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  1. Hi all, I am writing this for the >1% of gastric bypass patients who have the unusual complications that I had and, like me, couldn't find any information about it online to ease your mind. I had my gastric bypass surgery on September 7, 2022. I chose gastric bypass over the gastric sleeve specifically after months of research because of the higher rate of successful weight loss, particularly in women. My first week post-op went great, but after day 8 or 9 when I tried progressing my food intake from full-liquids to pureed foods I began vomiting and feeling really nauseous at every meal. I let my surgeon and dietitian know immediately and stepped my food intake back down to full-liquids. Pretty soon, I couldn't even take in full-liquids and was limited to hydrating fluids and chicken broth. I could keep down hydrating fluids and broth about 80% of the time, full-liquids 50% of the time, and everything else came back up. My surgeon was very responsive and had me get an endoscopy. Under general anesthesia, the endoscopy explored my new stomach pouch and roux limb connections that make up my new tummy system. Typically, gastric bypasses can result in constriction of the connection between the stomach pouch and roux limb, and my gastroenterologist was prepared to use a balloon to inflate the area to ease that restriction. In my case, however, that area looked fine, but further down the roux limb there was a stricture that was almost impassable for the narrow scope. This is what was causing my problem. I had an external compression on my roux limb that was making it impossible for anything more viscous than water to pass through. My layman's understanding of what had happened is that my surgeon brought my small intestine / roux limb up to meet my new stomach pouch through the transverse mesocolon. This involved cutting a hole through the transverse mesocolon to put the roux limb through and then stitching it up a little on either side to make sure nothing else will slip through the hole and cause a hernia. Apparently, this is typically sufficient and there is space enough in the hole in the mesocolon for scar tissue to form but still allow the roux limb to operate appropriately. Not in my case! xD My body and over-active immune system saw a hole and decided that hole must. be. fixed! The scar tissue that formed to close the hole closed tight enough on the roux limb and it was tight enough that barely anything could get through. I had a second laparoscopic surgery on October 12, 2022 to remove the scar tissue and loosen the compression on the roux limb. My surgeon decided to remove the small stitches on either side of the hole in the transverse mesocolon to reduce the chance that any new scar tissue will close the hole up as completely again. Immediately after this second laparoscopic surgery, I felt tons better! I stayed overnight in the hospital and was put straight on full-liquids, which I was barely tolerating before! The reason I am writing all of this out is because, in the month-long interim between surgeries, I couldn't find anything in my online research to figure out what was wrong, or what I could try, or what the next steps looked like, or how long, or why this was happening. I went for more than a month on little to no substantial nutrition, and I found so little information on what to expect or how long I would have to live like this. I even looked in these forums to see if anyone had asked about symptoms that are similar to mine and I didn't find very much information. So, I'm writing about my experience and using as many of the keywords I can think of that I've been searching for over the past two months! So! If you had gastric bypass and you start experiencing nausea and vomiting after what seems like typical food progression, please speak to your surgeon. It could be an internal stricture of the roux limb or the connecting bits, or in my case an external compression of some sort. From the very few resources I could find online, my type of external compression of transverse mesocolon on the roux limb seemed to occur in 0.9% of gastric bypass patients and it seems to happen within the first month. My surgeon pretty much immediately knew what was wrong, and her PA said she had seen it before, but not often, and it was new for my insurance caseworker. The inability to eat made it very difficult to complete normal daily tasks like my job, housework, walking the dog, etc. I wasn't in pain, I just couldn't get enough energy to do anything! My doctors moved quickly to get me back in for surgery, but it still took 4-5 weeks from starting to vomit at each meal to waking up from my second surgery feeling much better. I am so thankful that my surgeon was able to fix what was wrong with the scar tissue compressing around the roux limb; it made a world of difference! I'm not out of the woods quite yet, however. Six days after the surgery to repair the hole in the transverse mesocolon, I had a bad food day and nothing stayed down. I immediately reached out to my surgeon's office and today went in for an upper GI in which I intake contrast dye while a doctor observes how it flows through my new gastrointestinal system with an X-ray. That doctor said it looks like the connection between my stomach pouch and roux limb looks stenosed now. I am grateful that they found something and that there is an explanation for why everything I put in my mouth makes me nauseous and that there's a reason why I don't want to eat anything. I will be having another endoscopy in the following couple of weeks and, as ever, I am hopeful that this will be the last surgery that I need for my gastric bypass.
