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Found 3,903 results

  1. ellemarie

    how long is the 3 week stall?

    tamareta, three weeks post op seems to be the most common first stall but there are no rules here. The body just goes into protective mode when IT needs to and then lets go when it finds that starvation isn't happening. Most people go through it from time to time and mostly we encourage each other that it gets better, stay the course.
  2. BeckyJane

    Sept 2011 bandsters

    A good day. I'm off benedryl from the allergis reaction. The fog is gone! Went for a 30 walk and then drive my car! Got some more Vitamin zero to drink as plain Water grows tiring. I have lost another three pounds. I read of those who have stalled so I'm preparing myself for the same. I do remember in my research that the first six weeks after surgery are not the time for regular weight loss. I thought it wasnt until our bodies recovered and we got a normal fill before weight loss became regular, so hang in there and stay on the diet you've been given. I'm not feeling hungry between my three meals a day but I have increased to 3 oz pureed meat and 1/2 c of veggies. So my calorie count is finally going above 600. I think once the carbs get added in I should be around 1,000 calories a day. Now I just need to get more active!
  3. siouxshi

    NSV shout outs

    I love this thread so much! I have been reading and decided to join! So I'm only about 3 1/2 weeks out (in my dreaded "three week stall" right now - ugh!) and I had an NSV the other night. We went out to dinner with some friends and I wore a maxi skirt that is elastic at the waist (so it is more comfy than my jeans that fall off of me!) and it kept hitting the tops of my feet. It's never done that before so I was highly confused until I realised that it's because it doesn't have to stretch so much to reach around me anymore! My skirt is actually longer, lol. Didn't see that coming! It was silly, but so fun when I finally made the connection!
  4. Okay, so our apps aren't too different. I was like, dang, your Week 2 looks like my Week 3. Lol. The running portion of Week 3 for me will rotate between 90 seconds jog, 90 seconds walk, 3 min jog, 3 min walk. I'm nervous for that too, but I'm sure I'll be ready for it when I get there. Oh, and the New Orleans summer thunderstorms are forcing me to take things slow. Hopefully I can do Day 2 today! I may have to jog in the rain... I feel your pain, Kate. I haven't had the scale stall for a full three weeks yet, but I definitely know how deflating it can be. Especially when you're doing everything right. It's like, what more could I do?? In the first 3 months after surgery, I lost an average of 4 lbs a week. In the second 3 months, down to 3 lbs a week. Since hitting the 6 month mark, it's been 1.5 lbs a week. I really hope getting in to running will get some of that momentum back. I have a local support group meeting tonight and hope that will help my morale. I wish I could give you some suggestions, but I don't think I have things figured out either. There's so much conflicting information. I only get between 500-600 calories a day and 50-60 grams of Protein. IMO, that's too low, but my surgeon sternly wants me to go as low as I can. He said if it was possible to get 0 calories and 50 grams of protein, that's what he'd be recommending.. Of course I have friends and family (including two cousins who are dietitians) in my ear about how dangerous and counterproductive that is and lecturing me on the biology of "starvation mode". I've resigned to just obeying my surgeon until reaching my goal regardless. It's simpler.
  5. bratvp63

    NSV shout outs

    So I bought two pair of pants when I went back to work three weeks ago and they were two sizes smaller then before and they are already too big. Had a long stall and once it broke the weight is finally falling off. I should invest in suspenders to keep my pants up or get some new ones. This is crazy but I am loving every minute of it! Thank you sleevie!
  6. Lilfootie

    Anyone for October 2020?

    hi everyone - Three weeks out. Yesterday one one of my incisions started oozing yellow. I had a small green spot on the scab as of last week. I messaged my care team. I have a feeling it is infected. It looked wonky since the start and they told me at my last appt it looked fine. All my others are nearly gone now. Still dealing with the seriously itchy welts from the Lovonox allergy. They have not gone away or gotten smaller. I have one 2-4 inches in diameter every place I injected for the first two weeks. Literally covered in then. Between weeks 2-3 I only lost half a pound (I only weighed Sunday). Either the stall came early, or all the Benadryl and swelling from my rash is keeping me from loosing (Benadryl can cause weight gain when taken over time, and I was taking it 3-4x per day for a week). Pretty down about everything. I feel like I am missing a chance for major weight loss and just ridiculously uncomfortable.
  7. feedyoureye

    how long is the 3 week stall?

