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Found 17,501 results

  1. catwoman7

    Reactive Hypoglcemia

    it's not uncommon. Once I was over a year out I'd sometimes get dizzy. Had a complete workup and they found nothing. Next time it happened, it was about an hour after I ate a piece of cake at a retirement party at work. Told my doctor - she said it might be RH, and that my blood sugar might have been fine on the day I went for the workup, so it wasn't detected. She told me to eat something about every three fours, protein preferable, and if I ate a carb, to be sure to pair it with a protein. It seems to have solved the problem for me.
  2. Hope4NewMe

    Comparison food numbers 4 months out

    That's pretty much exactly what stats I was aiming for starting at 3 months and I'm still aiming for now until I hit goal. Through trial and error for myself I found out that I stalled if I ate less than 800 calories and would stop losing if I ate above1200. Everyone is different though, but I think you are doing great. I've had stalls that lasted longer that 3 weeks, so just keep going. Stalls suck but they eventually pass, take care!
  3. MLC3409

    December Surgery Buddies!

    This is Awesome!!!! I am hoping that things go this well for me too 🤞🏻. I am so happy to hear that you’re doing so well! I bought a cookbook that has full liquid protein recipes (it is a Bariatric cookbook) it walks through the first three week up a regular (general) diet. It has been helpful in getting ready for my post op.
  4. ShoppGirl

    Question about fats.

    Would it make more sense if the fat was supposed to be 15g per meal? It seemed like she was calculating it from three meals when she was talking to me because she was adding the carbs out loud. That seems like a mistake that could be easily made and that would be closer to what the DS vets have said. Still not quite as high but it is a little different surgery than DS. Plus adding 30 more grams of fat brings the calories to 1,125 if I’m understanding and calculating that correctly which falls within that range that she gave me.
  5. Laura.1912

    December Surgery Buddies!

    I had my surgery a day after you!!! I was also completely out of it for a few days. Haven’t vomited since the first day of the operation though. I weighed myself after a week and had lost 5lbs but I lost 20lb doing the LRD which was pure liquids for 3 weeks before my op!! I had a call from the surgeon today that said to not focus on weight for the first few weeks as it will constantly go up and down and then start to properly shift and stall and shift again when incorporating more textures and calories! I can have puréed food from next Tuesday. how are you incisions healing? I have a really awkward one that feels like a dent but it’s slowly getting there!!! hope your recovery goes well x
  6. Spinoza

    Weight Gain

    It really is. I am absolutely certain that I would never *ever* have lost the weight I did if I hadn't been here from day 1. 20lbs loss in a month is amazing. Compare that to ANY diet you did in your life before surgery - unbelievable. Yes there will be stalls and regains, but if you stick to your programme then the general trend will be downwards. I hope you will be happy with where you land 🤩
  7. I haven't ever noticed this and I can't think of a scientific reason for it! What I will say is as humans we are hard-wired to look for patterns and then read into those something significant. I suspect you've just hit a stall. We all do, many times, on our weight loss journeys. If you can just relax into it and wait for it to break and then resume losing I think you'll be good. My experience with WLS is that my body chose a new set weight and I just got there with a bit of effort and sticking to the rules. Totally agree that with previous diets my set weight might have been very different but those haven't intruded *at all* into my life post sleeve.
  8. So I am better prepared now! I completed the list of suggested items, I got my protein shakes for my preop weeks, got my water flavoring, and I got myself a two week starters kit from celebrate vitamins. It is a protein powder with the vitamins already included so at least that first week I won’t have to worry about everything. Then for the following week I got a vitamin starter kit that has what I will need. I figure by week three I will be better about getting things I need. I am feeling a bit better going into this whole thing now.
  9. NickelChip

    Did anyone else stall when...

    You're probably right about the need to search for patterns when there aren't any! The only scientific explanation I can think of is the amount I've lost this time, and the amount I lost 7 years ago to get to this same weight, is basically the same, and about 20% of my total body weight. I know I've read that 20% tends to be where the body starts really fighting weight loss, and even if the surgery makes it possible to overcome those mechanisms and lose more, it may be that the short term effect is a brief stall while it all gets sorted out internally. So it's probably just coincidence, maybe based on having lost about the same number of pounds as last time.
  10. Jalapeño

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    When I went to the hospital, I wore my pyjamas, comfy crocs and a fleece. I packed another pair of pyjamas, underwear and phone charger. Nothing else. In the UK, hospitals provide you with toothbrush/toothpaste and toiletries for showering etc. Besides, when you get admitted, you have to change into a hospital gown. I kept my boxer shorts on, and discarded them in the hospital bathroom bin when I showered three days later. You want to keep packing light, make it easier on yourself. Most of your time will be spent in bed recovering, not surfing the net.
  11. newbegining2024

    How much protein is too much?

