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  1. Hi @Emilieh26 I've smoked a few joints since surgery but not until about a month out, I have gotten munchies once or twice but have been fine. I'd just make sure you have healthy things to snack on. Personally I wouldn't mix alcohol + THC so close to surgery, but thats just me. I have no advice on molly or coke, they're both appetite suppresants so I can't imagine you'd get hungry however I'd be careful to not get dehydrated with molly, remember you probably won't be able to tank water if you get thirsty. Stay safe!
  2. AmberFL

    The unspoken rule

    Thank you for posting! I have been wondering the same, however I was a daily drinker. Never drunk but after work I enjoyed 2-3 High Noons/ hard seltzers. I developed a high tolerance. On the weekend I would drink and party, Honestly I am scared to start up again. I haven't had any alcohol since September and I feel better, but I would be lying if I said that i don't miss it and haven't been tempted. Everyone's input has been really helpful!
  3. Take advantage of this time to train yourself. I stopped soda, caffeine, vaping, and alcohol when I entered the bariatric program and I am so glad I did. I would have died if I waited to stop after I got the surgery LOL! Honestly I drink a lot of water and chew a lot of gum. If that doesn't work a sugar free popsicle is my go to! Remember no one is perfect, there are up and downs in this journey and as long as you track, eat what your supposed to with minimal "cheating" you will lose weight. What you put into it will come to fruition! I cannot wait to hear about your journey!
  4. I'd like to know y'all's experience with sugar alcohols/sugar substitutes. When I was in my pureed stage, my diet/menu information stated that I could eat sugar-free pudding. I had one and experienced harsh stomach pain for the entire night until the next morning. However, I recently treated myself to some plain oatmeal and added stevia packets and had no issues. I looked up the ingredients to the Jello brand sf pudding and each cup has 4g sugar alcohols. It doesn't state exactly which "itol" it has, though. Stevia (depending on how it's combined) is mostly erythritol. I'm looking for some dessert-ish foods that can satiate my sweet tooth (also trying to help my 16-yr-old daughter by replacing her regular foods with low calorie, low carb, low sugar options). When I started on my WLS journey mid-May, she became inspired and has lost 17 lbs so far! Ideas? Suggestions? Experiences?
  5. AmberFL

    Pre-op Food Question

    I have been so good by not drinking alcohol, carbonated beverages and caffiene. I feel like deserve 1 cocktail but I needed reassurance LOL thank you ❤️
  6. I'm 3 yrs out and have memory loss. Don't know if it's related to that or being a alcoholic now. Depression sucks Sent from my SM-G998U using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. BabySpoons

    The unspoken rule

    I was cleared to drink alcohol 3 months after RNY surgery which coincided with the 4th of July holiday here in the USA last year. My nutritionist suggested vodka and SF cranberry juice. I nursed that one drink all night long sitting around the campfire at the lake that night. I will admit that I'm a bit of a control freak too, so I was careful not to drink enough to do anything stupid. And TBH I enjoyed the feeling it gave and although it tasted good, I still missed my usual go to frozen Strawberry Margarita or red beer. But on the average, I only drink a few times a year and can't see that changing because of WLS.
  8. ShoppGirl

    Modified Duodenal Switch

    Two questions. One I thought I read somewhere that caffeine was a no no post SADI?? Or was it just carbonation, maybe. After I gained it all back I started back on my Coke Zero and I have to kick that again pre op if sugar alcohol is bad. I gave it up for over two years so I can do it though. Second, , have you eaten out yet? If so, How are you with oils and stuff that they tend to sneak in even the “healthier options” I am a little worried I won’t be able to eat in public ever again.
  9. Hi All! Lately, I have been receiving attention for my weight loss, mostly positive. People have been asking me how I lost the weight. I prefer to keep my surgery private and only a select few know about it because I do not want to hear negative comments. When people ask how I did it, I say, "Thank you! I have been following a low carb diet, walking every day, and not drinking alcohol." Recently, someone commented on how quickly I lost the weight on this diet, and for a moment, I worried that they might be thinking I was using drugs. LOL Does anyone use different excuse?
  10. Wildflower Bohême

    Mashed-up Sugar-free Peanut Butter Cups on Pureed Diet OK?

