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Found 3,900 results

  1. Sherelle28441

    Not losing

    I know that you are going to hit many stall during this journey but it's be about three weeks and I was wondering if there is something I can do to help it along I had surgery on the 21 of November and I know I don't get enough Water in so for the past few days I been getting about 48 ounces in I'm doing good with Protein I exercise about 5 days out the week. Hw 414 SW 393 CW 360 Sent from my HTC6525LVW using the BariatricPal App
  2. gemigirl

    No weight loss in 3 days

    You're going to have lots of days where this happens, fluctuations are completely normal! I was sleeved 9/19 and am mentally preparing for the dreaded three week stall by stepping off my scale and moving to weekly instead of daily weigh-ins. At 10 days out your most important tasks are to hit your Fluid intake and Protein goals, walk walk walk and rest. Everything else will fall into place! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  3. luvinmytat2

    8 weeks out!

    Ok So, I've heard all about the stupid stalls. I am 9 1/2 weeks out and have lost 36 lbs as of this morning but I have not lost an ounce in three weeks. Help!!! I am so discouraged at this point that I don't even know if I am coming or going. I try to remember that not only did I have surgery but I have bought a house, and I am working super long hours but I wonder how long before I start losing again. I am living on around 450 calories per day and I always thought that if you consumed less calories than you burn the weight will come off. I know that just breathing I am burning more than the 450 calories that I am taking in. Its very frustrating.
  4. feedyoureye

    Official Ongoing Gastric Sleeve Maintenance Thread

    http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/261424-the-52-diet-book-free/ Eat your regular plan on feast days... I eat between 1200-1500 depending on exercise (I eat some of my exercise calories back) "fast" two days a week. many choose mon-ths, but choose whats best for you, you must not have them on days next to each other. Fast day is around 500 calories for women. I eat around 550 (according to the 5:2 site that is right for me) The point is to have 12-16 hours of no eating now and then. Then reduced calorie intake a couple of days a week. Example, I have a Protein drink/coffee/tea in the am through lunch, and then have a pretty regular dinner, around 350-450 cals. Try and get 50 gms protein on fast days, then veggies. Some skip Breakfast, some eat three small meals, its up to you. If you have to miss a fast day, just pick another day to do it. Its pretty easy. It is not first of all a weight loss plan, it is a longevity plan, but weight loss is a side effect. I lost my last 20 pounds on it. I am stalled out right now, but figure that will change eventually! There are a couple of 5:2 posts in the vets section, post there with more questions and Im sure I or someone else will answer your questions! best of luck, Kim
  5. Keys Pirate

    Monday Morning Weigh In

    I finally feel comfortable posting here!! Down 38 pounds; surgery six weeks ago today. I lost 6 pounds pre-op. The list of NSV's in my life already is huge!! But that's another thread. I can't wait to be below 200 again - it's been so long - and I'm hoping to make my tax day a little better -that's my goal date for 200. Or should I say 199!! My loss has been a little odd lately; I only had one stall to speak of and that was at three weeks out and lasted for a week. Sucked. Then, things started moving along pretty well averaging about a minimum of 1/2 pound per day - 4.5 pounds per week. Perfectly satisfied with that and I could DEFINITELY tell when I went even one gram over 30g's of carbo's - no weight loss that day or a few ounces, maybe. Yes, I weigh every day. Just the way I am and it works for me. Some days - and I can usually feel it that morning when I wake up - I'll have dropped 2 pounds overnight. It makes no sense to me but I love it. Has been happening about once a week for the last three weeks and seems to be when my calories are between 800 and 900 but still with very low carbs. I cringe when my calories end up that high and am figuring out why (cheddar, very fatty, Bubba Burgers - even just the patty, lo carb and yummy but forget it) but my weight seems to keep dropping. Exercise... well, um yeah... need to work on that! I've never been constipated ever before in my life but am experiencing some of that. Gonna have to figure out a good way to get lo-carb fiber in. Any suggestions? I also want to thank everyone that replies to my posts. My internet connection here stinks so I can't always reply in the moment, so to speak. But know that I am sending good vibes and thanks your way. I also wish I could be more of a cheerleader for those of you hitting rough spots. Do know that my heart is with you and I am happy to share experiences via PM or e-mail. Just holler. xoxoxo Carol
  6. Biddy zz 🏳️🌈

    Am I eating enough.

