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Found 1,238 results

  1. I hit my three-week stall. Actually gained two pounds. Not even discouraged. I may lose those by weeks end. No pun intended but I'm looking at the big picture. In time I'll be right where I need to be.

  2. Just be patient. It is impossible to eat as few calories as we eat post surgery and not lost weight. Your body is just adjusting. I have learned from many others on this site that happens to most of us within the first month and is often around week three and called the three week stall for that reason. If you do a search for the term you will see how common it is. Stick to your plan and you will be losing before you know it.
  3. kimbernada


    Don't forget to track how much and what you are eating. I like using My Fitness Pal. It really helped me in the beginning because it made me more aware of what nutrients I was getting in. My focus has always been to try to hit at least 80 grams of Protein. And, I had a three week stall that started week 3. They happen. I know it can be discouraging to NOT see the weight come off, but it will. I also learned early on to not weigh myself daily. Our bodies will fluctuate in weight day to day, even morning compared to night. Why? The food and fluids we eat/drink that is still in the system will increase our weight temporarily (and don't forget the other bodily functions). Pick a day and time to weigh yourself once a week. I swear it will help keep your sanity intact.
  4. catwoman7

    3 weeks out and stalled

    go up to the search box and type in "three week stall". It happens to pretty much everybody! I think your body just need to recalibrate or something. Just stick to your plan and the stall will break. I stalled for two weeks, but then I dropped like 6 or 8 lbs within a couple of days after it broke
  5. Donna Thorne

    Three week stall

    I lost 30 lbs the first three weeks after surgery, coming down from near 300 lbs. Now I have gained a pound in my 4th week. I heard this may be normal, but I feel maybe I need to buckle down even tighter on my eating, not sure. If this is true, how long did it last for you? When did you start to lose weight again?
  6. RickM


    Yep, it's the dreaded three week stall, which commonly occurs 2-3 weeks after the start of most any serious weight loss effort. This article http://www.dsfacts.com/weight-loss-stall-or-plateau.html provides a great explanation of what's happening and why. You will also probably notice that after you break this initial stall, that your weight loss will be somewhat slower as well - and this really is good news. The initial weight loss comes from your quick access energy reserves of glycogen (basically carbs,) which burn at a rate of around 2000 calories per pound, while your longer term energy reserves of fat that you will be drawing from after the glycogen stores are depleted, burn at a slower rate of around 3500 calories per pound - but it's the fat that we're trying to get rid of so that slowdown means that we're really doing what we are here to do! I never really stalled at this point, or any other for that matter, possibly because I never went seriously low carb on my diet as many do, so I never went as seriously into the glycogen deprevation mode as some (tho that is somewhat speculative,) but my loss certainly slowed down at that three week mark. Good luck and happy losing!
  7. It's normal to stall around that time. Your body is just playing catch up. It's so normal actually, I'm kind of surprised nobody warned you about it. Either search here or Google "The Dreaded Three Week Stall" and you will see it happens to 98% of us. You're doing just fine. As a matter of fact, you're even a little ahead of the game with what you've lost so far. Keep doing what you're doing and the stall will pass.
  8. Thanks. It's surreal sometimes to realize that I have lost over 200 pounds. Two hundred pounds! And yet I still feel like the same old Big Sue a lot of the time. TBH, I've been struggling a lot in many aspects of my life, so I'm not in a great place to be offering encouraging words to other WLS patients right now. I do still look at new posts, though, and I have to admire you for sticking around after all these years to educate newbies on things like the three week stall.
  9. The New Kel

    Help me understand

    Stay the course- following the diet as directed by your dietician or surgeon, and the scale will move on its own. The three week stall is just your body's way of adjusting. Too early to require changes in diet. The cool thing is that even though the scale gets stubborn at 3 or 4 weeks, your body is still transforming, for the better. If you take your waist measurements at the beginning and end of the dreaded stall, you will see a change. Your pants are going to be a little looser, despite the same wight. hang in there! We've all been there and came out great!! (I understand the frustration. My stall at 3 weeks was about a week or so).
  10. look up "three week stall". Almost everyone gets it, and it's not *always* at exactly the three-week mark. Sometimes it's the second week, sometimes fourth or fifth. But always shortly after surgery. Mine lasted two weeks - weeks 2 and 3. Then I dropped like 6 or 8 lbs the fourth week.
  11. catwoman7

