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  1. Cheesekitty7

    Puking my guts out today :(

    I had my first episode of foamies today. I’m 3 weeks post op and I am cleared for soft foods. I had a scrambled egg and i think i ate a little too fast. I definitely felt it in my chest. The pressure and my runny nose was the cue that I probably ate too fast or I ate too much. Anyways I vomited the dreaded “foam/slime” and proceeded to vomit some of the eggs. Now I wonder when can I drink water ? I’m currently laying it out and trying to relax myself. Scared the sh*t out of me tho.
  2. I managed to go to a conference all of last week and still have energy to hit the Disney parks in the evenings. I had 20k+ steps every day. I wasn't afraid of not fitting in rides (even the kiddie ones), I didn't feel like people were looking at me and judging me, and I managed to loose a few pounds even with the crappy food provided (kids menu were just fast food and at sit down restaurant massive 4oz of steak, 20 baby potatoes and half a head of broccoli)
  3. What a crazy past week! I first posted here last Saturday about the doubts I was having about my gastric sleeve surgery scheduled for 8/15, not in regards to surgery, but concerns with the provider. Monday I expressed some of my concerns to the nurse, who is the bariatric program coordinator, and this lead her to deciding to take me off the surgery schedule, saying if I was going to rehash all the past issues I'd had with them, since these issues would only likely continue post op that it wouldn't be safe to do surgery as I wouldn't comply with post op care. She did say she'd consider reinstating my surgery date, but then started making a long list of demands... since I live out of town I had been told I needed to remain in town through Friday. Of course I booked a hotel from Wednesday-Friday (the plan was likely 1 night in the hospital, and then staying at the hotel 2 additional nights before being able to return back to my home town). She apparently didn't believe me and demanded I forward her my confirmation of booking a hotel room to her! Then she wanted me to make certain statements in writing on the patient portal so "she could take it back to the team" about staying in town, transportation, pain meds, post op care, etc. I was shocked by how horrible I was treated, she was literally yelling at me so loudly (while I was at work) that the conversation could be over heard by others and I had people coming up to me saying "who were you talking to?" in shock by it. I literally had a panic attack after her screaming at me and telling me she was taking my surgery off the schedule. She clearly has no idea the type of person I am: I have never in my life no showed a medical appointment. Have been at my current job 6 years and never clocked in so much as 1 minute late to work. I'm extremely reliable and responsible, so her telling me that I was incapable of following instructions (when the written diet she sent me was in fact incorrect). I don't blame her for that, as they are transitioning the program to the new surgeon so editing all their materials, but to tell me I am incapable of following instructions when she in fact gave me incorrect instructions, and her saying she didn't believe it was safe to do surgery just completely blew my mind! Tuesday she informed me they were going to "keep me off the schedule as a final decision" and I was pretty much despondent and wasn't even able to go to work yesterdady as I pretty much cried all day long. I went to see my primacy care provider, thinking this insane experience had thrown me over the edge and that I needed help for anxiety before I could even think about surgery further, but I actually left very encouraged to keep moving forward. They have referred me to another surgeon and I have a consult on 8/23! I will NOT allow this horrible experience to deter me. My primary care provider told I dodged a bullet and I need to keep moving forward. I thought I went in to ask for some anxiety meds/mental health assistance- something, but the words of encouragement and motivation to keep moving forward were 1000 times better! That being said I am seeing Dr. Tarin Worrest in Missoula, MT on 8/23. By any chance has anyone had surgery with her? Also, any one else have any surgeon suggestions in Montana? My insurance is largely a Montana network so not a whole lot of options, but if anyone has any suggestions for surgeons in the Allegiance network I'd love to hear them!
  4. Texas90