    Found my surgeon's answer about sugar alcohols in my paperwork: "Avoid sugar alcohols... If something you eat has sugar alcohol, make sure it contains 7 grams or less to avoid dumping syndrome." The Reese's has 12g, so that's my answer. Oh well, probably for the best. Thanks for bringing that up.
  11. (I feel like everything I ever see Arabesque comment is 100% brilliant) Can you reach out to your care team as well? My team only technically offers medical care for a year after surgery, but said I can call if I need guidance after that. They may be able to offer referrals if needed, etc. I think it's important, too, to make sure you don't punish yourself. (I don't know if you are, but throughout my lifetime of weight struggles I feel like many of my friends and relatives reluctantly admit to the same thing, where you look down at yourself / judge yourself or even 'punish' yourself for what you perceive as failings.) We're all a Work In Progress. Food can be an addiction just as much as drugs, tobacco, alcohol, or any 'bad habit'. One of my old therapists said that just like many AA members consider themselves 'in recovery' for the rest of their lives, we should look at our relationship with food also as an ongoing journey. You've got this.
  12. ms.sss

    The unspoken rule

    being on these forums long enough i would assume that one should realize by now that everyone is different. we say/post it multiple times a day, every day. i don't like weight lifting . it's don't like olives. i don't like talking about my wls. others don't feel the same way. i get that. we are all different people getting our own versions of joy. i may not make the same connections to things as you do, and thats cool. i mean, some people have sex every day while others don't. some people weigh themselves every morning others don't. some people read books while others don't. why do people drink too much and become alcoholics? alcohol is so gross. this line if thinking is the close sibling to why do people eat too much and get fat? being fat is so gross. to paraphrase you: "but how did you get to the point where <eating> was enjoyable enough to do it often <that u end up being 300 lbs>?" the incredulity in your post is loud and clear...but really, if u think about it, its not that impossible to understand (especially from the point of view from a person who was morbidly obese) your intention may be not to sound judgy...but in my very insignificant opinion, you kinda do. but i mean, you are entitled to say whatever you want. i guess i just wanna ask you to take a pause and reflect on how ur post may or may not have come across. sorry. 😔 i don't normally weigh in this heavily in anonymous internet chats as i hate confrontation, but this touched a wee nerve for me. (i may just delete this post after i overthink it to death...we shall see...i have already edited this post a gazillion times in my overthinking, ha.)
  13. Arabesque

    Food Before and After Photos

    Eggs have never been an issue until last year. Love omelettes and scrambled eggs were what i ordered if we went out for breakfast. Oh devilled eggs. Used to make them a lot in the 70s can’t believe they’re still so popular. Somethings just always taste good. I do like a fresh prawn salad with a Marie Rose sauce … a prawn cocktail in other words. 😁 $65 for a salad. Yikes! This is what I don’t like. How we get caught with paying a lot for food or alcohol we just can’t eat or drink anymore or subsidising others’ meals (bill splitting). Think I recently shared about wanting to get a single glass of champagne for myself but was forced to join the group purchase of a bottle. I didn’t even have one full glass while they had almost 2 glasses each. My share cost me 1.5 x the price of a single glass I wanted to order. While lovely it was as an expensive bottle. And the bun less halloumi burger I once ordered. Charged the same $18 price & got a slice of tomato, a small lettuce leaf & a slice of halloumi. Sigh!!
  14. Clueless_girl


    I have had insomnia since I was a kid and have to change sleep meds every few years. Oh and I have anxiety/ocd and ADHD. I was on an extended release form of ambien prior to surgery and just like you, I found that it stopped working. I had to add alprazolam to it to sleep through the night, but that's not great long term. My therapist said because of the absorption rate, going back to the highest dose of ambien should fix that. Unfortunately I still struggled to sleep more than 3 hrs unless I added the alprazolam again. But I recently tried alcohol free zzzquil in its place and it does the trick! I started with a 15ml dose and I'm adjusting down from that, because it was a little hard to wake up the first time but I wasn't groggy at all. Hopefully this works for you too or gets you closer to something that does!
  15. summerseeker