    Woohoo I hope I passed the stall stage for real! Ive been stuck at 241 lbs up and down for 2 weeks and it went down to 239.6 this morning. I am counting small victories. From 240s to now in the 230s! My surgery weight was 250.4lbs. So after 3 weeks 11lbs down. Yayyy This week I can add mashed or puree vegetables and grains like cream of wheat and grits. Sharing some image of my progress. Also the salmon, broccoli puree and cream of wheat was delicious as my lunch! Good source of protein too. My nutritionist advice for each meal now is 3oz of protein, 1 oz of vegetables and 1 oz of starch. Always try to eat the protein first. My daily calorie intake is between 600-800 including the protein shakes. I am drinking 1 1/2 bottle of shakes. I fell 2 shakes to be too much for me, and 1 1/2 is just right. Protein intake is about 85-100grams. I will ask on my next visit to find out if I really need that much of protein since they told me my daily goal should be 65-75 grams initially.
  12. @Arendiva we are surgery date twins! How is it going so far? I did experience the 3 week stall, but the scale is moving again. I'm feeling pretty good, overall. I have thrown up a couple of times - either when something didn't sit right or I overate.
  13. ShoppGirl

    Chewing Gum

    I am three years out and I chewed gum and i forgot and swallowed it. I called the surgeons office and they were like did you swallow it on purpose. I said of course not. She just told me what to watch for and when to go to er. It passed thank god bit I’ve never been so scared in my life. It’s not worth it to me. I haven’t swallowed gum since I was a kid but sure enough I did??
  14. Joe Brown

    Cold feet b4 Surgery time sensitive.

    An the other hand i want to be 200 pounds and ive had a hard time maintaining that I snore heavily and buy a lot of food out and on general want to stop being crazy about running after food im seriously confused surgery in three days feel like cancelling
  15. ChunkCat

    No scale

    I think doing a comprehensive set of body measurements is much more accurate than a number on the scale. I do use my scale, but when I was in a 6 week stall it was those ever decreasing body measurements that showed me I was still making progress! I do them on the monthly anniversary of my surgery, which for me happens to be the 1st of the month so it is extra handy. LOL I measured everything. My wrists, ankles, calves, neck, upper arms, thighs, hips, overbust, bust with and without a bra, and underbust, plus my waist and the area where my stomach protrudes the widest. I have lost everywhere, even in my wrists. 🤣 Pictures once a month in the same/similar outfits against a door in your house in clothes that fit close to the body are great too. The door helps your brain see the scale of things better IMO.
  16. I totally understand this. It's not a bad thing AT ALL to step away from the scales if they aren't helping you. Honestly - if you stick to your plan you will lose more weight than you have already - much more. The issue is that the loss is never linear. If you get stressed by stalls and regains then maybe weigh yourself once a month and celebrate your losses then. I was and am a daily weigher but I could tolerate the highs and lows associated with that. Yes - the food volumes we can tolerate increase in the months and years after surgery. If you focus on a diet of protein and veggies you're not likely to go too far wrong.
  17. Reini


    I feel you, three weeks out and I have lost that joie de vivre, nothing taste's good, I have sn awful taste in my mouth, can't stomach purees or protein drinks, when I eat something it's painful, water tastes horrible to me, but then again this is why we lose weight I can honestly say I am not having cravings more of a repulsion, hanging in there since everyone says it gets better.
  18. I got a little bag of samples when I saw the nutritionist last week. Turns out I much prefer the Celebrate 45 Tropical Twist vitamins to the Bariatric Fusion orange flavor, so I've placed an order for those and the sweet treat assortment of calcium soft chews, which were almost dangerously tasty. The Unjury chicken soup was better than the other brand I tried, but not enough to buy it. And their vanilla shake was vile. I just can't do artificial sweeteners, and probably not vanilla unless I add something to it to mask the flavor. The aftertaste was so strong and I had a vague impression of drinking baby formula. So far the only ones I've really liked have been the orange and peach flavored Syntrax Nectar Naturals, so I'm going to get two vegan fruit flavored options in case I have trouble with whey after.

