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Found 191 results

  1. Thank you so much. I have read so many posts on here, but it seems that MOST are younger. I am not as worried about hair loss as I am about skin and complications. I have NEVER been comfortable wearing a tank top/sleeveless shirt, and it is one of my hopes that I will be able to someday, I know that sounds dumb, I guess it's just that I see everyone else wearing them and I want to be "normal"Good luck on your journey!!!! Sent from my SM-G930T using the BariatricPal App
  2. Yes , I'm curious to know. I worry about hair loss when I have the surgery. I've already started Biotin 5000mcg twice daily Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  3. hello all, I'm scheduled for 11/14/16 but I have been worried about hair loss...I already have thinning hair due to high blood pressure meds/age...I'm 43. Any tips,ideas on preserving my hair that I have? hair loss inevitable? will it grow back?? Sent from my SM-G900V using the BariatricPal App
  4. chycky

    Nova -Dmv

    @@pik that sounds awful, sorry to hear that. Congrats again on such success after those stumbling blocks! Do you use Protein shakes at all to supplement your diet? I worry about hair loss now and later and wonder even with larger meals how I would get in 60+ grams of protein without at least one shake.
  5. I'm just over 10 weeks post op from VSG and am worried about hair loss. It's been really good thus far but after doing some research I discovered that this usually isn't an issue for most patients till 3 months. So no more gloating for me lol I can't stand Protein shakes so I eat all my protein every day. As an average I usually hit anywhere between 60-90 grams a day and have also been using a Joico protein treatment on my hair. HW - 140kg or 308lbs SW - 132.5 or 291lbs CW 110kg or 242lbs So basically I'm wondering what other people have experienced and what their protein goals were that resulted in no hair loss? Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  6. mreckner

    Evil band out in 2014!

    I was worried about hair loss and looking older, but from what I'm hearing, as long as we keep up on our Vitamins, we should be ok. It's worth a little temporary hair loss in order to not have awful arthritis, and be able to chase my little nuggets around. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using the BariatricPal App
  7. Currently I'm taking two Flintstones Complete with Iron, and two 1000IU capsules of Vitamin D daily. That's it. It's been my regiment off and on since about two weeks pre-op. About two months post-op I switched to the Multivitamin patch (it caused skin irritation for me, but I gave the rest of the pack to my dad and it worked well for him) and then after that to Vitamin Code by Garden of Life for a few months. I switched back to Flintstones for the simplicity and reliability of them. They never cause any nausea or skin breakouts, I can buy them from a variety of stores, and I can take them on the go without Water. I eat ample Calcium so my doctor said there wasn't a need for me to take a supplement. I took collagen for a few months about six months out after reading posts on here from women who raved about it benefitting their hair, but didn't really notice much of a difference. I hadn't ever lost that much hair, though. It didn't cause any negative side effects for me, and was really inexpensive from Amazon. Some people have taken Biotin to help prevent hair loss, but many have said it has limited if any effectiveness. A few years ago I took biotin with the hope it would help with regrowth after cutting my hair too short, and it caused a massive breakout. My dermatologist told me that women with PCOS and those prone to acne should not take biotin and be very careful with all B Vitamins because they can be problematic. I was so worried about hair loss, but as mentioned above, it's been very minimal. I've lost at a slower pace than usual (but still have met my goals), and I think that might be the reason.
  8. I am a band-to-bypass revision patient, too! I have been using rogaine for a couple of years due to thin, fine hair and I was really worried about hair loss after surgery. I actually had a 2-part surgery because my band was removed a year ago last December and my bypass wasn't until April 2015. I had expected hair loss right around the time of my revision because it was 16 weeks post-op, which is when I lose my hair, but I didn't have much. After revision, however, at exactly 16 weeks I lost a lot of hair. I had been taking Biotin and using rogaine up to that point, and I do believe that it helped my hair come back much faster than it has in the past. Not only that, but it's now wavy! That was an unexpected perk! Honestly, that short period where I had "bad hair" was completely worth it, though. I would do it again in a heartbeat. Congratulations on taking back control of your health. You won't be disappointed.
  9. I am having such an issue with Protein. The thought of it makes me sick. I was fine the first two weeks post op, now I gag whenever I drink. I'm sure it's just something I will need to work through but I worry about hair loss. I'm 2 months post op and down only 36 lbs. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  10. You can continue to lose on Opti-fast but what's the likelihood of maintaining that weight loss? The more time you spend obese - the likelihood of comorbities will increase. I wish I did this surgery years ago (when I was at your weight - although I'm much shorter)! I feel like I've wasted years of my life think "I can do this on my own" - only to just get bigger every year. Now, I am 48 years old and have multiple comorbities. I'm miserable - always have aches and pains. I also can't stand the sight of myself any longer. My niece just had a baby and sent a picture of me holding her - well - I cried - I could not believe how giant I had become (I weight 289). Please don't compare the Lap Band experience with Gastric Sleeve (and remember how much improved surgery is even after 6 years). Have you talked to people who have had a band to sleeve surgery? You are at a weight that you are very likely to succeed and meet goal. I worry about hair loss too (my Mom has alopecia) - but from what I'm told - it grows back. We damage our hair all the time with coloring and straightening and don't think twice. Don't let that hold you back from surgery. If you've been through all of the pre-op testing and your surgeon, nutritionist and psych agree that the surgery is necessary - then listen to them. I know it's scary. Good luck and many prayers!
  11. elo402

    3/29 surgery buddy?!

