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Found 17,501 results

  1. ShoppGirl

    Collagen after surgery

    I was taking the collagen peptides after surgery. When I showed the NP she said that there wasn’t a whole lot of research on these post WLS but they wouldn’t hurt. She just asked that I didn’t count the protein towards my goal. That was three years ago, though, I would ask your team what they suggest about the protein.
  2. Oh yes I get the comparing yourself to others. That is REALLY HARD. I say celebrate the 18lbs in 2 weeks (when have you ever lost even close to that on any diet?), get to know how the three week stall hits almost all of us (and can last a few weeks) and then settle into your programme and enjoy the big losses to come. 3lbs gain in a month is nothing to worry about - honestly. I am really surprised that you're allowed bread at such an early stage. My plan was protein then veg and no carbs for many months. When I did start earing bread it sat in my stomach like a lump of lead - so did pasta and rice. Less so 2 years on but I honestly only use them like a weapon in certain situations - not for daily consumption even now. I wish you all the best
  3. Hi from UK, Ive been booked in for surgery in July and was told to go on 12 week diet. I thought that's excessive as I've seen heavier people only do 2-3 weeks max. I have to do 9 weeks on milk and jelly, then 3 weeks on weight watchers soup and Muller. For example I've started today and I'm at weight I should be on 20th if I have like healthy protein based meal once a day in the 9 weeks that should be fine isn't it? I had boneless chicken today and weight didn't fluctuate thankfully so one meal a week for 9 weeks should be fine? Sorry if I'm rambling
  4. ShoppGirl

    So...it's happening!

    In my opinion this is the exact time to ask alot of questions. I was sleeved three years ago and I don’t think I asked enough questions beforehand or I may have made a differnt choice for myself in terms of which surgery. I am so excited for you and your surgery date. Congratulations.
  5. I've hit the dreading 3 week stall too... I'm also weighing daily and starting to get a bit down that nothing is budging. I'm one month post surgery tomorrow and haven't lost anything for 9 days. I didn't have to do a preop diet because my starting BMI was 32.6 but I was careful and did loose 7 pounds in the two weeks before surgery. BMI is now 29.68 I was 200.4 pounds at surgery and am now 182.6 - so I've lost 17.8 pounds since surgery. I'm a bit off what the surgical team reccomended because they wanted me to loose 20 pounds in the first months ... so unless I loose 2.2 pounds overnight I've failed at that. I know that stalls happen but It's really really getting me down and upsetting me. I've even put on 1.2 lbs in the last week. And I'm following everything to a T. I'm walking an average of 12k steps/ 5 miles a day. I'm eating under 800 calories. I'm drinking all the fluids. I'm just really upset that nothing is moving. 16/02/2024 200.42 17/02/2024 200.42 18/02/2024 200.42 19/02/2024 200.42 20/02/2024 200.42 21/02/2024 200.42 22/02/2024 200.42 23/02/2024 194.92 24/02/2024 194.92 25/02/2024 194.92 26/02/2024 194.92 27/02/2024 190.08 28/02/2024 190.08 29/02/2024 190.08 01/03/2024 189.20 02/03/2024 187.88 03/03/2024 187.44 04/03/2024 186.34 05/03/2024 185.02 06/03/2024 183.70 07/03/2024 182.38 08/03/2024 182.82 09/03/2024 182.05 10/03/2024 183.92 11/03/2024 181.50 12/03/2024 181.94 13/03/2024 182.60 14/03/2024 182.60 15/03/2024 182.16
  6. I’m so sorry to hear this. I wish I had some words of wisdom for you, but honestly, I don’t. During these days of the stall, are you still noticing that your clothes are fitting looser? I was told not to be so dependent on the scale but more on noticing the weight coming off as far as how I feel in clothes. I don’t recall if you have a dietitian or someone that you check in with? If you do, you may wanna contact them or contact your doctor and talk this over with them. I don’t doubt that more weight is going to come off, I’m more concerned about your mental state. No giving up, OK??
  7. pamelacoa@yahoo.com


