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  1. I had issues with dairy for a few weeks after surgery. It's a lot better now in smaller doses. I've had ricotta, cheese, and yogurt just fine. I'm not a fan of milk right now. I'm not sure why, it just doesn't appeal to me. So maybe try dairy again in a few weeks to a month and see how you do.
  2. TRClark23


    My surgeon stopped by the hospital today and I’m getting discharged at noon. I asked when he’d remove the staples and he said in about a week. Sounds good to me.
  3. loridee11

    Long Distance Hiking/vigorous exercise after surgery

    Hi Colin, I don't hike 20 miles per day back to back, but I imagine you will be able to at some point. For the first year or so I'm not sure I was eating/absorbing enough calories to sustain that type of heavy exercise. However, once I was able to eat a little more I never had issues doing whatever exercise I wanted. Of course, as with everything talk to your doctor For me, I started training for Kili about a year after my surgery, with hikes 5-8 miles just on weekends. At the 2 year mark I was hiking 3-4 times per week, up to about 12 miles. And Kili was about 2 1/2 years after surgery and I had no issues at all. I was not active or fit pre-surgery, so my baseline was very low. ~Lori
  4. TRClark23

    My Gastric Sleeve Journey

    Congrats on your success and reaching your mini goal! That sounds like a great idea. I’ll be honest, I’m hopeful to be around the 100lbs lost mark by Halloween. It’s a pretty big goal but I figure I’m already down almost 40lbs, so 60lbs in 4 months should be doable. I’m excited for the future, which if you asked me two weeks ago, I was nervous and apprehensive, lol.
  5. And I have a couple of questions. Why are we not allowed to have any kind of anti-inflammatories? I was told never again. I can't even take turmeric. Also, were you ever able to take pills comfortably? I was told no pills for the first 8 weeks (except for 2 of my MS meds because they can't be opened or crushed and don't come in liquid form) and I absolutely struggle with those 2 pills. They're hard to swallow and they hurt. Will it always be this way? And finally, I know there's a lot of different answers for this, but I just want to get a general idea. How much weight did you lose if you had a revision to bypass? My surgeon said I could expect to lose about 60 pounds (but he also said I stay really strict with my diet and exercise so I could actually lose 70 or so, since I lost more with the sleeve than he initially thought I would) so I'm just trying to see if it's realistic to think that I could lose 60-70 pounds in a year if I stick to the diet and working out.
  6. Flamingowatcher2023

    Will I ever enjoy food again?

    I was the same way and, to some extent, still am. My bypass surgery was 5/24. I lived on Oikos greek yogurt for about 5 or 6 weeks because other foods, no matter how pureed (YUCK!!!) or how gently cooked, would get stuck right in the middle of my chest. I would generally do a lot of pacing and deep breathing until the pain and the danger of throwing up had passed. My doctor said it was perfectly normal and would get better with a little time. As usual, he was correct. I still can't eat most meat, though some have started going down without pain. It gets a little better each day. I rarely ever ate because I enjoyed food but more because of stress, boredom and habit. Foods I used to enjoy, like pizza, don't do it for me any more. I don't even particularly like french fries now. Never thought that would happen. I do still miss my sliced apples. I will continue to try them occassionally. Just give it time. As you heal, you will be able to enjoy a broader range of food.
  7. ^^^That was my 2-week post op diet.^^^ LOL And yes, I was happy to be able to eat meat and veggies pre-op. Especially after hearing most say the liver shrinking liquid diet was the most difficult part leading up to surgery.
  8. Fred in Pa

    Discouraged after Surgery

    2-5 lbs per week is normal…so you are very normal and doing well!
  9. Oh that’s awesome! You’re making such strides already! I’m scared to go on the scale after a disappointing week 1 lol. So I’ll wait til my next doctor’s appointment.
  10. mlabayne6