    Yes my husband is going to go with me day of surgery. He's a nervous wreck but im ready to get the show on the road!! I was terrified but I'm past that now thank god, now I'm most worried about hair loss bc I have short hair as it is and its pink/purple/green/blue, lol. I haven't had "normal" hair in years and I'm worried about going bald lol
  12. Proud2BMe


    My 2 week pre-op diet: Week 1 All the Water, tea and sugar free drinks you want All the chicken, beef or vegetable broth you want Protein shakes (2 a day, Breakfast and lunch) Sugar free Jello Sugar free popsicles dinner is lean, unbreaded meat on a bed of greens Week 2 The same as week 1 but dinner is replaced with a third Protein shake. Don't worry about hair loss. It's not permanent.
  13. rking

    CRAZY Hair Loss!

    Man thanks for the tips! I am almost 8 weeks out and I am losing more hair than normal. I think it is due to hormones though. I am really worried about hair loss at 4 months . Also, my skin has become really dry too! Strange. I still struggle to get all my fluids in and that doesn't help.
  14. Jenkins

    Hair loss?

    I am really worried about hair loss too, I have really thin hair as it is. I have bought the entire Nioxin kit (number 4) & plan to start using it straight away after surgery in addition to Viviscal (a hair supplement) perhaps it can slow down the loss but I guess I won't know for months if it works.
  15. Anyone know if you're less likely to have hair loss if you're a low BMI candidate? I've been reading the complications from surgery and I'm truly worried about hair loss among other things... I know it's vain, but I can't help it.
  16. @, thank you for responding! Thanks for the laugh, I needed that...you are right weighing less is far better than worrying about hair loss. I see you have loss a great amount of weight, would you say it is attributed to your daily dietary intake and excersize? I seem to be at a bit of a stall and was wondering what I am doing wrong, since I imagined, I too, would have lost much more weight. To date Ilve lost 50lbs since surgery and 58lbs since starting on my journey. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  17. If you’re putting off your weight loss surgery (WLS) because you’re worried about hair loss, you’re not alone! And if you were surprised when you suddenly started to lose your hair a few months post-op, you’re not the first WLS patient to be caught off guard. Here are a few facts on hair loss after weight loss surgery. It’s actually a condition called “telogen effluvium,” which happens when more of your hair is in the resting stage than the growth stage, so you end up losing hair faster than it grows. Telogen effluvium – and hair loss - can be triggered by stressful events like WLS and the WLS diet. It’s more common after gastric bypass and gastric sleeve surgeries than after the lap-band. Hair loss is most severe around 3 to 6 months post-op. It’s hard to predict who will lose their hair and who won’t after WLS. Also, there’s no fail-proof protection against hair loss. But there are a lot of promising strategies that work for some WLS patients that may work for you. The best part about them is that they’re also good for weight loss. Protein: 65 or More Grams Daily Protein is the foundation of your post-op WLS diet. It’s a nutrient that lets your surgery wounds heal. It also helps you maintain lean muscle mass as you lose weight. And when you get enough of it, it can help reduce hair loss. Lap-band patients need at least 65 grams of protein each day. Sleeve and bypass patients need 80 to 100 or more grams per day. Go lean with sources like tofu, chicken breast, tuna, egg whites, and non-fat yogurt and cottage cheese. If you can’t hit your needs with food, go for low-sugar protein shakes, protein powders, and protein bars. Water: Not an Afterthought Fluids aren’t always top on your mind when you’re worrying about your weight loss diet, but maybe they should be. When you choose calorie-free ones, they can help reduce hunger and lose more weight. Plus, water prevents dehydration and symptoms like headaches and fatigue. It also promotes healing and lets your body function - and that’s good news for your hair. Aim for at least 64 ounces per day of calorie-free fluids, such as water, flavored waters, diet sports drinks, and broth/bouillon. Feel free to go for more, though! Biotin and Silica: Ask Your Surgeon Biotin and silica are essential nutrients. You can usually get enough of them from diet alone, but WLS changes that. Some people swear that biotin and silica supplements can reduce hair loss, but the science doesn’t yet support that. Talk to your doctor before taking these supplements. Biotin is usually safe even in high doses, but too much silica can be a problem. Essential Fatty Acids: Fats Are Good! Fats are high-calorie, and they make many foods off limits: think fried foods, creamy foods, and fatty meats. But some fats are good, and they’re the ones that you’re most likely to be deficient in after WLS. The possible results? Scaly skin and…hair loss. You don’t need huge amounts of fats to stay healthy. You could see a difference just by getting a little more omega-3 fat in your diet. Once you’re into the mushies/pureed foods stage, you can get omega-3’s from pureed boneless salmon and canned tuna. Later, you can add walnuts and flaxseeds. If you’re not eating these foods, you might want to ask your doctor about a fish oil supplement. The Extras Why does hair fall out? Stress! So let’s see…what stresses have you already put on your body? There’s the stress of surgery; the stress of starving your body at least, that’s what your body thinks when you drop down to 1,000 calories a day; the stress of changing your entire lifestyle and possibly your relationships. When you think about all the stress in life, it’s a wonder anyone has any hair left at all! So when possible, try to reduce stress however you can. Get enough sleep. Take time for yourself. Exercise daily. Laugh it off…whatever “it” is, it’s probably not worth losing your hair over! Taking good care of yourself after WLS can help prevent hair loss, but not always. Still, you can take heart in the fact that it probably won’t last for more than a few months. And at the other end of those few months, you’ll be down several pounds. Isn’t a little hair loss worth it if the payback is to be healthy?
  18. sbrainwater

