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  1. Almost 5 weeks post op. Occasionally I will start dry heaving or retching. Not necessarily after eating or drinking either, it almost feels random. This happens 3 or 4 times a day usually. I don’t actually throw up, I’ve only puked once or twice post op. Is this normal? It really sucks.
  2. Arabesque

    Over 50 sleevers

    That was me too. I bounced between 60-75kg (healthy weight to overweight range) most of my life but peri menopause then menopause & suddenly I was obese. Could lose a couple of kilos but would take several weeks & that as on those extremely low calories diets of 500 calories a day too. I’d gain the weight back like in days. The surgery boosted my metabolism & I keep it burning by eating regularly now - no more meal skipping for me which was how I used to try to maintain my weight. The fatigue will improve as you begin to eat more each day. Try an electrolyte drink to give you a boost on days you need a little more energy. You may be able to start some fruit soon. I think I could from my third month. Check with your dietician. The sad news the weights won’t help with your loose skin. It will only help with the muscular structure under your skin which has been stretched out. My arms are quite nicely toned from using resistance bands. I even get compliments which I think is hilarious as my loose skin is still there but then I don’t wave my arms about too much 😉. Only way to get it rid of it is surgery. All the best with your progress.
  3. About a week after surgery my vertical c-section became inflamed, crusty and itchy. It itches so bad it’s becomes an out of body experience in my head. It has now spread…just the itching, all over my lower belly. It itches mostly internally now. I’ve tried everything on it. Don’t they blow your belly full of air during surgery? If true I feel like this was the beginning of my issue. Thoughts? My surgeon referred me to my Dr. Who couldn’t see me for a week😡
  4. DaisyAndSunshine

    Getting plastics tomorrow!

    Yeh I am definitely taking it easy and made sure to take enough time off work. Wanted to make sure I didn't take any unnecessary stressors while recovering. And seeing how week 2 is trending, I am glad to have taken 4 weeks off work. This one is definitely but more hard core than the bypass considering the superficial injury and all. I won't be indulging in any work out or exercising until I feel I am back to my normal self. I think surgeon's recommendation is 8 weeks. I'll do my usual walking and all but anything more I'll wait it out. And I can't wait to come outta my drains and compression garment to see the final result in a month or so! 🥳
  5. Hi, I had surgery (Mini Gastric Bypass) in Jan 2023 and I am losing weight. Total weight loss is 50lb (in 23 weeks) . However most of this was lost in the early month and I have slowed to approximately 1lb per week, if that. The slower weight loss is fine, I can cope with this because its going in the right direction. What has be very anxious is that i find that I feel like i have no restriction and can eat anything. To maintain the weight-loss I need to tell myself not to eat. I am fighting with the 1lb weight loss each week to make sure its a deficit, terrified that it will go up. I don't feel like i have a tool. Are there any other MGB patients that can eat anything - bread, rice, chocolate, cereal, potatoes. I do suffer nausea if I don't eat sufficient protein but i am so worried that i have gone through surgery and i will spend the rest of my life 'dieting' with little help from my tool. Anyone else in the same position? Thanks Cals
  6. Arabesque