    OK TO EVERYONE PIST SURGERY !!!!! Congratulations !!!! Give yourself a hand !!!!! It gets easier and easier and when you go from 285 to 141 you will be like ok I LOVE BARBIE CLOTHES 🤗For those of you that don’t exercise you will lose half of what you want to lose !!!!!! Start water aerobics and do it 5-6 days a week you will be proud . For those of you who don’t you will stay at 180 and no smaller !!!!! It’s a numbers game I had my surgery August 2014 started at 285 one year later 141 !!!! This is the time to put on your big girl panties and work harder then ever you have one year after your surgery to lose what ever your going to lose. !!!! You want pictures I will show you
  11. ms.sss

    Question about (very) small regain

    I had a "happy range" which i tried to stay within. if i went below or under this range for an extended period of time, i would take measures to get back into range. Now how long i determined was an "extended period of time" would depend on my circumstances. Am i on vacation? is it the holidays? Am i sick? Have i been getting enough sleep?, etc... But usually it was a week or two of being outside my happy range would i start actually doing anything. I will also add that i increased my happy range by 5 lbs about 2 years ago because i decided the effort to stay within that range was more trouble than its worth (i used to strive to stay within 115-120 lbs, but nowadays i try to stay within 115-125, which i have been able to do perfectly with zero extra effort...and its soooo much more pleasant this way) p.s. i'm 4.5+ years out.
  12. DaisyAndSunshine

    Getting plastics tomorrow!

    Yeh that's what they told me that for about a year or so, I may notice swelling without the binder. So they recommend I wear the binder throughout the year or abdomen may swell up. The binders that I use have been provided by them - the fabric velcro types. They can look a bit bulky over certain clothings. Or may be I can look into a faja post 8 months or so. Any specific type that you purchased? Amazon has many selections especially those waist trainer ones. I may ask Dr. Chivers on my 6 week f/u if corsets or shapewears can be used instead of the current binder. Let's see. Right now binder seems comfortable especially since the area is super hypersensitive! So far I think I am happy with the results. It was a painful recovery but I am glad lose skin especially the muffin top is taken care of and has flattened/tightened my tummy. I can't wait to wear shorts and jeans now. Some of the shorts and figure hugging dresses didn't look very good with my tummy area. Now they look lovely. I'll try more clothing as swelling goes down. Arms also look tonned and defined 💪🏽😂 So overall I am satisfied. Just waiting for dressing to come off and see how scars progress, the biggest challenge of this surgery!
  13. CarmenG

    10 years out

    I very truly feel your pain. I was sleeved in 2009 and I did fantastic the first 6 years. I lost 149 lbs and 9 dress sizes. At first, I wasn't even exercising and the weight just melted away daily. When I got down to the weight limit that could not be exceeded on an elliptical machine that I borrowed from a sister, I started exercising on it. Eventually, I was using the elliptical for an hour, non-stop, 5 days a week. Everything began to change in December 2014. My father passed away and he was the be all end all of existence for me. I am the youngest of 13 kids and was totally a daddy's girl. He was very ill already, but he ended up dying on my mom's birthday from a heart attack in his sleep. I was the first one to get to his house after my brother who was taking care of him called us all. When I got to my dad, his eyes were still open. My brother was dealing with the coroner and the police officer. I really freaked out and thought I'd better close his eyes before my other sisters or my nieces and nephews saw him. So I did. I closed my father's eyes. My heart broke in half right at that moment. I kinda lost my sh*t. My doc ended up putting me on Xanax and Ambien. Fast forward a few months to April 2015, I ended up getting divorced. Then 15 months later in July 2016 my mother died. Her heart stopped, and during CPR administration, her ribs broke and one pierced her lung. It filled with fluid and because she'd had respiratory issues most of her life, they couldn't help her. She died after 3 agonizing days in the hospital. Then in 2017, I was transferred from one job post to another. They weren't even going to tell me until right before I showed up for work, I found out sooner by accident. I'd been at that post for 10 years. It was a retaliation from a supervisor who knew that I knew too much information about illegal activity that went on under his nose. Literally, every year something horrible was happening to me. The anxiety, depression, and meds led to me not giving a sh*t about what I ate and a lot of drinking. I was drinking every night. I wasn't exercising anymore. I was eating anything I wanted to eat. It was still very little food, because I had a lot of restriction. But I was eating every kind of junk food you can think of. I was eating at all hours of the day. I was grazing, as they call it. I could eat every 3 hours. And the alcohol was just straight shots of tequila. By 2022, I had regained most of my weight and gone back up 6 sizes. You can lose weight again. You can detox from carbs. You can go back to protein shakes. This past May, I started dieting (on my own) because the doc wanted me to lose weight before he'd do the revision. I was drinking a protein shake for breakfast and for lunch, then I was eating a good, solid, very low carb (even zero carb) dinner. No alcohol. In 30 days, I lost 30 lbs. And this was before my surgery. It is absolutely possible, but you have to make the effort and you have to have the discipline. The first 3-4 days are tough as you detox, but then it just gets easier and easier. I wish you luck, friend.
  14. Starr2015

