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  1. SkinnyMingo1408

    Stall broken!

    So after 2 weeks of not having my scale budge, this morning I was down a pound and a half! I finally got past 259! Going to really try to stay off the scale until Friday but it's a relief to finally have the scale move. And somehow I thought I was in week 3 of a stall but when I looked at the calendar I was actually in week 2... it just felt much longer. So relieved to have the scale move... I mean, my brain knew it would but my heart had doubts. Of I go! TTYL! Melly Sent from my SM-F926U using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. The scale hasn't moved in about 8 days. I haven't gained this time, which I'm very happy about, but I haven't lost either. I fluctuate between the same 2 pounds (between 343 - 341). I have PCOS, and I was told that will make it harder and take longer to actually lose the weight and keep it off. But it's REALLY frustrating and annoying. It's harder to lose the weight now than it was when I was just doing keto. I read that we're not supposed to do keto after bariatric surgery, but MAN it's tempting!!! I know this will pass, I know this is normal, but I HATE that it's normal. I'm 2 1/2 months out from surgery, so I'm not surprised I'm getting hit again. But UGH!!!!!
  3. My surgery was June 29th. My pain has been really good. My energy level is really low. I've lost 19 pounds already. I am trying to keep up on water intake, etc. I'm still staying with relatively smooth, liquid/purreed foods. I am having a couple of issues though.. 1. Right where my adam's apple would be, if I had one, it constantly feels like there is a little pill there that is stuck. It's not so bad until I swallow anything...even saliva. Then it feels from that spot down into the middle of my chest like something doesn't want to go down, but I know there is nothing there. I went back to the clinic that did my surgery and they had me swallow that barium stuff and did a scan. They showed me and say it looks okay to them... I am just curious if anyone else has felt this and what it may be? It's driving me insane. Seriously. 2. I did not go to the bathroom for a BM for 9 days after surgery. I had to take a lot of PEG laxatives to finally go, and now every other day since then, my stools are still black and tar like. Is that normal this far out? The clinic checked my blood and my hemoglobin was totally normal, so they aren't worried... 3. No matter how much water or fluids I am drinking, my mouth is so extremely dry that it sticks together and is so uncomfortable... It's weird! I have a total of about 70-80 pounds to lose. I was borderline for sure, but I have very extreme Barrett's Esophagus, tumors in my esophagus (they were removed and biopsied), GERD, vocal chord dysfunction, an esophageal ulcer, and precancer in my esophagus. My surgeons believe this surgery could save my life. So... my main reason was to help me heal my esophagus. Thanks for any advice and help!
  4. I wrote a few days ago with sharp and significant pain in my largest incision. And I’m checking back in here to happily say that my pain went down dramatically last night into this morning. I’m still sore, but when I went to sit up late last night, I was surprised and very happy that it was MUCH less painful than it had been before, and that has continued throughout the day today. I’m just taking Tylenol now, and drove to the store today and finally got out of the house on my own, and it was great. I finally feel like I’ve turned the corner. The week-mark really was the turning point for me.
  5. From the album: Elle