  2. sdurbin85@gmail.com

    Gastric bypass Dec 5th

    Due to complication I am only just now starting a regular diet. I’m doing everything sugar free, but wondering does no sugar mean no sugar ever? Can I eat an occasional slice of pie at an event?
  3. Anyone experience a worst case with your bypass? After my bypass, my small intestine decided to close off completely . I had to have an energy surgery to reduce my small intestines I aspirated during the second surgery and ended up on a vent . I ended up with sepsis, ARDS, and fighting to stay alive. 10 days on the vent and 23 days in the hospital. I’m home now trying to recover and figure out all this stuff. I’ve had to learn how to walk and how to use my arms and hands again due to prolonged time on the vent. I knew this was a life style change but I didn’t expect to be in this shape trying to figure it all out.
  4. Hi there! Been on my surgery journey for a few years now and I'm finally coming up on my RYGB surgery date in a couple weeks. It might just be nerves but over the last couple of months I've started to rethink whether I'm making the wrong decision with the going with the bypass. I spoke to my surgeon about a week ago & expressed I might want to switch to SADI. She said it's ultimately my choice, but she feels like RYGB is a better fit for me personally as I have a history of GERD (currently mild) and that she's concerned I might lose too much weight with SADI - I need to lose 100lbs. I've been reading & watching a lot of posts from people that have had each procedure & I'm really concerned with the idea of throwing up & having to eat a couple of bites per meal the rest of my life. The thing is, I rarely see anyone post complications with SADI. They seem to eat small meals but not as small as restrictive as RYGB patients & while they experience diarrhea - I don't see posts about vomiting. I mean, does everyone experience vomiting & dumping syndrome with RYGB? Does anyone know people that have had poor experiences with SADI? Ultimately, am I making the wrong decision by not going with SADI?
  5. I had gastric bypass in July of 2019. Highest weight was 400 before losing a bit on my own. Current weight varies from 167 to 173. I still feel some restriction to this day. My meals are usually small although I know we can all 'eat around' the restriction by eating smaller, but continuous meals and this was a slippery slope I fought back against. About 2 yrs ago, I started experiencing right sided pain. It felt like the pain I used to feel when I ovulated so I assumed it was ovarian (post menopausal). Saw OB & had 2 ultrasounds and they couldn't even see my right ovary (like, where did it go?) and the left was fine. Since they couldn't 'see' the right one, they said that was good since there was no obvious signs of..I don't know tumors, growths? The pain continued to worsen & I finally had gall bladder taken out about 1.5 yrs ago. I adjusted diet again to deal with gal bladder being gone and things seemed to go ok. A ew months after that the right sided pain returned. About 4 mos ago, the pain got so bad at times I'd be in a ball on my bed considering going to the ER (which I HATE doing). Went back to primary and he sent me for CT scan. CT came up with no findings. Then he referred me to GI doctor for colonoscopy and upper GI. I thought finally 'this was it, we've ruled out most other things'. I also had seen blood in my stools and it was old blood, like coffee grounds so I thought ok, not hemorrhoids? Just got back home from colonoscopy & upper GI. I thought doing the prep was bad 10 yrs ago, but it is much harder having had bypass surgery. Good news is they found no polyps or other concerning things. Bad news is I was stunned their main finding was regarding my bypass "Patient's surgical anastomosis was noted to be widely dilated, raising the possibility of Dumping Syndrome as a cause for her complaints". OK, most know what dumping is. I thought it was post surgery when we ate food (i.e. sugar, high fat) that processed too fast or was too much for us to handle. They recommended I see a gastric bypass revision specialist. My question is, has anyone else had a revision NOT due to their 1st bariatric surgery not being successful but for a "medical reason" like this (other than GERD, heartburn). I'm not even sure insurance will pay, but I have 2 yrs worth of history on this pain. Even it if does pay, I dread what this means for me - even more hair loss? If I do this, will I need another revision in 5 yrs again at which point I'll be getting up there in age. I've also wondered with the CT scan, etc. is there any chance of some straggler/stone from my gallbladder surgery 1.5 yrs ago that should be considered? Should I post this in the revision group instead? I read through some and was unsure. Are we allowed to cross-post? Any input would be appreciated. This is causing issues on my job as the pain hits out of nowhere (not X amount of time before OR after a meal, that I have been able to discern. Thank you!