    So we’re all about 4 months out give or take. How’s everyone doing? I’m in week 4 of a stall and it’s starting to get to me
  8. After about 3 weeks post op, I am finally feeling better. So I am back to focusing on what I am eating and trying to break my stall. I have the stall at week 2, only really loss weight for 1 week after surgery when I was in the liquid stage. I want to ask all of you, how much proteins you eat a day? Before the surgery I was told to have 65-75 grams of protein a day, but when I follow up 1 week after surgery, my nutritionist told me to drink 2 bottle or protein shake a day. That’s already 60 grams! However I followed what he told me for a week. With the 2 bottle of shakes, my protein intake is over 100grams a day. When week 2 ended I didn’t loss any weight, but gained 2lbs…I feel like I took too much protein so when week 3 started I stop drinking 2 bottles of shakes and only drink 1. I can eat 40-50 grams of protein on my own right now. With the shake I am ranging from 70-85 grams a day. I like salmon, tuna and other type of fish and it gives me good amount of protein. Now after a few days of doing that. I finally loss that 2 lbs and back to my 1 week post op weight 241 lbs. do you think I am doing the right thing here not listening to what my nutritionist tell me?…he said I needed more protein to heal. 85 grams of protein is already 20 grams over what they told me to take initially tho. My liquid intake is 48oz a day now. This is hard because I literally can only sip very small sips. To finish a full bottle of water 500ml, it will take a 1 full hour, sometimes longer. With 3 meals a day, not drink 30 mins and 30 mins after, 48 oz of liquid is at my best. My eating schedule is 8am-5pm. 8am breakfast, 12pm lunch and 4:30pm dinner. Take me 30 mins to finish my meal. I feel like drinking water is like a full time job now. Surgery date 1/22 250lbs Post op 1/24 257lbs 1/31 follow up visit and started 2 shakes a day 241lbs 2/5 243lbs I stop drinking the 2 shakes 2/9 241lbs So after almost 3 weeks I loss about 9 lbs, and it was only during the first week when I was eating! Now I am feeling better I want to continue with the loss and not gain weight. Any input would be welcome. Thanks in advance.
  9. SleeveToBypass2023


    I use melatonin 5mg during the week and I add ashwagandha on the weekend and anytime during the week where I don't feel I'm getting a good quality sleep. I try not to use them EVERY single day, but some weeks I have to and other weeks I don't have to at all. Just depends what's going on during the day.
  10. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    The sashimi was great! Very easy to eat. I had just a few bites of my miso soup and then gave that and the salad to my daughters (both items come with the order). I think I ate 4 or 5 pieces over the span of an hour, no rice, and half of one green tea mochi ice cream for dessert. I ordered a miso soup to take home because it was so delicious. I had half yesterday and will finish it today. Congratulations on your stall breaking! Mine is still hanging on, but I'm just trying to ignore it. I've lost 21 lbs but a lot of that happened during the liquid diet pre-op. When I told my dietician I'd lost 15lbs in two weeks pre-op, she said that was way more than expected and might be why my post-op loss has been slower. It'll all work out in the end, I guess.
  11. I’ve only managed to lose 4lbs since my stall. It’s discouraging! I’ve lost 28lbs since my surgery but I’m ready to start losing again. I still throw up once in awhile. I’m going to ask my surgeon about it when I finally get my post op appt. She was out on the day they had scheduled me so I’ve been put off til the 25th. Other than that just trudging along right now.
  12. NovelTee

    Is there a standard guideline?

