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Found 17,501 results

  1. catwoman7

    New obsessions

    I wouldn't make a huge effort to stop. I started freaking out when I got down into the 130s (and looked pretty awful, to be honest), but like so many people, after being there for awhile (my body kind of stopped on its own), my weight started heading up again. It's very common to have a rebound of 10-20 lbs after hitting bottom. That's one reason it's probably a good thing I got into the 130s, because after that rebound, I ended up where I originally wanted to be.
  2. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    So relieved to report I finally dropped to a new "lowest weight" after my 2-week stall. Weighed in at 198.6 this morning, a drop of 0.6 since yesterday. I really hope that might continue a few days at least before I hit the next rough patch. The cravings for sweets and carbs are real! I'm fortunate that I do feel a lot of restriction, or at least I do if I am eating the right kinds of foods. I can only manage about 2-3 oz (60-85g) of heavier proteins, which include salmon, poultry, beef, and pork. I also get full at around 4 oz (100g) veggies. Sadly, if I do eat bread or crackers, they seem to go down easy. Same with ice cream or candy. I had really hoped that wouldn't be the case. It makes it that much more important for me not to keep those types of things in the house. I'm struggling with what to eat, especially for breakfast. Nothing sounds good. I'm tired of plain yogurt and cottage cheese. I'm tired of protein shakes and smoothies. I was enjoying smoked salmon with cucumbers on rye crisp bread until last week when it made me violently ill. I've become repulsed by eggs. Plus, I don't usually get hungry until later in the morning. Today, I decided to wait, and I finally started to feel some real hunger at 10:00am. So, I'm having a leftover big Italian meatball from dinner a few nights ago. Lunch and dinner options aren't much easier. Cooking is a hassle when you can eat so little, and my kids don't like the kinds of things I can eat. But I worry it sets me up for grazing when I don't have a plan. I'd really like to do some meal prep and have a list of maybe 10 go-to meals that are bariatric approved and easy to make any time of day. I'd like to spend a few hours roasting a sheet pan of veggies and cooking some chicken to store in the fridge for the week and incorporate into meals. I need to clean out the fridge and pantry. I just don't seem to have the motivation to do any of it. It's like all my energy has run dry, although my bloodwork came back good so it's not an issue of something being off. Just my attitude, I guess! I'm feeling stressed and a little overwhelmed, and it shows in my environment because my house is getting cluttered and I have a pile of laundry that is quickly going to consume me. What I wouldn't give for a housekeeper to keep the place tidy and my own cook to make healthy meals and deliver them to me at appropriate times during the day.
  3. ok...so a real-time anecdote/example to the breakfast debate! woke up this morning at my normal time of 5:30am i usually go to hot yoga around 10 or 11, but this morning i went to a 6:30 class (wanted to try out a new instructor). got home at 8, started to feel super hungry at 9, and i just finished a piece of toast with 1 over easy egg about 20 mins ago. it is now 9:47 am and i am feeling lethargic and full and i wanna go to sleep. am on the couch right now waiting to digest so i can lay down already. boo breakfast (or early day eating, whatever u wanna call it). lets see how much i end up eating today...
  4. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Since having my gastric bypass, I've felt from the beginning that I can take more food or liquid in than I should. I keep reminding myself that Just because I can, doesn't mean I should. I know the further out from surgery the more you will be able to eat, to a point at least. I get hungry all the times as well. But, I don't eat a lot every time I do eat. Breakfast, lunch and dinner is my biggest meals. Then I snack in between. I think it's my body telling me I need fuel. I ride a stationary bike every day for 8-10 miles. When the scale doesn't move, I can see and feel my body changing. Remember- Just because you can, doesn't mean you should!
  5. Hello everyone its been a while since ive been on here. If you want to check out my previous posts you will see i had quite a few struggles and bouts of depression because of those struggles. But since then things have gotten a lot better. I started the program itself at a weight of 395. I had my sleeve done on 01/18/2024 (i was 367 on that day) and my current weight as of today is 294. Im just wondering if i am losing the way i should be at this point. Ive tried a few online calculators but they just confused me lol. I know for a fact im not getting all of my protein like i should be or water intake because i just get full so fast! (not that im complaining TOO much but it is annoying when something is good lol). I always take my vitamins and such thankfully ive never missed a beat on that. I have my gym membership but i havent been going as much as i should be i get in maybe 2 times a month but i will pick back up on that. Im not just sitting around the house though i have 3 kids and a spouse so relaxing isnt possible until bedtime LOL. Anyway i just wanted to know what you all think of my weight loss so far, and if you think the loss ive gotten at this point is on track. I meet with my 6 month check in next month of course but just wondering until then.
  6. JennyBeez