  6. [MINI GASTRIC BYPASS THREAD – PLEASE CONSIDER YOUR SURGERY AND EXPERIENCES MAY NOT APPLY TO MINI GASTRIC BYPASS PATIENTS] Hi all BP’ers and lurkers out there; especially hi to everyone who had the mini gastric bypass (AKA the one-anastomosis gastric bypass/single-anastomosis gastric bypass/omega loop gastric bypass) It’s my surgiversary! I can’t believe it’s already been a year. But what a year it has been. Man. I wanted to share a lot of thoughts about my journey – there’s not a ton of MGB patients out there yet, and especially not in the US. I’ll admit I’ve been working on this for a while, because I want to share the good word about the MGB and contribute some of the things I simply cannot find out there. Well, now I know, at least how it’s been the first year for myself. So that’s my small contribution. Below, I’ll post the following posts individually so it’s easy to browse for anyone new: The surgery: what is it, how does it work, what does science say about weight loss and complications with MGB? My journey to weight loss surgery My weight journey for a year after the mini gastric bypass My diet and calories – stages + what does a typical day look like after a year? Exercise – what and when and how much? Alcohol and MGB What I wish they had told me prior to surgery Setting a goal Why I think you should consider the MGB What it’s like being a mini gastric bypass patient on BariatricPal – what I found useful, and why I needed a pause from participating on the forum What now? I hope you’ll find some of this enjoyable.
  7. Hi everyone ! I am a newbie here and English is not my first language so please, bear with me 😛 I am a 24-year-old college student and I'm getting a ByPass on Sept 11th but my classes start on the 14th. I am fully aware I won't be able to go back to college literally 3 days after surgery, obviously ... but I was hoping that I could go back on the 21st. What are your thoughts/opinion ?
  8. Sleeve in 2017 to revision Gastric Bypass Aug 2023 - Update Hi All! I can't believe how fast time has gone! I will be going to my 6 mth check up tomorrow 2/20/24. Everything is a lot better! As of today I am 173lbs, I'll update my ticker it's still at 183. I am able to eat more varieties that I cook at home. Can't tolerate beef to well but I was never a big red meat person. I am still on the fence with salads/raw vegs though I can tolerate raw onions and tomatoes. I CANNOT eat take out! Purchased chinese for my son as he was going back to college... tried a little and was bringing it back up the rest of the night! If I eat out it has to be at a place that actually cooks food like salmon, veggies, no added anything. Food prepared at home is MUCH beter because you know what's in it. I am not doing too well with my multi because I purchased capsules that I open to put in my protein smoothies (Unjury Vanilla) which I don't take every day anymore. I just purchase the multi-vitamin patch from the bariatric store, I'll update you on that later My food is mostly a diet consistency of pescatarian due to the low cal/high protein and the ease of my system digesting the food. I would occassionally eat chicken as well (ground, poached breast etc), turkey hardly ever because the meat is not as soft as chicken. My veggies are fine steamed, some legumes & beans (occasional), as far as grains or potatoes etc I try to not do carbs at all or keep them at a bare minimum (jasmine or basati brown rice) with an occasional meal...I've really gotten into sweet potatoes as I didn't eat them a lot before. Swelling is gone, skin is good, and I can visually see the difference in pounds and inches loss especially from a side view lol. I still have work to do (vitamins, eat more, move more) and I am working on it. BTW!!!! I am back in the health & wellness field as I start my new position next week. I took a pause last summer. Now as I am on my health journey I'll be helping my patients with weight loss and adopting healthier lifestyles. My goal is to lose 13 more lbs and as you all know after running so long and you can see the finish line in sight....your legs get weary and that last sprint is the hardest. It is good to move from "morbidly obese", to "obese", to now "overweight"...do you guys feel the same? Let me know how you all are doing!