    Liquid diet & tiredness

    Great insights. May I also add that we don't realise how much sugar is in our diets pre surgery and our bodies are really used to using this as energy. Take this away and oh boy the body slump is real. The symptoms can be extreme like the withdrawal from alcohol. Shakes, headaches, tiredness, skin irritation. I was allowed coffee and tea, I would have been a mess with out it. I just toned down the strength of it post op so that it was a little kinder to my new stomach. Doing the pre op diet can be as hard as pre op. Be kind to yourself
  16. SomeBigGuy

    Protein shakes

    I have the best luck with the Fairlife 30g shakes and their 26g and 42g "core" shakes. They dont' have that chemical taste that most other shakes have, and taste closer to a Nesquick. They do have monk fruit and sucralose in them, but I've been able to tolerate them. I am sensitive to a lot of sugar alcohols (sorbitol and xylitol in particular) which trigger a bad insulin response for me, but I haven't had that experience with the Fairlife brand. Premier protein isn't bad, but I think Fairlife tastes a lot better. They can be hard to find, but I've had the best luck checking at Sams Club (or Costco / BJ's Wholesale if they're in your area). They sell out fast, so I check in the morning and place a pick up order for after work.
  17. I am not open about my surgery. Very few choice people know that I have gotten done. When they ask how I lost weight I say, I am sticking to a lower carb diet, cut out alcohol and am walking for 30min 5x a week. This is all true so technically I am not lying lol If they ask why I have lost so much, I just tell them well because my family all have health issues so I want to take control before that happens to me. Usually works. I get compliments and when people ask "Have you lost weight?" I just smile and say ya a little. I just make it light and don't make a big deal about it. This is my journey no one elses.
  18. AmberFL

    Had my psych eval!

    this was the last of them I believe! He said that I need to stick to the vitamins, decaf, no alcohol and be strict because surgery will be with in 30days? But i have to weigh in today (not worried I have am less than the goal they gave me) but they want me to meet with the dietician. Also, I am not a fan of her! she is just cold, and not helpful. I communicated this to the psych and idk if that will hinder that.
  19. Has anyone who healed from gastric bypass , tried to snort cocaine ? Did it cause stomach ulcers? I know it's rough on the digestive system. Did it give you the same rush of dopamine, no appetite, and extra energy as before surgery ? " I am not saying i do or did cocaine" I am just asking questions, to learn, how our body changes after surgery. The coca leaf, is a plant grown in the ground, just like marijuana, people chew on it, in south America for extra energy. The surgeons allow you to use prescribed, amphetamine salts that are crushed not xr. aka adderall . so what's the difference.? I am not talking about people with heart issues, or high blood pressure . Not mixing cocaine with alcohol either , that makes the toxic drug, cocaethylene. I understand cocaine is addictive, and illegal so spare me the addiction transfer speeches. I guess my question is has anyone survived life, after gastric bypass surgery, without dying after a few lines of Blow ? Without stomach ulcers etc? Has anyone tried it and got no dopamine reward ? because of the surgery ? I read a few articles explain something about stomach bile?
  20. NCL04321

    Protein infused water

    yes they do! They all do except for alcohol and sodas
  21. KathyLev

    April 2023 GSV updates?

    I had mine in May of 2023. I'm doing great , thanks for asking ! I've been eating low carb ,very small portions and except for a months long stall, everything is going a-ok I haven't had any carbonated drinks or alcohol so far, but I don't miss it. My stomach handles everything good with no problems. I'm down 2 sizes and couldn't be happier ! All my lab work have been perfect and I'm off 3 meds that I took for a long time. Diabetes is no longer in my future ! How have you been since your surgery ? You lost a ton !!!!!
  22. SleeveToBypass2023