    18th June surgery date.

    Yeah, agree with @ms.sss -- everyone seems to get a slightly modified version from their care team, and it's best to just follow what directions they might give you. Part of this is also because different care teams also encourage different types and dosages of supplements, but also because everyone's medical history and starting point on their WL journey can have different requirements that need to be met. (Some of us have various co-morbidities like Heart issues, blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, etc...) For example, my schedule was: Day 1-2: clear liquids Week 1 & 2: Liquids & Protein Shakes Week 3 & 4: Purees Weeks 5-9: Soft Foods Week 10+: introducing more variety of healthy foods
  7. @BlondePatriotInCDA and @SleeveToBypass2023 This discussion has inspired me to talk to the bariatric surgeon I switched to here in Fort Worth when I see him on a post-op follow up appt on 6/10/24 as I want to discuss how his practice is managing this new set of 'tools' with their bariatric surgery patients. I wish he'd been my original bariatric surgeon. Due to abdominal pain I've been chasing for 2 yrs (right side) I ended up referred to him. TOMORROW, he is performing an investigative laparoscopic procedure to 'scope' the inside of my pouch and see if some of the occasional 'old blood' I have in my er..stools and the pain that hits out of nowhere that feels like my intestines are knotting up, is related to any issue inside the pouch or with scar tissue. I've already done an upper & lower GI in May, gall bladder has been gone for 2 yrs, had a CT-scan, etc. Wish me luck tomorrow. I'm looking at it as very nice and expensive nap with hopefully useful information obtained. I'm also curious what he has to say about my pouch now that it has been 5 years. Is he gonna say 'wow, you sure managed to stretch that sucker!'...lol
  8. Yeah, I worry that people, including 'us bariatric surgery patients' who haven't done the mental/headspace work (and I don't mean this in reference to the 2 people you know that have done the weight loss injections) that most of us try to look or are 'made to look at' at when preparing for gastric bypass will have to stay on them 'forever'. Of course, doing a sleeve or gastric bypass is a very permanent 'anatomical' decision that can, if we are not vigilant also not be successful in the long term for people who feel the surgery is the 'only fix' needed. Since all of my health issues are already under control after my gastric bypass - I NEVER had high blood pressure despite weighing almost 400 lbs and I was not a diabetic but I could tell the toll that being that heavy was taking on my body (my knees, sleep apnea, DVT's/PE's, etc.) I was leery of doing anything that would require 'forever' outside of the bypass surgery. I'm looking for a new therapist right now that specializes not only in anxiety and depression but in working with bariatric patients/weight loss as I know I can I have to be constantly vigilant with my headspace or NOTHING will work. I also am not willing to take the shots for the rest of my life for myself. For other people weighing risks versus benefits I can see this being a highly individualized and personal decision especially if weight loss surgery is not an option for them no matter the reason (leery of it, insurance won't pay, BMI not high enough, etc.). Everyone's journey is their own. The only thing I advocate is for everyone to be as informed as possible and to do their research and make the best decision for themselves. I need to do more research about long term implications of these drugs, but I haven't found much data out there (too new to have that much historical data yet). I'm within 10 lbs of when I told the clinic I'm going to that I would be tapering off and ending the weekly shots. Will try to remember to post more when I've been off the shots for more than a couple of months to talk about struggles or successes I have.