  9. Wondering if after gastric bypass has ever had bad memory problems and worser mental health issues “ since surgery my depression has got so bad i fight every day to get and have any movation to do anything every day and then i just got diagnosed with boredline personality disorder 6 months after gastric bypass and  then it seems like everyday my memory geting worse and worse but labs are good i just don’t understand it and then my narcolepsy was geting better at first now its worse but i dont know if its that or the depression talking im so depressed all the time i feel like have nothing to help me with it then everytime i walk or workout my blood sugar drops to 70 not inless i eat fuirt all day help someone 
  10. I'm prescribed MM for diabetic neuropathy pain, and got both tinctures and edibles and they do quell the pain and burning enough to allow me to have a restful sleep. Taking the same amount with both, the edibles are way less effective, so...I'm thinking I can no longer process them correctly due to my bariatric surgery? Does anyone have any experience with this or know that this is a fact? Thanks.
  11. Hello all. I'm 11 years out from my bypass and lost 150 lbs. I maintained 135 pounds surgeon wanted 125) up until COVID where I gained 10 pounds. I was able to get an overstitch last November and dropped back down. In the past 2 months I've gained 6 pounds and I am unable to figure out what's different now. I'm holding steady, but the body contouring is on hold until I get back down. Any suggestions? Thoughts? Thank you.
  12. Anyone here had a Mini Bypass reversal? I'd really like to get some feedback please..
  13. Hello all! I’m scared for my surgery on Monday because I have had grade 4 EE , hernia & weight stall etc. I’m very nervous this time around because… the odds / number of procedures. Has anyone else ,here, had so many revisions? 😔😔😔 any words of encouragement or advice? THANK YOU!
  14. Had my bypass surgery 1.5.24 by Dr weiner

  15. Anybody out there? I haven't scheduled yet, but it will certainly be in November. I'm still doing a little research, a bit nervous about traveling to Mexico by myself. Can't wait to hear from others. Thanks and I will keep you posted.
  16. Hi a little on what’s happened to me. 16 months ago I had to have gastric sleeve as my hiatus hernia and other issues had strangled my stomach. I had the hiatus hernia repaired at the same time. 4 weeks later I had to go in for a stretch as I couldn’t stomach soft foods. 3 months later I was still on purée and soft soft foods. We did more testing and surgery again to fix the hiatus. Things didn’t progress past the purée. I was sent to our state capital to see the head surgeon. After running more tests they found more issues. My stomach had moved above my heart. Causing most of my eating issues. I had surgery #4, 8 weeks ago. After a 3 Hr operation they repaired the hiatus, fixed my Nissan fundoplication and had to staple more stomach away as I had a pouch. I was on liquid for 3 weeks, purée for 3 weeks. But a day after starting soft foods I am back to liquids/purée as everytime I ate it felt like an air bubble was blocked and I was vomiting. now everytime I drink/eat/swallow saliva I get a sharp stabbing pain. The surgeon has said I may have to have bypass. how has everyone coped with GB and any tips for me please?
  17. So I guess after gastric bypass surgery, I cant eat flock chips because they are fried???  They sell them on here so I thought I could have them. So high in protein and no carbs.  They don't bother me at all.  Help. 

    1. NickelChip


      It's possible for a very high fat meal to cause dumping in some (30% or so) gastric bypass patients, although it's more likely to be triggered by high sugar, or by the high fat/high sugar combo (think ice cream, donuts). Dietitians will tell you to never do anything that isn't 100% healthy ever again. Realistically, you should aim for a good balance of protein, carbs, and fat each day. Should you eat fried foods every day? No. Is it possible they will make you sick? Maybe. Is it okay to eat some to see what happens and have them for a treat every now and again? Yes.