    Liquid Phase, pre and post op

    I like Ensure Max Protein for my full liquids. I am July 26th for the SADI (from my 2018 sleeve) so I go on the 2 week July 12th. My prior sleeve post op was rough because I am sensitive to gas. I was campbell tomato soup, chicken broth from Swanson, and gatorade. I did try crystal light- every flavor and I was dehydrated through the first month. I just could not get protein and liquids into my sleeve. For my SADI... I hope I can drink after. I have multiple flavors of protein shakes ready and beef/chicken broths ready to go. I think because I experienced a major stomach surgery before, I kind of know what to expect. And I expect gas, pain, and poop (TMI? sorry!). You have to get in liquids. If you do stock up prior, get a variety of flavors and brands. Buy the store brand and find coupons. If you have food stamps, a lot of this is covered. Go for liquids that have protein like broths but also basic soups. If you have a favorite flavor right now, get it. If it is something you know you will drink, it is better to have on hand. I knew I would drink gatorade and not surprised I balked at the crystal light. Hope this helped some?
  15. Wolfgirl17


    I've got you beat age wise. I'll be 58 in August, lol. The complications have resolved, but I am soooo tired. All I do is sleep. I go back for my 2 week check up the 27th. Hoping I can move onto egg salad and refried beans. I'm not really hungry, I just feel weak and think I need some food.
  16. Yea that pain is no joke. But it will subside. It took me a week to not feel intense pain. But everyone is different. Hopefully they don’t prescribe children’s Tylenol like they did with me 🤦🏿‍♀️. Like everyone says, try to get some walking in. It really helps!
  17. Daisy1210


    Hi all! I had surgery on 6/13 sleeve to bypass revision. I was struggling with the liquid diet and I had some fish (cod & salmon) in small portions but only 10/11 days post op. I feel an aching pain in my left side all of a sudden but am passing stool so I dont think a blockage. I didnt lose any weight on my 2 week marker, I remained the same. Did I damage something? Also having a hard time knowing when I am full. Good luck to everyone out there
  18. Hair loss usually lasts 3-4 months. You just have to ride it out until your accelerated hair loss cycle reverts to its usual rate. Those who spend money taking extra supplements using special shampoos, etc. find their accelerated hair loss slows at about 3 or 4 months so I say save your money. Your new hair is still growing just at its usual rate. Many of us cut our hair shorter if it was long so the new growth will reach your shorter length more quickly. And shorter hair is usually bouncier so can look thicker. May be get in contact with your dietician to review your food choices & suggest healthier alternatives because based on what you’ve said it seems you are eating too much & not making the best choices. Your dietician will also be able to advise on caloric goals that you need (we have different needs & are often given different goals), number of snacks each day & recommendations for intake of other macros (fats, carbs, sugars, etc.) & food groups. You just need to start implementing those better habits & routines. Start by making one or two changes & then next week make another change or two. Always easier to adapt to a couple of changes at a time than a total dramatic overhaul that can be too confronting & difficult to manage & stick to. A couple of tips. Avoid popcorn. It is a slider food & goes through you very quickly so it’s easy to eat too much. Usually rice, pasta, breads & bread alternatives (bagels, wraps, tortillas, etc.) are off the menu. They are considered high processed, nutrient poor simple carbs. They are too filling in your tiny tummy reducing your ability to eat more essential nutrient dense foods like your protein.h Get rid of the junk food out of your house so you won’t be tempted. If you have family, store their snacks in a separate area. Try not to skip your three meals - it only slows your metabolism. I eat later in the day because it works for me: breakfast at about 9am, snack at about 1pm, lunch at about 4, dinner at about 6pm.
  19. Update: today I had my second dilation and I’ll keep you guys updated on if it’s working. I’m having another in 2 weeks because they can stretch it all at once.
  20. CarolineLittle


