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Found 3,904 results

  1. Start weight: 227 Weight today: 198, at last weigh in. What are you eating and how much: I eat most foods, I do not eat fruits yet. I still eat a lot of soft foods, my sleeve likes them better right now. I eat chicken, cheese, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, eggs, a lot of Soups, Beans, and soft cooked veggies. I do not eat meat yet like steak, roast or pork. Daily workout: my husband and I walk in the evening, I get up in the morning and do some light exercise with resistance bands. I have not joined a gym. I prefer to exercise as home. I am going shopping this weekend for a workout DVD. How hungry are you: I would not say that I get truly hungry, I know when I need to eat (I try to focus on eating every 3 hours). I get head hunger when I see commercials but I know that I do not need that type of food now. How do you feel physically: I finally feel like I am back to normal, energy wise. I do not need to nap every day now. I can make it through a full day at work and feel good. I can walk farther than I could even two or three weeks ago. How are you emotionally: I had a sad week a couple of weeks ago but that has passed and most days I feel great. Some days things get on my nerves very quickly, not really sure why. Are you glad you chose the sleeve: YES....there have been tough days but I know that with my sleeve, I will lose weight, get off my medications, be healthier, and I will not be morbidly obese again. I will be able to enjoy life for the rest of my life. This surgery experience has been harder than I imagined. Not the actual surgery, but the days and weeks that followed. I still have hard days, when my sleeve does not like to have real food in it. I have never had nausea or vomiting but I do have issues some days with foods, I still prefer soft foods. The weight has not melted off, as I had hoped it would. It is slow and there are stalls, lots of them. I still struggle to get in all my Protein and Water. I am not sorry though, not at all. I know that my sleeve will eventually get me to my goal weight and I will use it to help me maintain that weight for the rest of my life.
  2. Netherfield

    I still have questions...

    I'm 10 months out and down 101 lbs. Just to add my two cents here, my recovery was no problem at all. My body hates anesthesia so much, but other than that no complications at all. The first month is drag for sure, and on my plan I was able to eat a scrambled egg, or rather three bites of it, on day 14. You don't feel good at first, but hey, it's only for a short time. Just follow the program they give you and listen to your body. Now, I love going out because I don't really cook, and one meal can last up to 4 meals for me! How great is that? There are stalls along the way, but I think most of the time the body is trying to figure out what is happening. Expect a stall at week three or so, when you first lose a lot of fluids, and then your body retains for a week or so. Lately I have upped my exercise to get through stalls. I rarely exercised before surgery and now you can't mess with my exercise time. I almost have to or I don't feel right. There are so much better things about life now. Just moving around is so much better. This morning I took a bath and rose of the bath so smoothly, I felt so light. It was great! Going into a store and getting "regular" clothes and the cute styles and clothes actually looking good on me. I flew twice in the past few months and what a difference! No one was dreading to sit next to me this time. And how I see myself, how others treat you is even different, even though that is not right in the perfect world, it is reality. I could go on and on, but I think you get the drift. This is a great journey, for all of us to enjoy along the way! As far a pre-op diet, my surgeon just asked me to be below 1000 calories a day so that I would not have a fatty liver for surgery. Great success to you!
  3. Hi Lauren and WELCOME!!! First off....... Congrats to you for doing your 'homework"!! Ask lots and lots of questions!! Do your research! This is major surgery, and knowledge is your best tool! Ok.. ansers to your questions, and I'm 9 months out... 1. Did you find it hard to eat slower and chew more when you go to solid foods? I worry I won't be able to slow myself down Yes.... I was a FAST eater, and didn't chew my food well. For someone who is overweight, i think this is a common thing with us. But, yes, you can slow down because if you eat too fast, you hurt, and some of us vomit ( me ) it's unpleasant, so you quickly learn how to eat right. 2. for people who have had their sleeve for over a year or so, is daily life harder? how is it to go out? Life is actually better than in the beginning. You know your body better and you know to listen to it. When I go to a restraunt I "behave" better, eat slower, chew my food better because I don't want to embarrase myself by running to the bathroom and getting sick. So actually eating out is better for me. At home I tend to forget, and then I have troubles. 3. has anyone stalled, and what have you done about it? I am 9 months out, was VERY obese, and the last 6 weeks has been my first Stall. I'm working on it by being more active, watching what I eat closer, and being that I'm 9 months out I can eat more. But I have gotten away from eating my Protein like I should so I'm working on that and lost 2 pounds this week!! ) 4. was recovery difficult, and how soon did you return to work? Recovery was difficult for me. I spent a FULL 5 days in the hospital because I was vomiting so badly. It subsided when I got home but the first three months I was sick with vomiting or slimes or dry heaves... was not pleasant!! I was on a LOA for Knee replacement surgery, so I had no time adjusting when I went back to work. Now for the other questions.... I had my surgery right after I turned 50. I have what my best friend calls "Good Skin"- Isn't that "thin" skin..... if ya know what I'm talking about... But..... I was so badly overweight, my Highest being 373 I think....... and when I went into surgery I was 354. I dropped most of my weight by 6 months. I lost a total of 148 pounds to date. I lost muscle because of the fast weight loss and I was bad about exercising ( because I was sooo big ) But I exercise almost daily now. And it has improved some. Your questions and concerns are legit- and you need to write down questions as you think of them and ask when your doctor/surgen or forums like this to help you. I did LOTS of research prior to my surgery. This is a TOOL....... you have to learn how to work it. It's not a miricle cure. good luck to you and your decision, feel free to ask anything thats on your mind! g'luck to you~~:thumbup:
  4. SouthernDonna45