    © Ellesphatdiaries

  6. So after 3 long weeks of being on 2 meal replacements and 1 lunch the surgeon has now put me on 3 meal replacements and 0 food. Also, had to quit smoking well in my case vaping. How miserable!!! Has anyone else had to do anything similar? Also, I messed up a few times and smoked. Is that going to matter? Literally the hardest thing I have ever done.
  7. Hey everyone. So I'm in my fifth week post OP and have been doing extremely well with food choices, slow eating, careful chewing, and sticking within the parameters my nutritionist and my doctor have given me. This morning, I tried eating an over medium egg (cooked whites, soft & runny yolk) over the shakshuka I have been eating all week for breakfast. (It is a pureed form of shakshuka with sausage that I've had zero trouble with over the last week.) I keep seeing that dumping syndrome seems to be only related to too much sugar. Since I'm not a sweets fan, that's not a problem for me. However, after just throwing up most of what I just ate, and it being the first time it's happened the entire post OP time, I'm curious if dumping syndrome can include things that our new tumtums just don't want? I may have eaten too fast. The yolk could have been too undercooked (I've been doing soft but cooked yolk up until this morning), or maybe even it was too much food? It was about and ounce and a half of pureed Shakshuka with a sprinkling of cheddar cheese and an egg cooked over medium, (no frying so no oil..just a small egg sized non stick pan and then a bit of warm water to help cook the whites) and that's it. I started feeling flushed with sharp belly pains (not just where baby tum tum lives) and thought I had to go to the restroom. Once I got to the bathroom, I started getting cold sweats, sharp pains, then that weird tingly feeling I get around my jaw when I'm getting ready to throw up. Now that I have thrown up, I feel fine but I definitely don't want that to become a thing, especially as well as I've been doing after getting through the 2 miserable liquids weeks. I'm curious about other's experiences, if I should be worried, and if this could also be a type of dumping syndrome? Because my baby tum tum absolutely said hell to the no, and dumped that breakfast right out from the top. (Edit: oh yeah, I should probably lay off the red sugar free Gatorade that I love so I don't freak out and think it's blood, right? 😂 I think I'll go back to water with a couple splashes of sugar free cranberry juice for flavor.)
  8. Finally have my surgery scheduled as of a couple days ago. For 3 weeks prior to phone appointment I was on a diet of 2 meal replacement shakes and 1 lunch under 500 calories only consisting up a small portion of lean meats and green veggies. Successfully loss 23lbs. Now that my surgery is scheduled the surgeon put me on 3 meal replacements a day and 0 food consumption. Also, I officially quit smoking about 5 days prior to that appt. First day on this diet and I don't honestly know how I feel. I'm hungry but I'm also stressed about so many things with and without the surgery I don't even want to eat. I'd rather smoke if you want me to be honest. That is effecting me more than anything probably because I am stressed. This surgery is my whole life savings. Feel like I'll get all the way there and something will cause the surgery to not be able to happen. 




  9. I am going in for a revision in 2 weeks and hoping some of you may be able to tell me about your experience. VSG in Dec 2016, lost 70lbs and then got pregnant. Did not gain any back until COVID. I’m now 30lbs away from where I was at my initial surgery date. Has anyone completed this revision? What has your weight loss experience been? Is it a lot slower? I’ve heard many people have increase bowel movements? Have you found less restriction to make it more difficult to lose? To complicate everything my gastroscopy just revealed a significant hiatal hernia which will also likely be repaired at the same time. I’m glad they found it because I’ve had a lot of unexplained chest and back pain since my last pregnancy. I’m a bit nervous about the recovery though. Any info you can provide would be great! Thanks!
  10. Hey guys, im about 9 days post op VSG. Surgery date was 6/28/22. Ive been on the soft liquids for about a week now, and have lost 25 pounds already. I know its recommended to wait two weeks before moving onto soft foods, but literally all i want is just a little bit, even a small soft food meal like some canned tuna to satisfy my urge to have something besides liquids. Is it alright to have even just a small soft meal to satisfy myself or is it too early? This stage is getting to my head a little bit but otherwise i honestly feel great. I've been going exactly by the book so far. Sent from my Pixel 3 using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. Raisingphoenix78

    2 Weeks Post op

    Ok guys & gals so I'm new here. 2 weeks post-op and I had my follow-up yesterday. I'm doing well as far as getting the weight off, I'm down about 20 lb. I tried my first bowl of oatmeal yesterday and only had two bites. I got so sick and threw up all day. I'm so afraid to eat. I've done well on liquids and did not deviate not one time. So I'm now so afraid to eat. Any suggestions on the puree stage I need help!!!! Sent from my SM-G781U using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. Hi all! I am Crysi. I am getting the VSG on August 19th and couldn't be more happy,nervous, excited or scared. So many feelings lol. Just wanted to introduce myself as I am new here! Sent from my SM-G991U using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. Going in tomorrow. Will be back sometime next week.

    1. GreenTealael


      Safe Surgery! See you on the flat side ❤️

    2. summerset


      Thank you. Things went fine (or so I guess). Still swollen. It's not easy to find a comfortable position at home. Dreading the first night home without a hospital bed.

