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Found 3,900 results

  1. RNYjane

    What ya eating tonight?

    I am not able to take in that many calories. I've tried three meals a day and a snack. I just can't get it in. Maybe that's why my weight lose is down to about 2 pounds a week. I'm the same. I am 7 wks post op and have lost only 28 lbs. I gag or throw up all meat and gag easily at most protein. I basically have been living off of Cream of Wheat w/unsweetened almond milk, coffee w/cream for AM, unsweetened applesauce, organic crackers with peanut butter. Just started trying to eat 1-2 cheesesticks a day to get my protein in. I am going to start logging all of my food to really see what I am eating. I desperately want this to work, but since my weight loss is so slow, I am scared this is not going to work for me. I feel like I should have lost 40-50 lbs. by now. Started at 248, 219 this morning. Have chronic headaches and the canned shakes trigger headaches. With every bone in my body, I will do everything I can to be successful. I know I must get that protein in, and take my vitamins. They make me gag too or make my stomach feel sick so I don't take them often. I'm wondering what average weight loss if for most folks at say 8 weeks? I would love to know if people stalled already at 8 weeks. I know I'm doing something wrong and want to change that now to get better results. Is everyone exercising? Taking all of their vitamins daily? Eating 50 grams plus of protein a day? Could eating a primarily carb diet cause my weight loss to be slow?
  2. Very good advice ideas.The main thing I do is write it ALL down. (fitday.com) I eat with protein first as the intended rule... I end up eating three cookies once in a while... then I write it down. I try to keep under maybe 1600 calories with an ideal target of 12-1400. Writing it all down forces me to remain conscious of what Im doing. I have had a history of eating what I want.... but WAY too much over time, and when the scales would stall, for a day or a week, I would bolt off the plan I was following. This had to change. With the sleeve, after working it for 11 months so far, I see that I am in it for the long run. If I don't lose weight for weeks or months, I know if I follow a semi healthy plan daily,within the intended calorie range, eventually, the scale reading will go down. And it always has. I think in the past, pre sleeve, I just jumped ship before my body had the chance to really lose the weight my actions would lead to in the long run. Slow weight loss is not bad. For plenty of reasons it is good. Embrace it. Enjoy the ride as much as you can. This is your life too... don't hold out enjoying your life until you lose the weight.
  3. MissTiff

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Man ive been on a stall for almost three weeks. Losing inches but the numbers just haven't been coming down on the scale at all. Frustrating! What a relief when I decided to get on the scale this morning and discovered I was down 8-9lbs since i last checked. Thats a total of 40lbs since surgery April 5-2013. #HappyGirlDance
  4. 2sleeve2gether


    hi madam 7 weeks ago the night before my sister and i were sleeved in Mexico i went online and you posted about severe reflux and how you took apple cider vinegar and you were on the floor in the bathroom dying.....that put such terror in my heart....i was totally freaking.....my sister went to sleep and i was literally shaking....i was contemplating not doing the surgery......i took several theanines (natural calmers) and some melatonin and finally fell asleep....i went through with the surgery and both my sister and i had pretty easy recoveries....the day we flew out of san diego we spent 5 hours walking around and sitting watching shows at sea world..... what i am getting at is...how are you? and how are you managing your reflux? now if we can only figure out how to lose our weight without stalling every other week it would be great....we lost 10 pounds the first week then stalled for two weeks....lost another three pounds and stalled for about 10-12 days....we lose about 1/2pound a week now..,,doesnt seem right........any suggestions from anyone..... i dont get in all of the Protein...ive never had so much protein...,same with the Water....i get in about 30 ounces on a good day......thats more than i have ever drunk especially in the winter....,do you think that would be the problem? any feedback from any of you would be highly appreciated....
  5. Peekboo

    African American vsgers!

    MyssJones Yes the stalls suck. I have gone three weeks and lost nothing then lose 4 pounds. I wish it were more consistent. How have you been otherwise? Does your stomach tolerate foods well? Any constipation issues?lol, that's my biggest problem.
  6. seaforest

    December 2018 Sleevers!