    I Think I Am A Sleeve Failure!

    I have been "stalled" for over a week now and I'm only 5 weeks out! I have not only stalled but have actually gained three pounds! I have identified the problem as being too much sugar... I drink sweet tea, Apple juice and KoolAid a lot... I don't eat sweets, but I drink them! I just never thought that would make this much difference, but apparently it does! I only just started exercising yesterday so I have a lot of catching up to do! I have to use ice cream to make protein shakes or I can't get them down... calories calories.... I'm sure that's what's doing it, now that I've read all these posts... I feel so stupid... I thought once you're sleeved, no more worries! The weight would have no choice but to come off... how naive is that? I'm ashamed of myself for not thinking about any of this as I was doing it... Glad I am reazliing it now so I can change it...
  5. KayBee1972

    No Weight Loss

    I stalled on week three post op and stayed stalled for 5 full weeks. I reviewed my diet with my nutritionist since I was keeping meticulous records in My Fitness Pal and she had some advice for me that may or may not have helped. I am now more careful to watch my fat macros. Apparently eggs, cheese and nuts, while technically on the menu, added too much fat and not enough protein. I also upped my calories from the 600s to the 800s and increased my protein intake to a minimum of 80g a day. Fortunately, I learned to like the Protein20 drink (available at Costco in a 12 pack) and that extra 90 calories gives me 20g of protein and hydration which I was always struggling to meet. Since my weight loss returned last Saturday I have only lost about 5 pounds in 9 days, so it seems slower than the first 3 weeks when I shed about 25 lbs pretty quickly. I was also pretty bad about getting in exercise, but having surgery and then plummeting into sub-zero temperatures in the middle of a pandemic didn't exactly encourage daily walking. Now that it's nice I try to get in a long daily walk and/or 30 minutes on the elliptical. I would encourage you to take some measurements, too, during the stall if you haven't already. I have a friend who had the bypass surgery 3 weeks after me and she claims to have only lost 11 lbs, but her weight loss is noticeable in her hips and thighs. Seeing a tape measure drop may indicate that fat is being burned, but that water weight is being replenished. I feel your pain. The stall is the worst thing to make you feel like you've failed and that your body has betrayed you.
  6. Netherfield