    I recommend loggin your food in myfitnesspal, so you can track calories, carbs, protein, fats. My surgeon tracks almost 2000 patients. A year after surgery, most are still eating under 1000 calories a day. They are healthy (some need just vitamins, some also need folic acid and B12 supplements). Did you put on weight at surgery time? Often people do and it takes a bit to shed that. And many many people have a ‘three week stall’ where the weight loss slows at the 3 week (but can me 6 or 8 or 10 week) mark. Stick to your programme. At first blush your eating sounds fine at this point - you can’t help but lose. Are you walking? That helps too...
  7. Inner Surfer Girl

    What the heck happened?!

    None of us lose at a constant or steady rate. We all experience periodic stalls and almost everyone experiences their first stall at about three weeks post-op. Learning to accept the process has really helped me to keep following my program no matter what the numbers on the scale say. Also, weighing infrequently is a great strategy if the numbers in the scale dictate your emotional state. Early out I only weighed at my doctor's appointments. What I have found to be critical success factors for me: Just follow your program. Weigh, measure, and track your food. Make sure you get in ALL of your Protein every day. Make sure you get at least 64 oz. of Fluid every day. Avoid starches, added sugars (especially high fructose corn syrup), and fried foods. Take your Vitamins and supplements as directed. Exercise when cleared. Stay off the scale. And, embrace the stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  8. Jenngf5

    Water and Protein

    8 weeks and 30lbs! Congrats. Yes congrats! You need to be proud of that. I'm at the dreaded two/three week stall and hope to hit 30 by the eight week mark! I've never been able to drink plain water. Briefly after surgery cuz I was so dang thirsty but not without mio or something. Fluids for me are Soup, sf Jello is my friend, Popsicles, Luke warm vanilla roobios tea (tazo) and flavored water. It's an alllll day affair though to get it all in. My protein is mainly still from 1 scoop of whey tech protein with 4oz of water. 24g and only one sugar. First thing in AM and again in Late afternoon. The rest comes from a greek yogurt, soup, eggbeater, etc...but I can choke down two shakes knowing I'm getting in 8oz of Fluid and 48g of protein.
  9. I'm with you ladies! It's really tough being a "slow" loser after all we've been through. I do agree that I'm still losing more then I ever could before surgery, and I have every intention of keeping the weight off for once and for all! I read so much about stalls before my surgery, that I decided to just hide my scale for a while. I weighed in at my one week and one month follow up visits with my surgeon, and am looking forward to my three month weigh-in shortly. There's so little we can eat right after surgery, I figured I would just remove the "scale stress" from my life and just be pleasantly surprised at each follow-up appointment. I know I'll have to start weighing myself after my three month visit to ensure I'm doing the right things and tweaking things when necessary. Until then, I have enough to deal with without "scale stress!" Good luck to you all!
  10. missbrown30

    Surgery april 8...excited!

    Hey there Kaz, I was actually thinking bout you today and wondering how you were doing. Ahhh mazing by the way!- .5 is still .5 take that and add it to the rest it will all add up in due course. I've learnt early on to remember not every time i overate or ate wrong foods did I see immediate weight gain but sometimes I did and sometimes it came on slowly but eventually it did of course - therefore on the flip side, I expect I should see some immediate losses, some slow ones and some stalls.... Just coming out of a stall and slow loss these last three weeks. Keep going strong - and remember all the good advice and support you give to everyone else :-) Thanks, I needed that. Yes, slipped off the bandwagon into a chocolate lake again. Not the answer! Have to keep reminding myself of the money and pain I've put myself through for this; I'm determined again! X Hi Kazyy! I think we are both walking the same path but we will not be defeated! I know stalls are frustrating but we have to push forward. One of my tools is to only weigh myself once a month or I just wait until I go to the doctor. I took someone else's strategy about getting more Protein in. I also let my clothes tell me if I am losing. I bought a dress on 4/25 that was too small for me (it was bulging on all sides, lol). Yesterday was my second time wearing it and it is now too big. I didn't realize how big it was until I saw myself in a photo my friend took. So although the numbers on the scale aren't necessarily going down, my body is obviously getting smaller. So.....take it slow, keep eating healthy, exercising and getting in your Water and protein and you will do just fine.
  11. Nicey2u