  9. I'm 10 months post op and have been in a stall for months and I've been contemplating starting a semiglutide. I've never not been hungry, nor have I been able to stop the constant food drum beat in my head even a few weeks post surgery so I fully understand the "white knuckling" it part. I've spoken to my surgeons office dietician and the psychologist at the clinic who actually was the one who suggested it after I told her the "food chatter" is so bad that its become my walking cadence "I am still hungry" over and over. I spoke with the psychologist because I wanted help with my anger, anger over the fact I went through all this to get healthy, stop the constantly thinking of food ...I've done and have been doing my part: I'm still "hungry" and no matter how much protein (80 grams) I eat, sticking to my 800 calories, drinking my water....my brain says eat. I'm tired of the constant battle. I'm angry because I'm doing everything I'm supposed to do...and yet I'm right back to the diet mind games I have to do ...work out instead of eating, clean the house..hoping the chatter will be blocked off or side tracked....etc.. I'm tired of this battle..I don't mind IF the weight is coming off, its a battle with results but it hasn't been for two plus months now the same two pounds over and over. So I understand what you're saying wanting it to help..and why you tried it! I'm glad to hear its worked for you! I have an appointment with my GP in 2 weeks to request the prescription as recommended by the psychologist and dietician. We shall see because there is NO way I can afford to pay $1000 A month. How long before did it shut off the brain chatter? At this point if it can stop that I can quit being angry...and continue to do the right things ..healthy things without the wondering why and if its worth it!
  10. Agreed catwoman7 - that was my BIGGEST concern. I was trying to remember how high into the 180's I hit and I found my paperwork. I had gone up to 187 (17 lbs over my weight I had been holding stable on and mentally remembering the 'brief period' at 167, I felt I had gained 20 lbs but it was really more like 17 from my 'stable weight). Prior gains I had ALWAYS kept within a manageable 5 to 10 lb window. We have an adult daughter with multiple mental health issues that moved back in with us over a year ago and the combined stress between her needs and my job was seriously impacting every aspect of my life. I'm also seeking a new therapist that also specializes in clients who are considering or have had bariatric surgery who can help me with multiple issues as I never want to return to food again as a 'medication' for stress and heartache.
  11. I have not although these days it's not that uncommon when someone has a re-gain (well, a somewhat major one, anyway - not 5 or 10 lbs. I do know of a couple of people who've had 40 or 50 lb re-gains who are using it, though). Obesity is a complex disease and it takes a multi-pronged approach to control it - and often for life. I see no problem with it as long as diabetics are able to get their meds, which as far as I know they ARE able to get it now.
  12. It's been 5 years since my gastric bypass. Have done fairly well in staying in my safe zone. My goal weight was 170 initially although mentally I wanted to put 150. After starting at almost 400 lbs, I wanted to see if I could even hit 170 which I did. For 2 days about 2 years ago I briefly 'dipped' down to 167! LOL. Fast forward to 9 months ago, I hit a rough patch and went up to 180'ish. I knew some folks going to a local place that compounded their own semiglutide if I understood them correctly. After asking repeated questions about whether taking this would disrupt the supply to diabetics who needed the medicine, I decided to try it. I was never one of those fortunate ones who after bariatic surgery lost the desire to eat (grehlin?). Even though I obviously had the 'restriction' kicking in due to the pouch size, I had to white-knuckle SOMETIMES during the first 6 months. Part of me feels like I cheated by introducing semiglutide but there are also people who think that weight loss surgery is the 'easy way out'. I can tell you that none of those people, in my opinion, have ever had the surgery. I actually really like the semiglutide, it removes the..trying to think of it as I saw on someone else's post, it is the first thing that has ever removed the mental 'food chatter' in my head. Sometimes I will skip weeks on the injections and I'm already making plans to taper off now that I'm down to 163. I realize I will need to be able to then try to maintain in my new 'safety zone of watching for a weight gain of more than 5 to 10 lbs over current weight. I like to nip those things in the bud. Just curious if anyone else post weight loss surgery (by years) has brought semiglutide into the picture whether to break up a stall, or to get weight gain that has started to creep up halted.
  13. jmorrisbp