    RubyT- so you want details, huh? When I look back on it, I really haven't had a lot of struggles. That's really true! My advice is to not just get so bogged down on this week, especially if you haven't lost what you'd like. I still get mad when I hit a stall but I increase my exercise or zig-zag my calorie intake for the week. I tend to end similiar things every day. I was always that way though, so I need to mix it up. Unlike Chancie, I do get hungry. What is nice though is that the hunger pains are not as acute as before and I know I can go for a couple more hours if need be and just drink something. Sometimes we just get stuck -- like traveling and we just can't eat on schedule. I do feel hunger but I can go longer without food. No, I don't get full as fast as those early days. Now I can eat one egg and even a piece of toast. I can eat about half a sandwich -- not those overstuffed sandwiches in restuarants -- but one you'd make at home. I typically will eat a few bites with the bread and then the bread makes me feel full too fast, so I just eat the stuff in the middle. Pasta also makes me feel very full and I can't and don't eat it very much. Some people don't feel this way, so you will just have to listen to your own body. Eating out is nice though, as there are always leftovers and sometimes I can get 4 meals out of one! I love that. I don't miss eating a lot of food, but I do miss being able to try different foods. For instance at Thanksgiving, if I want to try to eat more than three types of food, I literally will have to take a teaspoon of each and no more. I still have a hard time at potlucks in taking too much. It's hard to take a tiny portion sometimes. At one point or another you will eat a bite or two too much and you learn the hard way not to do that again if you can. For me I have to go lie down and moan and groan for 30 minutes to an hour. The benefits are so great now....just moving about is so much easier, liking to exercise, wearing regular clothes and looking so much better in them. Seeing yourself differently, noticing the difference in how others see you and treat you...one of the things I love best is having a lap!!! I love a lap! Or sitting comfortably in any booth or chair. Although I am still not done, I have 13 lbs more to goal, and yet 13 lbs doesn't seem like much, at this point my weight loss has slowed down, and 13 lbs seems like a lot now! If you have other questions, or if anyone else reading this does, just ask. I'm not online everyday, so if you do ask me and I don't get right back to you, I am not being rude. Perhaps sending a private message may be the easiest instead of trying to find a thread again. Great success to you! Enjoy the journey!
  7. parisshel

    Surgery Scheduled for March

    Hi everybody! Great to read everyone's updates. I had my first fill three weeks ago (4 ccs in a 10 cc band). While I don't notice that much of a difference---I had pretty good restriction with an unfilled band already--it gave a bit of a jumpstart to my weight loss and my weight is moving down at a nice pace: 2 pounds a week consistently, whereas before my fill I had a lot of stalls. Now I see a little drop each time I step on the scale! I'm pleased with this overall. At one point I had this feeling of "Hey, I could've gotten the same results with Weight Watchers!" but that was just a brief moment of insanity. Because I never would've stuck it out this long with WW without falling off the wagon, or feeling deprived, or feeling insanely hungry and always thinking about my next snack or meal. With the lapband, I have none of that old dieter mindset. As I said to someone yesterday, for me, the lapband doesn't make losing weight easy, but it makes it simple. Good to see everybody, and keep checking in! Have a great summer in your new, smaller body!
  8. What were you expecting to lose? If you're looking for 30+ lbs the first month, that's pretty rare unless you're the size of someone on "My 600 lb Life". For most of us "average" WLS patients, that much loss the first month is pretty unusual. Most of us lose somewhere in the 15-25 lb range. Plus most people don't lose much the first week because of the "gain" from the IV fluids you get in the hospital (which of course is just water) - and then there's the infamous "three-week stall" that many of us experience, where you can go a couple of weeks (usually 1-3) without any loss, because your body is kind of recalibrating after the surgery - so you may be experiencing that as well. you're not going to lose the weight any faster than if you ate the same thing without surgery. With the extreme calorie deficit we have the first few months out, you'd probably lose about the same regardless if you had surgery or not. The difference is, it's much more easy to sustain that deficit with the surgery. Most people probably could not go for months on end eating something like 800 calories. But with the surgery, you can. Your hunger is suppressed, your stomach is tiny, etc. The most I could ever lose before surgery was about 50-60 lbs. With this, I lost over 200, and have kept it off for eight years. No way could I have done that without the surgery.
  9. Keys Pirate