    Thanks for this! I fully intend to follow the guidance, it was just a curiosity as to how they determine their guidance. I just think it's really interesting to basically still be on full liquid to week three post-surgery. Maybe yours is tailored and mine is just sort of a set rubric? The food guidance I have isn't tailored to me––it's a PDF that's given to every bariatric patient in our medical group. My assigned nutritionist shared with me that her department always receives random updates to the diet directly from the bariatric department when the issue the new PDFs (we went through two updates while I was waiting for my surgery to be scheduled. When I have update calls with my nutritionist, she just asks me if I'm getting in my fluids and proteins and following the PDF for guidance on what I'm allowed to have. Either way, really interesting! Hope your surgery goes smoothly!!
  13. 9 weeks post-op. I tried deli sliced turkey today, and it was dee-li-shus! I've been nervous about trying real meat too soon, and I'm glad that I waited.

    I've not experienced foamies, vomiting, dumping or any other upper GI issues. A little pain if I drink too much water too fast. And constipation, but I figured out it was because I was eating too much dairy. Keeping it to one serving of dairy a day seems to be the key for my body.

    Getting ready to go walk the dog, and then come home to go to bed. Y'all take care!

  14. Char V

    November 2023 buddies

    Hi all. When I was on round one journey this came From the dietician when I had my stall. The stalls are normal. A lot of you are getting active and building muscle. You’ll notice more in the measurements then the scales. Spoke with the Dr this morning and he said I can try soft soft diet. So I got off the phone and went straight for the scrambled eggs( haven’t been able to stomach them in the last 17 months) oh they were a delight and how I missed them.
  15. Arendiva

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    My weight loss has stalled since November 5th. I know this is normal since loads of other people have mentioned experiencing a week 3 stall, but it is still disheartening to lose nothing for 11 days when I know I'm following the diet, focusing on protein, drinking fluids and keeping my portion sizes appropriately small. I hope this plateau breaks soon because it is demoralizing.
  16. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Don't want to jinx myself , but ......

    Congrats!! I'm sure you feel relieved! I'm at the point where I've been in a stall or at least a weight loss slow down stall for a few months myself. But I've only lost about 3 lbs the last month..21 over 3+ months and I'm only at 5 months post op! As annoying and worried as I'm sure you've been.. I hope it helps some knowing you made me feel relieved knowing it might only be temporary. Again, congrats and you're soooo close to your goal now - you've got this!
  17. MNewell

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Hi! I had bypass surgery on 5/1. So almost two weeks out. 1. I was nervous about the recovery after. I have three big dogs that love to be all up in my business. A pillow to block my abdomen was my best friend. 2. I overpacked for the hospital. My surgeon only required an overnight stay. But I brought some skincare and a book and a game to play with my husband. Didn’t use any of it lol. Except some lip balm. My lips were crazy dry after the surgery. I brought a heating pad with me. I used it for the gas pain because that stuff travels! It migrated to my shoulders at one point. So painful. Getting up and walking around helped so much. You’re going to be so exhausted after surgery, you’re not going to want to do much but sleep. 3. I’m excited about actually being healthy for the first time in my life. Looking forward to doing things with my family and friends that I previously would have said no to.
  18. Congratulations. You’re doing so well. Your weight loss is certainly noticeable. Sometimes the scales don’t move but the numbers on the tape measure gets smaller or our clothes get bigger. I think our body makes small adjustments to the location of our fat as we lose. It certainly goes through a noticeable resettling after maintenance begins & our weight loss stops - we look less gaunt, our body shape changes, etc. It’s why those of us who’ve been here a little while often suggest taking body measurements instead of weighing yourself during a stall. Looking forward to seeing what their next months bring you.
  19. Arabesque

    Almost 3 weeks PO and gaining?