    December Sleeve?

    I am also December 8th, 2015! Congrats and good luck!!!29 days to go!! 12/08/2015, here we come. Are you feeling ready @@lesley_vsg and @@tera1982 ?I am nervous(I've had surgery before, but anesthesia is always worrisome; I am only mildly worried about pain; concerned about my diabetes and how it's going to react to my new sleeve(I am a type-1 diabetic on an insulin pump); and also about hair loss as I already have fine, thinning hair although I hear as long as I get all of my Protein and fluids, it SHOULD be minimal-per my NUT). Other than that, lol, I am super excited and ready for the next stage of my life, hopefully a healthier, thinner stage!I'm worried about hair loss too, as I already have thin hair. I have started Biotin supplements already, since I heard they work best before the hair starts thinning. Hopefully it makes a difference. Plus all protein and fluids like you said! I did read about some shampoo that really helps with hair loss. I don't remember what it is but I will start hunting on this site. Btw I am looking on Groupn daily for hair extensions just in case it starts to get embarrassing. I know I'm vain but I just want to be really prepared!
  19. fatcinderellasball

    December Sleeve?

    I am also December 8th, 2015! Congrats and good luck!!!29 days to go!! 12/08/2015, here we come. Are you feeling ready @@lesley_vsg and @@tera1982 ?I am nervous(I've had surgery before, but anesthesia is always worrisome; I am only mildly worried about pain; concerned about my diabetes and how it's going to react to my new sleeve(I am a type-1 diabetic on an insulin pump); and also about hair loss as I already have fine, thinning hair although I hear as long as I get all of my Protein and fluids, it SHOULD be minimal-per my NUT). Other than that, lol, I am super excited and ready for the next stage of my life, hopefully a healthier, thinner stage!????I'm worried about hair loss too, as I already have thin hair. I have started Biotin supplements already, since I heard they work best before the hair starts thinning. Hopefully it makes a difference. Plus all protein and fluids like you said!
  20. I wanted to add that I also worry about hair loss and loose skin but I think you have a better chance of less loose skin because of your age. I am much older and I am sure I will look like a blood hound. I don't look forward to that but I will be healthier and that is my goal.
  21. rp1980

    African American vsgers!

    For those of you who have a relaxer still and are worried about hair loss, I recently had a touch up and a color rinse and I've had no problems with hair loss. I was a little worried since I'm 4.5 months out and apparently that's the prime time for hair loss. Everyone is different of course, but I wanted to share my experience since hair is such a big issue!
  22. ylluz

    hair fall

    Omg hope it stops soon. To tell you the truth thats the only things that I am worried about hair loss I love my curly thick hair.
  23. KiwiMum

    Hair loss

    I'm worried about hair loss too. Getting in the daily requirement of protein is supposed to help. I've not heard of biotin. Does it have another name? I'm in New Zealand, and we don't get the same variety you do in the States.
  24. anaxila

    Hairloss and Hairstyles

    I was extremely worried about hair loss prior to surgery. I started taking Biotin as soon as I could get the NP to support it, and sprouted lots of new hair almost right away. As others have said, biotin won't keep your hair from falling out, but it will inspire new growth. My thinking at the time was that if I started taking it early enough, the new hairs would be long enough to make the inevitable loss less noticeable, and I was willing to try anything. At this point, I'm about 6 months post-op and the hair loss never really happened. I feel like it may have increased in the past week or two, but it's still just a few more strands than normal and not the handfuls / clumps that I feared. For me, it's been a complete non-issue. From what my nutritionist said before surgery, some people lose hair and some people don't, and there's no way to know which you'll be and nothing you can do to stop it once it starts other than just wait for 6-months or so when it'll stop on its own and your hair will start filling back in again.

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