    Weeks 1 & 2 Post-Op, Sleeve

    Aww-gee-thanks! I just took what my surgeon said would make me successful, made myself a plan, and did it! For anyone who has a brain that works like mine (MORE details, please!!!), this makes life easy, post-op! At my 1-week appointment, everyone was telling me I didn’t look or move like I had just had major surgery, my color was great, I looked so energized and happy - and I did! I felt so great, and this was even BEFORE I started my multi. He told me “exceeding expectations” at every follow-up appointment I’ve had, to date. All I did was what my surgeon said was the formula for success. FLUIDS, PROTEIN, MOVEMENT. It’s that easy! AND, I have lost HALF of my extra weight, as of yesterday! I’m so happy! And I haven’t done anything besides what my surgeon said would make me successful. I had lost 19 pounds on my own, before my first surgeon visit. I lost 16 lbs from my consultation to surgery date. The rest of my losses have been post-op, which has been 38 lbs, as of yesterday. Yesterday, I started Week Ten Post-Op (my surgery was April 2nd). The full long term list is: Water, Protein, Movement, Supplements, Whole Foods, Go To All Your Appointments & Participate In Any Extras Your Surgeon Offers (My surgeon does monthly group webinars with post-op patients! It’s so great!) Also, I hope nobody takes this as bragging. I just want to show if you do what they ask of you, there’s no other option besides being a success! You can’t lose! Keep it simple by remembering your basic job right now: Fluids, Protein, Movement. You CAN and WILL do it! There’s no way to fail, this time! Even if “movement” for you means walking a circle around your couch and then sitting down, that’s a start! Just move your body, drink water, get protein.
  14. ms.sss

    Weeks 1 & 2 Post-Op, Sleeve

    holy crap. i am giving you a standing ovation for sticking to that schedule for 14 days! drinking EVERY 5 minutes AND walking around EVERY 10 minutes for 12 HOURS every day???? AND still doing regular daily living stuff??? that is amazing. i can tell you are going to do very well p.s. love your spreadsheet!
  15. jmorrisbp

    18th June surgery date.

    I bought 1 oz glasses at Walmart (they’re the size of a shot glass and are 97 cents in the baking aisle). I bought 12 of them. I used 6/hour. I drank 1/2 ounce every 5 minutes. I got up and walked a lap around my downstairs after every ounce I drank. I rotated between protein shakes, protein water, regular water, fiber water (not too much at first!), popsicles, jello, collagen coffee, and Propel. This allowed me to get all my fluids and protein for the day. My first fluids every morning were 6oz of decaf coffee with collagen mixed in. BIGGEST thing to do after surgery: Get your protein, water, and movement. You do those three things and you’re good! As soon as they have you start your multivitamin and calcium, take them as directed. Take your multi and your calcium at least two hours apart. Your body can only absorb up to 500mg of calcium at a time so take calcium four hours apart. What I do, I take my multi at lunch (12:40) (because I tend to have yogurt or cottage cheese with breakfast: calcium), and I take my calcium during my 1st and 2nd snack (10:40am and 3:00 pm).
  16. JennyBeez