    Some never get this stall, but mine was 4 weeks long. How can you NOT lose weight eating only 300 calories a day? Thats the magic of the three week stall! It will start coming off again, I promise.. just keep up the good work. If you follow the docs rules.... you can search the three week stall here too for many stories.
  8. NYC Girl

    Sept 2011 bandsters

    Hi Sept 2011 bandsters! It's been a while since I posted, so I'm due. I had my first fill on Oct 19, and am due for my second on Dec 22. I don't "feel" much restriction, but I'm definitely eating less than before. Perhaps I'm expecting too much. Generally, I weigh myself on Monday morning -- the "week - a - versary" of my surgery on Sept 12th, and this week I was back to 188, where I was about three weeks ago, before a little up and down. I was prepared to report that I was frustrated when I met with the bariatric psychologist this afternoon. (as in, waaaa -- my weightloss has stalled!), so I weighed myself this morning. Surprise! I'm down to 185.2, a three lb loss from Monday. This puts me at a 40 lb loss from my high point, or 25 from surgery. That's just over two lbs a week in 12 weeks. So I am loosing! Again, perhaps I'm expecting too much! Made me realize that our "weight" as measured on a scale really varies from day to day, due in part to what we've eaten, if we've had a bm, our cycles, etc. I've always known this, but sometimes it's easy to forget when we see the scale go up and down, and we get discouraged.. This is the reason my psychologist says NOT to set weight goals, only behavioral goals since that is really the only thing you can really directly control. Behavior goals as in: walk 1 hour twice a week, or don't eat after the dinner meal, etc. If you say "my goal is to weigh 180 by New Year's and you eat salty food the night before, and you are 181, does that mean you are a failure? She says this just sets you up for failure. What I need to do is adjust my expectations! I'm eating less, walking more and loosing weight! As I've said a million times, and more than once in this forum, slow and steady wins the race! Have a great week, everyone and stay positive! Lisa in a rainy, but surprisingly warmish NYC.
  9. Renea77

    Where Are My 5 Weekers?

    I will be 5 weeks tomorrow. I read these threads all the time and I have seen many comments about three week stalls, it seems common so when I stalled at three weeks I didn't stress over it. I am losing slowly as well, but I am kinda happy about it because its given me the chance to exercise more and tighten up so I avoid having lots of loose skin. I am taking this one day at a time, we have made a huge choice to become sleeved and we are sooo worth it. Stay positive and remember we are losing the weight and eating less, there will be some hills and valleys but we will succeed! Patience, perseverance, persistence....that's the motto! Have a great night
  10. Weight loss mode. Just recovered from the three week stall, the scales finally moved down one today. Currently 255 Hope to be 242 by 9/19 Sent from my KFTT using the BariatricPal App
  11. MetroDetroitChic

    Post Op March 2014

    I think my stall might have just ended. 21 lbs lost before the stall then nothing for 2+ weeks. I even gained about three pounds. I got frustrated and started waffling at least 10000 steps a day. That seems to have worked. But only three more pounds down as of this week. .. so maybe it's Water weight. Who knows. I'm shrinking in inches for sure. (Wearing regular sized 18 and XL for the first time in years.) Just not losing pounds!
  12. Good timing for me as well - I had one stall at 231.8 for two weeks; then started to loose once again; now three weeks later I am at a stall at 221.8 ! But the compliments just keep coming and the clothes just keep getting falling off. Today I had to move the seat of my car up closer to the steering wheel. Just came back from a work sponsored health fair - my cholestral is way down; blood pressure is perfect and BMI is down 12%. I am thrilled with all the good news. I am halfway to where I want to be; and happy with the results.
  13. eclecticavatar

    calling all December 2016 sleevers!