    2. Prdgrdma
  18. Hello everyone! I just wanted to see who was going to be joining me in November 2023 for surgery. I am super anxious and just looking for others who i can talk with about the upcoming changes and build a little support group. My surgery is 06 Nov 2023! I am planning to start my pre op diet 23 Oct and dreading it but I know its the first step to being a new person. Anyone else feeling the jitters before their surgery?
  19. Need help and info on days post op and foods hi I’m new to the group and have so many questions, I had Roux-en-Y Bypass gastric bypass…. so rule of thumb is followed Weeks 1 and 2: Liquid diet Weeks 3 and 4: Puree diet Weeks 5 to 8: Soft diet After 8 weeks: Regular diet But I’m having issues sticking to this, I need help and advice on what I’m doing and if I’m wrong to do this and I can’t find answers, so I’m day 10 post op now as I had my surgery on the 2nd December 2023, first few days kept to the liquid diet that being said I’m struggling with taking so much fluids, any way I would say day 7 I feel fine no issues or anything when I drink the shakes etc and they are thickish shakes so day 8 post op I tried a chunky soup it was potato and leak I chewed the chunks before swallowing and yeah only managed like 4 spoons and done I’m full….. but today 10 days post op again should only be on liquid but I had mash and beans and again only a few mouth fills filled me and I’m fine no pains or anything….. I know they say people heal at different rates inside etc and I do know I heal quick from surgery’s Iv had in the pact ext…… so my question is am I moving to fast is this safe for me to continue should I slow down and go back to what the plan is supposed to happen because with me only being 10 days post op I’m eating at week 3-4 puree diet and to be honest I think I might be ok moving onto week 5-8 soft diet in a few days…. just any advice of anyone who has had this issues or may know a answer from experience or knowledge. many thanks. Meg. From UK. (Manchester)
  20. Hi. My brother is seriously considering to do the mini gastric bypass. He will be the third member in our family to do it. First it was my sister and me in Egypt and now it is his turn. He is currently working in Bangladesh and travelling to Egypt for the surgery is not a viable option for him. Anyone over here who had their MGB or WLS in India? Any recommended surgeons or hospitals to consider? Anyone had their WLS at Dr. AMAR BARIATRIC & METABOLIC CENTER? Thanks in advance
  21. Hey everyone, My name is Sarah. I am 34 years old. I had VSG 13 years ago. Going from 335 pounds down to 180 in 18 months, I was considered a success. I have been through 2 pregnancies and as the years passed, the pounds crept back on. I am currently back to 290, and i suffer from SEVERE GERD daily. If I do not take heartburn medication several times a daily, i will be in agony and vomiting stomach acid despite what I choose to eat. I have had an endoscopy and I have a hiatial hernia and a lot of scar tissue. I am going to be converting my sleeve to a full gastric bypass in the upcoming month. During the procedure my hiatial hernia will be repaired and excess scar tissue removed. I am wanting to know if anyone else has had this conversion surgery. How did you feel afterward? How was the recovery and do you feel the conversion was it worth it? Who has gained weight back after sleeve and do you suffer from severe GERD and heartburn daily? Thank you for any input Sarah
  22. I had gastric bypass surgery in 1997. In 2019 I started having esophageal spasms. Since that diagnosis, 2 spasms have sent me to the ER. The first trip to the ER was via ambulance. Anyone else experiencing this and can share some wisdom?
  23. What has your experience been with having the sleeve to bypass revision? How was the recovery? Do you have many more food aversions? More dumping? More severe hair loss? I'm considering the revision due to GERD and I want to hear all the stories before I commit.
  24. I know I should probably talk to my doctor, but has anymore changed their mind on which weightloss surgery to have? I have one more step left on Monday before everything is submitted to insurance for approval. I chose the sleeve 7 months ago when I had my 1st and only appointment with the Bariatric surgeon - I only entertained the surgery initially as a less invasive procedure compared to back surgery per my primary care dr. However, after completing the 6 month dieting for insurance purposes and learning about my eating habits, how my body responds, etc., and by doing a lot more research, I strongly feel Bypass will be better for me in the long run. My question is will I have to start this whole process over, although it hasn't been submitted to insurance yet?

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