    Low BMI?

    I'm 8 weeks out and down 37 lbs... 57 all together! I had one very frustrating three week stall but it helped knowing everyone goes through it!! Good luck to you all and keep the faith!! You will be a loser!! Haha 14 more pounds to onederland!!
  12. my sister and i went to tj to do the surgery with dr Cabrera at mi doctor...my sister needs to lose 60 lbs and i 40-50.... it went well....some gas pain and also pain at some of the surgery sites.... we both lost 10 pounds in the first 10 days then stalled for a week....today is 4 weeks after surgery and we both lost approx 15-16 pounds....i have not been drinking Protein drinks as they make me gag....my sister did for a few days only....instead i drank chicken broth buttermilk, kefir coconut Water and ate some eggsalad....cannot get more than 3-4 cups of water down a day....its difficult especially now that its cold....i should drink tea with a bit of agave nectar to sweeten....but havent done that either....i started with puree within a week after surgery and tried some soft foods thereafter....i go by what feels ok....i have had some heartburn....but i find if i dont eat late and dont lie down soon after eating i dont get the heartburn..... my biggest issue is the weight loss....i know 15 pounds a month is not bad but i truly thought i would lose more...maybe about 20 the first month.....my sister is also disappointed....we both lose .5 of a pound every other or third day....we stall often for a few days or a week.....so in three weeks we lost 5 and 6 pounds.....thats way too little....hopefully it will pick up....i will try to drink more and exercise more.....
  13. catwoman7

    VSG Stall 1 week post-op

    both. Yes - people who lose a lot of weight pre-op don't usually see those huge drops the first month that others do, because most of those "big drops" is due to water weight. If you lost a lot before surgery, that water weight is long gone. secondly, almost everyone has their first stall during the first month or so after surgery. It's usually the third week (thus it's called "the three week stall", and there are hundreds of posts here on it), but it's not always the third week. Mine was weeks 2 & 3. Once my stall broke during week 4, I dropped like 6-8 lbs within a couple of days. So anyway, you may just be having your "three week stall" early. I lost 16 lbs the first month, and I started out at over 300 lbs. Figured I'd drop like crazy, too - but no, I did not. But like you, I lost a ton of weight (57 lbs) prior to surgery, and then I had that two-week-long stall....
  14. Hi...at 4 weeks I was on full liquids and pureed chicken ,fish, or turkey . I'am at 6 wks out now and have been having a nice little stall for the past three weeks...yes it's bugging me and yes I've asked on here and to my medical team ..."is this normal?"....and yes it is normal. Your body is adjusting to what we just put it through and trying to get back to "it's normal". I'm having a hard time just letting it do it's thing...but there is nothing else I can do but get my protein, water in and work out. That said it sucks...but I not gonna get too upset.....Good luck.
  15. Inner Surfer Girl

    1 month sleeve celebration and weight

    Stalls are a normal, natural, and necessary part of the process of losing weight. We all experience stalls and just about everyone a stall about three weeks after surgery. Just follow your program, focus on getting in all of your Protein and fluids, take your Vitamins and supplements as directed, and exercise when cleared. Embrace the Stall http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  16. I was sleeved June 1. Lost 19 pounds the first three weeks and now I'm in a stall. My doc said that since I started lower (241 surgery weight), my weight will come off more gradually. Of course the stall coincided with me moving from liquid to purée, and also I now feel hungry all the time. Like stomach growling actual hunger, which I did not expect. I'm probably only getting about 500 calories max in each day. I'm hoping this stall ends soon!! It was so fun to get on the scale and watch it go down every day....now I'm back to the "before" frustration of seeing the scale stay stagnant. I'm going to start walking more tomorrow.
  17. ShoppGirl