    Ice cream cone

    Once you’ve lost or almost lost your weight you’ll start exploring what you can or can’t eat, how much of it & how often. It may be you can have ice cream once a week or maybe once a month. It’s all about discovering what works for you, & balancing maintenance of your weight while still enjoying your life. Yes, dumping is a possibility which will restrict your ability to tolerate sugar or fats. But it doesn’t affect everyone - less than about 30% I believe for bypass & less with sleeve. Some even work out how much they can eat without dumping or find non sugar or low fat alternatives.
  7. Good afternoon, everyone. I'm new here. I was looking for some kind of forum where I could interact with others like me. I think I may have found it. I live in South Texas, and I had a sleeve gastrectomy in Mexico in 2009 when I was 35. I initially weighed 340 lbs and lost 149 lbs. and went from a size 32 to a size 14. My goal was a 12, but I was really happy. I was exercising 5x a week on the elliptical for a whole hour nonstop! I kept the weight off for approximately 6 years. Unfortunately, all kinds of tragic events started changing my life. In 2014 my father passed away, and I took it really, really hard. I ended up on Xanax and Ambien. In 2015, I got divorced. In 2016, my mother passed away. In 2017, I was transferred from a job I really enjoyed to a brand new location with all different people to work with. Then the COVID Pandemic kept me teaching from home for a year and a half. It was literally one heartbreak after another. Rather than looking for actual help, I helped myself... to pills, alcohol, and crap food. Over the past 9 years, I regained all my weight. Even though I still felt restriction in eating (i.e. only half a burger or 1.5 slices of pizza, with no sides or drinks and I was done). I was 10 lbs away from my original weight before my sleeve. Last year, though, my school district sent out an email stating that WLS was now covered by our insurance. I was so excited! I looked into it, made many calls, and thought coverage was out of the question because I had already had a surgery. Our insurance covers "one surgery per life." However, since my first surgery was private pay, they went ahead and accepted covering my revision to a bypass. Today is my 18th day post op. I've lost 42 lbs altogether since May 11, but only 10 of those lbs since the surgery. I feel a little blue because I was hoping for more than a 10lb loss in 3 weeks. I lost more weight at the beginning when I started a semi-liquid diet to prepare for surgery. I was doing 3 shakes and one solid, no-carb meal. I know that revisions are slower than virgin surgeries. I am doing as much reading and research as I can. I just can't help it, I guess. After my sleeve, the weight loss was phenomenal. Right now I am consuming 450 cals, 60 g protein, and keeping my carbs under 40g. I am walking around my house (not outside because South Texas) 4x a day and was told I could start on the treadmill this coming Monday. Maybe I'm doing something wrong? I'm also trying to find ways to consume fiber without a lot of carbs. I've eaten 1/2 cup of pinto beans twice but, man, that's a lot of carbs. I wanted to try raspberries, but I'm afraid of the little seeds getting stuck in my sutures. Any advice, thoughts, suggestions?
  8. Hair loss usually lasts 3-4 months. You just have to ride it out until your accelerated hair loss cycle reverts to its usual rate. Those who spend money taking extra supplements using special shampoos, etc. find their accelerated hair loss slows at about 3 or 4 months so I say save your money. Your new hair is still growing just at its usual rate. Many of us cut our hair shorter if it was long so the new growth will reach your shorter length more quickly. And shorter hair is usually bouncier so can look thicker. May be get in contact with your dietician to review your food choices & suggest healthier alternatives because based on what you’ve said it seems you are eating too much & not making the best choices. Your dietician will also be able to advise on caloric goals that you need (we have different needs & are often given different goals), number of snacks each day & recommendations for intake of other macros (fats, carbs, sugars, etc.) & food groups. You just need to start implementing those better habits & routines. Start by making one or two changes & then next week make another change or two. Always easier to adapt to a couple of changes at a time than a total dramatic overhaul that can be too confronting & difficult to manage & stick to. A couple of tips. Avoid popcorn. It is a slider food & goes through you very quickly so it’s easy to eat too much. Usually rice, pasta, breads & bread alternatives (bagels, wraps, tortillas, etc.) are off the menu. They are considered high processed, nutrient poor simple carbs. They are too filling in your tiny tummy reducing your ability to eat more essential nutrient dense foods like your protein.h Get rid of the junk food out of your house so you won’t be tempted. If you have family, store their snacks in a separate area. Try not to skip your three meals - it only slows your metabolism. I eat later in the day because it works for me: breakfast at about 9am, snack at about 1pm, lunch at about 4, dinner at about 6pm.
  9. Hey guys, Apologies for not updating this thread. I've been personally struggling with this weight loss despite everything. I've lost a bit more weight, but even with the help of the dietician, the weight loss is incredibly slow and it's still making me feel like a failure. On average it seems like I lose about 3 pounds a month despite the high protein intake, small meals, liquids and exercise. Today I woke up feeling particularly upset, as I started a 4 mile walking challenge to see if I could walk four miles every day for a week (in the morning). Today is Wednesday (day 3) and before i started walking, I decided to weigh myself. I've put on 2 and a half pounds since this SATURDAY just gone! I weighed myself yesterday morning too and I've put on a pound since then. I won't lie. I just burst into tears. I feel like i've been doing everything right. I'm burning around 3500 calories a day, according to my Fitbit watch. I'm eating/drinking between 50-80g of protein. I'm drinking my 2 liters of liquids and I'm still eating from a side plate, always prioritizing the protein first. I'm doing everything, but I feel like my body is rebelling against me. Everything in my being is telling me to start fasting and to start doing liquid diets/slimfast shakes again, but because I have a history of eating disorders, I don't want to lean back into old habits in order to lose weight. I bought slimfast meals two weeks and did the liquid diet/pouch reset for two days and lost a pound and a half - but I don't want to rely on only having liquids in order to lose weight. I've been loitering between 243-240lbs for over a MONTH now with no budge. I'm so disappointed in myself and it feels like all the exercise i'm doing is in vain. Has anyone gone through similar? Edited to add: My goal weight is 215lbs. Being bigger/curvy runs in my family, and I actually like being a little bigger as I find curves attractive so I purposely did not want to be unrealistic when setting my final goal. I've read elsewhere on the forum that weight loss can be harder when you're getting nearer to your goal or when you're in the last 20-30lbs of weight loss. Is this true?
  10. CarolineLittle