    Monday Morning Weigh In

    I finally feel comfortable posting here!! Down 38 pounds; surgery six weeks ago today. I lost 6 pounds pre-op. The list of NSV's in my life already is huge!! But that's another thread. I can't wait to be below 200 again - it's been so long - and I'm hoping to make my tax day a little better -that's my goal date for 200. Or should I say 199!! My loss has been a little odd lately; I only had one stall to speak of and that was at three weeks out and lasted for a week. Sucked. Then, things started moving along pretty well averaging about a minimum of 1/2 pound per day - 4.5 pounds per week. Perfectly satisfied with that and I could DEFINITELY tell when I went even one gram over 30g's of carbo's - no weight loss that day or a few ounces, maybe. Yes, I weigh every day. Just the way I am and it works for me. Some days - and I can usually feel it that morning when I wake up - I'll have dropped 2 pounds overnight. It makes no sense to me but I love it. Has been happening about once a week for the last three weeks and seems to be when my calories are between 800 and 900 but still with very low carbs. I cringe when my calories end up that high and am figuring out why (cheddar, very fatty, Bubba Burgers - even just the patty, lo carb and yummy but forget it) but my weight seems to keep dropping. Exercise... well, um yeah... need to work on that! I've never been constipated ever before in my life but am experiencing some of that. Gonna have to figure out a good way to get lo-carb fiber in. Any suggestions? I also want to thank everyone that replies to my posts. My internet connection here stinks so I can't always reply in the moment, so to speak. But know that I am sending good vibes and thanks your way. I also wish I could be more of a cheerleader for those of you hitting rough spots. Do know that my heart is with you and I am happy to share experiences via PM or e-mail. Just holler. xoxoxo Carol
  10. gwbicster

    Y'all! I'm hungry!

    I'm currently having a real problem with this. I feel like I'm hungry ALL THE TIME! I know that even if my brain wants to eat something, there's no physical place for my body to put it anymore. I'm currently at the 2 ounce phase, and I realize at some point I will be able to eat 4 ounces of protein plus some applesauce or maybe even lettuce (God do I miss that, never thought I'd miss salad), but my brain still wants to eat a full plate of something. I'm losing weight (although I've hit my three week stall a bit early) and you'd think that'd be reward enough, but I'm frustrated. I know it's something I'm just going to have to adjust to, but I worry that I won't be able. But the surgery is non-reversible and so I'm stuck here for the rest of my life. Skinny people might point to obesity surgery as "the easy way out", but I am here to tell you, psychologically, it ain't so easy, at least for me. Thanks for listening.
  11. I was sleeved on the. 10th and down 14 pounds. I am approaching the three week stall :/
  12. I have a sip or three of liquids when I eat - Not always, but sometimes. I cannot stand being thirsty. I certainly don't chug. It's hard because since I eat so slowly, one meal blends into another. I also have a few sips of club soda mixed with fruit juice on occasion. It hasn't stalled me at all so far. I got the 3 week stall, but that is a Water retaining, glycogen issue. I have been losing about .7 pounds a day.
  13. Ballermom

    5'6" and weighed 225-235 surgery day?

    I am 5'6 starting at 267 lbs day of surgery 260 lbs. 2/27 By week three lost 21 lbs. then also hit a stall. Below approx. numbers 2nd month -15lbs 3rd month -13 lbs lost 4 months -10 Months 5 -12 lbs lost.Yay I use My fitness Pal but haven't tracked all the time. My typical day includes syntax nectar Protein shake. Tuna salad, eggs, or Wendy's half salad and coffee Maybe fish for dinner and green tea. My blood pressure went from 170/100 and a trip to the Which i went o the ER felt sick to drumroll 109/76. I recently did the 5daypouchtest.com diet I was 204lbs up 1 pound down 1 pound for 2 weeks. but after test I went down 5 lbs got to 199lbs Yay. Onderland! I'm So Excited, So yea, I kept loosing now I'm 196 lbs. Onderland! Loving my sleeve
  14. eclecticavatar

    calling all December 2016 sleevers!

    Hi surgery buddies! Love that there are a few of us for December 19th. Merry Christmas/happy Hanukkah to us, huh? Things are going well I think. The glue is coming off of my incisions and that's kind of gross, but I am pretty much past the pain. I am getting my Protein but not doing as well with fluids as I could be. I go back to work on Monday and I'm wondering if that's going to be a struggle. I hit a weight-loss stall and the scale hadn't budged in the past seven days but this morning I was back down the extra pound I had gained since the stall started. I think this is the "three week stall," it just happened a little early for me? I think it was a combination of not getting enough Water, and also eating a little too much on my stage 4/vaguely solid foods diet that I was allowed to start. No clue. Just frustrating. I was 250 when I started and 226 day of surgery, down to 216 now.
  15. ortizeb123

    July 2021 Surgery People!