    I'm struggling losing weight

    If you truly are logging and measuring everything precisely, and your intake is under 600 calories it is impossible for you not to lose weight. It has to be the three week stall. Sometimes it can last a little while. I know it’s hard but try to trust the process. The weight loss will start again soon.
  18. Darcell76

    May 2022 surgery?

    So I’m in the beginning of week three and I have not lost any weight all week. I’m also constipated. I’m down a total of 28lbs since the preop liquid diet. I started at 249lbs and I’m now 221lbs. What are you taking for constipation? How long is the stall period?
  19. catwoman7

    Where’s the weight loss??

    I agree with everything liveaboard15 said. Plus you may have started your three-week stall a little early. I did as well - mine was weeks 2 & 3 (most of us have our first major stall sometime during the first month of surgery. We call it the "three-week stall" because it's usually the third week, but not always). Just stick to your plan and stay off the scale for a few days....
  20. Hi all, I just had the six month follow-up, with Kaiser in So. San Francisco. I was a little non-plussed. There was lab work for everything imaginable under the sun, but they didn't really cover it very well, IMHO. This was a group meeting with the dietician, and an MD. There is supposedly a three month meeting, but many of us did not get the invite. Although I did have a 3 month followup with my surgeon Dr. Le. I was surprised that almost half the group had the bypass. I am so happy I did not take that route. I had a stall for almost two months, but I finally started losing again. 5 lbs, this last week. So for any of you who get stalls, don't worry, you will get through them. This was my second stall in six months. I am glad I did not worry and had faith in the process. It was this forum that helped me not to worry. Our bodies change alot after this procedure. Alot of us at six months out have been feeling fatigued. It's normal. Our bodies, like I said, have been going through alot. We were giving the warnings about snacking. Snackings fine if you make sure your not adding back those calories, and grazing. My snack is popcorn, and I was given hell for it being a waste. But, screw them. I have given up everything. I am going to eat my popcorn Snacks. They are low in calories and they count as my bad carbs for that day. I only have them a couple times a week. Anyway, the best luck to you all on your journey. Hugs, Les
  21. McButterpants

    For the love of sweet Jesus.....

    Revs, I was wondering when you write again and you didn't fail us....Please don't stop your rants. I think I have woman-crush on you. I agree with some of the other posters here...I just kind of move along when the repeated questions are asked, "Which Protein shake is the best?" or the irrational "My hair is on fire, what should I do?" "My incision is bleeding and oozing a green colored liquid - is this normal?" "2nd day post-op and I'm up 5 pounds WTF?" "3 weeks post-op and stalled - has this happened to you?" I agree with Revs on the point of putting forth effort to look thru some old posts - Yes, stalls happen at three weeks and if you spent any time on this site, you would see that everyone stalls at some point and the three week stall is real. OK - I'm off now...I'm going to weigh myself for the 5th time today to see if I've lost anything.
  22. sallyomalley67

    February sleevers

    Well. I officially hit the dreaded three week stall. Glad i knew it might happen. Not an issue. Im still down 28 lbs so woo hoo!!$
  23. socalsleever

    November Sleevesters?