    Can’t believe your surgeon didn’t tell you about stalls especially when you said you hadn’t lost in a week or so. That in itself would make me question anything else they tell or don’t tell you. We all lose more quickly in the first couple of weeks, then the stall hits & no loss & things even out. So while 12 pounds seems a lot in 1.5 weeks, 12lbs in 4 or so weeks is fine - averaging about 3 lbs a week. 1200 calories at a month out does sound a huge & impossible goal to reach. I wasn’t eating 300 calories in the first couple of weeks. I barely reached 900 at 6 months & was another year until I got to around 1300. But we are different & have different needs & our teams have us on different plans & expectations. Ultimately it comes down to only being able to do what you can physically do. You ‘re meeting or close to meeting your protein goal. You’re meeting or close to meeting any other macro & fluid goals?. Are you introducing new protein sources, vegetables, etc. into your eating plan as you’re required? I’d say you’re doing okay. But, that’s my opinion. Your dietician/nutritionalist should be available to discuss your options & concerns whenever you need so ask for (demand ) an appointment. Can you get in any earlier to see the nurse practitioner? If not stick to what you’re doing & as I said you can only do the best you can do. All the best.
  20. catwoman7

    5 weeks pose op and 3 week stall

    normal. Wait it out. Make sure you're sticking to your program and stay off the scale - maybe just weigh yourself once a week until the thing breaks. And it WILL break. This will likely be the first among several stalls, just so you know. You just have to wait 'em out and just keep doing what you're supposed to be doing...
  21. catwoman7

    Will I plateau right after surgery?

    I lost 57 lbs before surgery. I went on to lose about 180 more lbs after surgery. So no, losing weight before surgery won't keep you from losing after surgery. You may not see as big of a drop the first month as some people do, but that's because much of that is water weight, and you've already lost that (you'll still lose weight that first month, though) Stalls are normal and you're likely to experience several of them along the way. Most of us experience the first major one about the third week post-op - so don't freak if your weight loss stops for a couple of weeks around that time.
  22. KathyLev

    5 weeks pose op and 3 week stall

    I've been on a stall for 4 months now !!! It sure is disappointing to have that happen. It's like doing all that work and not one acknowledgement from the scale ! I put the scale away and focused on other things - like being able to walk without gasping for air I also measured myself - and even though I'm not losing weight , I lost 15" ! So there's that ! I also talked to my doc about it , and she told me to go back on my presurgery liquid diet for a week or two. She also suggested changing up my proteins to see if that helps. I'm still experimenting with her advice . Don't let the stall get you down ! Good luck with everything
  23. BabySpoons

    Weight loss stall

    To be honest, early on I had lots of problems with nausea and vomiting eating normal solid foods when it was allowed for me. I stayed on liquids and soft foods maybe longer than most. But it was easier for me. I figured my tummy just needed more time to heal and really had no reason to force it just because I could have it. So, I prioritized getting my protein and liquids in first in the form of shakes, milk, yogurt, soups etc. I've said it here before, that you are better off staying hydrated if eating solid foods is keeping you from that, timewise. (30-minute rule) I simply preferred that to feeling nauseous and figured I had the rest of my life to eat solid foods. Becoming dehydrated can cause stalls and constipation. I also have trouble drinking plain water but found if I add Crystal Light I tend to drink more in a day., I also take a stool softener twice a day since WLS, recommended by my surgeon. Of course, like everyone else here said, periodic stalls are normal. Long term you have to question what you are doing. Now at almost a year post op, I can pretty much eat and drink as needed. I just came off a stall and since I'm nearing goal weight, those last few pounds are coming off slower. I don't weigh myself as often so as not to get discouraged. But I'm pretty damn happy with where I am. Try to get those liquids in... it's important. GL
  24. for most people, yes, gastric bypass greatly improves if not outright cures heartburn. Mine completely went away for the first three years. I have it occasionally now (I'm nine years out), but it's pretty mild and a couple of Tums (or something similar) will usually knock it out.
  25. invisiblyhappy

    Are these okay?

    Thank you all! I've been doing one for breakfast typically as I was under in calorie goal and it had been stalling me. I've actually finally started dropping weight again. I'm typically hitting 1100-1300 now and am doing one protein shake and one to two meals consisting of a protein (steak, chicken, or eggs) and vegetables and sometimes more carbs (1/2 bagel).

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