    Hi everyone! First time poster, but I've been lurking around for a few weeks. I had surgery on 7/29. I lost 20 pounds in the first 2.5 weeks, and then hit my 3 week stall a little early. It was hard meeting my protein and fluid goals while I was on the liquid diet, but once my dietician cleared me for soft foods 2 weeks post-op, it got a lot easier to meet those goals. However, I've thrown up three times in the past week and I'm starting to lose my mind a little. I am still learning what my new stomach likes and can tolerate, but it's not really food that sends me running to the bathroom. The first time, it was because I thought I still had some food left in my stomach, so I took a medication that requires food in my stomach, but apparently my stomach emptied even faster than I anticipated. The last two times, it was because I waited half an hour after eating to drink water, and I guess that wasn't long enough. Today in particular, I haven't been able to even come close to meeting my protein and fluid goal because I threw up earlier this morning. At least they've been isolated incidences and it's not an all-day thing... I'm also still feeling extremely tired. I've gone out for a few walks/left my apartment for a few hours, and it just completely wipes me out. I was out for a few hours to see a comedy show on Friday, and walking around the area with my friend after the show left me feeling physically exhausted and with sore shoulders lol. That's how I know I'm really tired. I take my vitamins and move around my apartment every hour, but I was hoping that I could at least do a short cardio workout by now. Even the thought of doing that makes me tired. But otherwise, things are going well and I'm glad I got the surgery. I didn't the first two days while I was in the hospital, but things really do get easier every day... now just to get the throwing up under control!!!
  16. Ok so I had the infamous three week stall... But I got over it. And when I get my period I dont lose as much But I have been stalled for like 2 weeks now and I don't have my period. I think my problem is not enough exercise and not being able to resist temptation as well I am almost five months out and down 110 pounds... But I still weigh 262!! Far from goal Any suggestions? Anyone wanna give me a swift kick in the behind? I feel like I should know the answer but can not enough Protein slow your weight loss? I prob get about 30 grams a day... I know... Bad
  17. lindsxlurid


    I didn't have a three week stall, but I'm about six months post-op now and have been teetering on 2 pounds. HOWEVER, measurements do not lie. From last month I've lost another two inches off my waist. I'm struggling mentally with progress/body/eating right now, so the inches lost are a huge help to see, but I totally feel you with the stall pain.
  18. Lucile

    January 2018 Sleevers HERE

    I am the day after you, 1/10/18. I lost 23 pounds so far, but this week barely anything. We are at the "three week stall" I looked this up and it happens to a lot of people, but we will get over it like everyone else did. I read somewhere to only weigh once a week now so we don't get discouraged, because the first two weeks we were losing a pound or two a day and now it will be less. I am having trouble getting in everything, the nutritionist said I should do the 3 protein shakes for the first two months and to think of it like medicine, that the food is less important at this point, that we are eating just to really get used to it again. I am still having trouble doing the three shakes and three "meals" so I am usually short one shake and one meal a day. I think I need to make sure I get that third shake in because our bodies need the 60 g of protein to keep losing I heard.
  19. XXShelXX

    My sleeve Day 1

    27 days post op 204 lbs Not much to post about lately cause I've been stalled now for a week. I hit the dreaded three week stall at 18 days out. Im going to have to get back to my Protein requirements because I've noticed since I started eating normal food I'm barely getting anything in. Last night hubby wanted sea food which I'm not a huge fan of but I like catfish and figured that would be a great source of protein. I made catfish, shrimp, fried okra, and red Beans and rice. I put a carefully measured three ounces of catfish on my plate and a tablespoon of tartar sauce. That was two fillets... I managed to eat one. So my dinner was 1.5 oz of fish. I should have stopped at one ounce I guess cause it sat there and sat there and I ended up getting sick live and learn I guess. As much as I'm sick of Protein Shakes I better just do it.
  20. Miss Mac