    Curious About Post-Op Days

    Hello. I just completed my first week post-op. Right after surgery I woke up in a LOT of pain and very stiff. As soon as I stood up I felt better so the first day I walked as much as I could. A family member set a timer and I'd sleep, timer would go off and I'd walk, and that went on all day. The next day I think I was a little more sore. I kept up the ritual with the timer. Surgery was on Wednesday and by Tuesday I returned to work. Right now it has been 8 days since my surgery and I actually feel great. I'd like to add that my BCBS wouldn't cover my surgery so we used secondary Surgery Plus and I wasn't able to stay at the hospital so I was an out patient. Please make sure you have someone with you to help you. I literally couldn't raise myself out of bed by myself. Best of luck!!!
  5. summerseeker


    You couldn't make this any harder if you tried. Poor you. Yes I was so weak, I never met my protein goals for months. Just eat what you can, when you can. Take nana naps, you will feel so much better. Leave as much of the mundane until later on down the road. I had wicked diarrhoea from the moment I woke from my surgery. Anaesthetic has that effect on some of us. Others get it because they can not stomach some types of protein in the shakes or become lactose intolerant. Call your team if you are in anyway worried but the early weeks are rough.
  6. Starr2015

    Liquid Phase, pre and post op

    I like Ensure Max Protein for my full liquids. I am July 26th for the SADI (from my 2018 sleeve) so I go on the 2 week July 12th. My prior sleeve post op was rough because I am sensitive to gas. I was campbell tomato soup, chicken broth from Swanson, and gatorade. I did try crystal light- every flavor and I was dehydrated through the first month. I just could not get protein and liquids into my sleeve. For my SADI... I hope I can drink after. I have multiple flavors of protein shakes ready and beef/chicken broths ready to go. I think because I experienced a major stomach surgery before, I kind of know what to expect. And I expect gas, pain, and poop (TMI? sorry!). You have to get in liquids. If you do stock up prior, get a variety of flavors and brands. Buy the store brand and find coupons. If you have food stamps, a lot of this is covered. Go for liquids that have protein like broths but also basic soups. If you have a favorite flavor right now, get it. If it is something you know you will drink, it is better to have on hand. I knew I would drink gatorade and not surprised I balked at the crystal light. Hope this helped some?
  7. sillykitty

    Doctor Recs and Pricing in Los Angeles

    I've had 2 sets of surgeries and have traveled for both of them, as have some of my friends. Never had issues with recoveries and pain was always manageable. I had friends/family stay with me, but no medical care was provided. More like make me a sandwhich type care I stayed two weeks each time, which was more time than I needed. I've also known people who were very happy with recovery home stays
  8. Carla Ogwin


    Now that I am strictly on liquid three days out from my operation I'm only using two protein shakes 11 oz of chicken broth twice a day unlimited water jello, popsicles, pudding. but that's cuz they told me yesterday that we are only supposed to have 60 grams of protein on this liquid diet that's why I cut it down to two protein shakes.
  9. FifiLux

    July 2023 buddies

    I know everyone is different but has anyone been given an indication from their clinics as to how much it might be possible to lose in the first month? I am 260lbs (was 265 last week before I started my version of liquid diet) and at moment don't exercise unless you count walking round shops at a leisurely pace. I just find it hard here to get answers in English from my clinic that don't confuse me. In fairness they speak and write to me in English but sometimes it does not make actual sense and my French is terrible, unless it involves food. Like for example I have been told to bring my own bath towel and €1 coins for water machine, now I know I am not going on a 4* holiday but I did expect that the hospital would provide towels and water, for the limited amount I will be able to drink when there. I didn't want to seem desperate and ask the surgeon
  10. KNOW YOUR WHY & why you are doing this. You will have buyers remorse at some point, but it will be temporary. I've had days where I've literally thought, what have I done? I miss abusing food, ect. But it's short lived & then you remember, you're losing weight, taking care of this body you hold up a permanent residence in & after awhile, you don't really care about food like you used to. I use to live to eat! I could eat sooooo much until I was sick. I had binge eating in a bad way, now I can't believe how much I could eat in a single sitting! Would last me a week now haha! I am 5wk PO down 31 lbs since surgery. My starting weight was 248 lbs I am currently 217 lbs I want to be around 135 lbs is when I felt optimal but I felt good at 150-160 lbs in the past too. I am 5'6 See where my body puts me & how far I'm willing to go. I am not going to cheat on my diet until maintenance stage, it's just not worth it. The honeymoon stage you keep hearing about it real & you only get ONE so I'm taking full advantage of it. If you have any questions or anything you can message me anytime on here or my toktok @kno_ur_why.
  11. Brandiwine77