    Yeah, I'm in a stall myself at the moment. I admit to torturing myself by visiting the scale every morning. But, I log all my food, I'm exercising every day, and following all the directions I've been given. I'm sure one of these days, I'll get a nice surprise when I get on the scale. But 12 lbs in three weeks was good. Four weeks on Wednesday and no regrets!
  7. Pam - Can I come stay with you and can I sleep in your closet? :eek: Kat - I'm so glad you're ok! That would have freaked me out and it's a good thing you kept control of your truck! TracyK - How's the house search going? Have you found anything you like yet? Laura - I know exactly what you're talking about with the computer game. I sometimes sit for two little girls, one is 14 and one is 12 and they spend their allowance money on these virtual lives! I couldn't believe it when they were first explaining it to me! Obviously there is many many people out there doing the same. That sounds like a great hobby and it's great that you're able to make money off it! Jenn - glad you're feeling better! So, I've hit such a plateu. I'm completely stalled. It frustrates me because I work like a dog, fall into bed exhausted every night. but in the morning I weigh myself and I'm up and down the same two pounds every day. Been like that for about three weeks now. Granted i'm not doing cardio or nothing like that but still! Last night I had to touch up the entire house because when the guys that installed my tile floor, they would brace themselves on the newly painted walls to get up off of their knees. So last night I had to go around the whole house and repaint all the walls right around the hip level and down. My arms were killing me, I was sweating like crazy. Sunday we loaded up a huge moving truck with all the stuff that's left from our old house, brought it to the new house and unloaded everything. Then we had to load up about 500 sq feet of carpet that had been soaked by the rain because when we pulled it we left it out in the back yard and it rained so it got soaking wet. Along with the pad that goes underneath! And also about 500 sq ft of linoleum that we pulled from the kitchen and bathrooms. Anyways, we loaded that up onto the moving truck and we went and found a dumpster to unload it into. Seriously, almost every day is like this since we moved. We've been moving, cleaning, pulling, painting. trimming. This house was a wreck when we got it. It's got great bones but the interior was yuck. And i'm sorry for the rant but I'm getting so frustrated. I was crying about it this morning when I got on the scale. Oh and I guess it doesn't help that we've been eating fast food almost every night. I just can't stop whatever project I'm doing to fix dinner so Juan usually brings something home. Not overly bad stuff because he can't stand burgers and fries but it's not home cooking. Roasted chicken from the grocery deli, subway, salads from jack in the box, chinese food... AUGH. I can't wait until I get back to normal. Hopefully just one more week and I'll be done with the house that way I can get back to my routine, because not only is it affecting my dinner eating it also affects my lunch eating. I usually make lunch at home and bring it to the office. Well I haven't been doing that so I end up grabbing something quick here at the places around the office... Oh, and I don't eat breakfast. I don't get hungry until around 12:30. I have only myself to blame. I've promised myself 5 days a week of gym as soon as i get my house in order. Thanks for listening ya'll. I feel better now.
  8. teekay8887

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    My stall was about three weeks out and lasted for about a week. I was sleeved on 12/18. My weight lose is now steady and I really try only to weight myself a couple of time a week but that's not working to well. I'm still on phase two of my physician's diet. Don't move to fruits and veggies for another two weeks. :-(. Missing my veggies. My physician is conservative on diets. Hope that's a good thing. I go back to work on the 29th and I'm looking forward to getting back in a routine. I'm trying to get my daily meals on my work schedule to make it easier. I work some crazy hours and take call at least three days a week. My days can last from 10 to 16 hours especially this time of year when so many dialysis patients are hospitalize due to illness. Taking a big tub of my favorite protein powder to leave in my locker for those O My Goodness moments need some energy. Need some ideas on easy meals for breakfast and lunch.
  9. Cheryl_S

    OMG October 2013 Post-ops

    I am officially part of the slow losers! I'm also in the three week stall. Seriously don't know how stalls are possible on 600 cal/day! The good thing is that I can't throw my diet to the wind like I would before on a stall. Glad to finally have a BM. How stupid is that? LOL! It seems like I go from one issue to another. Now I'm having a lot of pain in my lower left side, especially when bending over and getting up and down. I guess I might have over done it. Emailed the doctor's office and they told me to come in if it gets worse. Ready to feel better!!
  10. elturner

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    Sleeved Oct 7 and I have hit that dreaded three week stall. I haven't lost any inches in a week and no weight loss for four days..I'm also still exhausted. I feel like I could sleep all day and all night! I'm so depressed because I feel like this isn't going to work for me like everything else. Anyone ever feel this way?
  11. graftmw

    Where are the November Sleevers?