    9 Month Post Op Fears and Worries

    First, don't panic! And don't compare your progress to others, if you can help it. I agree with everything Nickel said -- including the book rec. Kristin Willard's Bariatric Meal Prep is a great resource, and I also really like "The High-Protein Bariatric Cookbook" by Stacey Gulbin and "Fresh Start Bariatric Cookbook" by Sarah Kent. I think a good Bariatric book might help cover some of the information you've been missing from your 'care-team'. Is it possible that you've been focusing extra/too much on calories and not enough on what makes up those calories? My team told me that calories can be important (especially later on) but the first several months it was definitely more about making sure you're getting enough nutrients. 60-80 g protein per day minimum -- my team told me for me personally, she'd actually recommend 70-90g -- and definitely 3 meals a day (+ 1-2 protein-geared snacks). If you have to make them smaller at first since you're used to eating two meals, that should be ok. Maybe while you get back into a regular routine, make one of your meals a protein shake or protein bar? It was suggested to me that both my day (and each meal) should be 50-60% protein, and the rest of my plate should be mostly non-starchy veg -- with any starchy veg or complex carb coming in at 10-15% (20% max). The types of carbohydrates can be really important too. A whole grain/whole wheat item or a starchy but nutritious veg is going to put you in a much better place than a processed corn taco or white tortilla. Are you taking any supplements? Also, maybe check out local nutritionists and see if any of them have experience with bariatric patients.
  17. Hi Sarah! I did not have that fear at first, but I can tell you that if you do not meet your fluid and protein goals you will run yourself into the ground. Trust me! I am 6 weeks post op, and after 2 weeks, I didn't drink my fluids or have my protein. When I took a shower one night, I came VERY close to passing out. The plan is so important (and sometimes really annoying) to follow, but it is for your safety, health, and to achieve the weight loss that you desire. Drinking fluids (all 64 ounces +) will really help your weight loss. I worry about stretching my stomach out later on. Like, if I succumb to mental hunger and have something that I should not have, and I just keep eating it because it tastes good - but I am told it will take a LOT to get it stretched out. I know it will eventually stretch out some, but nothing like it was. Good luck on your journey! I hope the worrying subsides and you are able to heal and start seeing the good things. My first non-scale victory was putting on a pair of jeans I hadn't worn in years and they fit...comfortably. Those are the kinds of things that keep you going. I'm down 38lbs since 4/10 (pre-op diet) and 23lbs since my surgery. I haven't weighed in a bit, so hoping it's more like 25-30lbs since surgery, but as long as it keeps going down, I'm good.
  18. I don't like Semaglutide....too many side effects. I looked into it for a bit before surgery, and it wasn't worth it IMHO. I have had a few friends on it that it caused too many issues, and they quit taking it. And both of them didn't lose much weight 5-10 pounds. One of my other friends take it and she does well with it, lost 40-50 pounds, however once she stops taking it, she gains everything back and then some. So now she has to lose the weight, go off of it, then do maintenance shots with it every other month or she will gain everything back. My cousin has been taking it for ~6 months now, and she is doing really well, she lost about 60 pounds, but hasn't gone off of it yet. They are both a tool to help you, they aren't a fix all. If you think about it, you could do the same diet as Bariatric surgery, if you have the will power, and you will lose the same weight. I needed the tool to assist me, I had dieted before and lost 100 pounds, but over the years I put it all back on and then some. It is all about your mindset. I have tried many things before, phentermine, qysimia, diet/exercise, among others. The best thing that has helped has been the sleeve. It may be your best option to try semaglutide and see if it works for you, it is the cheaper option at first, and if it doesn't work and you aren't happy with it, look at other options.
  19. ms.sss

    Exercises for those who hate exercise?

    yep, yep and yep, i went from being an avid avoider or sweat pre-op, to a dedicated walker around my kitchen island post-op, to walking around the block, to walking around the block multiple times, to RUNNING around said block, to running 5K every other day...etc. i had a bit of an exercise lull (for me) due to an injured toe for a couple years for a bit back there, but today (at 5+ years out) i perform some sort of dedicated exercise 1-2 hours every day (the majority if which is in the form of pilates or hot yoga or running, with a side of 10-15 mins of strength training). full disclosure: i probably have some sort of low grade mental issue/addiction because i actually feel sorta bad or fomo-ish if i miss a day. mr. keeps telling me that need to take a rest day but i just cant seem to do it without feeling yuck. am working on it...🤷🏻‍♀️
  20. Spinoza

    Exercises for those who hate exercise?