    Low carb diet compliance

    That just goes to show you how individual we all are, and how important it is to stay close with the plan given to us. I get my best results when I sacrifice the carbs down to less than 20g. That's not much, but it is how I just kicked a plateau for 7 weeks, and lost four pounds this past week. I need to change my body from a sugar burner to a fat burner. Just frankly speaking, I get much better results with very low carb. Breakfast this morning was one scrambled egg with 1/2 ounce of shredded cheddar, and one slice of bacon. Pre-op, that would have been two eggs, an ounce of cheese, three pieces of bacon and four pieces of toast with a cup of tes & sugar and a small glass of orange juice...... and I was hungry before lunch. Carbs make you hungry for more carbs, plain and simple. Chocolate, oh man I love chocolate, but I did not give it up. I gave up the sugary sweet milk chocolate candy bars for 85% dark chocolate. Usually I will eat it for a snack with a few nuts to break up the strong flavor. Soda pop was a big contributer to my bloated 53 inch belly. On a 5'4" woman, that means I was almost as big around as I was tall. I have lost over 10" of belly at this point. Pre-op I was really concerned about up giving up so much, but you know what? I am almost six months out, and my body thanks me for putting my brain in its place! Miss Tummy is in charge of this joint now, and I lose every argument. What I miss is the flavor of those foods. The smell of bread makes me ill - it smells like a brewery. I never met a potato I didn't like, but now a potato or noodles or rice have unpleasant consequences like gas and bloating and weight stalls. So, for lunch I will be having a tomato stuffed with tuna salad.....no bread. Dinner will be 1/2 a burger (no bread) with 1/2 slice of cheese and some green beans. If I get hungry before bedtime, I will have some sugar free hot chocolate. So, ketosis looks good on me, but causes a lot of grief for others. I just have to face the fact that I am extremely insulin resistant. Before surgery, I could not even lose weight on a 1,000 calorie of the American Food Pyramid. Low carb is my future....Miss Tummy insists.
  21. Weight loss mode. Just recovered from the three week stall, the scales finally moved down one today. Currently 255 Hope to be 242 by 9/19 Sent from my KFTT using the BariatricPal App
  22. BigBuc

    Paula Green 042017

    I'm 57. A little more than a year post gb/rny. I stall all the time. I'm 150 down. I bounce 4 lbs in a single day, but this past month I've been about the same but I know I'm generally losing because it's generally going down. Maybe I don't eat more than 1500 calories a day, so now when I lose 1 lbs it's a bigger percentage than it was 150 lbs ago. Give your body some time to adjust. Mine was all out of whack for three months. Too many old meds I used to take weren't helping. I take nothing now. Diabetes shots and pills, cholesterol, blood pressure - - all gone. That was my main objective. I didn't care if I lost a pound, just a fringe benefit. I also had a bout of low sodium, at the time the hospital doc said it was from drinking too much water. But I was dehydrated a few weeks before that. Body was just adjusting.
  23. it's the infamous three-week stall. Happens to almost all of us. If you do a search on this site for it, you'll find literally thousands of posts on it. Lasts 1-3 weeks. Just stick to your program and stay off the scale. Your weight loss WILL start up again.
  24. first, do a search on the the "three-week stall". Almost everyone has their first stall within the first month of surgery. Mine lasted through week 2 and week 3. During week 4, the scale finally started moving again - and I dropped 6-8 lbs within a couple of days. Just stick to your program and the weight loss will start again. secondly, I only lost 16 lbs the entire first month post-surgery. I know you read about people losing 30 lbs the first month, but they're the extreme. I've been on these boards a long time, and I'd say 15-25 lbs the first month is average. You've already lost 10, so you'll get there by the end of the first month.
  25. I started my WL journey in November 2013. I lost 56 lbs before my sleeve surgery. I had surgery on sept 3, 2014. I lost 10 lbs in the first two weeks after surgery. This last week I did not lose any. In the last week I have lost 1.75" off my waist, .75" off my hips and .5" off my neck. I am grateful for the loss in inches but surprised there is a stall in the weight loss already. Have you experienced this? I am three weeks out from surgery tomorrow. I am still on the liquids and some puréed foods.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