    I go through plateaus every three weeks, then lose for three weeks and plateau again. It will start coming off! I stalled on my workouts in March since I work in public accounting and my audits all issue in March, but starting this week I am back working out. Anyone still having shortness of breath during intense exercise? I'm fine swimming, spinning, jogging, etc but if I am at a pace greater than a jog I get wheezy with a tight throat. I am sure it is surgery related still as I am only 5 months out. Keep up the good work everyone! Down from 322 (310 pre surgery) to 252. My goal is 230-240.
  12. catwoman7

    12 days post op and stopped losing weight

    yes. Happens to almost all of us. It's called the three week stall, even though it's not always the third week. Mine was weeks 2 & 3. During week 4, I dropped like 6-8 lbs within a couple of days. if you want to see how common it is, do a search on the "three week stall" on this site. There are 15,701 posts on it, the last time I checked (and no, I am NOT kidding). just stick with your plan and stay off the scale for a few days if you have to. And know that it WILL end and you'll be on your way again edited to add that I thought I'd do the search for you. Here you go: https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall
  13. Dr. Powers is my surgeon:) wow even being at a stall 40 lbs down is wonderful. Im sur the stall will be over before you know it and u be right back to losing:) Your close to one month out....was you in alot of pain after surgery? That is the part that I am scared about is the pain..or a leak.. I have had three csections and my gallbladder removed...I keep telling myself it shoudnt be no worse then that but there is so many difernt stories on the internet some people just in pain first day or so and sum for weeks. So I am iffy on how to feel or how much to worry about it
  14. Hi there!! Welcome to the thread. Ditto what @Apple1 said! But not only that, I'd encourage you to focus on your NSV's as well. I also don't believe in the stall thing...sure, the weight fluctuates, but that doesn't mean you're at a stall. Your body is still changing. You're still losing. Also remember, our bodies are still healing being only 3 weeks out....so our bodies will constantly be changing these first three months. Every body is different as well, we need to remember, that each of us will have a different way of losing (some are the same), so this is your journey, may or may not be the same as mine or the others. Overall, please stay on board here, we'll be your cheerleaders! We're here to help you and help each other.
  15. It sounds trivial when someone say's "Hang in there, it will happen", The fact is, it DOES happen. As long as you are watching what you eat, losing weight is inevitable. I finally broke my stall a couple of weeks ago, which was almost a month. I stay away from fast food, fried foods and refined sugar like the plague. During a three week span, I lost a total of 2 lbs but my clothes continued to get smaller.
  16. parisshel

    Surgery Scheduled for March

    Hi everybody! Great to read everyone's updates. I had my first fill three weeks ago (4 ccs in a 10 cc band). While I don't notice that much of a difference---I had pretty good restriction with an unfilled band already--it gave a bit of a jumpstart to my weight loss and my weight is moving down at a nice pace: 2 pounds a week consistently, whereas before my fill I had a lot of stalls. Now I see a little drop each time I step on the scale! I'm pleased with this overall. At one point I had this feeling of "Hey, I could've gotten the same results with Weight Watchers!" but that was just a brief moment of insanity. Because I never would've stuck it out this long with WW without falling off the wagon, or feeling deprived, or feeling insanely hungry and always thinking about my next snack or meal. With the lapband, I have none of that old dieter mindset. As I said to someone yesterday, for me, the lapband doesn't make losing weight easy, but it makes it simple. Good to see everybody, and keep checking in! Have a great summer in your new, smaller body!
  17. mdb