    Hi surgery buddies! Love that there are a few of us for December 19th. Merry Christmas/happy Hanukkah to us, huh? Things are going well I think. The glue is coming off of my incisions and that's kind of gross, but I am pretty much past the pain. I am getting my Protein but not doing as well with fluids as I could be. I go back to work on Monday and I'm wondering if that's going to be a struggle. I hit a weight-loss stall and the scale hadn't budged in the past seven days but this morning I was back down the extra pound I had gained since the stall started. I think this is the "three week stall," it just happened a little early for me? I think it was a combination of not getting enough Water, and also eating a little too much on my stage 4/vaguely solid foods diet that I was allowed to start. No clue. Just frustrating. I was 250 when I started and 226 day of surgery, down to 216 now.
  14. I had surgery Nov. 22nd. I feel great! I'm down 48 lbs and loving it. It's great to hear everyone else is doing well too. I did hit a three week stall not too long after surgery and that was frustrating. However, I do understand the weight WILL come off. I find so much support on this website so this is where I come for learning and understanding. Good job everybody! I look forward to the updates!
  15. devint

    Week 6: May 27-31st Sleevers

    @@Suzzann I use Nascobal with the Bariactiv and have since surgery. It's a win for me, except sometimes I just get sick of the taste but money wise its the best Vitamin solution for me. For pedometer, I use my iPhone, it drains batteries and its only about 95% accurate but it does help me to keep track of whether i've been totally lazy or at least come close to my goal. Because of my three week stall, I decided to start logging food here starting last wednesday and omg no wonder i'm stalled! I have been between 1200 and 1400 calories and have seriously let my carb consumption go haywire (aka over 100 grams most days), all in an effort to be super Protein rich (been over 80 g everyday and hardly "tried") Mostly due to trying to stop/slow the hair loss. :/ I am so disheartened that I have to reevaluate my eating habits again to get "leaner" choices in. I HATE feeling like i'm on a calorie restrictive diet, despite surgery I am back at square one trying to do it "the hard way" that I've tried doing it my whole life with no real long term success. Ugh, I don't mind "rules" like no sweets or bread but I hate "counting" and "logging." But obviously it works. Good news though, family is coming to visit this week and next and haven't seen me since surgery. Prepare for shock and awe.
  16. I was sleeved July 1 and doing well. I lost 10 lbs pre-op and 15 more in the first two weeks. I have been stalled for almost three weeks. I lost 2.5 in the last few days but it is frustrating. I see my Nut and Dr next week and am hoping my stall will be over soon. I think what is frustrating is that I believe I am doing everything right. I haven't even eaten out once. I cook all my food. I must say I was a nervous wreck prior to surgery and feel great this last week and a half just tired due to working long days. I am excited for everyone on their journey! Best of luck.
  17. CDP1965

    Why Am I Not Losing Weight?

    I am almost 4 weeks post opp now. I dropped 28 lbs in a month before surgery. Then I lost another 28 lbs in three weeks after. So a total of 56 lbs in 7 weeks. Now I am at a stall and I feel it is to early for a stall but maybe I am wrong ? I was weiging my self every day and I was losing 2 lbs a day and now the last three days or so I have not lost any thing. I have ranged from 300 calories to 1000 ( The 1000 was just one day and that was yesterday) Most days I am between 600 and 700. I also have developed a staph infection mostly in my leg ( I get these some times) So I am on antibiotics and not sure if maybe the infection could have somthing to do with my stall ? I know it has caused my BS and BP to come up. Any way I am not to worried about it but I did figure that I would lose between 60 and 100 lbs my first two months out and then maybe slow to 20 lbs a month for awhile. My BMI is at 50.19 now so not sure why I would stall so early.
  18. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    After my Weekend of Steak, I'm stalled this week. Although, to be frank, I don't know if that's because of the steak, or because I lost so much in the days leading up to the Weekend of Steak, and this is just a natural re-equilibration of whatever. I'm not worried; I'm keeping my intake low and am more active than I've been for a long while. Indeed, just yesterday, I suddenly realized that, without thinking, I'd walked to the top of a hill that had always made me puff and pant. And I hadn't noticed it at all, or even thought about having to walk up the hill. And I walked it FAST. Tomorrow is my six week week anniversary - uh, forgive me, *bandiversary*. I'm all healed, so tomorrow I'm going to start doing yoga again, something I haven't done for probably three years. Last time I did it I was about 50 lbs lighter, but the practice is fairly forgiving. We shall see!
  19. Newfoundlove

    Why Am I Not Losing Weight?