  14. I’m 3 weeks (almost 4) post op and feel like I’m actually eating too much…. I can almost eat 2 eggs in the morning Throughout the day I am eating about 600-800 calories ….. EXAMPLE: Yesterdays eating... Breakfast: 1 1/2 eggs scrambled with a VERY small drop of sugar free ketchup to keep moist Snack : Atkins coffee protein shake. Lunch : 4 oz of cream of cheddar/broccoli Snack : Oikos PRO Dinner : Tuna with light mayo pureed, and a fat free sugar free string cheese Snack: Oikos PRO Is this too much? I went from barely getting protein shakes down to this....
  15. I am currently in my 4th week of post-op and things have been going ok. However, I'm going on vacation in about a week and a half and I am worried about what I'll be able to eat. Just wondering if anybody have any suggestions. Sent from my SM-G996U using BariatricPal mobile app
  16. Goldengorl95


    Hey Y’all! My Gastric bypass was on may 2nd 2022. I’m down 38 pounds but I’ve stalled! Sitting at around 276-278 (it fluctuates) I’ve been eating salads, nothing fancy but I measure everything out which ends up being around 240 calories with my dressing. And I’ve been obsessed with the no sugar added out shine popsicles. I’m wondering if my calories are too high? I usually am around 800-1000 and I walk and go to the gym so I’m thinking this is my maintenance calories and I’m not enough in a deficit? I’ve decided to switch it up and this week go back to basics of just 2 oz of protein and my serving of veggies. And I’ve cut back popsicles to 1 a day. I actually bought some popsicle holders and plan on taking my crystal light water and freezing it into popsicles to help get my water in also. Just wondering everyone else’s experience with stalling and how you got through it? I’m proud of what I have lost but can’t help feeling like I’m failing at this.l sometimes.
  17. I know it's early, only 3 weeks after my bypass. But it's just been one struggle after another. I was increasing my ability to eat and drink for a little while, but I seem to be going backwards now. I can barely force myself to consume maybe 25oz of liquid and 4 bites of food a day. But I can't stand any of the protein I've tried. I found one shake that's okay but I can only tolerate about half of it and not every day. If I have a shake or half a yogurt, I can't eat for the rest of the day at all. I feel sick all the time. Nauseous, dizzy, lightheaded, weak. I use a transdermal multivitamin patch approved by my surgeon. I'm having big regrets. I know it will probably get better later but I feel like it won't ever get better if I'm only consuming water and a couple bites of food (usually yogurt, well chewed soft meat, or sugar free ice cream). I have my 1 month follow up next week. Doc is already mad I'm haven't found a way to meet my protein goals. I'm trying so hard it but it's so uncomfortable to eat drink, even water. I haven't been vomiting so I don't think there's any real problems but I can't survive like this.
  18. I know this is posted on here time and time again but I'm so frustrated. I'm getting ready for a cross country move. I really imagined that by this time I'd be in the 230s. I have stalled out for the last 3 or 4 weeks and am so frustrated about it. I keep going in between 248 and 251. I don't know if this is maintenance because im only a bit over 4 months post op from gastric bypass. I have definitely increased my calories but am eating in a deficit. My BMR is around 1900 and I'm eating in between 1000 and 1300 a day plus exercise. I have been slacking in water and have not been having protein shakes at all because I'm getting a decent amount through solid food and don't want the extra cals. How do I get past this? I'm going to stay off the scale until the end of next week but I'm still feeling really down and bad about myself. I feel like a disgusting fat mess honestly. I haven't had these feelings since pre op and I just need to vent about it. I was experiencing a period of mania a week ago for a good 2 weeks straight (I'm bipolar) and missed some of my meds. I think I might be crashing and going through a depressive state. It's not super bad but the weight loss stall is making me have a lot of negative self image and feelings of failure. Should I just get back on liquids for a week or something? I'm losing my mind and getting depressed as hell. I'm taking my meds regularly again. I really only missed like 3 or 4 days and I take a small dosage. So I'm hoping to even back out soon but the stall is messing with my brain and confidence. What do you do? Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  19. I drank a few sips of ice tea and vodka and now I feel like there a lump in my throat and my stomach hurts! I REGRET THIS Surgery so much... why did I do this I wasn't huge the scale said that but I had a flat stomach big legs, no HBP, no Diabetes, just IBD, AND GERD! WHY I have no identity now. Eating out, at home, drinking gave me so much pleasure. I feel so stupid. I can't even eat more than 2 bites, I don't want this anymore. I even quit my job. I hate it here! My throat hurts so weird Sent from my SM-G998U using BariatricPal mobile app
  20. liveaboard15