    Curious About Post-Op Days

    I had it pretty easy. My sleeve was outpatient, so I got to the hospital at 515ish, and was home by 1pm. The first day I was so tired and sleepy from the anesthesia. I had a post op appt first thing next morning. On the way home, we swung by Target and walked around. It wore me out. No real pain and only took a pain pill the 2nd night to help knock me out, lol. I had my surgery on a Wed and went back to work in the office on Monday. Didn't have a whole lot of nausea. The first 2-3 days water really hurt, but then that went away. I'm a little over 3 weeks out, and I still haven't fully gotten all of my endurance back (but it doesn't help that its 3rd level of hell hot in AL, lol) I am sleeping better, and I'm down 14lbs or so since surgery. Most of my glue on incisions has some off, except the spot where they took my stomach out. That one is still a wee bit touchy.
  12. I recently had the sleeve revision to gastric bypass and I have been going through so many emotions. First, I was really beating myself up about not losing what I thought I "should" be losing. Then I all of a sudden started to feel like my husbands extremely petite new assistant has the hots for him. I read texts... She was just too chummy for my liking but didnt even say anything that bad. Just a lot of LOL's after things that werent funny and asking for favors to fix her boat while she is a cheerleader. He doesnt respond at all the same way and is very short with his answers and they are all professional. And, he is not a cheat. I know that in my heart, but these emotions that I have are making feel worse about myself than ever before. I cry out of nowhere and have fabricated this potentional office romance and can't stop checking the call logs or texts. The one line stands out when he asked her what her jacket size was and her response was "well I am small all the way around but I guess I can take a medium for a jacket". Like just say medium!! I know the way that I am feeling has a lot to do with how I feel about myself and my own insecurities, but I dont know how to stop. Google also doesnt help. I went for my follow-up today, I am 5 weeks out, and she said I was doing great. I asked her if it is common to have these waves of depression and anxiety hit out of nowhere. She said she has seem some patients with the issue and told me to try Garden of Life Dr. Formulated Probiotics Mood+ Acidophilus Probiotic Supplement. She said sometimes with the bypass we are not getting enough serotonin in our systems and this could probably lift my mood. Just wondering if anyone else had any issues like this or if they are taking a supplement with serotonin? I also had a talk about what my expectations were for the surgery and how that could be affecting things. I am beating myself up because I am not seeing things drop as quickly as I thought they would and I am terrified this will be another bariatric sugery failure for me. I didnt realize that the weight loss wouldnt be as quick with a regular bypass before I had it. All of my other health issues seem to be getting better though, except my mental health haha.
  13. Arabesque