    The unspoken rule

    This is more of what I was looking for when I posted my question. I was, in no way, judging anyone for what they do and don't like. Personally, I couldn't get past the taste or smell of alcohol enough to get to the point where I liked it enough to do it everyday, or even every once in a while. What I was more curious about was if it was that way for others of if they liked it right from the beginning. I know some people in my everyday life that hate the taste but drink it for the effects it gives, and that's more important to them than how it actually tastes. I know some who actually like the taste. And some who don't care either way but drink it in social settings more to fit in than anything else. So I was wondering how those on here that refuse to give it up (or even those that have no real opinion on it but still drink just because) got there. Do they have an addiction to it? Do they just enjoy the taste? Do they not care either way? I always wonder the same thing about cigarettes. I hate the taste and smell, the idea that if I smoke, others could breathe in the 2nd hand smoke and it could hurt them, how it makes clothes/skin/cars/furniture/breath smell, etc... My mom smoked like a chimney and I never understood it. I'm not judging anyone who smokes, either. I literally just don't understand it. I have an addiction to food, and I don't know why I turned something that I had a normal relationship with into an addiction that was slowly killing me. I don't know why it took having a major surgery to help me get back in control and on track. But I know food tastes good. Food smells good. There are exceptions, of course, but it's easy to find the good stuff. Since I've never thought of drugs, alcohol, or smoking as the good stuff, I'm always curious how anyone gets started on it to begin with. I know I can't go back to eating the way I did, or refusing to change the way I did things, or else I'll be right back to where I started. But why it took a surgery to get me here? I honestly don't know. I've been on here long enough that people should know I don't have ill intentions when I ask a question. I have a genuine curiosity, and the only way people learn, is to ask.
  23. Arabesque

    Starting to regret wls 11 month post-op

    I’m sorry you’re feeling this way. Break ups can be very hard. I had a bad one when I was about your age & went through a period of depression & anxiety. Ended up leaving my job & moving back home. The depression coloured everything in my life. It may be doing the same for you too & causing you to regret the surgery & a change of behaviour that has bought you many benefits (weight loss, health improvements, more active, fewer restrictions, etc,). Yes, I’m considerably older than you & that means I can look at things differently than you so I don’t mind if you think I’m talking rubbish & don’t understand. 🙂 My friends are big eaters & drinkers & the first couple of times we went out after my surgery I felt a little uncomfortable & conspicuous because I sipped one alcoholic drink for hours, took a while to eat & ordered small plates. Then I realised, I wasn’t going out with them to eat & drink, I was going out with them to spend time with them. What I ate or didn’t eat & what I drank or didn’t drink was irrelevant. It was our friendship that was important. We socialise often (though likely not as often as you). At each others’ homes, bars, fine dining restaurants, etc. My surgery & food choices haven’t stopped us or slowed us down once (oh, except when they wanted to go to an high tea with unlimited champagne - I rarely eat sweet & one glass of champagne would be ample so not worth it. We did dinner instead.) Actually one of my friends decided to have surgery the year after me though she is more flexible in her food & drinking choices than me. Another one wants to have the surgery. And the fourth in our group, has slowed her eating & is making better food & alcohol choices. Not for anything I’ve said. I guess I’ve become a bit of a role model for a healthier life. LOL! Maybe have a chat with someone, like a therapist, about how you’re feeling to help you work through this.
  24. Some of the shakes can cause constipation because of the extra fibre many contain to fill you up - it can bind you up. So I’d probably avoid the Benefibre pre surgery - it’s great after surgery. Try a stool softener to get things moving. For the diarrhoea check if your shakes, popsicles & jello contain sugar alcohols. They’re sugar alternatives used to sweeten many foods & drinks. They that end in ‘ol’ like xylitol, sorbitol, etc. They’re renowned for causing diarrhoea (bloating & cramping) if you consume too much. How much is too much differs person to person. It can become a bit of a cycle. Diarrhoea then constipation cause you’ve cleaned out your bowels. Then diarrhoea again.
  25. Rahhh … I’m still stalled! Trying to keep with the onwards and upwards mentality even if it would be much easier if the scales were going downwards … managed 26k steps yesterday so that’s a plus. Starting to get homesick from travelling so much for work. I get back home to Paris on Saturday and have to leave again Thursday. I then have nearly 3 weeks non stop without getting home again. I’m finding it complicated to make good food choices and have enough protein. I’ve basically been having milky coffee and potatoes as a main food groups for the last few days. I hate protein shakes, I don’t really eat meat ( and strictly no pork), I don’t really eat fish ( and strictly no shellfish or seafood). At home I can do cheese and chickpeas and lentils and tofu etc etc but being out and about so much is complicated. I did hit 12 weeks no alcohol on Tuesday which is a big win for me because I’ve never thought I’d make it so far and the not drinking is getting easier day by day to resist the temptation. And also I sort of told myself that I go 24 weeks (6 ish months rounded down) so I’m half way through.

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