food? I’m not a tracker (didn’t have to) but I do random checks on portions sizes, nutrient content & protein to ensure I’m on the right path or haven’t got complacent. It might be idea to start tracking if you don’t even for a few weeks just to see where you may be missing some key nutrients, to ensure a balanced intake, etc. can’t hurt anyway. Check out some the you tube videos by Drs Matthew Weiner and/or John Pilcher. Dr Weiner has some great books too which may be helpful. These may offer some support while you’re trying to find a new surgeon & doctor.
  16. JennyBeez

    9 Month Post Op Fears and Worries

    First, don't panic! And don't compare your progress to others, if you can help it. I agree with everything Nickel said -- including the book rec. Kristin Willard's Bariatric Meal Prep is a great resource, and I also really like "The High-Protein Bariatric Cookbook" by Stacey Gulbin and "Fresh Start Bariatric Cookbook" by Sarah Kent. I think a good Bariatric book might help cover some of the information you've been missing from your 'care-team'. Is it possible that you've been focusing extra/too much on calories and not enough on what makes up those calories? My team told me that calories can be important (especially later on) but the first several months it was definitely more about making sure you're getting enough nutrients. 60-80 g protein per day minimum -- my team told me for me personally, she'd actually recommend 70-90g -- and definitely 3 meals a day (+ 1-2 protein-geared snacks). If you have to make them smaller at first since you're used to eating two meals, that should be ok. Maybe while you get back into a regular routine, make one of your meals a protein shake or protein bar? It was suggested to me that both my day (and each meal) should be 50-60% protein, and the rest of my plate should be mostly non-starchy veg -- with any starchy veg or complex carb coming in at 10-15% (20% max). The types of carbohydrates can be really important too. A whole grain/whole wheat item or a starchy but nutritious veg is going to put you in a much better place than a processed corn taco or white tortilla. Are you taking any supplements? Also, maybe check out local nutritionists and see if any of them have experience with bariatric patients.
  17. NickelChip

    9 Month Post Op Fears and Worries

    Stretching in the sense that you mean it is exceedingly rare and only happens if someone consistently binge eats over a relatively long period of time. What does happen naturally is increased capacity. This is true for sleeve and bypass both. After 6 months or so, your stomach regains some of its elasticity and can accommodate a bit more at one sitting. This is fine and healthy. Everyone is different, and everyone's capacity at a given point post-op is different. I don't know what you were told for goals, but my program says 60-80g protein per day and 64oz minimum of water. They want my protein to be around 40% of my calories, and I generally aim for 800-1000 calories per day, but that was not strictly set and will change over time. 1200 seems to be a common goal for the later stages of weight loss, with the amount going up once you are in maintenance. 5oz per meal is reasonable, but you need to be eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Plus possibly a snack. My program says aim for 20-25g protein per meal, and supplement with a protein snack or shake as needed until you can get the full amount from food comfortably. By 9 months, you should be fine getting it all from food. Your brittle nails and hair loss suggest you are not getting enough protein and may not be getting enough other nutrients. You should continue to aim for around 4 oz of lean meat or fish, (or a serving of Greek yogurt or cottage cheese, for example) per meal. 4oz cooked skinless chicken breast has 25g protein. Your second priority at every meal should be nonstarchy veg. If you still have room, you can have a little bit of carb (rice, potato, sweet potato, bread, etc.). A serving of fruit makes a nice dessert. An easy way to eyeball it is to take a salad plate (not dinner plate), and put a piece of meat the size and thickness of your palm on one side, and fill about 2/3 of the other side with nonstarchy veg and the remaining 1/3 with carb. Go light on the sauces and butter. If in doubt, check Amazon for bariatric cookbooks. There are several by bariatric experts, including surgeons and registered dietitians. Kristin Willard's Bariatric Meal Prep is a personal favorite, with portion sizes for different stages, and a full color photo for every recipe.
  18. I don't like Semaglutide....too many side effects. I looked into it for a bit before surgery, and it wasn't worth it IMHO. I have had a few friends on it that it caused too many issues, and they quit taking it. And both of them didn't lose much weight 5-10 pounds. One of my other friends take it and she does well with it, lost 40-50 pounds, however once she stops taking it, she gains everything back and then some. So now she has to lose the weight, go off of it, then do maintenance shots with it every other month or she will gain everything back. My cousin has been taking it for ~6 months now, and she is doing really well, she lost about 60 pounds, but hasn't gone off of it yet. They are both a tool to help you, they aren't a fix all. If you think about it, you could do the same diet as Bariatric surgery, if you have the will power, and you will lose the same weight. I needed the tool to assist me, I had dieted before and lost 100 pounds, but over the years I put it all back on and then some. It is all about your mindset. I have tried many things before, phentermine, qysimia, diet/exercise, among others. The best thing that has helped has been the sleeve. It may be your best option to try semaglutide and see if it works for you, it is the cheaper option at first, and if it doesn't work and you aren't happy with it, look at other options.
  19. I had my gastric sleeve surgery on 5/28/24 and everything went smoothly. I was discharged the next day on a stage 2 diet (protein) and did many walks around the hospital. No pain, no nausea, and no vomiting. However, since I have been home, I have fallen off my bed four times because there is no comfortable sleeping position. I am a side sleeper normally and, on my back, I just cannot breathe I have some sleep apnea. If I do not take the liquid Tylenol I am in such pain. My elderly mom is helping me out, but it's been rough. I am not meeting my protein goals and or water intake goals. I do the best I can. I am sometimes starving and sometimes not hungry at all. My taste buds are all off protein shakes and vitamins and things that I loved that I purchased before surgery are gross. I might be in love with this broth soup today and tomorrow the same broth soup is the worst I ever had in my life. I cannot tolerate or smell my bariatric vitamins and I am concerned. Is this all normal? has this happened to anyone? I spoke to my surgeon's office, and they were not concerned they were just like do your best! As long as you are not vomiting or have a fever you are good. huh? I feel malnourished.
  20. Hi 👋 I’m right at the very beginning of my bariatric journey and I’m equal parts excited, apprehensive and relieved. I’m 55 and have had numerous attempts at weight loss (like many, many of us!) Thankfully I found an incredibly supportive GP who has helped with menopause issues and was really understanding of my frustration with my weight, and the constant feelings of guilt, anxiety and failure. She put me forward for bariatric surgery and has helped me with the initial stages. Mobility is an issue - I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis in both knees and left hip and generally feel like crap - constant pain and just a general feeling of being fed up. I’ve had my first education support meeting at the hospital and now have appointments for the dietitian, sleep test, and support group (waiting for endoscopy appointment) I’ve read, researched and downloaded what I can. I have also familiarised myself with all the information provided by the hospital and have downloaded a couple of bariatric recipe books for the different stages. I always like lots of information when embarking on something major! My plan is to start a weight loss plan come Monday and start getting my head around higher protein, lower carbs and better eating all round once again. My weight is currently 303lbs and I’m 171cm tall. I’ve taken the dreaded ‘before’ pictures (😖) and have re-started my weight loss app membership to record everything and make myself accountable. I’m looking forward to ‘meeting’ people who are on this journey too, regardless of the stage!
  21. ripburn