    Puking my guts out today :(

    I find I can have a little sip or two of water after an attack but I am a lot further out. You can try & see how you go at the moment @Cheesekitty7. Some people do struggle with eggs in the beginning but it usually passes so that could have been the cause of yours - just your tummy saying nope. I find the foamies can be delayed and can occur 15+ minutes after I’ve eaten or drunk too @brandiwine. Don’t know why. I’ve always put it down to just me. What is it with scrambled eggs at the moment?? They set me off last week too & I’ve never had trouble with eggs. Just my quirky tummy keeping me on my toes.
  14. I recently had the sleeve revision to gastric bypass and I have been going through so many emotions. First, I was really beating myself up about not losing what I thought I "should" be losing. Then I all of a sudden started to feel like my husbands extremely petite new assistant has the hots for him. I read texts... She was just too chummy for my liking but didnt even say anything that bad. Just a lot of LOL's after things that werent funny and asking for favors to fix her boat while she is a cheerleader. He doesnt respond at all the same way and is very short with his answers and they are all professional. And, he is not a cheat. I know that in my heart, but these emotions that I have are making feel worse about myself than ever before. I cry out of nowhere and have fabricated this potentional office romance and can't stop checking the call logs or texts. The one line stands out when he asked her what her jacket size was and her response was "well I am small all the way around but I guess I can take a medium for a jacket". Like just say medium!! I know the way that I am feeling has a lot to do with how I feel about myself and my own insecurities, but I dont know how to stop. Google also doesnt help. I went for my follow-up today, I am 5 weeks out, and she said I was doing great. I asked her if it is common to have these waves of depression and anxiety hit out of nowhere. She said she has seem some patients with the issue and told me to try Garden of Life Dr. Formulated Probiotics Mood+ Acidophilus Probiotic Supplement. She said sometimes with the bypass we are not getting enough serotonin in our systems and this could probably lift my mood. Just wondering if anyone else had any issues like this or if they are taking a supplement with serotonin? I also had a talk about what my expectations were for the surgery and how that could be affecting things. I am beating myself up because I am not seeing things drop as quickly as I thought they would and I am terrified this will be another bariatric sugery failure for me. I didnt realize that the weight loss wouldnt be as quick with a regular bypass before I had it. All of my other health issues seem to be getting better though, except my mental health haha.
  15. DaisyAndSunshine

    Getting plastics tomorrow!

    Yeh that's what they told me that for about a year or so, I may notice swelling without the binder. So they recommend I wear the binder throughout the year or abdomen may swell up. The binders that I use have been provided by them - the fabric velcro types. They can look a bit bulky over certain clothings. Or may be I can look into a faja post 8 months or so. Any specific type that you purchased? Amazon has many selections especially those waist trainer ones. I may ask Dr. Chivers on my 6 week f/u if corsets or shapewears can be used instead of the current binder. Let's see. Right now binder seems comfortable especially since the area is super hypersensitive! So far I think I am happy with the results. It was a painful recovery but I am glad lose skin especially the muffin top is taken care of and has flattened/tightened my tummy. I can't wait to wear shorts and jeans now. Some of the shorts and figure hugging dresses didn't look very good with my tummy area. Now they look lovely. I'll try more clothing as swelling goes down. Arms also look tonned and defined 💪🏽😂 So overall I am satisfied. Just waiting for dressing to come off and see how scars progress, the biggest challenge of this surgery!
  16. Hi everyone. I’m now 3 days post op. It’s currently 3am and I can’t sleep lol. The pain and gas are rough but I’m hoping after a week or so I’ll feel better soon. Annnd my period started the day after surgery. Yay 😩 How’’s everyone’s journey so far?
  17. Arabesque

    Help!!!! POST OP

    Two eggs & some grits? You’re doing well. A lot if it just comes down to how we heal. Actually two scrambled eggs would take me three days without r eating anything else. I can eat about two now at four years out. But that’s an example of how different we all are.
  18. Carol97045

    Too close to the ER today (long post)

    Hello this is my first time on here and I couldn’t help but feel that I needed to respond to your message but you shouldn’t be consuming any alcohol at 4 weeks out from surgery or 4 years out from surgery because we don’t absorb alcohol like the average person would since we have had our stomach altered with a bypass procedure
  19. Miss Sunshine P

    May 2023 surgeries

    Turkey sausage is a great idea I just wasn’t sure that would be consider soft foods and nowhere on my list of foods say oatmeal but I would love some oatmeal. I’ve finally reach a weight loss stall I’ve been between 168 and 170 for the pass week and a half so I thought it was because I was able to eat more
  20. summerseeker

    Happy 64th to me!