    Super Saturday Weigh In

    I had a small gain this week. I went from 266 to 266.7. I'm in the middle of week three so I think I've hit the stall everyone talks about. Now I know not to panic!
  18. Well first off, welcome to the rest of your new life! With that statement comes a great number of changes, mental and physical. First, I would say you are eating too much, however, I too had issues soon after surgery. Do not get me wrong, I am just now 3.5 months post-op, but down 70 pounds. Weight loss is 'strange' after surgery, especially in the beginning. I really set the bar high, and decided long before surgery that I was committing to a complete lifestyle change, and I am living it today. As mentioned earlier in this post, tracking your food is very important. This is one of the three reasons I recommend a Fitbit to everyone, you can track your food/water/protein input with the Fitbit website (or MyFitnesspal.com), secondly, you can track your activity, and lastly and this is a biggie, you can see your heartrate. Why is this so important? One of the very early signs of dumping is Tachycardia, and elevated heart rate. So, you are chowing down on a new food and you start to feel a bit strange. Am I eating too fast? Am I going to dump? Does this not agree with me? A quick glance at your heart rate is a great tool to determine why you are feeling the way you are, and more importantly to prevent dumping. I have had three such incidents now, where I was juuuuuuust on the border of dumping, but I began to feel odd, checked my heart rate, saw it in the upper 80s' low 90's and realized I was about to dump. I stopped eating the suspect food and within 20 minutes I was fine. Why is food tracking so important? One word, accountability. I look at my food intake every day. I log every single thing that touches my lips. My weight loss never surprises me. I know when I was adding new foods, or ate 'heavy' foods and lowered my expectations for the week. Tracking with software allows you to see, how well or poorly you are doing in a given day, and to evaluate the prior day once it had concluded. HOLD YOURSELF ACCOUNTABLE. Activity. Let's face it, weight loss is really as simple as burning more calories than you take in. You need to be able to determine how many calories are being burned and a Fitbit does a great job at this. No it is not perfect, but it is better than guessing. No matter how obese you may be, you can walk. I do. In fact, I am up to 8 miles, 5 days a week. I am a full time student, so I have the two hours to dedicate. Many do not. Track your activity, and HOLD YOURSELF ACCOUNTABLE. Pro tips: -Do not drink 30 minutes before a meal and for 30 minutes after a meal. -NEVER eat while distracted. NO EATING IN FRONT OF THE TELEVISION!!! Sit at the table, without distraction and slowly eat your food. FEEL what your body is telling you. Savor every bite. -Remember calories are not all created equal. I have gone to a rather extreme diet, but I like low carbing, I like the energy and the overall great feeling. Thus, I do not imbibe anything solid and white (fat free cheese is the lone exception), no Sugar, Flour, Rice, Pasta, Bread or Potatoes. There are only two things you are concerned with at this stage, really, two. Water intake and Protein. And your body will punish you for failing to take in enough. I shoot for 100g of high quality protein a day (not all Proteins are created equal, research PDCASS), and at least 80oz of water. -Calories, your mileage will vary, but I have found that I lose weight at the best rate when on active days I get in 1100-1300 calories and on inactive days 600-800 calories. I am never really hungry, and have to stick to a schedule to make sure I get enough calories in on any given day. -Milk, try Isopure in Fairlife milk. That is how I do it, in fact Fairlife milk is one of the many wonderful things I learned about here in these forums. Short story, it is lactose free, has twice the protein of regular milk and 1/2 the carbs. I use 2 measured ounces of whole milk in my coffee, and use the skim for everything else. It is much creamier than regular milk. The whole milk is more like cream, and the skim more like 2% milk. -These tips may or may not help you, they help me. -Fiber. Yes you need it, see the post about dealing with your new post op ass for more. I struggle with this, daily. In closing I would say, do not put your head in the sand. Hold yourself accountable for ALL your actions. It is the aggregate of all your actions that will determine what the scale has to say at the end of each week. You are nearly due for the 'dreaded three week stall'. It will pass. Do not let it get you down if it hits you. Seek counseling for food addiction. I am not a '12 step' kinda guy. I have to solve my own problems, but that is me. I think it is the Military in me, I do not like asking for help, I see it as a weakness. It is not, but as my ex mother in law was famously quoted, "Feelings are not facts". I FEEL like asking for help is a weakness, but my mind knows better. That is my issue to deal with. Best of luck. Post often. Keep us in the loop, there are a LOT of WONDERFUL people here.
  19. Sunnyer

    August surgery buddies!