    10 weeks post op

    So just about 10 weeks post op. No issues at all. No pain, I have had zero issues with any foods i have tried, zero issues with any drinks i have had. scars have healed up very nice, Vitamin intake has been good. only causes nausea once in a while. still taking medication for at least a year to prevent gall stones. Heart burn has been zero after the first couple weeks (which was very bad) My daily meals typically consist of either a chicken egg or 2 quail eggs with onions, banana peppers and cheese (Or if i am not feeling like food, i have a core power protein shake) Lunch typically either grilled chicken or tuna Dinner for most days i have grilled king salmon I went out to eat for the first time a few days ago. Friends and I were on a boat fishing and we decided to ride over to a restaurant on the water and i ordered the Grilled Shrimp that came with French fries. Out of the 10 grilled shrimp i could only eat 5 of them. I also had probably 7 fries out of the basket. But still it was nice. Gave the rest of the food to friends to eat since we were still going to be out on the water for a bit. Clothing has been a change. I have had to buy a new belt as the old one was too big as well as my pants. Shirts so far i am down from a 3-4 XL to 2XL ALMOST DOWN 60LB so far
  21. Hello all, according to guide I have from my doctor: this is what I can take week 1 below. I am confused on how to make a creamed soup as I don’t soup. Are there suggestions for a soup for week 1? Something that is easy to make? Can I have chicken broth instead of a creamed soup? My second question is about light yogurt blended with skim milk as that it was it listed in the picture I have posted. Any recommendations of a yogurt I can pick from target or Walmart to satisfy this requirement? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. How do you stay focused? I'm struggling a bit the past three days.  All I want is sweets and carbs.  I have no clue what changed but for some reason I'm craving hard.  I'm literally dreaming about food and when I wake up, I'm thinking about my next meal.  I'm not "hungry" but so munchy.  I'm trying to stay focused, busy, exercise and the likes but this looking struggle is getting to be so hard.  I meet with my nutritionist tomorrow and I'm so hopeful she has some advice.  My protein intake is great, liquids on point, even throwing in some raw veggies and berries to curb the sweet/carb craving.  Thoughts?

    1. SleeverSk


      I am like this at the moment too, maybe post in the forums and not as your status update you will get more replies

  23. Hi Everyone, I had the sleeve done in FEB 2022. I've lost a total of 30 lbs, which considering I was losing 1/2 pound a month before surgery. I'll take it! Figured I would be honest with myself, my calorie count has sneaked up from 800-1200, not every day, but most. I'm also eating carbs. I do not lose when doing carbs, they have to be few and far between. The good news is, Salads are on the menu again! That makes life so much easier and easier to avoid carbs. This is disappointing and I'm a bit surprised because I'm physically hungry most of the time! Thought I would share to see if anyone else has this problem. I need to clean my diet up, resume meditating everyday and throw out the carbs! And walk more. I have a new puppy I wasn't expecting and it has turned my world upside, but no more excuses! Good luck to all of you.
  24. Hi. First time poster 13 days out from ESG. The first week was super rough. I’m feeling pretty great now. I am down 12 pounds since the procedure. I’m consuming about 750 calories on average and I’m getting my 60-80 grams of protein. I have no idea how many calories I should be taking in. I am doing strenuous workouts three times a week (just started, I’m a week into it. Orange Theory for the win!). Would love some insights from the group!
  25. I’m just three weeks post operation and have had one fainting spell. Is this normal?

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