    The first 2 weeks are really challenging. By day 10 I was crying, some fluids started to repulse me, nausea returned and I just wanted to start eating again. Just be strong and know it's a tiny part of this journey. Try not to sneak food in this time, your tummy is undergoing major healing. Big hugs!
  11. Hi everyone! I am having VSG on the 27th. 4 weeks after my husband and I will be going on a cruise for a week. My doctor stated I can go so long as I stick to my diet. I plan on bringing Isopure and Protein powder with me and stick to healthy foods at the buffet so I can serve myself but wanted to see if anyone one has done this or can give some tips.
  12. Wolfgirl17


    I've got you beat age wise. I'll be 58 in August, lol. The complications have resolved, but I am soooo tired. All I do is sleep. I go back for my 2 week check up the 27th. Hoping I can move onto egg salad and refried beans. I'm not really hungry, I just feel weak and think I need some food.
  13. WanderingLass

    July 2023 buddies

    Hooy cow, I start my preop diet Tuesday! It's all happening very fast after months of meeting the insurance requirements. We picked up some of my center's recommended frozen dinners and ingredients for recipes. I've been a Diet Dr Pepper drinker forever, at least 20 years. We haven't had any in the house for a month. At that point I'd gone from drinking 2-3 of the 16.9 ounce bottles a day to 1 a week. (Not given it up 100%, I'll sometimes have a can at work or drink at a restaurant but I'm still hitting 55 ounces of water daily now). I do have the SodaStream syrup that I've been thinking about just adding to cold water. Tomorrow I fill out the FMLA paperwork for work and meal plan for the next 2 weeks. We're also going to take my measurements as the current starting point. We got this!
  14. SleeveToBypass2023

    Surgeon suggested bypass instead of sleeve.

    I had the sleeve and loved it.....until I didn't. I lost 116 pounds in 10 months. I was working out 5 days per week. I was doing weight training, core and strength training, and cardio. THEN I started having major GERD symptoms. They were insane. I was put on 80mg of Nexium daily and still had break through GERD. Also has gastritis and esophagitis. 4 endoscopies and 1 colonoscopy later (and upwards of 30 polyps removed) I was scheduled for my revision from sleeve to bypass. I just had it done on the 28th. And while the recovery SUCKS majorly, I know once I'm past this, I'll have my life back. Oh, and I never had any reflux or GERD before, which is why I chose the sleeve to begin with.
  15. Brandiwine77


    Congrats! I'm 2 weeks post op,and I'll be 46 in Aug. Good luck with the preop
  16. I recently had the sleeve revision to gastric bypass and I have been going through so many emotions. First, I was really beating myself up about not losing what I thought I "should" be losing. Then I all of a sudden started to feel like my husbands extremely petite new assistant has the hots for him. I read texts... She was just too chummy for my liking but didnt even say anything that bad. Just a lot of LOL's after things that werent funny and asking for favors to fix her boat while she is a cheerleader. He doesnt respond at all the same way and is very short with his answers and they are all professional. And, he is not a cheat. I know that in my heart, but these emotions that I have are making feel worse about myself than ever before. I cry out of nowhere and have fabricated this potentional office romance and can't stop checking the call logs or texts. The one line stands out when he asked her what her jacket size was and her response was "well I am small all the way around but I guess I can take a medium for a jacket". Like just say medium!! I know the way that I am feeling has a lot to do with how I feel about myself and my own insecurities, but I dont know how to stop. Google also doesnt help. I went for my follow-up today, I am 5 weeks out, and she said I was doing great. I asked her if it is common to have these waves of depression and anxiety hit out of nowhere. She said she has seem some patients with the issue and told me to try Garden of Life Dr. Formulated Probiotics Mood+ Acidophilus Probiotic Supplement. She said sometimes with the bypass we are not getting enough serotonin in our systems and this could probably lift my mood. Just wondering if anyone else had any issues like this or if they are taking a supplement with serotonin? I also had a talk about what my expectations were for the surgery and how that could be affecting things. I am beating myself up because I am not seeing things drop as quickly as I thought they would and I am terrified this will be another bariatric sugery failure for me. I didnt realize that the weight loss wouldnt be as quick with a regular bypass before I had it. All of my other health issues seem to be getting better though, except my mental health haha.
  17. TRClark23