    Amazing, thank you for sharing, I had my 64th last week too. My new body feels so much younger but my knees give me away.
  21. Puréed foods have traumatized me 😣 When my doctor advanced me my first meal was mashed potatoes and they were fantastic! I went on to try some salmon but in the blender and it was the worst decision of my life. The texture was that of a milkshake and it was ABSOLUTELY disgusting. I never want to experience blended food (besides a green smoothie) ever again in life. Also, tried the ricotta bake but it was only good for a week before I was over it. So I'm technically still in puréed stage but I'm doing a mushy soft foods instead because I cant with blending food.... I guess I've advanced myself to soft solids (the #1 thing you're not suppose to do 😬) but I've been feeling good and I chew it up really well. Rotisserie chicken mashed potatoes mashed curry chickpeas mashed green beans I do know when when I'm eating too fast though: I feel the pain when the food stacks right in my chest and its passing thru my small opening little by little it's hard to breathe What I think is the "foamies" When this happens I just get up and walk around a bit until it has all trickled down into the pouch Thanks for attending my Ted Talk!
  22. Does anyone have any recomendations for baby foods? going into week 2 and would like to find some meat and veggie babyfoods that are not horrible to eat. I am focused on the idea of "food is fuel" so it doesnt have to be the best flavor ever but If anyone has suggestions on what they liked that would be great.
  23. I hope this is the right place to post this question! I have Molina Medicaid Apple Health insurance. Two weeks ago I brought up bariatric surgery to my doctor. I even brought a copy of the Molina Medicaid Apple Health pre-surgical assessment form that she is supposed to fill out and fax. She is 100% on board with me having this surgery from what I can tell, so that isn’t the issue. And she seems really nice, I only just started seeing her. On Monday I sent her a message asking if she had sent in the form and asking what happens when they approve/deny it and she responded that she hadn’t yet. After a few misunderstandings of the actual criteria Molina has for surgery, I sent her a message that Molina sent me when I asked them directly. I qualify based just on my BMI according to what they told me. She said that helped and she would send the form the following day. Great! Except now she’s saying she was told by the dietitian at the clinic that it isn’t her who sends the form in, it’s the dietitian. At this clinic, they like to have all of the appointments set up BEFORE sending in that form for approval since stage 2 starts immediately upon approval. I sent her the PDF from Molina that outlines the stages and that it says my PCP has to send it before which she agreed made sense but she doesn’t want to go against what the clinic does. She also said she’s never been through this process before, so I guess I’m her first patient to want this? That isn’t right, is it? The dietitian can’t fax that form, can they? At my appointment two weeks ago my doctor sent in a referral for the dietitian just so I could get on the books since we don’t know how long this process will take and I scheduled an appointment for next month knowing I might have to reschedule. But now my doctor is basically saying the form won’t be sent until I go to that appointment… but why would I go to that appointment if it won’t count? Should I find a new doctor? Or should I trust they know how to do things? Should I call Molina and ask? I’m a nervous person in general and this isn’t helping. 😂 I just don’t want this to get messed up! Sorry for the long post.
  24. NP_WIP

    Vacation after surgery

    I have traveled every month since surgery, starting at exactly one month post op. I took some protein powder (fruity one) and some shakes in my bag and then just ate the protein of whatever was being served. At my 2nd trip, which was about 7 weeks post op, I followed the same idea, but only took the protein powder since I could eat a little more and I wasn't afraid to try new things, even a margarita. After month 3, I take Gatorade zero packets (easier to take along but only 10g of protein) and some quest bars, and eat about everything and log all foods.
  25. BypassTheBS

    Too close to the ER today (long post)

    I was not consuming alcohol at this event nor have i had alcohol since before my 2 week pre op diet I mentioned I've consumed alcohol at this event in the past before i thought about having surgery just to give some context on how much things have changed for me now that I’ve had RNY I’ll make it a little more clear in my OP 😊

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