    Protein shakes

    Maybe try some of the protein unflavored shakes and protein powders here at bariatric pal store here https://store.bariatricpal.com/pages/search-results-page?q=unflavored protein shakes
  22. I'm actually scheduled for an exploratory peek into my pouch on June 6th so it should be interesting. If they don't find anything there, the bariatric surgeon said the traditional upper and lower GI do not go through every part of either our intestines or the bowel, cannot remember, but that he knew of 2 doctors in this area that had an 'extra long scope'. Gah, I don't want that to be the NEXT thing we try considering I just went through the yucky 'prep' for a traditional upper and lower GI last month...lol. I would think my 'new' GI doctor should have come up with some of this stuff and not just punted me to the bariatric surgeon and told that I may need a 'revision' as it sounded to him like 'dumping'. It has never felt like the dumping we experience after a bypass/sleeve. It has felt different from it this whole time. This GI doctor has decent reviews so maybe I will just follow up with him after exhausting the 'could it be related to my bypass' route he has sent me on and see if he has any other ideas of what it could be. At this point, I'm getting kind of tired. My primary who is usually really good to work with told me 'you may just have to deal with ongoing, chronic pain'. He and I will talk about that 'not helpful at all' statement.
  23. AmberFL


    I am looking at new hair cuts and go back to my hair lady in August. I am not her first bariatric client so she knows how to deal. Hoping I am not too fair gone where I have to go too short.
  24. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    The bariatric center I go to told me the same thing about stalls. But they also added that little things could prolong them. Like I mentioned in another post about the pre workout and post workout fueling (eating). The stalls still happen, but at least I feel a little better from having more energy. That's great you're staying with your brother. That's what brothers are supposed to do! Sounds like you have a good one. You have a very interesting job to be able to travel all over the world. I'm sure there's times the traveling is too much. But, wow. All the places and different people you get to meet and work with. I hope the stalls don't last too much longer for you. From my own experience with them, they are tough to get past, even when you do see other positives going on. I wish you good rest and safe travels!
  25. Okay first, thank you so much for such a comprehensive answer. I've seen some of your tips in the forums before but this really lays things out. I'll start varying my routine more and see if I can trip things up a bit. This iron thing in particular is interesting. In my last series of labwork my iron came back very low, but not quite anemic. (The range was 50-170, I came in at 55.) I have upgraded to the bariatric multivitamin with more iron and started also taking the iron melts with vitamin c, but I struggle to do this consistently due to how often I have dairy, and I haven't felt much of an improvement yet. I get re-tested in ~5 weeks to see if the numbers are better (or rather, to make sure they're not getting worse). Interesting lead either way.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