    Thanks for sharing! I recently had my six week evaluation and so far I’ve lost 12 kilos or 26 pounds after surgery, so I’m pretty much on track for my starting weight. Yes, the stalls can be very frustrating and I had one for almost three weeks in the beginning of this month. But then the number on the scale started moving again. I still vomit sometimes, especially after dinner, no matter how careful I try to be. Happened tonight. So that’s my biggest problem, still.
  20. happilysleeved

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    I'm with you ArtSong, I was sleeved 9/14/12 and am down 54 lbs and I was really happy with that, 3 weeks ago! Scale has not moved in three weeks and I'm worried that I'm doing something wrong! I still getting in all my protein and water and eating around 800 calories, and I know stalls happen and to be patient but to get on the scale and find it has not moved is upsetting! I could up my exercise, only getting to walk 3 days a week or so plus some strength training at home due to my work schedule and my kids activites schedule. This stall has me feeling really down!
  21. I Am Enough!

    August surgery buddies!

    Howdy! I've been so busy enjoying this new freedom called get up and MOVE! I have joined a fun dance group called Body Groove and it is a fantastic way of getting up and get moving with low impact. It's an app you can download on your TV and dance along. Overall I have been able to resume normal eating, but the raw food are still kinda iffy. I think I'll wait awhile before introducing salads. I need to stay focused on protein and hydration. With my morning protein drink (coffee replacement) and adding liquid protein to my water, I haven't had any issues with meeting my protein requirements. I find more than anything is that I'm tired. I was successfully able to give blood and my iron count was 13.5 so I know my nutrients and supplements are absorbing. I go for my 3 month checkup soon and they'll be analyzing my blood labs a bit closer. Constipation is a real issue. even though I take a Dulcolax chew about once a week, I think I'm gonna have to up it to every other day. Suppositories work real well, but I hate when it has had to get that far. I also started drinking a green smoothie most days to get in my trace minerals in wheat grass powder, veggies, and adaptogens from mushrooms. Anyone else try Ka'Chava? I really like it My weight stalled around 207/208 for about three weeks but I dropped a considerable amount of inches. So far I am staying within the healthy weight loss bracket. I'm anxious to post my Onederland scale picture soon!!
  22. missmegan

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Finally broke a three week stall today! I've been feeling very, very frustrated. Celebrated Father's Day with the whole fam though, and definitely got comments HW 296 - SW 266.3 (4/1/13) - CW 229
  23. MetroDetroitChic

    February/March 2014 sleevers

    In addition to hair loss ---- Anyone else been in a stall for two/three weeks? I am at 205 and have been for almost three weeks. I am dying to see a 199. My crippled *** might even do a cartwheel to celebrate I swear. IF I ever get there!
  24. Sunnyer

    August surgery buddies!

    I can see how frustrating that is, but then again you've already lost almost 80 pounds which is a LOT. So, your body is probably adjusting to that massive weight loss before you can start losing again. I spent the last week of October, all of November and the first week of December in a stall, pretty much. I only lost 6 kilos (13 pounds) in those three months, most of it in December. I'm thinking January is going to be your month. It will be great starting the new year with renewed weight loss!
  25. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    After my Weekend of Steak, I'm stalled this week. Although, to be frank, I don't know if that's because of the steak, or because I lost so much in the days leading up to the Weekend of Steak, and this is just a natural re-equilibration of whatever. I'm not worried; I'm keeping my intake low and am more active than I've been for a long while. Indeed, just yesterday, I suddenly realized that, without thinking, I'd walked to the top of a hill that had always made me puff and pant. And I hadn't noticed it at all, or even thought about having to walk up the hill. And I walked it FAST. Tomorrow is my six week week anniversary - uh, forgive me, *bandiversary*. I'm all healed, so tomorrow I'm going to start doing yoga again, something I haven't done for probably three years. Last time I did it I was about 50 lbs lighter, but the practice is fairly forgiving. We shall see!

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