    Early post op I liked to think about exercise as just 'moving more'. It allowed me to think of a short walk as a huge win. As I lost weight I could walk further and faster and even tried jogging a bit. And it didn't kill me. Now, at maintenance, exercise is a regular and enjoyable part of my life. It's never worked for weight loss, but it's so good for my wellbeing and cardiovascular health generally. Now I'm not morbidly obese I can do most things within reason (I'm just into my 50s now, LOL). I advise baby steps, finding something you like (I love Pilates but if you'd asked me to do it 10 or 20 years ago I would have laughed out loud). Dance classes are fun too (but I have NO co-ordination). Keep an eye on things locally and try taster sessions. Hopefully something will click with you and then it won't be a chore but a joy.
  21. How is everyone? I'm still stalled .... It's been 19 days!
  22. Hi! New here! I had VSG previously and I'm going to have the Overstitch procedure this week. If you've had this done or are thinking about it, I'd love to hear from you! I have not met my surgeon in person (phone consult) and there is a long list of medications. I'm pretty nervous about this non-invasive procedure in a way that I never was about the VSG! It could be the extensive medication list- I didn't need any prescriptions after VSG. Prilosec and Miralax daily 7 days before surgery, Zofran, Emend, and Betyl for nausea and cramping, starting the morning of surgery, and ibuprofen rx for pain. I had VSG in 2017 with no complications. I lost 115 lbs. Fast forward to 2023, 1 years after hysterectomy, I experienced about 30 lbs regain. I was having trouble losing with increased workouts and diet modifications, so I tried Mounjaro. I lost 30 pounds. I felt nauseous and fatigued the entire time I was on that, I subsisted on gingerale (I did not drink any carbonated or sugary drink before this) and cereal or saltines. I went off because I wanted a break from the side effects. I rapidly regained all that I lost and 10 more. After attempts to moderate diet again failed, I went back to my doctor. I'd read about Overstitch, but the information out there is pretty vague. Basically, I know what it is and that it's available. I can't find any decent experience reviews. My doctor expects that I can easily lose between 20 and 40 lbs. Not the significant loss of VSG, but on my small frame, that's a large amount and it would bring me to a much healthier place.
  23. OMG I greatly dislike cooking but this sounds so good I’m going to make this! I do better with weight loss and maintenance with some regular structure too. I do change up cooked veggies for winter and salads for summer. I’m glad I filled up on seafood this Spring because it’s suddenly gotten costly in the US heading into summer. Best of luck with PT, it’s kept me away from knee surgery for 10 years now, good stuff if you keep it up!
  24. I had the sleeve on 4/22. I have lost 36 pounds since starting liquids. I previously had a lap band that was removed 10 years ago. With the sleeve I feel almost zero restriction. I feel I could eat as long as I wanted. I can drink and drink. I’m getting close to 2 gallons a day with no issue and have been from first day post op. I am hungry all the time. I don’t feel satisfied ever. I’m restricting myself to 1200 calories a day. I thought this would be more like the band where you felt full. I hate being constantly hungry. I’m at a loss. I read other people saying they they can only eat small amounts and have to struggle to get the protein and I think I wouldn’t mind some of that.
  25. FifiLux

    Exercises for those who hate exercise?

    If you have access to a pool and don't mind being seen in a swimming costume aqua aerobics is nice and easy to get the body moving and help joints. If you have a yard/garden even just walking around it would be good to help get you moving, or stairs if you are in an apartment complex. I am not the best when it comes to exercise but I can certainly feel an improvement in my interest and energy levels as the weight comes off. I start each day with good intentions but often procrastinate or find something else to do but I do go to aqua aerobics once a week since February and since last month I am doing pilates once a week. I believe in turning up if I have paid so signed up for a year of the aqua aerobics and doing the pilates in 10 block sessions. At home I do the One and Done program, seven minutes every two days or three days depending on how I am feeling. Again as I paid for it, think $30, I use it and I can feel the difference. I also have an stationary bike that I use once a week or so if I haven't done any other exercises. I just do about 5km at a time as I find it boring but I am sure any little helps. My main problem area is my legs (ankles to thighs) as I have bad lipedema and while they have gone down in size since my sleeve surgery they still do me no favours in the appearance department so I am just trying to target them as much as possible.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