    Stalled and stuck

    I can't speak to the vomiting - that's a question for your surgeon. But as for the others - yes, it's likely the infamous three-week stall, and yes - constipation is a chronic problem for many of us. Just try to keep on top of it. Some of us take Miralax every day, some take magnesium, some use stool softeners, some drink Smooth Move tea, some use some combination of things. Just figure out what works for you and keep on it.
  12. I was down about 32lb the first month, starting at 292 & BMI around 42. I'm now down about 100 at seven months and just about at goal (we'll see how the body comp settles out - that's the actual goal.) Whether you stall or not at the typical three week mark, your loss will slow markedly at that point. Initially you are burning mostly glycogen (some stored carb and protein) which burns at a rate of around 2000cal per pound. Once those stores are consumed, you actually start burning the fat that we are trying to lose, but it comes off slower, at around 3600cal per pound. I never had the dreaded three week stall, but the loss curve sure flattened out some right at that time.
  13. Welcome to the site! Hang in there...i just came off an almost three week stall. They happen then they are gone and the weight begins to fall off again!!! Keep track of what you are eating to help stay the course and good luck!
  14. it's the infamous "three-week stall". If you do a search on this site for it, you will literally find over 15,000 posts on it. Almost everyone has that. Just stick to your plan and stay off the scale for a few days. It typically lasts 1-3 weeks. Your weight loss WILL start up again. And just so you know, you're likely to go through several of these on your journey.
  15. Jessee3897

    3 weeks out

    In going on week five and can attest to the three week stall. I started upping my protein and added in walking and by the middle of week four I was losing again.
  16. @@rescue4_u welcome. it's kind of a known thing called the three week stall. embrace the Stall. search for stall. stay on course!
  17. XYZXYZXYZ1955

    I am bumming out

    It sounds as though you hit the normal three-week stall, so no worries there. I'm a little confused--when you say you eat "4 ounces of protein at least" do you mean at one time? That seems like a lot at once for as relatively early as you are in the process. Are you meeting the water goals? I would not stress over meeting an arbitrary weight loss goal; focus more on the big four goals (per my surgeon): water, protein, vitamins, and exercise. Is there a reason you are not taking vitamins? They really are essential for WLS recipients--we can't get enough of what we need through our very limited diets at this point. Good luck!
  18. Did any of you go through the famous three week stall?
  19. Don't get discouraged, we have all been there. I hit a three week stall and then it broke. I have been losing 4-6 pounds a week since then.
  20. liannatx

    Stall advice

    You lost 36 lbs in a month? And you think that is slow? That is 15% of your entire body weight lost in one month. That isn't slow, that isn't even average, that is actually a very big loss. A stall is common around 3 weeks post op. Do a search and you will find literally 100s of threads on the "Three Week Stall". The weight loss has not stopped, it has just stalled so your body can adjust to this new and prolonged calorie deficit. You have probably even noticed that while you haven't lost but a few pounds during this stall that you seem to still be losing inches and size. Your calories/protein/carbs look to be on point for this stage.... keep doing what you have been doing and the loss will resume! Your results are already great and show that this is working for you.
  21. happy1957

    Am I Considered A Slow Loser?

    I too am a slow loser, but so far I have lost consistently each week with the exception of the famous three week stall that lasted 3.5 weeks. My surgery was 12-28-11, I have lost 29 lbs since my surgery and that includes the pre- liquid diet. Most people think I've lost much more. So far the skin is pretty good considering I'm and old lady. I have always been a slow loser, have less than some to lose and have age against. It came on slow, so I will be patient. I see huge life changes already. At to months I was afraid my Dr would be upset, she was elated, also counted the weight I lost prior to surgery and thought percentage wise I was ahead of schedule. I had feared her reaction and she actually made me feel so successful. Keep up the good work!
  22. so, I have heard of it, the three week stall, but I don't like it very much. I think part of my problem is that I am not taking in enough fluids or just throwing them up. I just took some mirilax because I havent had a bowel movement in a week. Yes, I said a week. I have RA and am on pain medication and that doesn't help at all. so when does this stage pass. I am so discouraged!
  23. Take your vitamins and KEEP weighing. It is very good to know where you are at in case you need to adjust your routine(Like in this case). Keep drinking your water and the weight will move. During my three week stall I gained 3 pounds and thought WTF!! I now stick to 600-700 calories and low carb, woohoo!! Keep going, no worries, you can do this!!
  24. insta_adventurer

    Non scale victory

    The dreaded three week stall. Just stick to your plan. My three week stall lasted a frustrating three weeks, but many only stall for a few days to a week. It’s completely normal and you are doing the right thing by focusing on inches! 😀
  25. Inner Surfer Girl

    A weight plateau after 3 weeks?

    Our bodies are complex systems, not simple machines. @@Babbs has a great explanation of the technical/biological reason for the three week stall.

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