    The first 2 weeks are really challenging. By day 10 I was crying, some fluids started to repulse me, nausea returned and I just wanted to start eating again. Just be strong and know it's a tiny part of this journey. Try not to sneak food in this time, your tummy is undergoing major healing. Big hugs!
  21. WanderingLass

    July 2023 buddies

    Hooy cow, I start my preop diet Tuesday! It's all happening very fast after months of meeting the insurance requirements. We picked up some of my center's recommended frozen dinners and ingredients for recipes. I've been a Diet Dr Pepper drinker forever, at least 20 years. We haven't had any in the house for a month. At that point I'd gone from drinking 2-3 of the 16.9 ounce bottles a day to 1 a week. (Not given it up 100%, I'll sometimes have a can at work or drink at a restaurant but I'm still hitting 55 ounces of water daily now). I do have the SodaStream syrup that I've been thinking about just adding to cold water. Tomorrow I fill out the FMLA paperwork for work and meal plan for the next 2 weeks. We're also going to take my measurements as the current starting point. We got this!
  22. DaisyAndSunshine

    Getting plastics tomorrow!

    Week 2 of recovery - Gotta say, recovery for plastics is no joke. Bariatric recovery seemed like a breeze compared to this one. Still hanging in there, pain is a bit tolerable but it'll take at least 8 weeks or so to go back to feeling normal per se. Anyone thinking of plastics, please bear in mind week 1 and even 2 will be a little difficult in terms of recovery! But can't wait to see in a month or 2, how I feel and look in the mirror!
  23. i used to time my bites in the early months. if the timer in my watch went off and i didnt want to eat, i'd set it again and see if felt like food in the next interval (the length of the timer depended how far along post op i was) if i still didn't want to eat after 3 consecutive times the timer went off, i called DONE and put the food away. would make another attempt at in a couple hours. outside of water sips the first week post op, i didn't force myself to put any food nor drink i don't want to in my mouth. i still don't.
  24. I never dealt with a lot of pain pre-op but when I did, Aleve seemed to really knock it out for me. I will miss it. Now I take Tylenol/acetaminophen if needed to avoid getting any ulcers from NSAIDS. Sounds permanent. Now I am dealing with a different kind of pain almost 3 months out from Gastric Bypass. I noticed it all last week and still with me today. My bones ache. Not my muscles. My bones. My next follow-up appointment is on July 12th.
  25. Hi, I had surgery (Mini Gastric Bypass) in Jan 2023 and I am losing weight. Total weight loss is 50lb (in 23 weeks) . However most of this was lost in the early month and I have slowed to approximately 1lb per week, if that. The slower weight loss is fine, I can cope with this because its going in the right direction. What has be very anxious is that i find that I feel like i have no restriction and can eat anything. To maintain the weight-loss I need to tell myself not to eat. I am fighting with the 1lb weight loss each week to make sure its a deficit, terrified that it will go up. I don't feel like i have a tool. Are there any other MGB patients that can eat anything - bread, rice, chocolate, cereal, potatoes. I do suffer nausea if I don't eat sufficient protein but i am so worried that i have gone through surgery and i will spend the rest of my life 'dieting' with little help from my tool. Anyone else in the same position? Thanks Cals

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