    Hi All: I have been busy keeping busy watching all the new posts and wishing everyone well from here in CA. I wanted to write a follow-up to life after the sleeve procedure almost three weeks out this Thursday. First of all I wake up every morning and tell myself this is a JOURNEY, not a RACE! With immediate success with weight loss during the pre-op phase and even rigth after surgery, you get this feeling like "Wow, At this rate, I should be down 100 pounds in no time." Reality check, you didn't gain the weight in two months so it isn't going to come off that fast. For those that are feeling a little let down because the weight loss is slower than you expected, please, please do not get discouraged. I know that I started at 240 On Oct 1st and don't know what I weighed on surgery day. As of today I am 214. While on the surface you might say that is fantastic, let me tell you the whole story behind this weigh loss. After surgery I am assuming I immediately lost weight. How could one not... you aren't eating or drinking anything. I think we are sort of like spounges that after preop and the one week post op, we are all rung out. There is literally nothing left in you. Then you start to feel better and you get rehydrated. Guess what, rehydration will start to actually make you gain weight. Now the former fat girl in me starts to panic at this point. I say to myself, "you just paid an ungodly amount for this surgery and you are gaining weight?!" Again,we revert back to what most of us know and are familar with and that is yo-yo dieting and the initial rush of weight loss followed by a serious let down of regaining the weight. Got a news flash for you.... you are not gaining weight and you are not reverting back to your old ways. It is almost impossible for you to gain weight back with 7/8 of you stomach being gone. Anyway.. back to my story. So I start to rehydrate and gravitate around the 216-217 mark on the scale. At week two I start back on soft foods (actually truth be knowns, I started back on a lot of things that were not on my doctors short list.) For me, I am really looking at this as a life long change and I am taking my time along the way to get to know the new me and the new stomach. Tast buds to change and things that I loved before don't work for me know. This is not to say I am eating like a crazy woman (again, you won't be able to because trust me, we you get beyond three ounces of anything you literally start feeling like you are having a heart attack with chest pains, cold sweat, dizziness. I think this is normal. For me the best advice is if this happens to you, stand up and criss cross your arms over you head. It passes but it shares the daylights out of you.) So back to my diet, The good things I have been eating are fish, greek yogurt, meatballs with a small amount of sauce, ground beef, chicken chewed really really well, eggs, oatmeal, Soups, potatoes, cheese. What I have experimented with (and when I say experiments I mean like one bite.. doughnut, ice cream, cookie and three tortilla chips with salsa. These were favorites from my past. While us sleevers don't experience dumping, at least for me the sweets don't sit well with me and have actually lost a lot of there appeal. My sampling of foods for me was a good exercise to see what works and what doesn't. I think I have a realsitic view of what I can eat and how much. I have really had to educate my immediate family on not being the food police with me. A simple explanation of "I know my body or at least an learning new things every day about it... I appreciate your love and support but I also need you to trust me. If I have a bite of something that does not look like "diet foos" please don't freak out and judge. I can only eat 3 oz at a time and I know that eating my proteins first is what works for me. I am human and my head is still going to send me triggers that I want something so let me try and learn along the way. I am no longer a fat person that is going to go through life on a yo-yo diet. The surgery I have done is permanent and restricts my intake so while there are food choices that I can make, I cannot undo the procedure or sabotage the journey to being health and happy as I did in the past. This weigh loss is going to happen." After a week of going up a couple of pounds and then holding at the same weight I am starting to lose again (not five pounds a day but a steady progress.) Kepp the faith for those of you who are entering week two or three, you probably will experience a stall. It is normal. You did not make a mistake in your decision nor are you the one rare exception in the bunch that got sleeved and won't lose the weight. Remember... it is a JOURNEY not a RACE. A year from now, we will all go back through the posts and say "Remember when I was complaining about the pre-op diet, freaked out about my surgery day, in pain the first day or so, nervous about starting food, mad at the weight stall, excited about the change in sizes and the comments that friends and family are making. We are all going to get there and in our own time. Sending my love and support to my fellow November sleevers. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! - Marshawn
  24. ShoppGirl

    Weight stall

    My stall lasted almost three weeks but then I dropped a couple pounds right away. There is no need to change anything the stall will break.
  25. elturner

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    Sleeved Oct 7 and I have hit that dreaded three week stall. I haven't lost any inches in a week and no weight loss for four days..I'm also still exhausted. I feel like I could sleep all day and all night! I'm so depressed because I feel like this isn't going to work for me like everything else. Anyone ever feel this way?

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