    Generally for the first two or three weeks you are going to be swollen and retain fluids some so you may not see huge amounts of weight come off. I actually gained almost 15 pounds in surgery but it was gone a week later along with a few pounds. I'm eight weeks out and have lost 26 pounds since surgery (the rest of my weightloss so far was pre-surgery diet) so I'm losing 2-3 pounds a week and have had a couple of one-week stalls.
  20. missmegan

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Finally broke a three week stall today! I've been feeling very, very frustrated. Celebrated Father's Day with the whole fam though, and definitely got comments HW 296 - SW 266.3 (4/1/13) - CW 229
  21. misstvb

    OCTOBER 2014

    I'm finally feeling better and thus caring about the scale again. I'm going to make an effort to get my protein in and liquids too. Hope it works, a three week stall is too much.
  22. MissTiff

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Man ive been on a stall for almost three weeks. Losing inches but the numbers just haven't been coming down on the scale at all. Frustrating! What a relief when I decided to get on the scale this morning and discovered I was down 8-9lbs since i last checked. Thats a total of 40lbs since surgery April 5-2013. #HappyGirlDance
  23. teekay8887

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    My stall was about three weeks out and lasted for about a week. I was sleeved on 12/18. My weight lose is now steady and I really try only to weight myself a couple of time a week but that's not working to well. I'm still on phase two of my physician's diet. Don't move to fruits and veggies for another two weeks. :-(. Missing my veggies. My physician is conservative on diets. Hope that's a good thing. I go back to work on the 29th and I'm looking forward to getting back in a routine. I'm trying to get my daily meals on my work schedule to make it easier. I work some crazy hours and take call at least three days a week. My days can last from 10 to 16 hours especially this time of year when so many dialysis patients are hospitalize due to illness. Taking a big tub of my favorite protein powder to leave in my locker for those O My Goodness moments need some energy. Need some ideas on easy meals for breakfast and lunch.
  24. RNYjane

    What ya eating tonight?

    I am not able to take in that many calories. I've tried three meals a day and a snack. I just can't get it in. Maybe that's why my weight lose is down to about 2 pounds a week. I'm the same. I am 7 wks post op and have lost only 28 lbs. I gag or throw up all meat and gag easily at most protein. I basically have been living off of Cream of Wheat w/unsweetened almond milk, coffee w/cream for AM, unsweetened applesauce, organic crackers with peanut butter. Just started trying to eat 1-2 cheesesticks a day to get my protein in. I am going to start logging all of my food to really see what I am eating. I desperately want this to work, but since my weight loss is so slow, I am scared this is not going to work for me. I feel like I should have lost 40-50 lbs. by now. Started at 248, 219 this morning. Have chronic headaches and the canned shakes trigger headaches. With every bone in my body, I will do everything I can to be successful. I know I must get that protein in, and take my vitamins. They make me gag too or make my stomach feel sick so I don't take them often. I'm wondering what average weight loss if for most folks at say 8 weeks? I would love to know if people stalled already at 8 weeks. I know I'm doing something wrong and want to change that now to get better results. Is everyone exercising? Taking all of their vitamins daily? Eating 50 grams plus of protein a day? Could eating a primarily carb diet cause my weight loss to be slow?
  25. sach1

    Why do I feel guilty?

    I agree. Whenever I'm busy with chores or outside I'm absolutely fine and can keep going on. But as soon as I'm free all I can do is think about food. I think its more the head than the body. How much have you lost in three weeks? I'm on the famous 3 weeks stall right now.. can't see anything going down on the scale. Hope it gets over soon though. Sent from my SM-N960F using BariatricPal mobile app

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