    Thank you! I'm wrapping up day one now. It hasn't been that bad (so far) I've had two Premier Protein shakes (I found a limited edition Root Beer Float flavor that's really good at Sam's Club) about 60 ounces of broth, and a couple Jello cups. I think I'll do okay, but I'm thankful that my surgeon is only making me do one week instead of two or three, lol.
  18. I recently had the sleeve revision to gastric bypass and I have been going through so many emotions. First, I was really beating myself up about not losing what I thought I "should" be losing. Then I all of a sudden started to feel like my husbands extremely petite new assistant has the hots for him. I read texts... She was just too chummy for my liking but didnt even say anything that bad. Just a lot of LOL's after things that werent funny and asking for favors to fix her boat while she is a cheerleader. He doesnt respond at all the same way and is very short with his answers and they are all professional. And, he is not a cheat. I know that in my heart, but these emotions that I have are making feel worse about myself than ever before. I cry out of nowhere and have fabricated this potentional office romance and can't stop checking the call logs or texts. The one line stands out when he asked her what her jacket size was and her response was "well I am small all the way around but I guess I can take a medium for a jacket". Like just say medium!! I know the way that I am feeling has a lot to do with how I feel about myself and my own insecurities, but I dont know how to stop. Google also doesnt help. I went for my follow-up today, I am 5 weeks out, and she said I was doing great. I asked her if it is common to have these waves of depression and anxiety hit out of nowhere. She said she has seem some patients with the issue and told me to try Garden of Life Dr. Formulated Probiotics Mood+ Acidophilus Probiotic Supplement. She said sometimes with the bypass we are not getting enough serotonin in our systems and this could probably lift my mood. Just wondering if anyone else had any issues like this or if they are taking a supplement with serotonin? I also had a talk about what my expectations were for the surgery and how that could be affecting things. I am beating myself up because I am not seeing things drop as quickly as I thought they would and I am terrified this will be another bariatric sugery failure for me. I didnt realize that the weight loss wouldnt be as quick with a regular bypass before I had it. All of my other health issues seem to be getting better though, except my mental health haha.
  19. 42 pounds in 7 weeks. That's great.


    1. LindsayT


      Thanks! It's been since my pre-op, April 17th

  20. renae97006


    I’m 2 days in to my 2nd week post op and I still have gurgling after I eat, anybody else have that? Still trying to figure out the full feeling it’s not the normal feeling.
  21. Midwest Grateful

    July 2023 buddies

    Hi ChewChew! I, too, am told to do the 2 week liquid diet x2 weeks to shrink the liver. They are also doing a liver biopsy on me at that time while my surgeon is there (well, plus I have liver dx.). You're right about everyone having such different plans. Interesting. I wish you all the best! And congratulations to you as well! 💟
  22. mlabayne6


    OK TO EVERYONE PIST SURGERY !!!!! Congratulations !!!! Give yourself a hand !!!!! It gets easier and easier and when you go from 285 to 141 you will be like ok I LOVE BARBIE CLOTHES 🤗For those of you that don’t exercise you will lose half of what you want to lose !!!!!! Start water aerobics and do it 5-6 days a week you will be proud . For those of you who don’t you will stay at 180 and no smaller !!!!! It’s a numbers game I had my surgery August 2014 started at 285 one year later 141 !!!! This is the time to put on your big girl panties and work harder then ever you have one year after your surgery to lose what ever your going to lose. !!!! You want pictures I will show you
  23. loridee11

    Long Distance Hiking/vigorous exercise after surgery

    Hi Colin, I don't hike 20 miles per day back to back, but I imagine you will be able to at some point. For the first year or so I'm not sure I was eating/absorbing enough calories to sustain that type of heavy exercise. However, once I was able to eat a little more I never had issues doing whatever exercise I wanted. Of course, as with everything talk to your doctor For me, I started training for Kili about a year after my surgery, with hikes 5-8 miles just on weekends. At the 2 year mark I was hiking 3-4 times per week, up to about 12 miles. And Kili was about 2 1/2 years after surgery and I had no issues at all. I was not active or fit pre-surgery, so my baseline was very low. ~Lori
  24. NP_WIP

    Does Eating really get easier?

    It will get better. I did not meet my water intake the first few weeks, and couldn't meet the protein without the shakes. I was told by my surgeon that it was normal for the first month, but then to prioritize.
  25. Daisy1210


    Hi all! I had surgery on 6/13 sleeve to bypass revision. I was struggling with the liquid diet and I had some fish (cod & salmon) in small portions but only 10/11 days post op. I feel an aching pain in my left side all of a sudden but am passing stool so I dont think a blockage. I didnt lose any weight on my 2 week marker, I remained the same. Did I damage something? Also having a hard time knowing when I am full. Good luck to everyone out there

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