  19. Yes, fish is good especially soft flaky fish. Try poaching them in a broth flavoured with various herbs. Yum! I made a lot of mince meat dishes. Actually I probably only made two or three because I had enough for a week’s worth of meals of each dish 😁. Put single portions in zip lock bags & froze them. Easy to take to work for lunch too. Made meat balls/rissoles, bolognese meat sauce, savoury mince. Ate soft runny scrambled eggs, milky instant rolled oats (transitioned to traditional low processed oats after a couple of months), omelettes, slow cooked stews/casseroles, etc.
  20. MLC3409

    December Surgery Buddies!

    So far it has been ok I guess. The surgery was “text book” according to the Dr. I had no pain after and I started back to the gym for treadmill and low weight machines on week 3. I followed the plan. The last two weeks since I started soft foods has been hard. I’m 5 weeks out today. I am down 28 pounds since surgery. HW - 412 SW - 362 CW - 334 I have hit a stall. No loss in a week. I have had a couple of “slips” but nothing I can’t come back from. I unfortunately am not as restricted as I thought I would be. I was able to eat a whole filet of fish sandwich with no problem. Why I ate it is because I am still an emotional eater unfortunately. The good thing is I could only eat the one and now the huge chunk of food I use to. hopefully as the weather gets better I can be out more but I need to work on my “out of the house” food plans. I got my little cooler I just have to work on the best stuff to put in it. I can’t wait to go back to fishing !! here is my picture about one year a part. A total of 75 pounds difference
  21. Onwensdaywewearblk

    December Surgery Buddies!

    Yea I am at week two going on week three i misunderstood my diet and was eating soft foods a week early lol but I do find it hard to swallow the most annoying part is not being able to drink water comfortably really anything ive tried hot drinks and for some reason its better for me to take warm drinks. I got sugar free hot cocoa bc its been cold so far so good also caffeine free spearmint tea has been great. I’m down 16 lbs so far im hoping for a good 10/12 lbs moving forward per month but we shall see! I’m going to start my walking routine tomorrow and im excited for that. Happy loosing 🥰
  22. I am still basically stalled too. I fluctuate up and down the same pound over and over again but everyone keeps saying “you’ve lost more weight, haven’t you?” Ummm, no. It must just be shifting around. I know how discouraging it can be for the scale to not move especially after the quick initial weight loss right after surgery. I try to tell myself it’s a good thing because my skin seems to be bouncing right back and if I was losing too quickly it wouldn’t and then I would have the added problem of loose skin everywhere. I have about 25lbs left to lose so if we have a year to lose our weight I have 9 months to lose that weight. If you look at it that way it’s more bearable. Hang in there
  23. OMG I'm so excited for you I teared up when I read your post!! I know how hard it has been and you've been so upbeat about it! I wonder if you were gaining muscle or maybe burning a bit too many calories with the exercise and now that you've slowed down on that your body feels it can let go of some of the weight?? My best friend loses more weight in the winter for some reason. Doesn't matter what she does, it seems to consistently come off better in the winter. Our bodies can be so mysterious sometimes... Whatever the reason is, I'm so happy the scale moved a bit towards your goal!! And I'm really glad you stayed consistent all summer, they say that's the best way to break a stall, even though it is so hard to keep the faith. I bet your body composition has changed a lot over the last 8 months even if the scale wasn't moving for a chunk of that time. Your experience is so encouraging because it shows that sometimes the scale can move months after you've thought it was done for good! You aren't the first person I've seen have a stall that has lasted for months instead of weeks...
  24. Three weeks from today I should be checked into the hotel with my mom and trying to get a good night's sleep before surgery! Crossing my fingers there are no further delays. The hospital is only an hour away, which would normally not be a big deal, but rush hour traffic is bad and I'm not sure how early I'll need to be there in the morning, so we decided to go the night before. My mom wanted to be able to stay and visit into the evening but doesn't like night driving, so she felt better about being in a hotel the night I'm in the hospital. Luckily, there's a Courtyard Marriott about 5 minutes from the hospital. Sadly, no hot tub
  25. Arabesque

    Raw vegetables?

    I think it was a while too. Was eating cooked vegetables from soft but my tummy was a bit fussy about some & others just tasted bad. I love vegetables so that was hard to accept until everything settled. I did eat cucumber at about two months. I’d put a little cream cheese on strips of smoked salmon & wrap it around small salted wedges of peeled seedless cucumber. I’d eat two or three as one of my lunch options. But that was the only raw vegetable for a while.

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